J. Parks Academy for the Talented

(Time Skip)

Adrian had never felt like he did at that moment. He was cuddling Alissa, their warm limbs entwined together in the soft cotton sheets. They were both still naked, but he didn't mind. He had just experienced something that he would never forget. He raised an arm and placed it in Alissa's cascading brown locks, gently threading the silky strands through his fingers. He gave her a gently peck on her temple, and shuffled closer to her, almost trying to recreate the passionate experience. He had never thought that making love to the woman he loved could be so exhilarating. "So, did I do okay for our first time? Did I hurt you too much?" He asked softly, genuinely concerned about her well-being.

Alissa nuzzled her head into his shoulder, she placed a soft hand on the back of his head and ran her fingers through his hair. She looked up at him; they were both still naked, but she didn't mind. They were now one, and she loved it; that experience was one that she would never forget. She never though it was possible to love someone much, and to easily commit your life to that one person. "You did just fine." She said with a smile; she was telling the truth, he did just fine for their first time. "No, you didn't hurt me at all." She told him Softly. Alissa wrapped her arms around his neck and rubbed a finger on the base if his neck.

Adrian let out a small, content laugh and wrapped his hands around Alissa's waist, pulling her close so her hands were on his neck and his on her waist. Leaning in, he placed a sweet kiss on her lips, the taste of salt from the sweat lingering on her delicate pink lips. "I would ask you what you want for dinner, but since you're cooking today, what are we having? To tell you the truth, I don't feel like eating. I'm just so exhausted from... you know." He gave his trademark cheeky wink and lightly traced kisses along her hairline. They were both slightly sticky and smelly from the sweat and body heat that they had shared during sex. An idea popped into Adrian's head. "If you don't feel like cooking or eating, we could have a shower. Together. Be green. What do you think?" He gave a sly smile and rubbed the inside of her thigh.
Alissa smirked and looked up at him "I'm a little exhausted too." She agreed as she kissed his cheek. She nodded her head when he suggested a shower together,"lets do it!" She said taking one of his hands into hers and then pulling the two up and out of bed. She grabbed her underwear from the pile on the floor, and then stole a shirt and a pair of pants from his dresser. She smiled and walked into the bathroom , she turned the water on and waited for it to heat up. When Adrian same into the bathroom, she smirked and placed a little kiss on his lips. She opened the shower door and pulled Adrian inside with her. She grabbed his shampoo, squirted some into his hair and rubbed it all around in his hair. She smiled when his hair was all shampooed; she let Adrian rise off all of he shampoo that was in his hair. Alissa laid the shampoo bottle in his hands. Almost saying I'm reay for your fingers through my hair.
Adrian squirted a lot of the scented shampoo into his hands, and gently rubbed it into Alissa's soft, long hair. He placed the occasional kiss here and there, and once her head was all lathered up, he gently tilted her head into the streaming water. "Conditioning time!" He said animatedly when Alissa had rinsed the soapy suds from her tresses and squirted another large handful of conditioner and applied it. "Your turn, do me." He gave a sly wink then chuckled, handing over the bottle. She let her lather up his hair and rinsed out the suds. Before she could reach for the soap to wash their bodies, he drew her into an embrace, kissing her on the lips, their bodies touching in every place. The steamy water created a romantic atmosphere, and another wave of tingles travelled throughout his body. Releasing his lips, he grabbed the bar of oatmeal soap and lathered up her body, spreading the suds all over her body.


Adrian squirted a lot of the scented shampoo into his hands, and gently rubbed it into Alissa's soft, long hair. He placed the occasional kiss here and there, and once her head was all lathered up, he gently tilted her head into the streaming water. "Conditioning time!" He said animatedly when Alissa had rinsed the soapy suds from her tresses and squirted another large handful of conditioner and applied it. "Your turn, do me." He gave a sly wink then chuckled, handing over the bottle. She let her lather up his hair and rinsed out the suds. Before she could reach for the soap to wash their bodies, he drew her into an embrace, kissing her on the lips, their bodies touching in every place. The steamy water created a romantic atmosphere, and another wave of tingles travelled throughout his body. Releasing his lips, he grabbed the bar of oatmeal soap and lathered up her body, spreading the suds all over her body.

