J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Ella was curious on what Jordan had planned for them but then again she does want it to be a surprise, She walks back to her desk and she starts working on the new work update folders, She got off early and as she got home she relised that Jordan wasnt home yet when normally he is home before she is. She puts her bag down on the table and goes and jumps into the shower when she gets out she hears the front door open. Ella gets changed into a singlet top and her fave sweatpants. "Jordan? is that you?" Ella asked a bit scared and confused.

Ella was curious on what Jordan had planned for them but then again she does want it to be a surprise, She walks back to her desk and she starts working on the new work update folders, She got off early and as she got home she relised that Jordan wasnt home yet when normally he is home before she is. She puts her bag down on the table and goes and jumps into the shower when she gets out she hears the front door open. Ella gets changed into a singlet top and her fave sweatpants. "Jordan? is that you?" Ella asked a bit scared and confused.
Alissa took a celery stock and gnawed on it. She looked over to Adrian and smirked "Fabulous dip" she said with a wink. Alissa stole another carrot and dipped it into the sauce. When she finished chewing, she yawned and stretched her arms over her head "Adrian would you mind if I stayed with you again tonight?" She asked

Jordan nodded "It is!!" He shouted through the dorm. He sat the counter and looked at Ella with a smile.
Ella smiled and ran up and jumped on Jordan, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "So what do you have planned for tonight?" Ella asked with her curious face. She went and got a drink of apple juice. She walked out and smiled at Jordan, "Babe i was wondering if tomorrow night we could start planning our wedding?" Ella asked as she really wants to get planning on this wedding. She had such a busy day that all she really wanted to do was snuggle with Jordan.
"Of course! Although, I'll let you go and get your own pyjamas, so you don't have to wear mine. Unless you want to..." Adrian trailed off with a wink and a quick peck on the lips. A little of the dip had smeared all over Alissa's bottom lip, so he wiped it off with his finger and licked it. "Hmm, I'll have to remember to use some of your lips in the next batch of dip. It tastes so much better!" He laughed and threw a flirtatious look at Alissa. "So, I'll start preparing dinner, and you'll go and get your jammies. Sound good?" He dropped his voice to a deep bass, trying to sound seductive. It didn't work though, so he snapped back into normal Adrian-face, whipped the platter off to the kitchen bench, where he placed the vegetables into containers and the dip in a separate container. He placed them in the fridge and opened the freezer to see what was available.

Jordan wrapped an arm around Ella's back and pecked her forehead. "We'll, I rented the first Pirates of the Caribbean" he said with a smirk "and then I went out and bought Stouffer's." He took the meals from the bag and set them on the counter. "That sound like a great idea Ella" he said kissing her again.

Alissa wrapped her arms around his neck and went up to her tippy toes. She giggled and pecked his cheek; she nodded and removed her hand from his neck. "I'll be back in a few" she said pecking his lips, and then turning around to the door. When she opened the door, cold air rushed to meet her. She walked to her dorm, and took athletic shorts, under wear, and a blue Vneck. She walked back to Adrian's dorm and knocked before entering "Honey I'm HOOME!" She said with a laugh. She set her clothes on the chair at his table. Alissa walked over to Adrian, wrapped her hands around his neck, and kissed him.

Ella laughed. "Babe, can you get me a drink?" Ella asked as she got plates and put the food on plates evenly.. She took the plates to the coffee table and she put the DVD in. Ella laid down on the couch and waited for Jordan to come and sit down next to her. "I'm very excited to watch this movie as i havent seen it in ages." Ella said as she smiled when Jordan walked out.
Jordan nodded, he got her a glass of water "Here you go, love" he said with a smirk. "I absolutely love this movie, I could watch it over and over!" He told her as he sat down; Jordan took his plate ito his hands, took a bite then set it down. After setting it down, he put his arm around Ella's shoulders and pulled himself closer to her.
Ella put her head into his chest, she ate her food and started watching the movie. During the middle of the movie she fell asleep even though she didnt mean too but she was that tired. Ella woke up about 1 hour later to see Jordan half asleep, she sat up and kissed Jordan on the lips just to wake him up. She smiled and grabbed her phone and took a pic of him and sent it to Jordan, just so he could see what he looks like when he is partially asleep. She giggled as his phone went off and ran into the bedroom to hid from him.
"Um, don't you remember? You're MY Honeyqueen, I'm not your Honey. But it's sweet to hear you say it." Adrian linked his hands around Alissa's back and kissed her back. He pulled away abruptly, immediately remembering something important. "You know, I'd love to stand here and smooch you all day and night, but if I don't get back to dinner, it's going to burn." He gestured to a wok on the kitchen counter, where a stirfry was sizzling. "Teriyaki chicken stirfry. Sound good?" He stirred a pot of boiling rice with his left hand and continuously flipped and mixed the stirfry to prevent it from catching and burning on the bottom. The aroma began to fill up the dorm and in only a couple of minutes, he had served up two bowls of stirfry. He sprinkled on a little saffron for extra flavour and grinned at Alissa. "Dinner is served." He winked and put on his famous cheeky smile and patted the stool next to him on the kitchen island, gesturing to Alissa to join him.

