J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Jordan rushed to Ella as she fell "Om my goodness! Ell, are you ok?" he asked quickly, he picked her up and looked at her, wiping the gravel from her face
"Yeah I'm fine I was just laughing too hard..." She said still laughing slightly.... She got in the car and said "can we go see ted in the cinema" Ella asked.. [MENTION=2801]Coedy[/MENTION]

"Yeah I'm fine I was just laughing too hard..." She said still laughing slightly.... She got in the car and said "can we go see ted in the cinema" Ella asked.. [MENTION=2801]Coedy[/MENTION]
"Ok, I'm glad you're ok sweetheart" Jordan said as he got into his truck, buckled himself up, softly kissed Ella's cheek, and modded with a smile "Sounds like a plan" Jordan agrees
When they got to the cinema Ella asked.Jordan "can I get skittles?" She asked as she loved them... When they took there seats Ella picked the back corner so she could snuggle up to her man.
"Of course you can" Jordan said as he followed Ella up to their seats and put her arm around her shoulders.
Ella got.comfortable as the.movie started.. she had seen this movie before but she wanted to watch it again.. it was her fave movie.. she opened up her skittles and.enjoyed them... But they were all gone before the movie ended :( ..
Jordan looked down at Ella as th movie ended, the screen was flickering on her face; illuminating it. Jordan brushed a few loose strands of Ella's hair behind her war, and softly pecked her forehead.
Adrian laughed at Alissa's Truth Question. "Oh god yes. Okay, so swimming lessons were compulsory at the orphanage," He paused to let out a little laugh. "And at the end of the year we had a big race. I was in it, and at the time I didn't realise it, but my shorts had come off in the pool. So I got up flashing all bare and sundry." He shuddered at the thougt, but smiled and brought her close to him. "Now it's your turn; Truth or Dare?" He whispered huskily into her ear, planting kisses from her earlobe down her neck. He had, no doubt, ever in his whole life felt like this about someone. She was his Princess.


(Agh! Again, so sorry! Life is just crap at the moment :( )

Adrian laughed at Alissa's Truth Question. "Oh god yes. Okay, so swimming lessons were compulsory at the orphanage," He paused to let out a little laugh. "And at the end of the year we had a big race. I was in it, and at the time I didn't realise it, but my shorts had come off in the pool. So I got up flashing all bare and sundry." He shuddered at the thougt, but smiled and brought her close to him. "Now it's your turn; Truth or Dare?" He whispered huskily into her ear, planting kisses from her earlobe down her neck. He had, no doubt, ever in his whole life felt like this about someone. She was his Princess.


(Agh! Again, so sorry! Life is just crap at the moment :( )
Alissa broke into laughter, she looked at him and smiled. She took his hand into hers and looked into his eyes "Dare" she said with a grin.Alissa placed little kissed on his temple, down to his lips. She gave Adrian a soft of passionate kiss on his lips. Alissa pulled away with a smile in her eyes and on her mouth. She had never felt like this towards anyone, she had no doubt that she wanted to be with him for the rest of her life.

((It's ok!! Life can be life poop I know))

Adrian's eyes flashed mischeivously. "I dare you to grab the strawberries from the fridge and let me feed you." He gently forced off the lounge and chuckled as she hurried off and fetched the fruit. When she handed the bowl to him, he delicately picked one up and rubbed it gently over her closed lips. "Open up, Honeyqueen." He smiled and placed the strawberry on her tongue, waiting for her to bite into it. When her lips closed around the strawberry, he quickly placed his lips on hers, tasting the familiar taste of Alissa's lips mingling with the sweetness of the strawberry. "I choose Dare now." He smiled when he pulled back.
Alissa smiled as she chewed her strawberry. Suddenly an idea came to mind "I dare you to moonwalk across the middle of MU dorm" she said, gentley pushing Adrian off of her lounge which left him standing in the middle of her dorm. Alissa sat back an looked at him, with kind eyes.
Adrian sighed over-dramatically. He saw Alissa looking at him with almost pleading eyes, with her usual humorous glint, so he took a deep breath and stood in his position. He had no idea how to moonwalk, so he just slid back whilst lifting the heels of his feet. He kept going, and when he reached the wall of her lounge room, he raised his arms up in triumph. "Yes! I did! Whoo!" He ran back over to Alissa, who was still sitting on the lounge, but tripped on the leg of her coffee table, sending him crashing into the lounge and flipping the coffee table over, spilling the fresh strawberries all over her floor.
Alissa covered her mouth as he fell she didn't care about the strawberries, she cared about her love. Alissa slid on the grown an turned Adrian so his face was lookin up, there was a big red mark on his forehead "Adrian?! Are you ok?! Do you need anything?" she asked as she looked him over and ran to her fridge and grabbed and ice pack, then ran back to Adrian. Realizing the ice was too cold, she took her shirt off and wrapped it around the ice pack; thankfully, she had a thick undershirt on. Alissa propped Adriand back on her knee, and head on her chest while she was holding the ice pack to the welt in his forehead.
Ella quickly turned her head so he would kiss her on the lips :) she giggled and said "you know you love me" she said...
Adrian groaned, weakly putting his hand to the ice pack. "Ow. What happened?" He asked, his voice full of pain. His head was pounding, but the softness of Alissa's shirt helped soothe the agony. "Do you have any aspirin? If you could get me two, and a glass of tepid water, I think I'll be okay." He lifted himself off her chest and heaved himself onto her lounge, lying on his back and holding the ice pack to his swelling forehead. When she came back with two pills and a glass, he sipped it gently. "Can I rest my head on your legs? Please?" He asked quietly, gently rubbing his temple in a circular motion.
"You're right, I do love you" Jordan said with a smile. He took Ella's hand and pulled her up by him. "Alright sweetheart, what would you like to do now?" he asked with a smile

