J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Alissa played and played until her hands were numb and she had a cramp in her wrist. As the bell rang, all she could think about was Adrian. She walked to the gym, changed into her gym clothes, walked into the gym, and started her gymnastics routine. Alissa couldn't concentrate; all that was on her mind was Adrian. As her last class ended, she walked into the lockerooms and took a shower in there. She quickly ran to her dorm and opened her door; Alissa saw the roses and candles she set her stuff on the floor and looked at Adrian with a smile. "Is this for... Me?" she asked quietly.

Jordan looked at Ella, he half smiled "I love you too" he told Ella before leaning in and kissing her lips softly. He pulled away and put his arms back around her, and ran his fingers through her hair.
Ella was over the moon when Jordan told her that he loved her... it was. getting late so Ella said." Jordan its getting late, can we go?" She asked nicely.. hoping he would take her back to her dorm as she was getting cold again..
Jordan nodded "of course!! Anything for you" he said as he gentley picked her up and walked the short distance back to campus. As they walked into the hallway "Do you want to come to my dorm after you change?" he asked
"Of course, my honeyqueen," Adrian said quietly, smiling. He walked up to her and spun her around softly, before twirling her into his arms and kissed her strongly on her lips. He could feel their connection strengthen as the kiss continued. He pulled away, smiling broadly. "Now, do you want to see my surprise that I prepared for you?" He left her standing in the middle of the lounge and went into the kitchen and pulled his sweet treat. He set it up on an elaborate tray, decorated with rose petals, a little tray of cream and strawberries and set it on the coffee table. "I hope you like creme brulee. Because I do. And I like it even more because it reminds me of you." He kissed her again and handed her a spoon.

Alissa couldnt belive what he had done for her. Alissa gave Adrian a long and passionate kiss, then softly pulled away. "I love creme Brûlée, I use to make it all of he time" sh said with a smile. Taking the spoon from his hands, Alissa sat down, taking a little spoonful of the amazing dessert that wa infron of her. She waited for Adrian to sit down, "Do you kno how much I live you?" she asked as she took another little spoonful of Creme Brûlée.
"ok then Ill see you in a minute then" she said to Jordan as she walked off into her room to get changed.... Ella had just finished gotten changed and as she left her dorm she had closed her door then got to Jordan's and relise she had forgotten her keys inside her dorm.. "I hope Jordan will.let me stay in his dorm tonight" Ella thought.
Jordan changed into his athletic shorts, and just a plain white shirt. He opened the door as Ella knocked and he smiled at her. He brought her inside and to the couch he sat down with her; "Is there anything that you're dying to do?" he asked curosily. Jordan put his arms around Ella, moving himself closer to her.
"To some degree I know, but why don't you tell me? I love to hear how much the most perfect girl in the whole entire world expresses her love for me." He smiled at her in the dimness of the lounge room, and leant in and kissed her. When he pulled back, he scooped up some of his Creme Brulee, he drizzled some cream and added half a strawberry and aimed at Alissa's mouth. "Open wide, because flight Deliciousness is ready to land!" He flew the spoon into her awaiting mouth, and when she shut her lips, he quickly pecked her.
"well could we watch movies?" Ella asked, "also I was wondering if I could stay here tonight as i left my keys in my dorm and locked my room?" Ella asked hoping he would let her.
Alissa laughed, and wiped away the extra whipped cream on her chin. She cleared her throat and looked st him "Well Adrian, from the first time that we kissed, I felt something that I had never felt in my life. As we spent more time together, I realized that you were an amazing Pereon that I was madly in live with. And every second I spend with you, my live gets bigger and bigger. Adrian I really do love you a lot and I don't want to ever be without you" she told him. Alissa kissed his kissed softly and cleared the dish. As she walks back, she wrapped her hands around Adrians waist; her head was on his side

Jordan nodded "What do you want to watch El?" he asked "Of course you can stay!!" he Told her as he softl rubbs he back and pointed to the cupboards "Those àe where the movies are" he told her "Bur don't go now" he Kissed her again.
"Ok thanks for letting me stay! And can we watch the lion king?" Ella asked Jordan. she.kissed him on the lips and got up.and grabbed the movie put it in and layed down next to Jordan and hugged him.
Adrian kissed the top of her head and sighed contentedly. "Wow. I didn't think that I was possible of deserving so much love from just one person. You are too good for me, truly." He brought her onto his lap and kissed his way across her cheek to her lips. When their lips connected, he wrapped his hands across the back of her head and pulled her closer, making the kiss harder and more passionate. He ran his fingers through her hair as they continued to kiss, feeling as if he could never part from her. He pulled away briefly, only to breathlessly say "I love you more than you will ever know."
"You're welcome, it's no problem sweetheart" Jordan agreed with her choice and put his arm around her shoulder . As the movie began, Jordan started to run his fingers through her hair

Alissa felt the connection grow stronger; she 'saw' the sparks flying, and she kissed him back. She loved the feeling of his presence and how he made her feel. She slowly moved her hands from his chest up to his shoulders and kissed him once more before reluctantly pulling away, and putting her head on his shoulder. Alissa put her hand on the side of his head, and moved her fingers into his hair, up and down. She looked into his eye with a smile and softly pecked the top of his nose. "You mean so much to me; please don't leave me" she asked quietly.

In the middle of.the movie Ella fell asleep... but she hoped that he wouldn't hate her cause she fell asleep only because she was a little bit relaxed ..
Jordan smiled as he saw Ella fell asleep; he didn't have the heart to wake her up, so he slowly took a blanket from the end of his couch on put it over the two. Jordan laid down with Ella's head on his chest and continued to watch the movie.
In the morning Ella woke up in a really comfortable position and Ella was really pleased that try both had the day off.. so she could suggle.with Jordan all day
As Jordan woke up, he saw Ella on his chest. He remembered that today was Saturday, the ninth, he looked at Ella "Well good morning princess. Hope you slept well" he said ad he pecked her cheek good morning.
Ella smiled and said " Jordan can we stay here all day cause I'm really comfortable?" Then kissed him on the lips with passion.
"I don't see why not" Jordan agreed with a little laugh and chuckle. He ran his hand down her arm, and kissed her back; Jordan put his hand on he back of her head, gentley running his fingers through her hair.
Ella chuckled.. she really loved Jordan but she didn't know how to tell him. But she got up the courage to tell him.. "Jordan can I tell you that I love you soo much.. and after school I really wanna stay with you after you" she said hoping not to make the moment awkward.
Jordan smiled "I would live for you to stay with me" he said as he hugged her. "Dp you want to make breakfast, or go out to eat?" he asked. He took her hands into his and ran his thumb over her knuckles.
"Sure, my treat for you" Jordan said grabbing the keys to his GMC Sierra. He led Ella out the dorm with his arm behind her back
"I would never leave you, ever, ever, ever, no matter the circumstances. And if I did, I give you permission to come after me with a gun and shoot me down," Adrian chuckled and rubbed her shoulder gently. "I'm serious about that. I would have to be mentally ill if I ever left you. So, if you can't shoot me, I give you permission to admit me to a mental hospital." He kissed her crown then looked into her gorgeous eyes. Even in the dim light of the candles, her eyes still sparkled brightly. "And don't you ever leave me. Because I could never live without you. Even though we haven't known each other for a whole year, I feel as though you are the missing puzzle piece to my heart. I love you so, so much."

Ella smiled and walked out and got into Jordan's car.. as Ella and Jordan got to the shop and Ella was really hungry " Jordan I'm hungry can we order now?" Ella asked impatiently.. but she didn't want to annoy him either but she was really hungry.

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