J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Alissa nodded "Yeah, I think that's a pretty good idea." She agreed "This is our first Christmas together, isn't?!" She remarked "I already have something extra special; you!" She said with a humble voice. She looked outside, then back at Adrian "It does look like its going to snow, doesn't it!" She said with a smirk. "I can't wait! I'm sure it's amazing. You know why? Because you came from it, and anything that inhabits you must be to some extent of spectaular ness." She leaned over and whiped the extra crumbs from his mouth with her thumb. Then she gave him a loving kiss before taking the last bite of her banana. "So, what do you want for Chrismas?" She asked with a smile.
"Hmm, well I have had my eye on a watch. It's a bit expensive, and I would only wear it formally, but I would consider it an heirloom. How about you? I already have some ideas at what I'm going to buy you..." He gave a wink and polished off the remainder of his toast and juice. Calling over the waitress, he paid the bill and stood up, pushing his chair underneath the glass tabletop. He held out his hand gentlemanly and smiled. "Shall we be off, my fair lady?" He took her hand and lifted her up, twirling her around into his arms. Giving her a sweet, long kiss, he entwined his fingers in hers and started the walk to the plaza. It wasn't too far from the boardwalk, about a ten minute walk. When they had reached the front entrance, he brought Alissa over to sit on the ledge of the marble fountain, droplets of the cool water splashing onto their hair.

Alissa sat with him at the fountain's ledge. She felt the spray from the falling waters on the back of her head and body. She laid her head on his shoulder and held his hand. She thought about what she wanted for Christmas, and decided on one thing. "What I want for Christmas," she looked up at him "is a camera." Alissa held his hand a little bit tighter, and brought her forehead to his. She slid her hand across the side of his head, and to the back of his head. She brought a kiss to him; it was filled with love,liveliness, and compassion. When she pulled out of the embrace, she stood up, and pulled him up with her. "Let us go and journey into the bowels of this great gift holder?" She asked wrapping an arm around his back and walking inside the plaza. She began to walk around, not knowing where to go first. "Where should we go first?" She asked looking up at him, and pecking his cheek.
"How about we split up?" Adrian said as their footsteps echoed across the enormous room. "That way it will be easier to buy presents and manage to keep them a surprise until Christmas." He looked at a large clock on the wall between a jewellery store and a clothing boutique and saw that the date was the sixth. "Wow. I didn't even realise that in exactly a two weeks I'll be twenty!" He couldn't believe that he had forgotten his own birthday. "We'll be in Australia for my birthday, won't that be exciting?" He glanced down at Alissa, his arm curled around her shoulders. There wasn't a lot of shoppers, but it was early, so he decided to take the opportunity. "Okay. Since there's not a lot of shoppers around, let's split and get all the presents we need to buy. It will help us avoid the humongous crowds that will no doubt emerge later today." He gave her a peck on her forehead and slipped his arm off her shoulders.

"Ok. I'm up for sneezing around with our gifts." Alissa said with a smile. When he said his Brithday was in two weeks, her face brightened up. "That is pretty great!" She agreed hugging him gentley. "Wait before we part, I need to know if you are a dog or cat person?" She asked curiously. Alissa nodded "Good plan," she agreed "Beat the shoppers, then vacate the premises when they arrive." She said with a little chuckle. She looked up at him and smirked "So, dog or cat person?" She repeated her question again. As she was looking up at him, she had the sudden urge to sneeze. "Aaaachooo!" Her sneeze rang out through the plaza. Alissa let out a little laugh as she wiped her eyes, and rubbed her forehead. She softly pecked his cheek and took a few steps away from him, she kept her eyes locked on his though. Her hazel eyes connected with his gorgeous Mocha Eyes.
"I am definitely a dog person. I find them so much more adorable than cats." He answered Alissa's question, and laughed loudly when she sneezed. He started to back away from her, their eyes never leaving, a smile on his face. "So, we'll meet each other at the fountain in, say, two hours? That should give us plenty of time to do a full shopping list." He said, not quite yelling, but speaking loudly so that Alissa could hear him. He turned on the spot and made his way over to the craft shop, where he was spying an extravagant set of pastels and paints for his younger foster-sister Miranda, who loved the arts. He glanced at the price tags and was a little surprised at how expensive they were: $96 combined. But, shrugging the price off, he promptly paid the cashier, who grinned broadly as she slipped them into a bag. "You have a very good Christmas dear." She said, patting his hand and smiling warmly at him. "And you too." He smiled back and made his way to another shop, scouring the area for more gifts.

