J. Parks Academy for the Talented

When Alissa's classes finished, she rushed off to her dorm. Before she got into the shower, she took a set of medium blue jeans, a blue and white stripped shirt, and a green, blue, and black zip-up hoodie. Alissa brought her clothes and herself to the shower; after turning the water on, she quickly undressed. When she had finished washing her body with her coconut and shay butter body wash, and lavender and honey sickle shampoo; she dried her body off and slipped into her new clothes. Alissa parted her hair, and put a few products in it. After she was done, she slipped her feet into her grey, fuzzy slippers and made her way down to Adrian's. as she approached his door, she quietly opened it and snuck up behind him. "Boo!" She said as she wrapped her hands and arms around her waist. She kissed his cheek, and stepped forward into the kitchen. Alissa started to make pancakes and scramble eggs. As both of the foods were cooking, she pulled two plates and two cups out.
"Aagh!" Adrian feinged surprise, throwing his hands up in the air, his face full of mock terror. "Oh goodness, you scared me!" He gave his trademark flirty wink and sat himself at the kitchen island, swivelling in the chair. "I heard your footsteps Honeyqueen, you didn't scare me. But thanks for trying to give me a heart attack. Besides that though, what are we having for breakfast? I'm anticipating your excellent culinary skills." As she walked into the kitchen and started cooking the pancakes and scrambled eggs, he sniffed the air. "Mmm, smells great. I guess you watching me cook for you has taught you a thing or two." He winked and chuckled, amused by his own fake immodesty.

Alissa smiled "You are having Pancakes and scrambled eggs." She told him as she turned towards him and winked. Then she turned back to the stove. When the skillet was a good temperature, she poured the batter. But this batter wasn't any old batter; it was her mom's recipe which she was taught to by her mother. Something that she would never ever forget, and something that her mother used to say was "A way to a man's heart is through his stomach." That was partly true. Alissa was in the edge if dazing when she heard Adrian's voice, then giggled. Alissa turned around and placed a shorts tack on his plate, then a side of eggs. She took a fork and knife from his utensil drawer, and set then in front of Adrian. Then she slid the plate in between the two utensils, and smiled. "Dig in!!" Alissa proclaimed, then she turned around. Alissa cleaned the skillet off, and then set it on his drying rack, and then she placed her pancakes and eggs on her plate. She also took two utensils, and took a seat next to Adrian. "So, how did I do?" Alissa asked before taking her first bite of warn food.
Ella giggled at his comment, "Jordan, Why did you pick me out of all the other girls that live here at the school?" Ella asked as she was curious on what he might say cause she always wondered why he would pick her out of all of the girls that live at the school. She got up and grabbed a cookie off the table. She was on her way to bed when she looked over at Jordan who she didnt wanna leave but she knew that if she laid there for much longer she would of fallen asleep.

((Sorry i havent been on in a while, i havent had acess to a computer! :D ))
"Mmm," Adrian rolled the warm pancake throughout his mouth, then swallowed. "It's pretty good. It's nearly better than mine!" He joked. "Just kidding, it's fantastic. You get better and better everyday I spend with you, you know that?" He took a mouthful of egg, then pecked Alissa on the cheek. A little egg slipped from between his lips and stuck onto her cheek. "Oops, let me wipe that off." He grabbed a napkin from underneath his cutlery, and delicately dabbed at the mark he left. "My gorgeous Honeyqueen," he whispered softly. "What would I do without you? Life is so much better with you in the picture." He placed his hand underneath her chin and moved her face gently to face him. Slowly, he leant in and placed a soft, delicate kiss on her lips. He felt tingles flood throughout his body, causing a smile to lift the corners of his mouth. "Thanks for breakfast." He said, taking another mouthful of scrumptious food.


