J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Alissa walked down to her dorm. She entered it and then locked the door with the chain, then the lock. She stood at her dresser, pulled out a pair of dark skinny jeans, a Grey and baby blue shoulders shirt, some toiletries, a pair of socks, and headed to the shower. She placed her clothes on the hanger on her door, and placed a towel on her bar. She undressed, and hopped into the shower, letting the warm water wake up her body. She washed herself, and got out of the shower. Alissa slid m to her new clothes and stood infront of her mirror. She took her mascara, lip balm, and eyeshadow from her bag and applied it all. The eyeshadow color was a tan color. She then finsihed drying her hair up, and through a fleece over her shirt. As she talked to her door, she slid into her grey UGGS. Alissa began to walk down to Adrian's dorm; when she reached his door, she placed a gentle hand on the handle and turned it. She pushed the door open, and stepped into his dorm "Hey Handsome" she said taking a step towards him.
Adrian waved a hand and giggled like a little girl, acting shy. "Oh shush Honeyqueen, you make me blush!" He said with a high pitched laugh, then ran over to her. He picked her up and swung her around, his lips firmly planted on hers the entired time. Gently placing her on his lounge, he ducked around the corner to the hall, calling out, "I'm just getting you something! Don't move an inch!" He slipped into his bedroom and reached under his bed and grasped the gift he had made for her. Holding it behind his back, he slowly walked back out to Alissa, letting the anticipation build. "So, I bet you're wondering what I've got? Well, here it is." He pulled it out from behind his back and held it his hands delicately, showing it to her. It was a canvas, with two people on it, surrounded by a sea of blues, greens and the occasional splash of purple and yellow. The two people were intricately detailed, their features clearly displaying that it was the two of them. And at the bottom, written in a thick white pencil, was a little saying: Our hearts won't last forever, but our love will last a lifetime. "I just wanted to get you something special, something I made myself. Consider it a late birthday present." He smiled meekly, worried that it was too much, or she wouldn't like it.
Alissa looked at the canvas in front of her, then back up to Adrian. "This is amazing Adrian, it really is" she said with a smile "I...I love it so much" she added running a finger over the waves and over both of the people. "No one has ever treated me like you do." She said "Thank you" she said with a soft smile. She placed the canvas on the table, and placed her hands on the side of his head. "You are amazing" she whispered "You're way to good for me" she added. Alissa brought one of her hands to his shoulder and the other to the back of his neck. She looked into his eyes, and drew her forehead up to his. His eyes enchanted hers, and she leaned into him for a kiss.
Adrian could feel magnetism draw them together, and the familiar feel of Alissa's lips made passion surge through him. She completed him as if she was the missing piece to his puzzle, a piece that had been missing for a very, very long time. Before the kiss could deepen and become a fierce make-out session, he pulled away. Smiling at her, he rested his hand over Alissa's and gently squeezed it. "I'm really glad you like it. You have no idea how long that took. And, I'm not too good for you. We were meant to be together, I truly, truly believe that." His body tingled when he said that, but he knew it was true. And he hoped it was evident to Alissa at how much he loved her. He gave her a quick peck on the lips just as his phone signalled a text message. "I'll be right back." He winked, even though his phone was on the kitchen island, almost no distance away. Reading the text, he couldn't control the emotion that swept through him, his mouth dropped and his eyes widened. And not in a good way.
Alissa watched him go back to the counter, when his mouth dropped, she shot up from the couch and ran next to Adrian's side. "What happened?" She asked in a shaky voice "You can tell me." She reassured him, Alissa couldn't help but feel a tad bit scared at nervous. What had happened?! She asked herself, not knowing the slightest bit of what happened. She looked up at Adrian; her head tilted, and her mind racing with thoughts. Alissa felt like something had happened to her too; she didn't know why, but she felt a sudden worry, then a shock.
The fear of the message flowed through him. All he could think about was what he had just read: "Hey Addy, haven't seen you in a while. I think it's about time we had a little 'private session' remember? Just like the old times. But hopefully this time you're better behaved. Although I liked it when I got to punish you. It won't be long before we reuinte. Love, IHU xoxo." Quickly putting on a happy face, he plastered on a fake smile. "Oh, I'm fine. Just peachy. Nothing to worry about, nothing at all." His smile was so evidently fake that if you looked at him from 100 metres away, you could see the fakeness. He didn't want to worry Alissa with his problems, especially with one as big as this.
Alissa looked at Adrian, "Adrian, please?" She pleaded. She put one of her hands on his arm and looked up at him. "You can tell me, I'll be there for you 100% of the time to back you up" she told him. Knowing that his smile was fake, she wouldn't be scared. She was going to be there for Adrian, forever and always; that is what a girlfriend does. And he has helped he through her problems, so it was time to return the favor.
Adrian saw the imploring look in Alissa's eyes, he felt the urge to tell her. Sighing, he decided that it was time. He had to tell someone about what occurred so many years ago. "Okay, this is a really tough topic for me, so please be patient." Already, tears had gathered in his eyes as the pain of the experience came flooding to the surface. "When I was younger, about 9, the owner of the orphanage, Mr. Legget, who was also my guardian, um..." He took a moment of deep breathing before he spoke again. His voice was shaking badly, and tears were flowing quickly. "He did things to me. He hurt me, both physically and sexually. And this happened until I was about 16. He just hurt me so bad..." His voice broke off and he buried his face in his hands, sobbing and shaking with the built up pain that he had kept from everyone for so long.
Alissa couldn't believe her ears as the news broke. She wrapped her arms around Adrian, moving his head to her shoulder and letting the tears soak her shoulder up. She didn't mind though; he had every right to cry, and she needed to be there for him. "I'm so sorry Adrian, you didn't deserve for any of that to happen" she spoke softly. Alissa ran her fingers through his hair, and gently rubbed his back comfortingly. "Don't worry, I'm here, I'm here" she said quietly into his ear. She held him tightly and make sure that he could feel her love, protection, comfort, and same feelings. Alissa continued to hold her embrace around Adrian, then a song came to mind, a song that almost made her smile, she cleared her throat "When we're together, nothing is better. 'Cuz out love makes the world stand still." she sang quietly. The emotion and feelings in that song where still there, and Alissa knew it.
Ella looked at jordan and smiled "I didn't sleep so great but how did you sleep?" Ella asked as she smiled and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of milk and made toast for her... She then made French toast for Jordan as she thought he could use some good breakfast made by his girlfriend...