Alissa smiled, she lathered up his hair with conditioner, and then gave him a shot and sweet kiss. She loved the touch, and the feel of Adrian's fingers all over her body; it felt like he was sending electric waves through her body. And it felt good, Alissa took the oatmeal meal bar into her hands. She began speeding suds all over his body. Soon enough, all of the sure were gone, and she let him rinse his body. Alissa gave him a kiss in the steam; this setting was very romantic. She turned the water off, and opened the door. She grabbed one of the two towels and wrapped it around her body. She then turned the fan off, and waited for Adrian to join her in front of the mirror.
Adrian stepped out onto the large bath mat that covered most of the tiled floor. Taking the soft, fluffy white towel Alissa handed to him, he wrapped it around his waist and peered into the mirror. The steam had fogged it up, so he drew a love heart around their reflection, their wet bodies glistening in the bright light. "Well well, don't we look ever so picturesque?" He smiled, pointing to the mirror. They looked as though cupid had just shot them with his love arrow. Even though neither of them were touching, it looked like they were tied together with an industrial-strength rope. Adrian's lean, lightly muscular body accentuated Alissa's soft, gentle curves, giving him an image of a Leonardo DaVinci painting. "See, even the mirror says that we should be together. I guess it's only fate that we finally found each other in this place, since we live halfway around the world from each other." He turned and picked Alissa up, feeling droplets of water fall onto his face. He wrapped her legs around his waist and held her tightly to him, giving her an intense, passionate kiss.


Adrian stepped out onto the large bath mat that covered most of the tiled floor. Taking the soft, fluffy white towel Alissa handed to him, he wrapped it around his waist and peered into the mirror. The steam had fogged it up, so he drew a love heart around their reflection, their wet bodies glistening in the bright light. "Well well, don't we look ever so picturesque?" He smiled, pointing to the mirror. They looked as though cupid had just shot them with his love arrow. Even though neither of them were touching, it looked like they were tied together with an industrial-strength rope. Adrian's lean, lightly muscular body accentuated Alissa's soft, gentle curves, giving him an image of a Leonardo DaVinci painting. "See, even the mirror says that we should be together. I guess it's only fate that we finally found each other in this place, since we live halfway around the world from each other." He turned and picked Alissa up, feeling droplets of water fall onto his face. He wrapped her legs around his waist and held her tightly to him, giving her an intense, passionate kiss.

Alissa was really moved by what he said, just as she was about to say something, her legs were wrapped around his waist. Their kiss fogged up the room once again; she slid her hand to his head. She could feel her top lip in between his top and bottom lip. She brought her self even closer to him and let her body and lips do the talking, her body felt as if she was getting tied together with Adrian; that was something that she didn't mind one bit. Alissa planted little kisses all around his face, down his neck, and under his chin. She playfully tugged at his ear lobe, and kiss the top of her soft ear. She didn't want that moment to stop, Cupid was striking them both with arrow, and it felt good.
Adrian managed to break the spell that Cupid had cast, and set Alissa back on the floor, breathing deeply. "I would love to continue kissing you like that, but since we've already had sex once tonight, I don't think you want to do it again." He grinned cheekily and dried himself off, walking out into the bedroom naked. Sifting through his clothes, he pulled out a pair of underwear, plaid red pyjama pants and slipped them on. Tousling his hair, he wandered out into the kitchen and took out a cup of 2 minute noodles. He was a little peckish, but not very hungry, so he made the instant noodles and nibbled on them, getting ready to head off to bed, even though it was only 6:44 that evening.
Alissa smirked "Yeah, once is good for tonight."' she agreed. She watches him leave, and then slipped into her bra, his shirt, her underwear, and his pants. Surprisingly, she wasn't hungry; she was tired, she followed Adrian into his bed and slipped in on the left side. She laid her damp head down on the pillow and looked over at him. "Goodnight my love." She whispered quietly. Alissa turned over, her body warmed up by the comforter. She was very happy when she fell asleep. It was about 7ih, but it felt like 10:30 to her. Alissa shut her eyes and let sleep engulf her in a happy, Adrian-filled, love struck dream. She was dreaming about going to Australia with him, and how nice it would be to meet his foster parents.
"Night, Honeyqueen." Adrian whispered, tiredness already dragging his eyelids down. As soon as the world went black, visions of home started to flitter through his mind. Dreams of his family and Alissa's family getting together to have a big family get-together, their children running around the backyard of their home and their aged selves drinking tea together, sitting in front of a blazing fire with their grandchildren sitting with them, eager to hear the many stories the two had to share showed themselves to Adrian, making him smile in his sleep.

