J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Ella smiled and took a piece of his chocolate.. she laid her head into Jordan's chest.. "I love you" Ella.said.and smiled.. she grabbed another bit chocolate and winked at Jordan while giving him a long and passionate kiss.. after the kiss she sat on top of him while kissing him again.
Jordan moved his hands to Ella's back, he rubbed her back softly. When Ella kissed him, he kissed her back with the same amount of passion, "I love you too" he murmured into her ear.
Ella hoped off Jordan and winked at him while taking another bit of chocolate, "Hey babe, maybe I have to buy this chocolate more often, cause it tastes great and it melts in your mouth." She laughed and walked into his tiny kitchen, she popped her head out the door "Babe, would you like a drink?" she asked as she was going to get one. She also grabbed some more of that delious chocolate cause she had bought two blocks of it. She brought it out and sat it on his bed side table.
Jordan chuckled "No thanks sweetheart, I'm good." He said as he laid his head on a pillow. He fiddled with the hem of his shirt as he waited for Ella to come back.
Ella walked back with her drink and some more of that chocolate.. "Babe, what are we gonna do now?" Ella asked.. She kept thinking about her parents.. cause they died just before she left to go to the academy.
Jordan shrugged, and put his arm around her shoulder. "I don't know sweetheart, what would you like to do? I'll do a anything you want to do" he told her as he pecked her cheek softly.
"Well i wanna go to the new flower festival" ella said and looked around the room.. Ella loved flowers and most of her boyfriends didnt like flowers and wouldnt take her and she was hoping that Jordan would take her, but she'd never let him take her if he didnt like flowers.
Jordan smiled, he turned her face so she was looking at him. He looked into her eyes "I'd love to take my pretty girl to the Flower Festival" he told her before he gave her a kiss, he took her hand an pulled her up "are you ready to go?" He asked Ella.
Ella had a big smile on her face, she kissed Jordan back and said " Of course i'm ready!" she jumped up ran to the table grabbed Jordan's car keys, she ran straight out the door and to the car she was so excited.. "Hurry up Jordan!" she yelled from the car she was jumping with excitment she could not wait to get there..
Jordan laughed as he ran after Ella, he got into the car, and started it. Jordan started to pull out of the parkinglot with a smile on his face, he turned his radio up slightly and tapped his finger to the beat on the dashboard.
Ella laughed at him, she found it quite hilarious.. She was soo happy and excited that she even started to sing.. which she never does in front of anyone but she sings when she's excited.. She looked in her peripheral vision to spot jordan looking at her. Then she had relised what she was doing, Ella stoped singing and said "I know my voice is bad." Even though everyone she accidently sung in front of said she was amazing but she never believed them.
"You're voice is amazing Ella, I don't know why you'd think it's bad." Jordan said as he smiled to her. He put his hand over hers and contiued to drive closer and closer to the festival.
" The reason is cause whenever I sang in front of my parents my dad slapped me cause he said drama was more my thing, but I'm not gonna let them get to me when I'm going to my fave festival" Ella said and gripped Jordan's hand. As they got there Ella jumped out of the car and started walking into the festival.. She left Jordan behind cause she just could not wait to get inside of the festival. She started taking pictures of the pretty flowers. She thought she better stop for Jordan just so he doesnt freak out.
*Time Skip*

Adrian had an arm wrapped around Alissa's waist as they walked towards his dorm. He unlocked the door and led her inside, leaving her in his lounge room while he went to grab two glasses of water. The rest of their evening went well, especially after Adrian sorted out the fiasco with the blonde waitress and Alissa's mixed up order. He came back to her and sat down on the cream sofa, handing a glass to her. "I had a nice night, even though the waitress was a bit nasty." He smiled lightly and planted a soft kiss on her lips. "Are you okay? I know you said you were, but I still want to make sure you're alright. Don't brood over the whole thing, she was just jealous." He took a sip and looked deeply into her eyes, bringing his forehead to hers.


(I've had some personal issues that needed to be taken care of. That's why I haven't been on in ages :( )

*Time Skip*

Adrian had an arm wrapped around Alissa's waist as they walked towards his dorm. He unlocked the door and led her inside, leaving her in his lounge room while he went to grab two glasses of water. The rest of their evening went well, especially after Adrian sorted out the fiasco with the blonde waitress and Alissa's mixed up order. He came back to her and sat down on the cream sofa, handing a glass to her. "I had a nice night, even though the waitress was a bit nasty." He smiled lightly and planted a soft kiss on her lips. "Are you okay? I know you said you were, but I still want to make sure you're alright. Don't brood over the whole thing, she was just jealous." He took a sip and looked deeply into her eyes, bringing his forehead to hers.