"Mmm," Adrian rolled the warm pancake throughout his mouth, then swallowed. "It's pretty good. It's nearly better than mine!" He joked. "Just kidding, it's fantastic. You get better and better everyday I spend with you, you know that?" He took a mouthful of egg, then pecked Alissa on the cheek. A little egg slipped from between his lips and stuck onto her cheek. "Oops, let me wipe that off." He grabbed a napkin from underneath his cutlery, and delicately dabbed at the mark he left. "My gorgeous Honeyqueen," he whispered softly. "What would I do without you? Life is so much better with you in the picture." He placed his hand underneath her chin and moved her face gently to face him. Slowly, he leant in and placed a soft, delicate kiss on her lips. He felt tingles flood throughout his body, causing a smile to lift the corners of his mouth. "Thanks for breakfast." He said, taking another mouthful of scrumptious food.

Alissa smiled, she giggled, then blushed. She looked at Adrian, and laid her head on his shoulder, she wrapped an arm around his back and rubbed his side. "You're welcome, anything for you!" She said with a smirk. Alissa placed her finger tip on the end of his nose, and then lifted her head from his shoulder. She finished off the last of her food on her plate, brought the plate to the dishwasher, stuck her utensils and plate into the dishwasher, and then walked back to Adrian. "So, what do you want to do before classes, and you have to choose something." She said with a smile and a little giggle. Alisa laid her head on his shoulder and softly kissed his cheek then the base of his neck. She placed an arm around his neck, and ran her fingers up and down his jawline.[MENTION=2858]HarmonicBreeze[/MENTION]
Adrian felt Alissa's silky touch tickle the light stubble that lined his jaw. "Well, I have class at 11, so," he glanced at the wall clock, reading the time. "We have around three hours of time to ourselves. How about we go for a walk? I need the excercise and the rain has slowed down." As if on cue, lightning flashed and thunder crackled and the rain seemed to come down harder. "Hm. I guess that option is no longer available." He slumped his shoulders and tapped his index finger on his chin in thought. "How about we do 100 sit-ups?" Suddenly, he was on the floor, pushing himself up and down, the muscles in his arms rippling as he forced himself to rise and fall. He reached the final sit-up and leapt back into the stool. "I'm sorry, I need the excercise. Just come with me and sit on the lounge." He took her hand and led her to the lounge, where he sat her down. He sat behind her, and stroked his fingers through her silk-like hair.


Adrian felt Alissa's silky touch tickle the light stubble that lined his jaw. "Well, I have class at 11, so," he glanced at the wall clock, reading the time. "We have around three hours of time to ourselves. How about we go for a walk? I need the excercise and the rain has slowed down." As if on cue, lightning flashed and thunder crackled and the rain seemed to come down harder. "Hm. I guess that option is no longer available." He slumped his shoulders and tapped his index finger on his chin in thought. "How about we do 100 sit-ups?" Suddenly, he was on the floor, pushing himself up and down, the muscles in his arms rippling as he forced himself to rise and fall. He reached the final sit-up and leapt back into the stool. "I'm sorry, I need the excercise. Just come with me and sit on the lounge." He took her hand and led her to the lounge, where he sat her down. He sat behind her, and stroked his fingers through her silk-like hair.

Alissa giggled, she watched him do 100 sit-ups, with a smirk on her face. She quickly cleared his empty plate, and then joined him on the lounge. She nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck, and took one of his hands. She rubbed her fingers over his knuckles and inched herself closer to him. Alissa slid her hand to the side of his face, she gently moved his head to the side that she was on. When his head was looking down at Alissa, she brought herself up, and brought her lips to his. She kissed him with passion, and happiness; as she pulled away, she noticed a little of egg on his lips. Alissa giggled and brought her soft thumb to his upper and lower lip; her soft finger gently wiped away the egg, an then she smiled. "You had a little egg there." She told him with a giggle. "Oh and just so you know, you are the first guy that I know of that can do 100 sit ups in less than 10 minutes." She told him as she gave Adrian a gentle hug, then laid her head on his shoulder once again.

