J. Parks Academy for the Talented

"Gosh you're a loud snorer!" Adrian said, chuckling. He gently ran his fingers across Alissa's exposed forehead, and then, without warning, moved his arms to her ribs and started tickling. "Are you ticklish? I'll soon find out!" He laughed and began tickling her all over, reaching everywhere to find her tickly spot. In fact, he got so into it that he fell off the lounge and onto the floor. "Ooops. I was getting too into it, I guess." He placed his elbows on the edge of the lounge and rested his head on his wrists. He just sat there, watching Alissa, then got onto his kness and leant in for a kiss. He kept it short and sweet, then went back to his position on the floor. "Oh? What's that sensation. Oh my! It's a shark! I'm being pulled underwater!" He prentended to be dragged under the water, making gurgling noises, sinking into the soft plushness of his white living room rug.

Alissa giggled, when he'd found her ticklish spot, she squirmed all around. She laughed a little and looked down at him, she ran her fingers through his hair, and kissed him back. Alissa laughed when he was 'attacked' by a shark; she slid off of the couch, and sat by Adrian. She 'killed' the shark and sat across his waist, straddling it and looking down at him before talking into her hand held radio "Huston, we have a 143 here in the Pacific Ocean; and extremely attractive man had been attacked by a shark. But don't send the meds, I got this one" she said in a plain voice. She leaned in to Adrian, moving closer to his face, and kissing him. She kissed him with passion, and ran her fingers through his hair. She pulled away and smiled down at him and laid by his side, and held his hand. "I love you" she said with a smile.

"I love you too, my Honeyqueen." Adrian returned the smile. "I could never, ever get tired of saying that. I want you to always know that I love you. Even if you had a disfigured face, I would still adore, care and love you." In a flash, he had suddenly flipped himself and Alissa over so that he was straddling her, and she was lying on the soft rug. He bent down and pulled her into a strong, passionate kiss, sending sparks everywhere. He looked up and suddenly ripped away from Alissa, putting on a macho facade. "Don't worry madam, I'll save you from that jellyfish!" He pointed to a stray piece of popcorn and lunged at it, flopping around, pretending to wrestle the imaginary jellyfish. He picked up the piece and tossed it into a nearby bin. "There you go Ma'am. Don't do any more dangerous antics now, ya hear?" He put on a Texan accent, failing to disguise his Australian one.

Ella smirked back. "Babe, can you give me a massage after you finish your breakfast?" Ella said as she went and put her bowl in the sink. She started to wash up when she felt arms/hands on her shoulders. She giggled cause she has a very ticklish spot on the back of the neck. She then started to relax. Ella walked out of the kitchen and sat on Jordan's bed and started painting her nails purple. "Jordan can you get my hand moisteriser?" She asked.
Alissa giggled again, "My hero!" She paused "how could I ever repay you?" She asked. She moved herself closer to him, and ran her fingers through his hair "I love you so much. And no matter what happens, know that I will always love you" she said smiling. She leaned against him and nodded "Yes sir" she said with a smile. She yawned and then but her arms around him. She pulled herself closer to him, but didn't kiss him quiet yet. She wanted to see how long they could hold back, but soon, Alissa was sucked into his eyes. She leaned in and began to kiss him, she rubbed her hands around his back and contiued to kiss his lips.

Jordan nodded "Sure Ella" he said as he grabbed her moistening lotion. He set it down infront of her and rested his hands on her shoulders. He back rotating his hands in circles, and around her back.
Ella felt so relaxed that she started to fall asleep... "Babe im getting tired" Ella said as she walked Into.the kitchen and started making dinner (spaghetti bolgenaise) she prepared it on plates and put it on Jordan's bed side table.
Jordan smiled, he laid back on the bed, and then smiled at Ella when she came back. "It looks and smells amazing" he said with a smirk. He patted the side of bed beside him, gesturing for Ella to slid in next to him.
Ella sat next to him and started eating she looked at Jordan noticing that he was enjoying that.. "would you like some more?" Ella asked with a smirk on her face... She thought "maybe I should cook more often" Ella took hers and Jordan's plates back to the kitchen and she went and took a shower and got in her Pjs.. Ella laid down next to Jordan and fell asleep.
"Goodnight sweetheart" Jordan said as he slowly slid out of bed, changed into his sweatpants, and took his shirt off. He slid in next to Ella, and pulled the covers over them. He wrapped his arms around her and fell asleep with Ella in his arms.
Adrian wrapped his arms around Alissa's waist, pulled her closer to him and lightly ran his fingers across her lower back. He felt her shudder against his touch, and he smirked. He twisted his legs around hers, and gently pulled away from her electric lips. "You know, I've been thinking. Since it's your birthday, and I ended up in hospital and the waitress was a total, excuse my french, *****, how would you like to stay here tonight? In my bed, with me, together?" He looked into her gorgeous eyes imploringly and crashed his lips to her again, almost as a bribe to make her stay.