Jordan heard his phone to off in his back pocket, he opened his eyes and looked at the text. He laughed and stood up; Jordan started to walk around his dorm. When he reached his room, he saw Ella duck behind his door. He laughed and grabbed her by the waist and spun her around. He set her down and pecked her lips

Alissa giggled, she walked around to the island and stood by Adrian. She are her food with a smile on her face. When she was done, she looked up at Adrian. As she took on of his hands, she spun to the sink and set both of their plates in the sink. She wrapped her other hand around his back and pecked her cheek.
"Are you ready for dessert? Because I've spent all week preparing this." He walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bombe alaska, thickly coated in delicate cream. Pulling out a bottle orange liqeur, he sprinkled it over the top and grabbed a blowtorch from the drawer. Lighting it on the lowest setting, he slowly aimed it at the cake until it caught alight, it's orange flames flaring up nicely. "Presenting my masterpiece." Adrian looked at with a pleased smile on his face, then turned to Alissa. "Do you want a slice? You don't have to eat it while it's flaming, by the way. I wouldn't want to damage your gorgeous face." He gave his trademark cheeky smile, and brought Alissa into a kiss, letting the flames on the cake cackle away safely.

Alissa looked at Adrian "Tomorrow, I'm making everything; no exceptions" she told him. Alissa couldn't believe that he had me Alaska Flombay. Alissa turned to Adrian, and laid one of her hands on his cheek; "Sure, I'll have a slice" She said with a smirk. Alissa kissed Adrian back, and when she pulled away; her head was laying on his shoulder. She rubbed his neck and watched to Flombay; a true masterpiece.

Ella laughed at him.. "don't you just love me?" Ella said while grabbing his hands.Ella ran off into the kitchen and grabbed some chocolate. She heard Jordan so she hid the chocolate back in the pantry and went to sit on the couch..
Jordan chuckled, he followed Ella onto the couch, and wrapped his arm her shoulders. He pecked her cheek and rubbed her back. Jordan held onto Ell@; he rubbed her back and pecked her cheek.

Ella got tingles down her spine as Jordan rubbed her back, she laid her head onto his shoulder and she wrapped her arms around Jordan's waist. She smiled at the comfort of Jordan she was so comfortable that she didn't want to move. " babe can we stay here,I'm nearly comfortable"
Jordan smiled "I m ok with laying here or a while." He said with a smile. He chuckled "Why, Thank you or the wonderful compliment" he said with a smirk.
Adrian cut into the flaming cake with a fire-proof knife, and gently lifted the slice onto a plate. He grabbed a damp tea towel and threw it over the flames, dousing it immediately. He placed the piece in front of Alissa, and handed her a spoon. Cutting himself his own slice, he reached into the fridge and pulled out a massive bowl of whipped cream. "I'll have to remember not to get up early tomorrow, since your cooking." He winked and sat next to her. "And we have to go back to doing classes tomorrow as well, but in two weeks time you'll get to travel halfway across the world, just so you can meet my foster family." He smiled sweetly at her, taking a large mouthful of the warm cake. Sliding the bowl towards him, he spooned out some of the cream onto his plate. "Cream? I made it from fat-free milk, so you don't have to worry about calories." He asked.

Alissa took her plate gingerly, and plopped some cream on the top of her dessert. She took a spoonful of Flombay, and looked up at Adrian "Oh that reminds me" she announced after clearing her throat. "I have 3 hours of straight dance classes tomorrow." She said, heaving a big sigh. "And then after the three hours of dance, I go to half a hour of gymnastics." She told him "My classes start at 3 in the morning." She told him "And I get done at 6:30 in the morning. So if Im not here when you wake up, that's why." She said. Alissa set her cleared plate in the dishwasher, and turned back to Adrian "But I cannot wait to go half way around the world to meet your family." She said as she gave him a hug.
"Aw, I'll miss you. I like sleeping next to you. It makes me feel safe. But I'm glad to hear that you're excited to meet my family. And then next holidays we can go and visit your family. I can meet your mum, your sister and see Tucker again. That would be nice, wouldn't it?" Adrian spooned another large mouthful of decadent cake into his mouth, closing his eyes and slowing letting the spoon out from between his lips. "Mmm, that's good." He said in a faraway voice. He opened his eyes and looke intently at Alissa. "But you know what's even better than this delicious cake? You being with me." He leaned towards her and gave her a deep, sweet peck on her lips. Licking his own lips, he smirked. "Hmm, are you wearing lemon chapstick? Because I can taste lemon from your lips." He gave a cheeky smile and scraped his plate clean.


