J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Alissa kissed him back "Thanks for the reminder" she said with a smirk. She wrapped her hand around his waist and smiled "Yes, there is something I want to do" she said standing up and pulling herself closer to him. "Can I have this dance?" She asked with a soft voice and a soft smile. Alissa rubbed his sides where his hands were, and kissed his cheek. Alissa felt a certain responsibility when she was against his body, e needed to be there for him, wherever and whatever.

Jordan stood up with Ella, he wrapped his arms around her and walked into the school. He sat her down in his bedroom, on his bed. "But, she will be" he said "she'll be right here" he said tapping on Ella's heart. Jordan embraced Ella, and kissed her forehead "Let all of the tears out sweetheart, I'm here for you" he said softly. Jordan continues to hold her tightly.
Ella felt happy that he was there comforting her thats all shes every wanted is a guy to be just like Jordan. "Thank you, why didnt i meet you earlier?" Ella said with a smile on her face. She kissed him but pulled away quickly cause she thought that her tears would get in the way and ruin the kiss. Ella snuggles her head into Jordans chest she knew that she'd never wanna let him go. He was the one for her she could feel it, a smile crept up onto her face and she just suddenly laughed and expecting a weird look from Jordan.
"Why of course you can, my dear lady." Adrian said poshly with a cheeky smirk. Getting into the position, Adrian took the lead and started to step the Viennese Waltz. He had been trained by his foster mother, who had been a professional ballroom dancer and she had even won a couple of competitions. The moves came easily to him, so he was able to steer Alissa carefully around the room, even though it was evident that she was not very good at the Viennese Waltz. Giving her a little spin, he drew her back into his arms, and looked at her with such an intesity and passion that it was almost frightening. "Always, always, always remember that I am here for you, that I will always love you and never, ever will I let you down. And I hope you would do the same for me." Giving her a quick, but intense kiss on her lips, he pulled back slightly, smiling softly. "My sweet, lovely Honeyqueen." He whispered then drew her close to his body, and they just swayed around the room, their arms locked around each other.
Alissa knew she wasn't very good at the Viennese Waltz, but oh well. "Of course. I will always love you, and know you love me." She said softly. Alissa rested her head on his shoulder, and let her body sway, against Adrian's. Suddenly, a thought came to her mind "Do you know the Tango Handsome?" She asked with a slight smirk and giggle. She spun Adrian around, and then looked into his eyes when he stopped spinning.

Jordan shrugged "No idea." He said "I guess it was fate" he said with a smirk. When Ella laughed,'he chuckled and looke down at her "What's so funny Ell Bell?" He asked after pecked her forehead. Jordan rubbed her back gently and then up her neck, to the back of her neck.
"Ooh, no I don't." Adrian returned her smirk after the room had stopped spinning. "It's nice to know that I'm not the only good dancer in the room though." He smiled cheekily, and followed Alissa's lead, which he found difficult but fun at the same time. After a couple of minutes, he began to get the basics down and started dancing a bit more vigourously. He accidently stepped too hard and slipped on the wooden floor. Falling onto his back, he erupted into fits of laughter, holding his hand to his chest as it rose and fell quickly. Then, catching her by surprise, he grabbed Alissa's hand and pulled her on top of him, softening her fall, by grabbing her by her waist when she was off her feet and gently lowered her down onto his chest. "We're such good dancers aren't we?" He gave Alissa a cheeky wink.
Ella continued to laugh. "I dont know, i felt like laughing" Ella kissed the bottom of his chin as he was sitting up and she was lying down.. Jordan had no idea what Ella was thinking but Ella invited Jordan's mum over, Ella knew how jordan hadn't seen his mum in ages so Ella took the liberty of inviting her over for the weekend. "Jordan i have a surprise for you" Ella said with a smile on her face, there was suddenly a knock on the door. "Jordan do you wanna get that? im sort of busy" Ella said as she was preparing the cupcakes that she had made and hid from Jordan in the kitchen. She was putting on the finishing touches.
Alissa giggled "The best" she said, giving him a wink and a smirk. She took both of his hands into hers and kissed him passionately. She felt he deserved it; he was a very strong guy. Emotionally and physically. Alissa pulled away reluctantly and set her head next to his chin. She slid her hands to his sides, and held onto him tightly. She looked up at him and smiled with a bright, warm, and loving smile. Alissa moved one of her hands to his face, and cupped his cheek in her own hand, gently rubbing the side of his face.