Ella woke up in the middle of the night not feeling well.. she ran straight to the bathroom finding herself throwing up. She was hoping that she wasnt waking Jordan up. Ella walked into the kitchen taking some panadol before heading over to the couch and falling asleep there just in case she was sick again. She woke up again... Except it was 6am she felt a little bit better. Ella turned on the tv and started watching the kiddy shows
Alissa gently tugged at his lower lip, she kissed him softly and ran ther hand over the top of his head. "I'd love tj stay with you tonight Adrian" she said with a little yawn. She placed another kiss on his lips, and yawned again. She laid her head on his shoulder "Can we go to bed Adrian?" She asked "I'm really tired"'she told him as she moved her gaze up to him. She cupped his cheek in her own hand and rubbed his cheek. She looked into his eyes, and smiled. Alissa took one of his hands into hers and held it tightly.

Jordan woke up around 8:30. He looked around the room and saw Ella on his couch, he smiled to himself and walked over to her "Hey love" he said with a smile. He placed his hands on her arms and kissed the top of her head "I hope you slept good" he asked.
"Of course we can go to bed. I have a spare shirt and pyjama pants if you want to borrow them." Adrian got up and gripped Alissa's hand as he heaved her up. Still holding her hand, he led her down the hall to his bedroom on the right. Luckily, he had cleaned up since his arrival, so the room was spotless. Heading over to the dresser, he got out two pairs of pants and one shirt. "I hope you don't mind, but it feels a littlw warm to wear a shirt to bed. Is that okay?" He tossed Alissa the grey shirt and red plaid pants as he took off his own pants and slipped on his pyjama ones. "You can use the bathroom if you wish to change in there." He smiled at her, bare chested and full of adoration and love.

"Thanks for the shirt and pants" Alissa thanked Adrian with a smirk "It's ok" she said with a light squeeze of his hand. Alissa hugged Adrian before she walked into the bathroom, undressed, redressed, and wipe off most of her makeup. Alissa walked back out into his bedroom, and hugged him. After she hugged Adrian, she kissed him; her kiss with soft and sweet, like a bag of Marshmallows. Alissa pulled away and slid into his bed , and waited for her love. She rubbed her arm under the covers, and then laid head down. She looked up at Adrian and giggled, then smiled.

Adrian gently slide under the covers and got nice and close to Alissa. Pecking her crown, he felt the delicate ends of her soft, gorgeous brown hair tickle his bare chest. He didn't mind though. Getting comfortable, he snuggled deeply into the soft, thick doona (duvet if that's what you call it :) ) and wrapped one arm around the Alissa's midrif. His bedside lamp was the only glow in the room, but her pretty face, sparkling eyes and stunning pearly whites were still clearly visible. "Love you, Honeyqueen." Adrian whispered, and smiled widely. Suddenly, a yawn washed over him and he felt his eyelids instantaniously become heavy. "I'm ready for sleep. I'll see you in the morning, gorgeous." He winked at Alissa and grinned cheekily before he reached over to his bedside table and switched off his lamp, sending the room into total darkness, apart from the dim moonlight filtering through the blinds.

Alissa snuggled into Adrian, their body heat almost making a cocoon. "I love you too, Adrian" she whispered, her arms were around his arms, which were around her stomach. She placed her head under her chin, and kissed his cheek "Goodnight Adrian, see you in the morning" she said with a slight smile. As the words fled her mouth, she could feel sleep pulling her eyelids down, and she was pulled into a deep sleep. She was still snuggled in close with Adrian, and she had no problem sleeping with him; Adrian was her lover, protecter, soul mate, and the one she could trust with anything.

((Time skip))

About 10:30 in the morning, the strikes of lightning jolted through the blinds. Alissa was awakes by a humongous crack of thunder, and a extremely bright flash of lighting. Her eyes didn't bolt open, but the second crack of thunder and lighting made her flinch. She looked at Adrian and pulled hr self closer to him, her chest almost 'buried' in his bare chest. She knew she wasn't going to fall back asleep, but she didn't want to get out of bed. Alissa laid in Adrian's bed, and she stayed with Adrian until he woke up.

Adrian's eyes gently flickered open, to be met with a bright flash which was evidently lightning, and the thunder that followed. Raising his back into an arch, stretching, he realised the was something laying on his chest. Peering down, he saw Alissa, staring into the corner of his bedroom. "Good-," he started, than looked at his clock on the bedside table. "-Morning Honeyqueen. Did you sleep okay?" Another bang of thunder echoed over the sky, which was obscured by a thick, dark cloud. He noticed that his sudden voice startled Alissa, at which he chuckled at. "Sorry to scare you. I just woke up. How long have you been awake for?" He asked, gently stroking her hair, letting it thread through his fingers.