(Time Skip)

The alarm went off at 9am. Adrian rolled over and switched it off, glad by the fact that there was no more classes for the term. It was only a week away that he and Alissa would be in Australia, and he was looking forward to it. Seeing that Alissa was still sleeping, not stirred by the buzz of the alarm, he crept lightly out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. He still wasn't very hungry, but he made a slice of toast anyway, eating it without any spread. He stepped back into the bedroom, slipping under the covers and snuggled up to Alissa, kissing her forehead. "Morning." He whispered, his bare chest rubbing against his shirt that she had put on.


"Night, Honeyqueen." Adrian whispered, tiredness already dragging his eyelids down. As soon as the world went black, visions of home started to flitter through his mind. Dreams of his family and Alissa's family getting together to have a big family get-together, their children running around the backyard of their home and their aged selves drinking tea together, sitting in front of a blazing fire with their grandchildren sitting with them, eager to hear the many stories the two had to share showed themselves to Adrian, making him smile in his sleep.

(Time Skip)

The alarm went off at 9am. Adrian rolled over and switched it off, glad by the fact that there was no more classes for the term. It was only a week away that he and Alissa would be in Australia, and he was looking forward to it. Seeing that Alissa was still sleeping, not stirred by the buzz of the alarm, he crept lightly out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. He still wasn't very hungry, but he made a slice of toast anyway, eating it without any spread. He stepped back into the bedroom, slipping under the covers and snuggled up to Alissa, kissing her forehead. "Morning." He whispered, his bare chest rubbing against his shirt that she had put on.

Alissa moved her head to he opposite side. She did not want to wake up. But when she felt Adrian's lips on her skin. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Adrian, she placed her hands behind his ears and brought her face close to his. Alissa rubbed her nose against his "Good morning" she said softly. Alissa removed her hands from his head and looked up at him. He head was on pillows. She smiled up to Adrian, she nuzzled her head into his chest and laid her hands on his shoulders. His bare skin sent electrical currents through her body; she didn't mind though, it felt nice.

Alissa moved her body close to his; his body heat going into her body, and her body heat going into his body. Alissa laid of her hands on his chest, she ran her hand from his shoulder to below his elbow. She fingered every crease and crevasse along his body. Alissa softly placed her lips on his and whispered "I love you." To him before planting a warm morning kiss on his lips.

"I love you too. To the end of the universe and back." Adrian whispered as their lips parted. Hidden under the covers, he moved closer and wrapped Alissa in a tight hug, entwining his legs with hers. He laced his fingers with hers and gently ran his thumb over each of her knuckles. He was wide awake now, but the plushness of the doona and the softness of his pillow almost forced him to stay buried beneath, huddled with Alissa. I could do this all day, he thought. Even though he loved the feeling of Alissa's frail, delicate body in his arms and the thick, plush doona encasing them in a cocoon, he knew that he had to get up. "So when were you planning on getting up? You can stay in bed if you want, but I need to go for a run. Is that okay?" He said whilst he slipped out from under the cosiness and peered outside; the sky was grey, but it didn't look like it was going to rain.

Alissa rubbed her eyes and sat up when Adrian got up "I'll go with you." She told him with a smile. She knew that this meant she would need to leave Adrian and go to her dorm; she figured it was better than running in pjs. She gave Adrian a hug and said "I have to get dressed at my place, so come over when you're ready, and we can leave." She told him as she gave him a quick kiss and pulled out from his embrace. Alissa waved goodbye and walked to the door. She turned the handle and walked into the halls. When she reached her dorm, she unlocked the door and walked in. Alissa moved to the dresser wher she pulled out a sports bra, under armour, athletic shorts, and her green black and white Nike running shoes. Alissa quickly changed then went into her bathroom whee she put deoderant on, and pulled her soft hair up into a ponytail.Then Alissa quickly went to the kitchen, and made herself a bagel with raspberries. When she finished, she brushed her teeth and made her way to the living room, where she did a few stretched while she waited.
When Alissa had left, he reached into his closet and took out a light grey jacket, matching tracksuit pants and a pair of converse. Grabbing his keys out of the little bowl by the door, he locked his dorm and headed over to Alissa's dorm. He twisted the doorknob and waltzed in, noticing Alissa stretching. Adrian smiled to himself, seeing that she was stretching wrong. "Here, you do it like this..." He walked over to her and placed on hand on her hip and the other on her lower ribcage. Adjusting her stance, he nodded in approval. "Now that's better. Your muscles will relax much easier that way, than how you were doing it before." He gave a cheeky smile. He took a gulp of water from his bottle and looked at Alissa. "Do you have water? Because you'll need it. I'm ready to go."

