J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Ella had a free period so when they got back Ella went.and laid on.Jordan's bed... She got re dressed and hoped into bed and fell asleep as she was very tired for being up early in the morning... When she woke up she relised that Jordan wasn't there she thought he had gone to class but school was over and it was time.for.the.weekend.. she started to worry were he was..
Jordan had orchestra for his class, then when school finished, he quickly got into his truck and drove to the jewelry shop. Making sure he had the 750$ cash; he walked into the shop. After picking out the ring, he paid, and drove back to school. He put the little bag in his pocket, and then arrived at school. He jogged to his room and opened the door to see Ella. He smiled; took his shirt off, and changed into sweatpants only. He climbed into his bed, and laid next to Ella "Hey" he said softly.
"Hey" Ella said softly... "Where were you?" Ella asked being her curious self... She smiled as she gave him a passionate kiss for like 5 mins .. she got up and got a drink... She really loved Jordan and if she ever lost him she would die...
Jordan smiled "class ran long" he lied. He kissed her back, as he kissed her; he thought of how to propose to her: but then he focused on her. "I love you so much Ell" he whispered
"i loveyou too" Ella said as she wrapped her arms around him.. she kissed his.cheek and ran off into the bathroom."babe can we just stay here?" Ella asked as she really didn't wanna do anything.
"Of course" Jordan said, when she came back he said to her "But we need to go to somewhere tonight, I need to do something, and you must come with me" he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He held her tight and smiled down at her "and I know you'll want to come with me" he told her with a wink.
Ella got curious so she starts bugging Jordan about what it is even though he will never give in..... "Babe where are we going?" That's all she really wanted to know... At the time ticks by she starts to get ready.. she walks out of the bathroom in her fave black pair of heels, her purple dress and her hair done in a bun... She thought that she should look nice for this thing that their doing.
Jordan smiled "You look fabulous" he said "But I can't tell you where we're going" he told her with a chuckle. He changed into a pair of dark jeans, and a nice shirt. He sprayed some cologne on himself, then wrapped his arm around Ella's back. I need to blindfold you though darling" he said placing a blindfold over her eyes, and leading her out to his truck, and placing her inside.
Ella felt weird being blindfolded... "Babe when.are we gonna get there?" Ella asked hoping they werent too far away...she felt the car stop she thought they were there... But again she couldn't take off the blindfold... She started to panic... He heaet started racing and.she.could feel it.. "babe can we get there soon.. I'm starting to freak" as she said that she heard the car stop and heard Jordan getting out.. Ella heard her door open... As Jordan led her to this place she felt calmer and safe..
Jordan led Ella put of his car, he led her to the boardwalk and took the ring from his pocket, he got down on one knee and opened the little container the ring was in "Alright Ella, take off your blindfold" he said with a smile. He couldn't wait to see her face. They were both 20, so he figured that before they graduated college, he would propose. He looked up to Ella, waiting for her blindfold to be removed.
Ella removed the blindfold to see Jordan with the ring she wanted.. he was down on one knee.. she started to cry happy tears.. "what Is this?" She asked.. she was in so much shock... Ella bent down and whispered in his ear "yes I will marry you" she stood back up.. she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.. her mind was going bonkers... She couldnt believe that she was getting marred to the one giy she has always wanted to marry..
Jordan smiled, he wrapped his arms around Ella's waist and kissed her. He was over joyed; his only true love was netting married to him. He pulled away reluctantly, and rubbed Ella's ear. He slid the ring on her finger, and looked up at Ella. "I told you, I would ask you to marry me when the time was right, and right now; this is perfect" he whispered into her ear. He kissed her again.
Ella smiled within the kiss then all of a sudden she bursts out laughing... "Yeah babe you did, but am I the one girl you wanna be with forever?".she just wanted to.know... but before he could answer she kissed him again... "Come-on let's go back to the apartments..." Ella said.. while they were driving Ella put her head on his legs she started falling asleep.. in the end by the time they got back she was asleep...
Jordan nodded "The one and only" he whispered into her ear as he turned the car off, and stopped in the school parkinglot. He got out of his side, and then walked to Ella's side. He opened her door, and carried her inside; he set her down in his dorm, and laid down beside her. Jordan pulled the covers over them and wrapped his arms around Ella, he kissed her forehead and leaned his head on hers.
Ella woke up feeling happy.. She looked over at Jordan she smiled.. she wanted to leave him there to sleep.but instead she kissed him to make him awake.. as she went to pull away from him she felt his grip tighten... She sat on top.of him and continued to.kiss him..
Jordan pulled Ella down ontop of him, he kissed her over and over, until his lips hurt. He took a deep breath, and kissed her again. "Your all mine Ell Bell" he said with a smile. He rubbed her back and rubbed his nose against hers.
Ella laid on him... "Babe you know you are very comfortable" she said as she did that giggle that Jordan loved.. she kissed his neck slightly.. then she kissed his lips.. she got up "babe I feel like making pancakes.. so come help me" she said as she dragged Jordan. Out of bed just to make pancakes..
Jordan laughed "We'll thank you sweetheart" he said, he "Sure, I'll help you make pancakes" she said following her up and out of bed. He wrapped his arms around her and walked to the kitchen, and pulled out the supplies for pancakes.
Ella made the pancake batter while Jordan actually cooked them while he was cooking them.. Ella went up behind him and hugged him... She was sstanding on her tippy toes... "Babe when we leave next yr are we gonna find a place together?" Ella asjed as she was kinda curious...
Jordan took Ella's hands into his and kissed her softly. "Yes, we will" he said with a smile. He turned back to the stove and flipped the last pancake. He set it on the plate "There you go Cinderella" he said with a smirk.
Ella ate the pancakes like she was Cinderella being treated. "Jordan, can we go for a walk?" Ella asked as she felt like going for a walk. "You dont have to come, i was just asking you incase you actually wanna come." She said as she got changed into a singlet and sweatpants and put her joggers on.. Ella kissed Jordan on the lips. She could feel his eyes on her as she left, she wasnt gonna be long. She went through an alley and she was at the beach. Ella sat on the sand for a little while just to think. It was starting to get dark so she left.
Adrian felt the heaving sobs begin to subside, lifting his head out of the crook in Alissa's neck and gave her a warm, but still heavily shaken smile. He wiped more cascading tears away with his thumb and he let out a large sigh. "Thank you," he said, his voice small and fragile. "It's nice to know that somebody cares for me. Because without you, I would be totally alone. Not a single person in my life to help me through moments like this." He gave a sorrowful smile. Then, an idea sprang to mind. "Honeyqueen, are you doing anything for the holidays? They're only two weeks from now and I was wondering if you'd like to come back to Australia with me? I go every holidays. But, I would be happy to spend the holidays with your family if that's okay. Or would you rather do something by yourself? I'm going to let you decide." He gently grapped her hand and rubbed his thumb over her knuckles.