"I'm glad to hear that. It means that I'm strong enough to carry you bridal style over the thresh-hold on our wedding day." Adrian winked and let out a soft laugh. He leant back and lied flat on his back, sinking into the soft cream material. Bringing Alissa down with him, he flipped her over onto her stomach and rested his chin on her crown. "I decided it's snuggle time. I hope you're okay with that." He said with a knowing smirk, tightening his arms around her body, letting her know that he loved deeply. Taking in a deep breath, he exhaled contentedly, happy being where he was. He could have stayed there all day, listening to the rain and thunder, feeling Alissa's heartbeat through his jumper and smelling her familiar scent, which always managed to send sparks buzzing through his spine. "I could almost go to sleep right now." He said softly, speaking to the ceiling.
Jordan smiled "Why you, my dear?" Jordan asked "Because, you're the only one that is perfect." He said "For me, and for herself." He said with a smirk. He followed Ella into the be, and wrapped his arms around her abdomin and then kissed her cheek. "I love you Ell." He whispered into her ear.

Alissa smiled at the two words 'wedding day' she poked up at him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She moved one of her hands to his side, and ran her hand from his waist up to his chest. She snuggled in closer with him, and closed her eyes; letting a daydream take place. At the start, it was a sunny day on a beach. There was a couple walking the shore, and they were holding eachother's hands. That's when the male figure got down on one knee; them her dream switched to a dorm room, where the same couple was dancing in eachother' arms, and her final dream was an old couple, probably in their mid 40's were sitting out on a porch, with children sitting around them. It was completley obvious that the couple was Aliss and Adrian. Alissa opened her eyes at the sound of his voice, and shook the glazed look from her eyes. She looked up at him and smiled "I could too, you're very comfy," she whispered with a giggle.

Ella smiled. She laughed at his comment to his question, "I love you too Jordan.." Ella said before going into a deep sleep like always. She woke up and checked her phone it was 4 am.. She had relised that she had a text message from an unknown number.. It said "Hello Ella, congrats on getting engaged to Jordan" Ella freaked out on how this person was, cause no one else knew except Jordan's mum.. So she decided to reply "Umm thanks but I don't know who this is.. Who is it? And how do you know that I'm getting married?" Ella asked as she replied to the text and felt Jordan move around she looked at him just to make sure she didn't wake him.
Jordan woke up, something didn't feel right. His eyes slowly opened, and when they did, he saw Ella. "Hey, sweetheart." He said softly "Is everything ok?" He asked as he held Ella close to his heart, and wrapped her arms around her back. He kissed the top of her head as he held her.
"As are you." Adrian said softly, refering to Alissa's comment about him being comfortable. He brought her closer to him, allowing their body heat to warm each other up in the coolness of the lounge room. "I'm just going to go and turn the heater on, okay? I'll be right back." He slipped out from underneath Alissa and walked over to the little keypad near the door. Setting it to heat, he adjusted the temperature to 20 degrees celsius, then wandered back over to the kitchen. Looking at the wall clock, he still had a little over two hours left. Reaching into the pantry, he pulled out a tub of cocoa, and spooned two teaspoons each into two coffee cups. Flipping the switch on the kettle, he glaced over to Alissa, who looked very comfortable snuggled into the lounge. "Would you like some hot chocolate?" He called over to her.

Alissa smiled, she watched him turn the heart on, and then the kettle. She rubbed her eyes, and sat up; she needed to stretch. Alissa stretched her back, and then her legs. When Adrian asked her if she wanted Hot Chocolate, she nodded. "Sure, I'll have some Hot Chocolate." She called back to him. Alissa pulled her phone from her back pocket, and looked at the time. As she set her phone on the table, she laid back down. She was very comfortable; on Adrian, and the lounge. Alissa suddenly got an idea. She made a mental note of her plan and then rested her head on the arm rest of the lounge. She looked over to Adrian, and couldn't help but smile. He was so amazing, perfect, loving, sweet, caring, gentle, loyal, and kind. She knew that they were brought together by fate, and she wanted to stay with Adrian forever and ever.