Alissa smiled "Ok, see you in two hours!" She said waving to him. She turned in the direction of the ToysRUs, and made her way to the front door. She walked around until her found the baby section, where she found a little blue bear and an onzie for Colby, which was about $30 combined. She then went to the girl sections, where she scoured the shelves until she found the perfect gift for Tammy, her niece. Alissa finally found the perfect gift; a Barbie Ballerina set, as she looked at the price, she was taken back a bit, but she shrugged and bought the $64.98 gift. She made her way to the checkout isles and bought her gifts, then she exited the store, and walked to the Game Stop a few stores down. She looked around in the store until she found Call of Duty Black Ops 4 for her nephew Garret. She bought the slightly alarming $20 dollar video game, and left the store. Alissa made her way to the cooking shops, where she bought a new measuring set, a new wisk, and a new coffee maker for her mom. Those gifts added up to around $98. She bought the items, and then walked to the sportsman areas for her dad. She entered Dicks Sporting Good, where she bought him a new case for his 7 Mag. Revolver. The case was about $45, which didn't surprise her the least bit. Now it was time for Adrian's gift; she made her way to the jewlers. As sh looked for the perfect item; when she found it, she immediately put it in her cart, and then bought it. On her way back to the fountain, she stopped by one more store. The place was very loud, and she had to bend down to pick up gift. She brought the gift to the front desk, and told them to hold it for her until the week before Christmas; then she'd pick it up. A very satisfied Alissa made her way back to the fountain after about 1 hour and 50 minutes of shopping.
Adrian had certainly splashed out on his shopping trip. He had spent almost $8000 on gifts, the most expensive being a diamond and silver plated platinum necklace for his mother, Alissandra. Other than that, he had purchased countless games, clothes, books and other bits and pieces, but it was worth every single penny. Especially Alissa's present. He glanced at the huge gold clock that stood in the centre of the walkway, and noticed that it had been 30 minutes later than he should have arrived at the fountain. Clutching at his many sleek, shiny bags of goodies, he pushed through the large crowd that had grown since they had arrived and appeared out in the fresh air of the street. Spying Alissa sitting on the fountain's ledge, he hurried over and plonked himself down beside her and gave her a big hug and kiss. "Sorry I'm late, I just loss track of time. Forgive me?"
Alissa saw Adrian, and smiled before kissing him back, and wrapping the arm that didn't have the gifts in it around him. She looked up at him and rested her head on his shoulder "It's ok, I forgive you." She said softly. Alissa ran her fingers through his hair, and kissed his cheek. "I missed not seeing your smiling, happy face." She said with a smile. "Want to start heading back to the dorms in a little bit?" She asked curiously. Alissa rubbed his back softly and looked up at the dome of the plaza; the sun still shining brightly; but it seemed as if there was a little overcast of dog in the sky. Alissa looked around at the hustle and bustle in the Plaza, and then looked at Adrian "Were you successful in gift shopping?" She asked "I know I was." She added with a little chuckle. Alissa kissed him again, but this time a little longer. When she pulled away, her head tilted against his, and she felt the fountain spray on her back.
Adrian gestured to the heaving pile of glossy bags that he had placed gently on the path in front of him. "I would hope so, I certainly spent enough money. And," he glanced at his watch. "It's nearly ten. Let's go back home and pack all of these away, then we'll see what happens." Even though his arms were already a little sore from the massive amount of gifts, he picked them up, wrapped one arm around Alissa's arm, linking them together and started to head off back to the dorms. "Are you alright to carry all of your stuff for five kilometres? I can call a taxi if you need to, since it's a bit to get back home." He started to ease his hand into his pocket and grasped his phone, ready to ring the taxi company just in case Alissa did want a ride back to the school.
Alissa nodded her head in agreement "Ok, sounds like a food plan to me!" She said picking up the bags that were to the right of her. She stood up with the partialy heavy bags, and waited for Adrian to stand. As he stood, she linked her arm through his arms just as he did too. Aalissa walked with Adrian, the bags slowing her down the tiniest bit. "No, I can carry them back." She told him with a smile "But thanks for your concern." She added. As they walked, then fog over the sky grew more dense. The air grew chilly, and the ground was hard, and sent shivers through her feet. When they had finally reached school, she opened the door for them, and walked inside. She stopped in the hallway, and looked at Adrian "Why don't you put your gifts in your dorm, and come over to my dorm." She suggested with a soft voice. Alissa kissed his cheek as she unlinked her arm and walked down to her dorm.
"Alrighty then. I'll see you in a bit." Adrian pecked her cheek and watched her as she walked down the corridor, and turned, disappearing from sight. He lugged his bags to his dorm, which wasn't too far from where they had stopped, and eased the door open after he had unlocked it. Heaving the many bags of gifts into the spare bedroom, he placed half of the bags in the empty closet and the other underneath the bed. Once he had locked the bedroom door he went off to the kitchen to retrieve his phone and rinse out his water bottle. He couldn't be bothered to get changed out of his tracksuit, but he slipped off his shoes and socks and made his way to Alissa's dorm. Arriving outside the white door, he knocked three times and twisted the handle, making his way inside. "Hellooo? Is anybody home?" He asked loudly, walking forward as if he was inspecting a house in a horror movie.
Alissa brought her gift bags into her dorm, she tucked then behind a few objects, and then rinsed her hair off in the shower. Alissa then walked into her room, and changed into new clothes; Adidas sweats, a faded neon yellow t-shirt, and a new pair of socks. She then walked out into the kitchen were she quickly made something, put it in the oven, and then sat on the lounge. Before she sat, Alissa lit a few candles around her dorm, letting the sent of vanilla and peppermint float throughout her dorm. She then sat on her lounge, and waited for Adrian. When he came, she smiled and said "Heeey." With a little giggle, she stood up and walked over to him. She kissed him gently and brought him to the lounge where they plopped down together. Alissa laid her head in his lap, and slid her hand up and down his arm "Welcome." She said softly
"It's good to be back. I've missed your dorm, you know that?" Adrian smiled, inhaling deeply, the scent of vanilla and peppermint meshing together to make a pleasant smell. "And I've also missed how lovely your dorm smells. As weird as that sounds, it's true." He kissed Alissa's crown and spied the oven timer, which was ticking away the time set. "What have you got in the oven?" He asked curiously, commando rolling on the floor and cautiously approached the glass window. He was disappointed to find out that the glass was tinted, so he couldn't see inside. Jumping up and raising his hand into a salute, he spoke in a very military-esque voice. "All is safe over here, Lieutenant Alissa Manny!" He then commando rolled back over the floor, rolling across the floor back over the lounge where Alissa was perched. Sitting up, he smiled cheekily and grabbed her hands, pulling her down onto the floor with him.
Alissa smiled "Well, it's good to have you back." She said kissing his cheek. She giggled when he rolled to the floor, and went to investigate her special surprise that she had made for him. "Oh, you'll find out later." She said micheviously. When he came back, and pulled her to the ground, she sat next to him. The soft candle light was the only light in the room; it reflected on Adrian's eyes, and gave them an enchanting glow. Alissa turned his head towards her; she brought her head close to hers. Then she leaned her forehead on his, and let her lips come to his. The familiar touch of his lips on hers was enough to set a spark. She placed little kisses around his face, until they led to his lips where she gave him a loving kiss. Her hands slid to his shoulder blades, and his hands to her waist. Alissa pulled her head away for a mere second or two, took a breath, and kissed the cornered if his lips.
Adrian pulled Alissa close to him, the soft carpet feeling almost like a cloud beneath their bodies. He placed hard, but delicate kisses across her lips and cheeks, pausing every now and then to kiss her fully on the lips. Running his fingers through her hair, he pulled away suddenly, smiling sweetly. "Love you, Honeyqueen." He said softly, then placed his lips back on hers, but only gently. He removed his hands from her hair and waist and wrapped them around her midrif, almost as if he was hugging her. Leaving the kiss, he rested his forehead on hers, sighing. "How could I possibly live without you?" He asked genuinely, kissing her temple. He was about to speak again but the buzz of the oven rang throughout the room, breaking the atmosphere. He sat up and stretched his arms over his head, relieving the tension on his aching muscles.

