"Gosh you're a loud snorer!" Adrian said, chuckling. He gently ran his fingers across Alissa's exposed forehead, and then, without warning, moved his arms to her ribs and started tickling. "Are you ticklish? I'll soon find out!" He laughed and began tickling her all over, reaching everywhere to find her tickly spot. In fact, he got so into it that he fell off the lounge and onto the floor. "Ooops. I was getting too into it, I guess." He placed his elbows on the edge of the lounge and rested his head on his wrists. He just sat there, watching Alissa, then got onto his kness and leant in for a kiss. He kept it short and sweet, then went back to his position on the floor. "Oh? What's that sensation. Oh my! It's a shark! I'm being pulled underwater!" He prentended to be dragged under the water, making gurgling noises, sinking into the soft plushness of his white living room rug.