Adrian walked carefully over, balancing the two mugs of steaming chocolate in his hands. He sat them down on the glass coffee table, then flopped down next to Alissa. "There you are Honeyqueen," he smiled, giving her a cheeky, ticklish peck on the tip of her nose. "There are some marshmallows too, if you want some." He took a couple out of the packet and dumped them into his cup. Popping one in his mouth, he chewed and savoured the sticky sweetness. Glancing out the window, he saw that instead of rain falling, it was sleet. "Look! It's almost snowing outside." He pointed the falling clumps of mushy water and found it a bit peculiar. It was only the end of Autumn, was it supposed to snow now? "I've never seen snow in October. Back home, it's nearly Summer." He said absent-mindedly, taking a sip of the chocolate.

Alissa smiled, she nestled her head into his neck. "Thank you, Adrian" she said softly, she giggled and nodded "Alright, thanks for the option." She thanked him. Alissa whipped her head to the window and smiled "Almost!" She agreed, gently tapping the end of his nose. "Really?" She asked "Oh wait.." She trailed off with a smirk. Alissa smiled at the thought of summer, she looked outside and then back at Adrian. She nuzzled her head back into the crook of his neck, and sipped a little of her warm drink. She set it down and turned her head to Adrian, and leaned her forehead against his. Alissa began to bring her lips down to his. Just as she was about to kiss him, she pecked his forehead; she couldn't help but laugh. She placed her hand on the side of his face "Im sorry," she said with a smirk.

Adrian pouted, his lips turning oddly fish-like. "I don't like you anymore." He said, crossing his arms like a five-year old. Making sure there were no mugs in the way, he suddenly lunged at Alissa and playfully tackled her. "Haha!" He shouted triumphantly, kissing her deeply on her lips, then planting little, sweet, chaste kisses around her face and neck. When he stopped, he was panting. He'd had his excercise today. A sudden thought crept up on him. "Hey Honeyqueen, how come you said "Oh Wait" before? Am I missing some implication there?" He asked quizically. Taking another sip of chocolate, he raised one eyebrow inquisitively at her, trying to look a bit like Inspector Cleuseau. "Are you going to tell me little girl?" He said in a playful French accent.
Alissa smiled, she gave him a loving kiss before pulling away, and running her fingers through his hair. "Why did I say 'Oh Wait" she repeated the question before smiling, "Nope, not gonna tell." She said crossing her arms in mockery, and throwing on a michevious face. Alissa let out a sudden giggle before sitting against Adrian. Without a warning, she stood up, and hopped behind the couch. Then she crawled to the side of the lounge. Then suddenly, she leaped up from behind the lounge, and sat right next to Adrian, she smirked and leaned her head foreword onto his before saying; "I said oh wait because I remembered that you grew up in Australia." She whispered into his ear. Alissa, without warning, wrapped her arms around Adrian's neck and brought her lips to his, very softly.
"Rude!" Adrian did the 'Talk-to-the-Hand' gesture and crossed his arms. Feeling her initiate the kiss was a bit new to him, but he liked it. He pulled out of the feather-light kiss and pulled her into a hug. "You bring out the best in me, you know that. I feel as though we were truly meant to be together." Adrian had no idea why he was feeling so sentimental, but he needed to reassure Alissa that he loved her for eternity. To the end of the univers and back. Separating, he grabbed his mug and took a large gulp, as it was lukewarm now, chewing on the leftover marshmallow and cocoa. "Mmm, I must say, I do make the best hot chocolate. But I haven't tasted your families food yet, so I'm sure they'll give me a run for my money." He winked and drained the mug, setting it back down on the coffee table.

