J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Adrian pecked her nose and walked slowly with her to the carpark. The driver of the limo was waiting by the door, and bowed when they approached. "Good evening Mr. Lorenzato. You and your lovely lady have a good time this evening." He smiled politely and shut the door, allowing them to sit wherever they wanted. When they were comfortable, sitting side by side, hands entwined and the occasional kiss here and there, Adrian asked: "So, what do you think?" He gestured to the limo. "I wanted to make your birthday extra special, so I organised this. I hope you like it." He smiled and gave her a long, loving kiss on her lips, gently caressing her arm at the same time.
*time skip*

Ella woke up at her normal time of 6:30, she got up and got some breakfast she peeked into Jordan's room to find him still sleeping... So she went to her bag and grabbed her clothes then went to the bathroom and got changed and did her hair and light make-up.... She pecked Jordan as she left as she had to start her class early...
Alissa shook her head in amazement, she smiled gratefully. "it's amazing Adian, truly, it's amazing" she said before she placed her hand behind his head, and pulled him closer. She gave Adrian a soft, loving, greatfull kiss and pulled away, but let her foehead stay on his, so she could look into his eyes; the chemistry building ebb more than before.

Jordan slept until 7:00, he stretched and sat up. Only to realize Ella had left early, he yawned once more before he stood up and walked to his kitchen, and put a bagel in the toaster as he went to get ready for the day.
Ella texted Jordan "hey sorry.I left early, my class started early.. I hope we are still on for shopping this afternoon.." Ella said hoping he would receive her text knowing why she left so early.. she felt really bad for leaving so early without leaving a note or testing.. she went to class wrote down the notes and did some practical work..
Adrian felt the familiar, but stronger urge to crash his lips to Alissa's, to feel her heartbeat race against his skin, to feel her love radiate from her. So he gave in. They both leaned in at the same time, and when their lips collided, explosions of passion erupted throughout the small seating area. It felt as though their lips were being welded together, their bodies being drawn closer to each othe by some ultimate force, when the driver tapped on the window, separating them. "Excuse me, Mr. Lorenzato, but we have arrived at The Olive Garden." And with that, he opened the door and let them out, gently bowing his head. "I will be here whenever you ring this number. Please take all the time you need." He smiled once more and drove away, leaving them outside The Olive Garden.
*Its ok sweetheart; of course were going shopping, I promised you, didn't I?* Jodan texted her back as he left choir.

Alissa stood outside the resturant, and took Adrian's hand. "I want to tell you right no that this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me" she said "I love you a lot; you mean so much to me" Alissa said. She walked into the resturant with Adrian and was seated at a booth on the right side of the resturant. She ook a menu and looked through it.
After five minutes, Adrian peered over the top of his menu, gazing at Alissa. "So Honeyqueen, got any idea on what you want to order yet? I like the look of the Chicken Scampi. And remember, you are not going to pay a single cent. I will pick up the bill, so feel free to order anything you like, even if it is the most expensive. For you, I'd give anything to you. I love you that much." He blew a kiss to her and a tall, blonde waitress walked over, eyeing him with lustful eyes. "Hello, are you two ready to order?" He wide smile lit the candelit table, but it was directed mostly at him, not at Alissa.
The bell went and Ella went to Jordan's class room to meet him so they could go shopping Ella wasn't gonna waste most of jordans day shopping so they'd only be there for a few hours... "Jordan I'm out the front of your classroom" Ella texted him
Alissa felt a wave if protection come over her as the waitress was looking at Adrian. She snapped her fingers "Hey, keep your eyes off of him; he's mine" she said as she gave her a glare "I'll have the caesar salad and a water" she said bluntly. Alissa looked at the waitress again; she wasn't writing down her order, this made Alissa mad. "Hey Goldie locks, eyes over here" she said, and she finally placed her order. Alissa was still furious, but she didn't want take it out on Adrian.

Jordan walked outside of his class, and saw Ella. He smiled and pecked her cheek "Hey gorgeous! Ready to go?" He asked contentally
Adrian sat silently, his mind reeling as he watched the stunned and disappointed waitress walk haughtily off to the kitchens. "Um. I don't quite know what to say," Adrian said softly, taking a sip of the complementary water on the table. "Thank you, I guess?" He shrunk in his chair, almost as if he was trying to evaporate, attempting to avoid a rage from Alissa. He was almost frightened by the sweet, gentle, perfect girl he loved, and she hadn't even raised her voice! "Are you doing okay?" He asked timidly.