Jordan shrugged "Mmkay" he said getting up to get the door. When he opened it, he saw his mom "Mom!?" He proclaimed. Jordan gave his mom a hug and then welcomed her inside, "Take a seat on the couch mom" he said with a smile. "Ell, you coming?" He asked with a smile. Jordan waited for Ella's return as he caught up with things back in His hometown.
Ella heard Jordan's call "Yeah, i'm coming babe" Ella yelled from the kitchen, she walked out of the kitchen with the cupcakes that she had made. "Hi, you must be Jordan's mum? Well i'm Ella, it's nice to meet you" Ella said hoping to make a good impression infront of his mother. Ella hoped that his mum wouldnt bring up things about her mum as she had only passed a few days ago. Ella went in the kitchen and started making coffee or a certain beverage that they had wanted. As she walked out with the tray of beverages, she sat them on the table. As Jordan and his mum caught up, Ella went into the bedroom got her pjs and was off to have a shower. After she got out of the shower and walked out of the bathroom, she relised how much of a bond him and his mum had so she didnt wanna ruin it. Ella took her mobile off the kitchen bench and started texting her best friend to tell her everything like she normally does. After a few minutes she walks back out to the lounge room where they are sitting and having a good ol' chat "Do you's want more coffee?" Ella asked being nice. It was about 10:30pm and Ella had work in the morning so she had to get up early. Ella walked back out with the coffee and said "uhm, i have work early in the morning so im gonna head off to bed, it was nice to meet you though." Ella walked over and gave Jordan a hug and a passionate kiss. She walked off into the bedroom and slid under the covers and went to sleep.
Adrian smiled lightly to himself, feeling tingles wave through him at Alissa's gentle touch. He loosely wrapped his arm around her shoulder, gently stroking her collarbone. The floor was actually quite comfortable, and he felt himself relax, almost sighing in relief. He felt so lucky to have Alissa. She truly made him feel as though she completed him. She brought love, live, warmth, care and compassion into his life, something he had missed for so long. Even though he had his foster family, it wasn't the same kind of love they brought to him as Alissa did. He closed his eyes, not sleepy at all, and daydreamed the future, which hopefully had Alissa in it. He saw the two of them sitting on a swinging bench on a porch, age lines delicately marking their faces. Children surrounded them, and everyone had large smiles on their faces.
Jordan said goodbye to his mom, and walked her out in the hall. "See you in a year" he called as he turned back into his dorm. He changed into just athletic shorts. Jordan slid in next to Ella, and wrapped his arms around her "Goodnight Ella, sweet dreams" he whispered as he kissed the back of her head. He instantly fell asleep. Jordan still had his arms around Ella, and he love the way she felt next to him.