Alissa smiled "Thanks" she said as she got out of her stretch, she re-did her ponytail for the last time, and then walked into her kitchen where she pulled out a water bottle. "Yep, I got one." She told him. She gave him a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek before she grabbed her fleece. Alissa looked out the window, and saw the sun peeking through the clouds. She put her fleece back. She already had under armor on, and figured she'd just over heat. She looked over to Adrian, and smiled "How far do you want to go?" She asked curiously; Alissa scratched the side of her head, and then rubbed her stomach. She let out a little yawn; when she stopped yawning, a giggly smirk speared across her face. She let out a little laugh before she too a little sip out of her water bottle.

"I was thinking about 5 kilometres. So that's down to the beach, where the pier is. We can stop there for a while then run back. It's nice and easy, so it shouldn't be too difficult." Stepping out of the dorm, Adrian waited for Alissa to lock the door. Once she had, he held her hand and walked to the front of the school and did his final stretches on the footpath. "Alright, here we go." He gave a quick flash of a smile and took off down the street, running at a steady pace. His arms pumped up and down rhythmically, his heartbeat pounding in his ears. Occasionally glancing back to make sure that Alissa hadn't fallen behind, he slowed to a quick jog. "Hurry up slowpoke!" He laughed, stopping and putting his hands on his hips.

Alissa smiled; she had been going slower for a reason. She kept her steady pace of 1...1.2...1...1.2. She laughed and decided to boost her pace. She was how going at a moderate jog, or a slow run. She had now caught up to Adrian. Alissa looked over at him and smiled. Her heart was pounding all over her body; in her ears, toes, veins, and neck. They had run about 3 kilometers when the beach came into sight. Alissa kept her arms going, and her legs going at the perfect pace for her. Making sure she was not falling behind because that was not something that she liked; looking at the back of her opponents. Alissa stole a quick glance at Adrian, smirked, and continued running. She was a few paces infront of Adrian, she pretended to squint her eyes and look back. "Adrian!! Hurry up; the turtles are going faster than you." She joked with a little laugh. She turned he head back to her front and let the salty smell of the water slowly hover around her.

Adrian kept his position behind Alissa, a plan popping into his head. He kept the 'Turtle Pace' until both he and Alissa were crunching over the sand, the salty air burning his nostrils. He gave a sudden burst of speed and grabbed Alissa by the waist, picking her up and swinging her around. "Haha! You can't catch me now!" He let them both fall into the soft sand, landing on top of her so he could get a head start to the pier. He was sprinting very quickly, almost so that his toned legs were in a blur. His feet were pounding the pliable sand so loudly that he couldn't hear anything, not even the screeching of the seagulls above. It was only a couple of minutes of darting through crowds of people before he reached the tall, thick barnacle covered poles that held the pier. Slowing down, he stopped and took a deep drink of water, waiting for Alissa to join him.

Alissa sat up in the sand. She spit out the grainy substance that was in her mouth and shook her head. She quickly got up and stood with her feet together. She threw her water bottle to the edge of the sand and then pulled her hair back even tighter in a pony tail. She took a few steps back before putting one foot forward and then moving ahead a few steps. She pushed off if the sand, and planted her hands it the sand, in the blink of the eye, her legs were flinging up and down as she did front handsprings across the sand. Once she felt the sand get a little harder, she did one half front hand spring, and picked her water bottle up as she planted her feet in the hard ground. She jogged over to Adrian who was taking sips and gulps of his water. She stood beside him and playfully punched his shoulder, "I can't believe you." She said sarcastically. She smiled and also stood on the pier, taking sips of her water bottle while looking out to the ocean.