Alissa looked up at Adrian "Good morning" she said with a smile. She nodded "Yes, of course I slept good." Alissa replied to his question "Hiwd you sleep?" She asked as the thunder's voice surrounded the sky "It's ok" Alissa told him as she placed her arms on his shoulders, and joins her hands behind his neck. Alissa pulled herself closer to him,'giving him a slight embrace. "Umm... I woke up about five minutes ago... I think" she guessed. Alissa looked up at Adrian, then laid her head on his shoulder; she softly kissed is cheek and nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck.

Adrian heaved a huge sigh, and plastered a content smile on his face. "So, we'll lie here for a bit, then I'll make you breakfast. Sound good?" He gently stroked the side of her face and looked at the ceiling, taking in the detail of the plain white paint. Snuggling deeper into the plush doona, he lifted Alissa's face to his and gave her a deep, loving kiss. He thoroughly enjoyed morning kisses, especially when they were with the girl of his dreams. "When you're ready, what would you like for breakfast? Anything you want, I'll make it for you. Okay? Anything." He pressed his forehead to hers and looked intently into her eyes, smiling widely. He couldn't help but get tingles whenever he looked at her. She really did make her heart race.

Alissa smiled, "Hmmm" she hummed contentally, and kissed him back, their lip defying the storm outside. She pulled away with some reluctance "I think I'll have some toast with some butter" she said with a smirk "And what am I making you with fabulous morning?" She asked with a giggle. She tilted her head up, so the tips of their noses and foreheads were were just touching. Alissa gave Adrian's lips a few little kisses, and then she unclasped her hands; dropping them by her side, then bringing one hand to Adrian's side. "I love you so much" she said softly, she looked back into his eyes, and her hearts beat sped up.
"I love you too, Honeyqueen." Adrian whispered back, smiling. "And you won't be making me anything. It's the morning after your birthday, and I still need to make it up to you after causing you so much grief." He pecked her cheek and slid out of bed, still in only his pyjama pants, and walked out to the kitchen, leaving Alissa lying in his bed. Thinking about her request, he decided to mix it up a little; French Toast. Getting out the grill and preparing the batter, it wasn't long before the whole dorm was filled with the sizzling scent of cinnamon toast and fresh fruit. He placed three pieces of the toast onto two separate plates, garnishing them with the fresh fruit, some lightly whipped non-fat cream and a generous drizzle of honey. Setting them down on the island counter, he called out to her. "Breakfast is ready!"
Alissa shook her head "no, I am going to make you something, whether you like it or not" she stated bluntly. Alissa slid out of bed and walked into the kitchen "It looks and smells amazing Adrian" she said with a smirk. She kissed him, and then took some cheese and eggs out from the fridge. She cleaned a pan and then began to make scrambled eggs. When she finished, s placed a few on her plate and Adrian's plate. "See, I did make you something" she said with a grin. She took a fork and scooped up a little of the eggs. Then some toast; te warm and plush bread coated her mouth with a layer of sugar. She didn't mind though, she looked over to Adrian "Amazing, just like you" she said giving him a deserved kiss.
The corners of Adrian's mouth lifted as he heard the compliment. After the kiss, he felt his cheeks redden slightly, much to his embarrassment. "Surely you don't mean that. You're the amazing one." He took a bite of his toast, and then placed some of the eggs onto his sweet toast. Taking a bite, he grimaced at the awful combination. "Ugh, that's not pleasant. I think I'll just stick to the eggs and toast separately." He smiled and winked at Alissa, taking a huge bite of toast, swallowing and washed it down with some orange juice. It wasn't long before both plates were licked clean (platonically of course) and Adrian had cleaned up. "Would you like to take a shower? I've got enough hot water and I can get clothes and toiletries for you, if you want." He asked Alissa nicely.

Alissa took one of Adrian's hands into hers. She thought about his question before giving him her answer; "Thanks for the offer, but I can take a shower in my dorm. You should have a shower in your own shower" she told him. Alissa looked up at Adrian, and smiled; she placed a soft kiss on his cheek. Them she began to bring her forehead to. She looked into his eyes and couldn't help but get lost in them. Alissa placed her head on his shoulder and held his hand a little tighter. She had her back on his front side, and slowly she brought he hand up, across his chest, and on the side of his head. She turned his Hea towards herself and rubbed her nose against his.
Adrian smiled widely, then pecked the tip of Alissa's nose. "Okey dokey then. You go off and freshen up, and I'll do the same. If you find the door is locked when you get back, I'm still getting ready." He walked her to the door then gave her a quick kiss. "Even though I love you with bed-hair, bags under your eyes and dark circles, I think you should still get clean." He winked then shut the door. Slipping the chain through slot and locking the handle, he picked out his clean clothes for the day, and jumped into the shower. The water didn't take long to heat up and within a couple of minutes he had finished, feeling as light as a feather. He slipped on his clothes and tousled his hair a little, unitl he was satisfied. Smiling to himself, he went back to the door, and unlocked it.

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