J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Alissa rubbed the side of his head before saying "It's ok Adrian, I know that it was an accident. And accidences happen" she reassured him. Alissa gently kissed his temple before saying "It's fine Adrian, we can go out for dinner" she said with a smile "Adrian you don't have to apologize, when I made a wish this morning, all I wished for was to be with you" she said "Whether it be in the hospital, or school" she added and she smiled softly and kkissed his lips, with just enough passion. Alissa rubbed the side of Adrians head by his ear gently with her thumb.

Adrian sighed. "Well, since I've made your birthday probably the worst ever, when we go out to dinner, you will not pay a single cent. A, because it's your birthday, and B, I need to make it up to you after I caused you so much stress. I still feel so bad about it. I feel as though nothing I do could ever make it up. But, I will try." He said quietly, nuzzling his neck into Alissa's. "I love you so much. You will always be in my heart, for ever and ever and ever. Nothing in the world could tear us apart. I love you that much." He whispered, planiting kisses up her neck. "So, since we have 5 hours spare, what would you like to do? Even though we're in a hospital, I'm still going to do something with you." He smiled sweetly.


(I've been having internet troubles again :( I posted three times, but it kept dropping out!)
"You haven't made my birthday the worst Adrian, my worst birthday would be if I wasn't with you" Alissa said "Adrian, you don't need to make it up to me, really! I really care for you Adrian, and I didnt need to loose you; well, I portably wouldn't have lost you to a concussion..." she trailed off. Alissa ran her fingers through Adrian's hair and kissed the top of his hair line. "Hmm.. Well.. When I visited someone in the hospital, we usually played I-spy, would you like to?" she said "Or did you have something in mind?" she asked as she tilted her head slightly and smirked

(It's ok :) the Internet can be the most stupid thing ever sometimes :P )
"I-Spy is a good game, especially in hospital. There's always so many things to choose from. Okay, so I'll go first," Adrian said, placing his thumb and index finger on his chin, stroking an imaginary beard. "Hmm, I spy with my little eye, something beginning with HM." He brought his lips to Alissa's temple, and gave her a butterfly kiss. "So, got any thoughts on my object?" Adrian asked, his eyebrow raised superiorly. He thought she would never guess what he had chosen.

(By the way, in case you don't know, a butterly kiss is where you rub your eyelashes on the skin really lightly :) )
Alissa looked around the room, she looked at the chairs, then all of the appliances "Hmm..... Is it the Herman Miller chair in the right corner?" she asked as she took his hand. Alissa put her other hand across his chest to his shoulder. She gave Adrian a small little peck on his neck before she looked up at him, so thankful for everything that he'd done for her
"No, it's not. Here, I'll give you a hint," Adrian said, thinking hard. "Hmm, it keeps track of something to let the nurses know something." He pulled a large strand of hair out of Alissa's face and pecked her forehead. He stretched his legs and reached for the water jug again. When he set the glass down, a nurse came in with a tray of food. "Here's your lunch, Adrian Lorenzato?" She asked. Adrian nodded and she ticked him off her list of patients. "Well, I'm Melinda, nice to meet you. Is this your girlfriend?" She gestured to Alissa, smiling kindly.
Alissa thought hard, but didn't know what it was called. she stuck her tounge out playfully "I give up" she said with a little laugh. AsMelunda walked in Alissa smiled kindly at her and nodded. She moved off of his bed and to one of the moveable chair and spun around the room as Melinda handed Adrian his lunch. Alissa retreated back to Adrian's said and smiled.
Ella ran to the arcade at the bowling alley, she ran straight to the racing games... "Come on, play with me" Ella said with her puppy dog face..

[MENTION=2801]Coedy[/MENTION] (sorry it took so long I was at a friends)
Jordan smiled and stood by Ella, and started to play the game. He pecked her cheek as the movie started
Jordan laughed as he ran after Ella to another game. "I'm totally going to win this" he joked, even though he would let Ella win. He loved Ella so much, tomorrow he was going to treat her to a day downtown, well of course after school. He waited for the game to start with a smile
Ella laughed as she knew she would win... "Jordan you know I'm gonna win this right" she said as the game started...
Jordan smiled "I bet you are" he said as the game was almost done. He let Ella win, and as the game finally finished; "So baby, what do you want to do now?" he asked. "Games or dorms?" he questioned her as he pecked her cheek.
"Can we go back to the dorms I'm kinda tired" she said... "Can you also take me shopping tomorrow" Ella asked as she wanted to go shopping..
"Of course we can go back to the dorms!" Jordan said "I'd be honered to take you shopping on a Sunday afternoon princess" he said as he scooped Ella into his arms and started to walk out of the arcade to his car with a smile on his face.
Ella entwined her fingers between his... "Jordan what are ee going to do when we get back to the dorms?" Ella asked curiously.. Ella stole the keys to Jordans car keys and ran to the car..
"It was Heart Monitor, silly!" Adrian laughed, sticking his tongue out cheekily. He lifted the lid of the tray that Melinda had given him to find a sandwich in a plastic container, a tub of custard with a box of fruit and a chocolate milk. "Ew, I don't like chocolate milk. Do you want it instead, my Honeyqueen?" He twisted the lid off and pushed it towards Alissa, opening his sandwich and biting into it. "Ugh, egg sandwich," He made vomiting motions, but couldn't stop smiling. He ate a couple of other bites before setting it down. "Don't forget, it's your turn to pick a Spy for me to I." He winked and stuffed the last of his sandwich in his mouth, smiling broadly.


