J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Jordan turned to look at Ella "Hmmm... Probably five minutes" he guessed. He gestured for her to sit down next to him with a soft smile
Ella was really surprised as no guy has ever done this to her.. she sat down and started eating as she looked she noticed Jordan looking at her..... "What are you looking at?" She asked while slightly laughing.... She never knew anyone could love her like Jordan has... She got.up and went over to her bag and brang back a necklace.. she placed it on the table and said "I want you to have this, it was my dads from the war that he gave me and he told me to.give it to the next person I love.. so here I am giving it to the next person I love" she said and.smiled
Jordan looked at Ella as she brought the necklace back, "You're really trusting me with you're dad's necklace?" he asked as he gentley took it from her hands "I love you too sweetheart" he added as he kissed her lips. Jordan put his left hand into hers and put the necklace on; he looked at Ella, and brought her into a hug.

[MENTION=2798]Ashlee[/MENTION] ****
Ella started to cry as she was happy that he took the necklace..... "I dont wanna leave thus school without you here with me" Ella said while wiping away her tears.... She was so happy to see that necklace around his neck.... She knew that if jordan left her she'd never be the same..... "Jordan please don't ever leave me." Ella said..
"Hey, I would never leave you baby, never ever ever" Jordan said as he gentley wiped away her tears. He ran his fingers through her hair; he held her tight and rubbed her back sympathetically.
Ella put her head on jordans shoulder and said "I'm sorry that I'm.like this, I'm.not.usually like this..." Ella.said hoping that he would.understand and know how much that necklace meant.to her... Even though its her birthday tomorrow she didnt wanna.tell jordan.that.. so she could be upset and then make a joke on her... Even though.she's terrible.at telling jokes.
"It's ok El, I understand" Jordan reassured her, he rubbed her shoulder and softly pecked her neck. Jordan felt for Ella; suddenly he had an idea. "How about I take you out to lunch, my treat for you sweetheart" he said with a smile

*** [MENTION=2798]Ashlee[/MENTION] ***
"Yeah id like that very much!" Ella said.with a smile as she had a.cheeky smile she grabbed Jordan's car keys ran.out the door.. and to.his car... She found it funny that she forgot her bag.. even though she kept laughing..
Jordan watched her grab his keys and run out the door. He ran after her; Jordan caught up to Ella and swung her around. He set her down and kissed her softly "Are you or I driving?" he asked "You can drive if you want to" he said with a smile
Ella said "I wanna drive, I wanna drive!" She said like a child she then laugh and playfully hit Jordan on the leg the pecked his lips before driving to.the nearest food place.. "you know your paying right?" Ella.said with a smile on her face holding in her laughter..
Jordan laughed as he got into the passengers side of his truck. "Of course, my treat for you darling" he said as got out of he car at the resturant, he then walked over to Ella's side and opened her door with a big smile
Ella walked into the restaurant.. she went and sat in the back corner with Jordan "Jordan just a question, will you ever.ask me to marry you?" Ella asked nervously.. [MENTION=2801]Coedy[/MENTION]
Jordan put his arm around her shoulder[. As she asked him her question, he thought hard about it "I ..." he smiled "Yes, when the time is right" he kissed her cheek softly and rubbed his fingers over hers
Ella was so happy that he said that, she never knew that there were guys out there like this, she loved it! "After we eat can we go and see a movie?" Ella asked as she was hoping she could go see a movie.
"Of course!" Jordan answered as the waiter came, Jordan ordered the buffalo wings and a water. He waited for Ella to order; Jordan sat back and smiled at her.
Alissa looked at herself in the mirror and applied her makeup. She changed into her white abercrombie blouse with navy jacket and white skirt. She walked out her counter and sat next to Adrian "Hey baby" she said with a smile, she took his hand and kissed his cheek

((Repost for [MENTION=2858]HarmonicBreeze[/MENTION]))
Ella couldnt decide what to eat.. she finally came up with a decision.. "I will have the chicken Hamburger please" Ella.asked the waiter as she walked off with her order
Jordan took ellas hand; he softly kissed her temple softl and laid his head against her head.

"Hey, Honeyqueen," Adrian kissed Alissa's cheek back and took her hand in his. "So, what do you want to do before we head out to lunch? We've got a whole," he glanced at the wall clock. "Three hours until we should go. Meaning that we can do anything you want to do. It's your birthday after all. Anything you want, you can have." He gently pecked her temple, his lips barely brushing over the skin. "But, speaking of lunch, do you mind if I get dressed and brush my teeth? I already got my stuff, and I don't want to leave you here all by yourself, since I won't be even ten minutes." He gave her puppy dog eyes before losing concentration and kissed her on the lips.


(I apologise so badly! I've just had personal issues that were, sorry, more important than updating. Please don't be mad!)

"Hey, Honeyqueen," Adrian kissed Alissa's cheek back and took her hand in his. "So, what do you want to do before we head out to lunch? We've got a whole," he glanced at the wall clock. "Three hours until we should go. Meaning that we can do anything you want to do. It's your birthday after all. Anything you want, you can have." He gently pecked her temple, his lips barely brushing over the skin. "But, speaking of lunch, do you mind if I get dressed and brush my teeth? I already got my stuff, and I don't want to leave you here all by yourself, since I won't be even ten minutes." He gave her puppy dog eyes before losing concentration and kissed her on the lips.


(I apologise so badly! I've just had personal issues that were, sorry, more important than updating. Please don't be mad!)
Ella kept asking herself even though its probebly not true, if Jordan actually loved her or he was playing her. She only thought that because most of her relationships have been where the guys don't actually like her. Her smile turned into a frown/sad face Ella tried so hard not to show it. [MENTION=2801]Coedy[/MENTION]
Alissa kissed his lips, she pulled away reluctantly but stayed close to his face. She slowly moved away and thought of what to do... "I think we should play T&D, perfect timing" she winked and playfully stuck her tounge out, "Of course you can get ready baby. Go make yourself more handsome, even though I know that is nearly impossible." Alissa smiled softly

@HarmonicBreeze It's no biggy, I'm not mad :)

Jordan looked down at Ella "What's the mmatter sweetheart,?" he asked upon see her glum expression. He tilted his head quizzically.

"Okay, I'll be right back," Adrian pecked Alissa's crown and he headed off to her bathroom, brushing his teeth thoroughly, gently washing his face and getting changed into his clean clothes. He tousled his hair a little, and when he was satisfied, went back to Alissa. He found her sitting on her lounge, softly twirling some hair around her index finger. He sat himself next to her, wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple. "Right, so the challenge of Truth or Dare begins..." he rubbed his hands together. "You go first. I choose Truth."

"well I just don't know if you love me.. cause most of the guys I go out with they just go out with me for fun.. but I'm not saying that you do.but ita a theory in my head.. and I'm sorry if that offended you.." Ella said putting her head down..
Alissa smiled and took his hand "Have you ever embarrassed yourself infront of a whole crowd" she aske with a giggle. She moved closer to him and put her hand on the back of his head. She couldn't belive who much in love she was. Feeling like they'd known eachother for a year already , even though it was month.

Jordan looked at Ella "How could I not love you? Ella I love you more than anything in the wild" he tilted her chin up "You didn't offend me, I understand" he said as he kissed her forehead


Ella was so happy that he loved her... Ella took his car keys again and ran to the car.. she got In and started it.. she started laughing that she fell on the ground...

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