Alissa have him a glass of water and the aspirin "Well, you tripped over the coffee table and landed face first on the lounge" Alissa said as she nodded her head "Of cours, what ever you need" she said as she moved her legs to the ground and put his head on them. She ran her fingers through his hair, occasionally softly rubbing the side of his head.
"Well I feel like going bowling hahaha" she said.. "but I only go there to.play at the arcade Hehe" Ella said as she giggled..
The comfort of Alissa's legs, the soft rubbing she was doing and the affect of the aspirin, it wasn't long before Adrian felt himself drift off to sleep. "I love you, my Honeyqueen." He mumbled softly, before sleep engulfed him. It wasn't long before he was having a dream. He and Alissa were standing in her kitchen, cooking up a pot of soup. "Here, taste this." He said, gently moving the spoon towards her mouth. She took the entire spoon in her mouth and licked her lips devilishly. "Mmm, that's good. But is it as good as how you taste? Let's find out," Alissa said, her voice deepening and her eyes turning a vivid sapphire blue. She walked forward, her body grotesquely manifesting into a mostrous being, and sliced his neck with a large fingernail. In the real world, the sweat was pouring over Adrian's face, his face pale and his body convulsing.
Jordan smiled "Alright, bowling it is sweetheart" he said leading her down the stairs and to the parkinglot with his arm behind her shoulders.

Alissa felt Adrian's head, he was sweating. She took get fan that was under her lounge and put it next to him. She was getting worried; Alissa put her hand on his sweaty forehead. She looked at him, not knowing what to do "Adrian?!!" she called "Can you hear me? Please, can you squeeze my hand if Ou hear me?" she asked as she slipped her hand to hand and putting her hand in his, but very lightly
Adrian could hear Alissa's voice in the back of his head, but he was still trapped in his sleep, unable to wake up. His fingers gently, and only slightly, twisted around the edge of Alissa's palm, indicating he could hear her. His breathing slowed, as did the sweating. But then he felt like he couldn't breathe; as if there was no oxygem able to get to his lungs. He began to take deep gulps, only managing just enough to keep on breathing, his face reddening slightly, the sweating increasing. He felt a sharp grip on his hand, knowing that Alissa was panicking severly. But what could he do? He couldn't wake up...
Suddenly Alissa knew what was happening, he had a concussion! Alissa notice he was having trouble breathing, so she gave him CPR. Alissa felt tears swelling in her eyes she reached for her back pocket and pulled out her cell phone, and called the nurse. She told them that her boyfriend had slipped and fell on the ledge of her lounge. They said they would be right there, so Alissa looked at Adrian "Stay with me! Please" she urged as she kissed his forehead and rubbed his Chet

Jordan shook his head "Anything that you want to do" he said planting a soft kiss on her cheek
*Time Skip*

Adrian's eyes fluttered open to find an extremely bright, stark hospital room. He felt thirst, so he looked to his bedside table to find a jug of water and glass. He poured himself a cup and gulped it down. That's when he noticed the feeding tube in his nose. He set the glass down and layed back in his bed, feeling very anxious and nervous. The hear monitor slowly crept up, and he became aware of the sound of breathing in the room. He looked to see a daybed, with Alissa sleeping on it. He felt like calling out to her to wake her up, but the doctor came in. "Hello Adrian. I'm Dr. Clayton. It appears you suffered from a concussion and a severe allergic reaction. Are you aware of any allergies?" He asked, never taking his eyes off his clipboard. "Not that I know of." Adrian replied groggily. He heard the daybed creak and saw that Alissa was stirring.

Alissa saw Adrian had woken up. She smiled softly and walked over to him and the doctor. She put her delicate hand Into his; "You passed out a few hours ago when you tripped over my coffee table and fell head first on my lounge" she told Adrian "You're going to be ok, the doc says so" Alissa added. "You'll get out in about 5 hours, and I'm going to stay with you until you get out." she said a smile. She gently kissed his forehead and ran her soft fingers over his knuckles.
Adrian scooched over a little, giving more room for Alissa to sit on. "Sit down, Honeyqueen," he smiled, gently patting the extra space. When she sat down, he wrapped one arm around her waist and brought her into a tight embrace. "I'm so sorry if I scared you this morning," he apologised, feeling awfully guilty. He took a quick glance at a wall clock and sighed. "And this means we'll also miss our lunch at The Olive Garden. I'm sorry this had to happen, today of all days." He nuzzled her neck and kissed her gently up to her lips, where he expressed his apology even further.


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