(I'm back! Excited faces :Dx100000)
Alissa took the milk with a smile, she took a few sips before she had an idea "Adrian, I have an idea!!" she said as she moved herself towards Adrians chest. "But first... I spy with my little eye, something that is two words that start with L and A" she said as she took his hand. Alissa gently put her hand over his heart, just barely touching his gown with her finger tips. She moved her other hand to the side of his face and softly rubbed his ear with her thumb; Alissa smiled as she leaned down and gave Adrian a well deserved kiss.

"I don't know sweetheart, Something will come to mind as I sit with the most beautiful girl in the world" Jordan said as he kissed her cheek. He smiled as she stole his keys and ran to his truck "So, would you like to drive?" he joked as he got into te passengers side and hopped into after Ella, the love of his life.
"Ooh, I want to hear you idea now!" Adrian play-whined after he pulled out of the kiss with Alissa. "But, since you've been so nice to sit through all of this with me, and put yourself with so much stress and worry, I'll play your I Spy. Is it, Love Adrian, with an extra 'I' at the beginning?" He winked and placed another kiss on Alissa's lips, then scooped up some of the thick custard and placed it in his mouth. He took the spoon out of his mouth and scooped up another spoonful, scraping off the excess and held it to Alissa's mouth. "Open up!" He giggled, and zoomed it into her mouth, dumping the pile onto her tongue.
Alissa giggled "That's cute, but no. I'll give you a hint" she said "This small device can save lives" she told him. Alissa swallowed the custard and looked st Adrian, she wish that she hasn't made him do the moonwalk, she couldn't help but feel guilty for Adrian's accident. Alissa gave Adrian a soft kiss, and a nice run on the shoulders as she pulled away. She looked at the clock "1 more hour!" she proclaimed with a smilr

Adrian thought for a long time, but no answers came to his mind. "Oh, I give up! What is it?" He smiled and pecked her cheek. "Only an hour to go, and we'll be out, back at your place, getting ready for our dinner date." He winked and stuck his tongue out, blowing an air raspberry at her. He moved himself closer to her, placing his head on her soft shoulder, nuzzling his nose into her neck. "I love you so much, and nothing that happened today is at all your fault. Not one single thing. It was all my fault." He said softly, sighing sadly. He heard the door open and Dr. Clayton walked in. "Ah, hello Adrian. Nice to see you finished your lunch," He gestured to the empty tray with an approving smile. "I just came to remind you that you will be discharged in an hour. Also, from the bloodtests we ran, we have discovered your allergy. You have a fatal intolerence to all berries, including strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and so on."

"A life alert" Alissa said, pointing to a little clip on the heart monitor. Alissa couldn't wait for their date that night, this meant she could spend hours on end with her boyfriend, and not have a curfew. "It was not all your fault, you tripped over the coffee table leg, you couldn't stop yourself from it! You didn't even know it was going to happen" Alissa said as she rubbed his back comfortingly. As Dr. Clayton told them that he was deadly allergic to berries, a red flag went up in Alissa's brain. She looked at Adrian and then to Dr. Clayton "Thank you for the information, Dr. Clayton" Alissa said thankfully. As Clayton exited the room, Alissa let out a sigh of anxiety, "Well baby, now we know your fatal allergy" Alissa remarked as she softly kissed his forehead and took his now; she looked at the clock, now it was half an hour until they could leave.
Ella drove back to.the dorms and she went back to her dorm to get clean clothes before she left she pecked Jordan on the cheek and ran down the corridor to her dorms.... She grabbed clean clothes and ran back.down to Jordan's room.... She walked straight in.and walked Into the bathroom.. and she took a shower.. as it was getting late and she had school tomorrow... She walked into Jordan's bedroom and laid down on the bed and slowly fell asleep.
*Time Skip*

Adrian stood in Alissa's lounge room, waiting for her to finish her makeup for their dinner date tonight. He had put on a semi-formal black blazer with a button up white shirt underneath and pressed black dress pants. He ran his fingers through his hair, wobbling slightly, then regained his composure. He heard Alissa's heels tap down the hall and he audibly gasped when he saw her appearance. "Wow!" He breathed. "You look absolutely amazing!" Adrian's surprise was a total shock to him, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He shut his mouth before he began to catch flies and wrapped one arm around one of hers. "So, Miss Alissa, are you ready to depart?" He winked gentlemanly and walked out to the carpark, where the limo he had organised weeks ago stood waiting.

Jordan followed Ella into his room, took a shower after her, then did everything else that he needed to do. He then laid down next to Ella and pecked her forehead softly before falling asleep

Alissa smiled as she saw Adrian's expression "Aw, thank you baby" she said giving his cheek a light kiss, she linked arms with him and put her head slightly on his shoulder. Alissa looked down at what she was wearing; a white and black striped dress, black heels, the necklace Adrian gave her, and a black sweater. Alissa ran her hand down and up Adrian's arm, she moved closer to him, and put her other hand by her side and looked up at her true love.[MENTION=2858]HarmonicBreeze[/MENTION]

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