(Sorry I haven't been on lately) [MENTION=2801]Coedy[/MENTION]
Adrian lifted his head from his hands, the tears still flowing but now silent. He looked at Alissa, and hearing those lyrics he felt a pang of emotion. He couldn't tell what it was, but it almost felt as though the hole in his heart was beginning to close. Looking into Alissa's eyes, he managed a shaky, but genuine smile, and tears of love began to fall. "I can't belive you remembered that," he said, his voice cracking. Grabbing a tissue, he wiped the salty fluids from his eyes, only to allow fresh tears to flow heavily. "You really do care about me, don't you?" His voice was filled with self-doubt, something he had suffered for so many years. In a sudden movement, he had wrapped his arms around Alissa's neck, crying into her neck.

Alissa rubbed his back "I could never forget it" she whispered. She looked down at him and rested her nose on the too of his head "Yes, I really do care for you Adrian" she said "because if I ever lost you, I would never be the same, and I will be lost" she said holding him tightly, and placing a little kiss on the top of his head. "I love you Adrian" she whispered, "I am forever yours, and you are forever mine." She said not taking her eyes off of him. Alissa ran a delicate hand over his hair, and her arm around Adrian."Shh, Shh," she whispered "You're ok now; you're safe" she added.
Jordan scratched his head "I slept ok" he said, taking a seat on the barstool. He watched Ella with a smile, Jordan took the plate when it came to him, and he took a little bite "This is amazing, love" he said with a smile. Jordan got some water and took a sip of it before taking another bite of toast.
"im glad you liked it babe" ella said with a smile.. "so babe what do you wanna do today?" ella asked wondering what he wanted to do with her
Jordan thought, "Why don't we get dresses in a few minutes, then go see a movie, then come back for our classes" he suggested as he finished his breakfast and placed his plate in the dishwasher.
"Sure babe that sounds like a great idea!" Ella said really excited. She went and jumped in the shower and got dressed and waited for Jordan to get ready so they could go to the movies... "Babe I wanna see the new paranormal activity" Ella said..
Jordan smiled "Slow down there princess, I need to get dressed too" he said with a smile and a little chuckle. He walked into his room and change into a light orange v-neck, and a pair of grey athletic shorts. "Alright, I'm ready" he said with a smile. Jordan slipped into his tennis shoes and put his arm around Ella's back. "Ready sweetie?" He asked kissing he cheek.
Ella smiled as if to say did you really have to ask that question.... "Of course I'm ready!" Ella walked out of Jordan's dorm to his car.. she was waiting for him to get there so they could leave she couldn't wait to see this new movie.. she was so excited that she was jumping up and down.. "babe did you know we only have about a year left at this school" Ella told Jordan as she started to get a bit upset.
Jordan climbed into his car, at Ella's remark, he smiled "Yes, I do know that we have a year left at this school, and then it's college time" he said with a chuckle "Hey, don't worry about it Ell, it's going to be ok" he said before kissing her cheek and turning on the engine. He pulled out of the parkinglot and drove to the theatre.
"Yes I am sure it will be ok.. but what if we go our separate ways and forget about each other?" Ella said as they pulled up to the cinema.. Ella walked in and paid for their tickets.... Ella went and pick the seat up the back.. when the ads were on.. Ella kissed Jordan on the lips.... She laid her head on his shoulder while the movie was starting
Jordan kissed Ella's forehead "I could never forget you" Jordan whispered into her ear. As the ads were almost done, he put his arm around Ella, and took one of her hands, he rubbed her arm as the movie began to roll.
Ella smiled at him and kissed his cheek.. as the movie began she kissed his lips one last time for a little while... She really didn't wanna go to collage as she was scared that she might be further away from Jordan then she hoped...
Jordan continued to watch the movie. He knew he would need to make his move before that year was up. Jordan placed his head on Ella's and felt his heart beat get faster as the movie pushed forward. He loved the Paranormal Activity series, even if they could be pointless at times.
Ella jumped and she felt her heart race... She hid her face in jordans chest... As the movie ended and they were walking out of the movie theatre they walked past the jewelry shop.. Ella spotted a beautiful ring... She showed it to.Jordan as they kept walking she always thought if Jordan was ever gonna make a move on her... "Jordan I just want you to know that I love you" Ella said as they got in the car..
Jordan made a mental note of the shoppe the ring was in. He followed Ella to his car, and looked over at her "I love you too Ella" he said giving her a passionate kiss. He pulled out of the parking lot, and began to drive back to school.

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