(I've had some personal issues that needed to be taken care of. That's why I haven't been on in ages :( )
Jordan didn't know what to say, he ran after Ella, and put his arm around her back "So sweetheart, you ready to have a blast?" He asked before giving her cheek a soft kiss.

Alissa sat on his couch, she nodded her head in a agreement "I had a wonderful time" she said. Alissa returned his soft kiss to him, and wrapped her hand around his neck, pulling herself closer to her love."Im great baby, especially because I'm with you" she said as she put her head on his shoulder, "I know, I've totally put that behind me, and are now focusing on one of the most important things in my life" she paused and drew herself closer "you" she mumbled against his lips and kissed him passionately.


((Its ok!! Life is a hassle!! Don't worry about it ;) ))
Adrian lost himself in Alissa's lips. Even though they had shared many kisses across the past month they had been together, this one was different. This one lit up a million more fireworks than ever before, and the passionate burning of their connected lips almost felt like they were being welded together, so they could never part. And that is how he wanted it. She was far too important, too special, too perfect in every way that if she somehow left his life, he would feel a never-ending emptiness that could never be replaced. His glass of water spilled onto the white rug in the centre of the room, but he didn't care. He placed his hands gently on the back of Alissa's neck, and drew her closer. The heat of their passion was so great that he could almost swear the room was becoming warmer and the windows were fogging. He never, ever wanted to let go.

Alissa couldn't believe the passion between Adrian and her. She let the love soar around the room, she'd never felt like this towards anyone else; ever! She never ever wanted to lave his side; if she did, there would be a bottomless pit in her soul. He meant sop much to her, and she wanted to be with him forever, for eternity, as long as the world existed. Alissa didn't care about the spilled water on her rug, all she was focused on was Adrian her love for him. she slowly slipped her hand under his shirt; touching his bare skin felt electric to her, a feeling she would never forget. She slowly slipped her hand out of his shirt and up to his neck, running her fingers around his neck.
Adrian pulled out of the extremely intense kiss, panting heavily. He looked at Alissa with a burning in his eyes, his chest and stomach still tingling strongly from her electric touch. "What is happening?" He whispered huskily. "What do you want? Do you want to continue," He said, trailing kisses down the side of her neck and onto her shoulder. "Or do something else? It's up to you, Honeyqueen." His voice was hoarse with passion and the lack of oxygen he had received during the kiss. He began gently nibbling at the base of her neck, working his way up to her ear lobe, then placed firm but soft kisses down her cheek back to her lips, where they resumed their heavy make-out session. He pulled out of the intensity once more and looked at her questioningly, waiting for her to answer.

Alissa looked up at him "Im going to change" she said as she kissed him one last time and started to stand up "But first can you unzip my back zipper?" She asked as she turned so her back was facing him, and brought her hair over one of her shoulders. She looked back at him and smiled a soft and giggly smile before turning back around and waiting for his response. "And when I get changed, you can pick out a movie for us to watch" she said with a grin.
Ella looked at jordan as to say "did you seriously just.ask me that?" She.laughed as her and Jordan were walking around she saw that some of the plants were on sale.. "Jordan can you buy me some of these flowers" she asked hoping she wouldnt have to beg, she put her puppy dog face on and kept looking at the flowers
"Of course I can Ella" Jordan said with a smile. He bought her the flowers, and stuck one of them behind her ear. Jordan gave Ella a kiss and wrapped his arm around her back as the continued to walk.
Ella felt special, which she has never. She sure loves him.. she turned her head and kissed Jordan she felt like she was getting hit by fireworks. She felt like she never wanted to let go but she had to. "Thank you for the flowers babe" Ella said as she grabbed them out of jordans hand.. with her spare hand she grabbed his as she didn't wanna lose him in the crowd of this many people..
Jordan smiled. He smiled "You're welcome sweetheart" he said when he took her hand into his and ledger through the sea of people. He rubbed her side as they were walking together. Jordan passed by many restaurants and boutiques.
Ella smiled and ran to the jewelry shop that she saw.. she found a $250 dollar necklace. She got out her wallet to pay for it.. she loved it..
Jordan followed Ella with a chuckle, he saw the price of it to looked at his girl "Would you like me to help pay?" He asked "If you don't want to use all of your money" he added as he fingered the jewelry piece.

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