Alissa looked at Adrian, all of her rage disappeared. "I'm sorry... I just got really over protective" she looked down and then up. She felt horrible; she probably scared her boyfriend, and gave herself a reputation "I'm.. Fine" she said as she gave human warm smile, she reached her hand across the table and took his hand and ran her fingers over his knuckles.
Adrian readjusted himself in the soft, comfy chair so he was sitting up again. "It's okay to get over-protective. I know how you feel, believe me I do. In fact, I'm over-protective of the necklace I gave you, because it's so special to me. But, I trust you enough to allow you to keep it, so it's fine with me." He returned Alissa's smile and took his other hand and placed it on top of hers, which was stroking his knuckles. "I really do love you so much. Today has been a hectic one, but amazing nontheless because I spent it with you." He smiled broadly, leaned across the velvet tablecloth and placed a light, lingering kiss on her lipsticked lips. When he pulled away, he had some smeared across his top lip, but he remained unaware.
Alissa smiled "I live you too Adrian" she remarked. Alissa returned hi kiss, and chuckled slightly when she saw the lipstick on his lip. She leaned across the table once more and ran her finger along his top lip, wiping the red smear away. "You gonna wear lipstick now?!" She joked, her eyes regained their sparkle and she wiped away the lipstick on her finger on the napkin beside her.
Adrian played along with Alissa's joke: "Well, if it looks good on me, than yes!" He shut his eyes and tried to imagine himself wearing a nice, rosy red lipstick. "Hmm, I may have to start borrowing your lipstick from now on, because I like they way I look!" He chuckled and looked toward the front desk to see a long line of people waiting for tables. "It looks like we got here just in time. If we had of gotten here later, we probably would be waiting for an hour to get a table, than another hour for food!" As if on cue, the blonde waitress came back with two plates, but instead of a gleaming smile, she had a sour look on her face as she placed Alissa's plate down. "Please call if you recquire anything else," She said sweetly to Adrian, winking and smiling, then turned to Alissa and gave her a dirty look and walked off to service some more tables.

Alissa laughed "You're new look eh?" She joked once more "I hate it when that happens!! Once I waited 2 hours for a table, and then they got our orders wrong!" She playfully rolled her eyes. As the waitress came back, she began to mutter words under her breath. Ohh was she getting mad, but she just smiled it out and waited until she left. Alissa looked at Adrian, then at her food; why did she have ribs? She called the waitress and asked "why did you give me ribs?" She asked the waitress only smirked "Didn't you order the fatso special?" She remarked with an evil grin. Alissa felt tears stream out of her eyes, she stood up and ran outside, and sat on a bench, crying into her hands. Usually she could have handled it, but she couldn't stand anymore dirty looks or insults, she'd already had enough to last a lifetime.
"hey babe, and yes im ready to go" she said... She held Jordan's hand and entwined her fingers between his and walked to his car she. Said "we have to go to supre" I like the clothes that they have there..
"Ok, Supre it is my princess" Jordan said with a smile he pecked her cheek and opened the passengers door for Ella then got in the drivers side and waited for Ella.
As they got there Ella got out of the car and ran into the shop looking around for clothes and shoes.. "babe, how about this?" ( its a pair of black high wasted shorts and a Singlet top..) she really liked it and hoped Jordan liked it too...
"I think you'll look absolutely stunning in that" Jordan said with a smile. He looke the outfit over and nodded a he looked at Ella.
"Ok, well I wanna get it.. ill be right back so stay here" slow said as she ran to the changerooms to put on her outfit... She called out to Jordan hoping he come to her... She thought " wow! I look so pretty" trying not to sound stuck up..
Jordan walked to Ella "Wow, you look... Absolutely amazing Ell" he said, giving her a kiss and soft hug.
Ella was happy that he liked it.. "well I'm gonna get changed and go pay for it then we can go for lunch" Ella said giving him a soft but passionate kiss.. "I will be right back babe" she said as she walked back Into the change rooms
Jordan smiled "Ok" he said as he waited for her to change. As she came out, he put his arm behind her back and walked with her to te chcek out isle
Ella asked Jordan "what do you wanna do now?" She asked curiously as she didnt wanna go back to the dorms just yet..
"How about we have a picnic in the park" Jordan said as he took Ella's and and led her to Jonny Boy's Sub Shop "I hope you like gourmet subs" he said with a chuckle. He opened the door for Ella and smiled.

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