Alissa nuzzled into Adrian's chest, he was very warm. She loved the way his skin felt against hers; her body had a tingly feeling running through it. But she didn't mind; it made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. She loved Adrian so much; he was the one thing thing mattered most in her life; and the one thing she could never ever live without. Alissa also closed her eyes, but not daydreaming, she just needs to think a few things through. "I love you Adrian" she whispered softly,
Ella woke up early in the morning, she woke up Jordan hoping he could calm her down. She had just had a nightmare about her mother. She shook Jordan but he wouldn't budge, she got up and got a glass of water and went back to bed, all she did was lye there because she was too scared to go back to sleep incase she has a nightmare again. She had to get up for work in about 3 hours, she grabbed her phone and texted her bestfriend about it. Her friend is so supportive of her, she just told her to breathe and calm down. Then she thought Jordan has woken up "Jordan? are you awake?" She asked but she finally relised that he was asleep he just moved. All she could do was lye there so she grabbed a movie and put it on and watched it with the volume down so Jordan could sleep but enough that she could hear it.
"I love you too, my Honeyqueen." Adrian snapped out of the daydream as Aliss'as voice broke the silence. He gently rubbed up and down her spine, kissing the top of her head. He adjusted himself to get a bit more comfortable, and snuggled Alissa closer to him, sliding down so that they were face to face, lying side by side on the floor. He noticed a glazed look over Alissa's gorgeous eyes, to which Adrian was slightly perplexed by. "What are you thinking about? Or are you daydreaming? It's nothing bad is it?" He saw the glaze disappear almost instantaniously from her eyes, indicating he had snapped her out of her deep concentration. Adrian furrowed his eyebrows, and looked at Alissa with a curious look.
Jordan woke up at the sound of Ella's voice "Whats wrong Ell?" He asked. He sat up and rubbed her shoulders. His eyes didn't leave Ella; he looked at her, and kissed her cheek. Then scootched himself closer to her, giving her a better embrace. He wanted o make sure everything was alright.

Alissa shook her head "No, it wasn't anything bad, don't worry" she said to him. Alissa took one of his hands into hers and looked into his eyes "Well; I was thinking about our future together, and them I had a little dream about us." She said with a smile. She rubbed her fingers over his knuckles and pecked the tip of his nose, up to the center of his curried eyebrows. Alissa smirked and held their hands up in the air. She looked over at him and then to the ceiling.
Ella was still freaking out.. "Jordan i had a nightmare about my mother and im afraid to go back to sleep" Ella said honestly. She was shaking like crazy, she laid back down and started to fall asleep again "Jordan can you hold me while i fall back asleep?" Ella asked as she needed someone to hold her. She fell asleep, the next time she woke up was when her alarm went off to get up and get ready for work. She went and got changed and did her hair and makeup, she didnt relise that Jordan was awake.. Ella made her way out to the kitchen to have some breakfast.
"Oh really?" Adrian was surprised to hear that she had been thinking about what he had been daydreaming about. "And what did you see? Was it happy and fulfilling? I hope so, because if it wasn't, then you're dream about our future is totally wrong." He gave a little smile. "And do you know why? Because my life is already filled with happiness that even a natural disaster couldn't ruin it for me. All I need in my life is you." He gave her a short, sweet kiss on the lips, then gave her a cheeky little smile. "And food, water, clothes, electricity, a soft bed, a TV, lots of DVD's, a big, comfy couch, toiletries, a sturdy home," He paused and put his index finger to his lips. "Hmm, did I miss anything else? I think I pretty much covered it all, but do you have anything to add? You should, because you're part of the things I need, and sometimes I don't like to share." He winked and stuck his tongue out, his cheeks rising and crinkling the underneath of his eyes, showing a brilliant white smile.
Alissa though about what she'd just though and daydreamed about "it was extremely happy and fufilling" she said with a smirk. She looks over at Adrian, and couldn't help but let out the giggle that Adrian seemed to love "What to add..." She though "Music, family, love, freedom, air, salad, and..." She paused "support" she said with a smile. "Now Adrian, sharing is caring" she said in a high pitched monotone voice, she couldn't help but to burst out laughing. She looked over at Adrain and managed to pulled it a smile.

Jordan stood up after Ella had started making breakfast. "Morning sweetheart" he said giving her a kiss and a hug. He quickly changed into his days clothes then walked back out to the kitchen.
Ella turned around to hear Jordans voice, "Morning to you" she smiled "Hey, i was wondering if when i get home from work we do something special? but i will let you think about it and i want you to surprise me!" Ella said as she made her coffee and put it in a travel mug. "Bye babe, i love you" Ella said as she kissed Jordan passionately then she left for work. She really didnt wanna go to work as she didnt get much sleep last night because of her nightmares.
"You're too right. And you know what? I'm going to start sharing right now!" Adrian suddenly started to tickle Alissa, his long fingers darting all over her stomach, underarms, ribs and feet. It seemed that everywhere he touched she was super-ticklish. The look of pure happiness and her constant calling of "Stop it!" brought a large smile to his face and he started laughing too. His tickling got even more vigorous and both of them were laughing so hard they couldn't breathe. He fell flat on his stomach back onto the floor, gasping heavily for air, laughter still erupting from deep inside of him. This went for a couple of minutes, and finally Adrian had stopped and flung his arm out. He had attempted to wrap his arm around the back of Alissa's neck so he could bring her into a hug, but instead his hand accidently landed right on her breast. He quickly jerked his hand back as if he had touched a hot stove, horror all over his face. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" He said, his hands covering his mouth in horror.
"Goodbye princess" Jordan said kissing her goodbye, then finishing his breakfast. He walked into his bathroom and brushed his teeth. Then he left for his job, he climbed into his truck and drove off. He really didn't want to go to work, but he needed to if he wanted to be able to have a family.