Alissa laid her head on his lap and placed a hand into his. She smiled and looked up at him "I do think that we are truly meant to be together." She agreed with a smirk. Alissa giggled, "I do have to agree; you make the best Hot Cocoa." She said with a bright smile. "Well, we are gifted in items with chocolate." She said with a tad bit of sarcasm. Alissa could still remember her mother's chocolate cakes and other items. It seemed that her mother was always in the kitchen. She looked up and brought her hand to his cheek, and cupped his hand in her hand. "Adrian?" She asked "Are we going to get married sometime in the future?" She asked curiously. Alissa held a serious and quizzical expression, with her usual sparkle in her chestnut brown eyes.

Adrian felt his heart increase in speed and his eyes widen. "I would certainly hope so." He paused and sighed. Releasing himself from Alissa's grasp, he walked over to the kitchen drawer and pulled out the little secret he had been hiding. He went back and sat down next to her. "I was going to wait for a couple of years to do this, but since you brought it up..." He flipped up the lid on the small, purple velvet box. Inside, the two carrat diamond and platinum ring sat, cleanly polished and shining in the light. "As soon as I saw this in the shop window, I thought you'd love it." Getting on the floor, he bent in the traditional position, holding the box out to Alissa. "So, Alissa Manny aka. My Honeyqueen, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" He felt beads of sweat form at his hairline as his heart began to pound faster with nerves.

Alissa watched as he got an object from his dresser. As he got down on one knee, the corners of her mouth rose. She looked down at Adrian, and covered her mouth with one hand. She placed her hands on his shoulders, she smiled. "Yes!" She said excitedly, "I would be honored if I could become your wife!" She told him with a very, very bright smile. Alissa couldn't believe it; she was getting married to the only man that she loved, the only one who treated her right, but most importantly, the only man in her life. Alissa placed her hand on the back of his head, and ran her fingers through his short, adorable hair. She began to bring her lips down to his; when she did, she kissed him deeply, and pulled away after a good minute. She looked down to him with a smile, and now, was the happiest girl alive.

Adrian's beaming smile couldn't be wiped off his face even if the Earth collapsed in on itself. "And remember, we can get married in years from now, not in the next couple of months. Before we do, we should each write down a list of things we want to do and do them. Then we can have the wedding. Deal?" He wrapped an arm around Alissa's neck, pressing his forehead to hers. "I could wait 100 years to get married to you. We're both still young. As long as it means that you'll be in my life forever, I'm happy." He lightly touched his lips to hers, and quickly deepened it. The thrill and adrenaline of proposing to Alissa was still coursing through his veins, making him feel as though he was as light as a feather.

Alissa nodded "That sound like an amazingly wondeful idea." She agreed "Deal." She added. She brought one of her hands down to his side, and kept the one on the back if his head. As they kissed, she couldn't help but smile; Adrian was so sweet, and he always said the cutest things. She brought herself closer to the edge of the lounge, and sslowly pulled away from his grasp. Alissa slid her hand to his big, muscular arms, and ran her hand from his shoulder to his elbow, then his wrist. She leaned her head next to his ear, and rested her head on his shoulder. Alissa hopped off the couch, and sat down next to Adrian. Her smile still remained fr the proposal.
Adrian peered at the clock on the DVD player and gasped. "Oh no! I'm nearly late for choir!" He leapt out of Alissa's grip and hurried to his bedroom and grabbed his music book. Hurrying back out to the lounge room, he stopped as he had one hand on the door handle. "I'm so sorry, but Mr. Aldvara will have me for lunch if I'm late. Proposing to your girlfriend really makes you lose track of time." He gave a quick smile, blew a kiss and ran off down the halls. He reached the choir room just as Mr. Aldvara arrived. He tittered when he saw him. "Tut tut, almost tardy Mr. Lorenzato." He frowned a little and followed Adrian into the room, taking his seat at the front desk. They all opened their music books to "I Don't Believe You" by P!nk. They sung in harmony, but after the excitement of that morning, Adrian could barely focus.

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