"Aw, I'll miss you. I like sleeping next to you. It makes me feel safe. But I'm glad to hear that you're excited to meet my family. And then next holidays we can go and visit your family. I can meet your mum, your sister and see Tucker again. That would be nice, wouldn't it?" Adrian spooned another large mouthful of decadent cake into his mouth, closing his eyes and slowing letting the spoon out from between his lips. "Mmm, that's good." He said in a faraway voice. He opened his eyes and looke intently at Alissa. "But you know what's even better than this delicious cake? You being with me." He leaned towards her and gave her a deep, sweet peck on her lips. Licking his own lips, he smirked. "Hmm, are you wearing lemon chapstick? Because I can taste lemon from your lips." He gave a cheeky smile and scraped his plate clean.

Alissa smiled "Aww, that's so cute" she said giving his nose a soft pupeck. "Sounds like a good idea." She said "Im sure mom would love to have company over for Christmas" she sairrrd smiling. Alissa blushed "Aw!" She said with a smile; Alissa kissed his lips and hugged him tight. "Yes, I am" she said with a giggle. Alissa got out of his hug and looked up at him "Im going toget ready for bed." She told him as she walked to the chair that she set her clothes on, and walked into his bathroom. She changed into the grey sweatshirt and black athletic pants. She walked out with a dirty clothes in her arms. She walked to Adrian, and ran her finger cross his chest and stomach. "I'm going into bed" she told him as she started walking over tthis bed[MENTION=2858]HarmonicBreeze[/MENTION]
Ella got up and went to bed all she wanted was a good nights sleep, whithout having nightmares about her mother's death.. "Jordan imma head off to bed alright? you can stay up if you'd like." Ella told him as she sleepily walked into the bedroom she was so tired that as soon as her head hit the pillow she fell straight to sleep.
Jordan nodded, he stretched a little bit, and slid in next to Ella. He wrapped his arms around her and laid hhis head on the soft pillow. He was soon in a deep sleep, and his body was warmed by the covers and Ella.
"Okay. I won't be long. I'm just going to tidy up a bit and then I'll join you." Adrian flashed Alissa a smile and waited for her to go to his bedroom. When she had shut the door, he fluffed up the pillows on the lounge and placed them neatly in the corners. He cleared away the dirty dishes and placed them into the sink, ready for washing tomorrow. He gave the benches a quick wipe down and checked the empty drawer to make sure his little secret was still well hidden. Heading back to the bedroom, he took off his clothes and put on a clean pair of pyjama pants, then hopped into the other side of the bed, next to Alissa. "We'd better get some sleep. Especially you, since you have to get up really early." He pulled a frowny face. "But I'll be here waiting for you. I don't have class until 11, so I have some spare time on my hands." He shrugged, the snuggled into the covers, bringing Alissa into an embrace. He reached over to the bedside lamp and switched it off. "Goodnight, my Honeyqueen." He whispered.

Alissa yawned before snuggling closer into Adrian's embrace. She kissed his cheek Before laying her head on the pillow. "Goodnight Adrian." She said softly. Alissa let her eyes close, and she drifted off to sleep. In her dreams, she saw visions if her and Adrian:together, and very happy. She was sleeping with a smile on her face for the rest of the night.

(*Time Skip*)

Alissa woke up at 1:30 in the morning, she slightly groaned and slipped out of Adrian's embrace. She walked to her 'pile of clothes' and pulled a sports bra, and athletic pants out. Then she walked into the bathroom and changed, after changing she walked into his kitchen and took a granola bar. He would never know how badly she felt for not making him breakfast. Then she slid into her neon green and blue Nike tennis shoes, and left for Dance. When she entered the dance room, only her teacher was there; she told Alissa it was a one on one practice. Alissa nodded and set her stuff down by the mirror. Alissa stood infront of the mirror and let the beat of the music move her, she would be doing ballroom, then breakdancing, then free dance for an hour each.
Adrian stirred and woke up to see Alissa had already gone and the moonlight shone dimly into his face. He rolled over and peered at the alarm clock on the bedside table. It read 1:57. Rolling back over, he felt the remaining body heat that Alissa had left and snuggled into that, falling back to sleep.

(*Time Skip*)

Adrian awoke for a second time at 7:22am. The sunlight was weakly filtering through the curtains, barely visible as it was shrouded by a bleak grey sky. Sighing, he got out of bed and stretched. Grabbing some clothes, he went into the bathroom and turned the shower on. After undressing, he let the warm water run over him, letting the feel give him goosebumps and wake him up. After he had finished washing his hair with lemon-scented shampoo and conditioner, he rinsed his body with a bar of oatmeal soap. It was good for the skin. He jumped out and dried off, dressing into a pair of tight, faded wash-out jeans, a dark green Henley's t-shirt and a light grey hoodie. Trundling into the kitchen, he was about to grab out something to make for breakfast, then he remembered what Alissa had told him. Looking at the wall clock, he decided that he could wait for Alissa, since classes weren't for a while.


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