Alissa was still squirming from all of the tickling. She held her sides and continued to laugh. She pushed the hair from her eyes, then looked over at Adrian. "It's ok, relax, it was an accident" she said softly. Alissa reached her hand out to his arm and ran her hand up and down his arm. She extended her other hand to the side of his face. Alissa moved her hands around his neck, and hughed him.
As Ella was at work she was still thinking on what Jordan had in mind to do when they both got back from work. She was on her lunch break so she decided to call him. "bring bring bring" the sound the phone made when it was trying to connect the phones together.. She really did wanna talk to him as this was the longest she had gone without talking to him she was getting scared... The phone connected and she smiled and started having a convo with him "Hey baby, what you doing?" she started off her convosation with her fiance.
Jordan smiled when he heard Ella's voice "Hey sweetie" he said "work" he added with a chuckle "Im just checking boxed right now, what are you doing?" He asked curiosly. Jordan proppe the phone between his face and shoulder.
Adrian hugged her back, tightly, gently rubbing her upper arm. "I really am sorry. I feel like I violated you. Please tell me you feel okay, and don't hate me?" He was on the verge of having a panic attack, all because of an accident. He started trembling, and memories began to flood back at him, memories that weren't particularly pleasant. Horror, guilt, fear and sadness all washed over him, causing him to feel like he was collapsing inside. He felt as though he had broken his most solemn vow: to never, ever, do to anyone what Mr. Legget did to him. "I'm so, so sorry. Please forgive me." He whispered into her ear. Then, feeling as though just saying it that once wasn't enough, he began repeating it, almost as if he was begging her for mercy before she murdered him. Which he felt that would have been suitable.
Ella smiled at his cutiness.. "not alot im just on my lunch break so.. did you have anything good in mind we can do when we get home tonight? if you need any suggestions we have; movies,hanging out,gong to dinner? if youthink of anything else just text me ok babe i love you but my lunch break is now over so i have to go, talk soon bye?"
"Adrian look at me" Alissa said pulling out of his hug. She looked into his eyes and held his shoulder back "I don't hate you Adrian, it was an acident!! I understand!!" She told him. She brought her lips to his and looked up into his eyes "I forgive you" she mumbled against his lips. Alissa kept close to his face "Hush," she said quietly "you don't need to feel guilty baby" she whispered into his ear.

Jordan smiled "I can't tell you Ell, sorry. Talk later" he said "Bye" he added as she set the phone down and finsihed packing up the boxes. He then started to sort through the mail.0
Immediately, Adrian felt his panic soothe. Alissa just had that effect on him. "Thank you. I don't know what came over me. I'm not normally like that." He sat up and rubbed the back of his head. Stretching his arms above his head, he got up and headed over to the stainless steel fridge. Opening it, he noticed that a couple of shelves were looking a bit bare. "Do you want anything to eat, Honeyqueen? I'm starving." He got out a couple of carrots, celery and cheese and chopped them up into sticks. Quickly whipping up a dip in the food processer, he assembled it all on a little platter and munched on a carrot stick with some of the dip drooping on the end. Walking back over to Alissa, he sat on the floor and set the platter down, offering her some. "If you don't want some, I can make you something else." He smiled gently and shoved a whole cheese stick into his mouth.

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