Adrian felt the heaving sobs begin to subside, lifting his head out of the crook in Alissa's neck and gave her a warm, but still heavily shaken smile. He wiped more cascading tears away with his thumb and he let out a large sigh. "Thank you," he said, his voice small and fragile. "It's nice to know that somebody cares for me. Because without you, I would be totally alone. Not a single person in my life to help me through moments like this." He gave a sorrowful smile. Then, an idea sprang to mind. "Honeyqueen, are you doing anything for the holidays? They're only two weeks from now and I was wondering if you'd like to come back to Australia with me? I go every holidays. But, I would be happy to spend the holidays with your family if that's okay. Or would you rather do something by yourself? I'm going to let you decide." He gently grabbed her hand and rubbed his thumb over her knuckles.

Alissa rubbed his back again, and kissed his nose "You're welcome." She said with a warm smile "I kknow how you feel; remember the whole Tucker thing?" She asked "You're the only one outside of my family that cared about be, and made sure I was comforted and loved." she brought back the memory with a half smile. As Adrian asked her about holidays, she shook her head "No, I'm not doing anything" she said. Her smile was brightened up; Alissa looked into his eyes "Of course I'll go to Australia with you!" She said with a big big smile. Alissa leaned he forehead against his, and took his other hand into hers "I would be crazy not to spend the holidays with you and your family!" She said with a giggle, she rubbed her nose on his and began leaning her lips down to his.

Jordan followed Ella, not feeling safe letting her leave at that time of night. He sat down beside her on the bench and smiled "Hey sweetheart" he said taking one of her hands. Jordan pecked her forehead, and looked out into the night sky. The sunset was very special that night.
Adrian felt joy fill him up. "Great!" His whole face lit up and he planted a long, sweet kiss on Alissa's lips. "Just remember, they are my foster family, not my biological family. But I've lived with them for four years, so they basically count." He entwined his hands around her neck and leant his forehead on hers. The tips of their noses touched and Adrian let out a soft giggle. Using his peripheral vision, he looked at the wall clock. "So, since tomorrow classes start again, is there anything you would like to do today? I'm happy to do anything, if you want to go to a cafe or take a walk or whatever." He pecked the tip of her nose lightly, smiling.
Ella looked up to see Jordan sitting next to her "hey" she looked down again at her phone. She had just got a text message from the hospital her mum was in, it told her that her mother had passed away all Ella needed was to take a walk and think. She felt so upset that she started to cry. "Babe i just wanna go home, can we?" Ella asked as she got up off the bench and started walking back to the school. All she could think about was her mother, she kept thinking that now her mother wont be at her wedding or she never got to meet Jordan.. Ella was so disappointed in herself she had let all the time she has been with Jordan her mother never got to meet him. "Jordan im sorry you never got to meet my mother, she was really wonderful and it hurts me that she wont be at our wedding" Ella choked out as she started to cry again.

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