Alissa sat up in the sand. She spit out the grainy substance that was in her mouth and shook her head. She quickly got up and stood with her feet together. She threw her water bottle to the edge of the sand and then pulled her hair back even tighter in a pony tail. She took a few steps back before putting one foot forward and then moving ahead a few steps. She pushed off if the sand, and planted her hands it the sand, in the blink of the eye, her legs were flinging up and down as she did front handsprings across the sand. Once she felt the sand get a little harder, she did one half front hand spring, and picked her water bottle up as she planted her feet in the hard ground. She jogged over to Adrian who was taking sips and gulps of his water. She stood beside him and playfully punched his shoulder, "I can't believe you." She said sarcastically. She smiled and also stood on the pier, taking sips of her water bottle while looking out to the ocean.[MENTION=2858]HarmonicBreeze[/MENTION]
"You love it but. That's why you can't resist me." Adrian swept his hand through his hair, putting on a face of pride and narcissism. Giving a cute, but mischevious smile, he placed his hands gently onto the tips of Alissa's hips, and pressed his lips softly to hers, tasting a little salt and sand. Pulling away, he wiped his mouth on the back of his sleeve and grinned. "And that's why I can't resist you; I just love it when I kiss you and I can taste salt and sand. It's what makes you all the more special." He gave her another kiss, stronger this time. "So, there's some cafes up on the pier, or we could hang out on the beach. I'll let you decide what you want to do before I race you back to the school. And beat you once again." Smiling cheekily, he took another gulp of water and sighed happily.

Alissa chuckled "Yes, that's right." She agreed with a smile. She slid her hands up to her shoulders and brought her face closer to his. She placed her lips on is again and doubled the taste of salt and sand. She slowly pulled away from his embrace, and looked up at him. "Let's go walk around the board walk" She said, poking his stomach. She quickly gripped his hand and brought him down the beach, and to the sides of the beach. As the were walking in the wet sand, she laid her Han on his shoulder and pecked his neck. "I love you." She said softly, she let her fingers graze I've his ear; their soft skin touching and making a reaction. She held his hand tighter as they drew closer to the boardwalk.
As their footsteps echoed loudly on the wooden boardwalk, Adrian felt a sense of calm and ease wash over him. Even though the salty air burned the insides of his nose, he took a deep, liberating breath and exhaled. "Wow. This place is gorgeous. California certainly is a pretty place. But Australia can give it a run for its money, let me tell you." He said, still facing forward, a cocky smirk rising across his cheeks. He spied a tiny cafe, sitting precariously beside the boardwalk, wrought iron and glass tables dotting around it. Ferns and vibrant flowers exploded from the hillside gardens that surrounded the cafe, which gave Adrian an odd feeling. "Let's stop and get something to eat. I'm a little hungry after our little run." Chuckling under his breath, he led Alissa to the cafe, where he ordered a fresh pomegranate, mango and guava juice with some raisin toast. "Do you want anything? My treat." He smiled.

Alissa chuckled the slightest bit "I bet Australia is much prettier than California." She agreed as she followed him into the little cafe. She had been here before, but didn't know what she wanted. She sat down at the booth across from him. She looked through the menu once or twice before the waiter came, and she ordered a banana and a glass of water. She leaned back in the leathery-plush-ness of the booth's cushions. Alissa rubbed her eyes, and she found little clumps of sand in her eyelashes. "What do you want or need to do when we get back to dorms?" She asked curiously. She could still feel rough-ness of the sand coursing through her mouth. And it tastes like she had just digested a whole container of salt. Alissa looked over at Adrian, and smiled. She reached her hand across the table, wanting their hands together. When they were holding hands, she softly rubbed her fingers over his knuckles.
"Seeing as how we've got no more classes, how about we go to plaza? I need to start my Christmas shopping, and considering that this is our first Christmas together, I need to get you something extra special." He took a sip of the juice and followed it with a large bite out of one of the two slices of raisin toast. A brisk wind blew up around the little cafe, the grey clouds darkening. Lately it had been snowing, but today was a rare late October day when snow wasn't falling. "We might have snow again tomorrow. And in only eight days time, we will be enjoying ourselves in my home country of Australia. Where it is Spring, but going on Summer, may I remind you." He leant over the table and kissed Alissa, crumbs of toast spilling out from the sides of his lips. Pulling back and giggling a little, he wiped his mouth with the soft napkin that was served. "Whoops." He said, taking another bite of toast and grinning.


(Sorry I haven't been on lately! My internet was being all stupid :/ )

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