Alissa pulled her lips away from his "I love you too." She said with a loving voice. She let her hands slip wherever they wanted; around his arms, neck, back, and shoulders. It seemed as if their lips were creating a forcefield around their bodies. When the timer went off, she smiled at Adrian, and got up to her feet. She walked to the kitchen, turned the timer off, and opened the stainless steel door. Alissa pulled out the special treat she had made for him; a razzleberry pie with her not-so-famous berry sauce. She placed the pie on the pie rack, and let it cool down while she prepared her whipped cream. Alissa took the yellow bowl from the fridge and set it on the counter. "The pie's ready!" She called out to Adrian as she took out two plates, two sets of silver wear, and set them by the pie. She began to cut the pie in almost even slices, the crust was still fully and soft.
Once Alissa had placed a slice of pie onto a plate, Adrian took a big spoon out of the drawer and heaped two large spoonfuls onto his plate. Before he went to sit, he inhaled the steaming pastry and sighed. "That smells magnificent. Although it's not really much of a lunch, is it?" He gave Alissa a smile and flopped onto a plush beanbag, digging his spoon into the soft, but crunchy pie. After he had swallowed the steaming mouthful and washed it down with some cream, he smacked his lips together. "Hm, I must say, this is one of the better pies I have tasted in my lifetime. The sweet, but tangy sauce compliments the delicious filling and accentuates the subtle flavour of the pastry." He said to her poshly, dabbing his mouth daintily with a napkin. However, this proved to be useless, as he scoffed down another spoonful, smearing filling, cream and flakes of crumbly pastry all over his chin and upper lip.


Once Alissa had placed a slice of pie onto a plate, Adrian took a big spoon out of the drawer and heaped two large spoonfuls onto his plate. Before he went to sit, he inhaled the steaming pastry and sighed. "That smells magnificent. Although it's not really much of a lunch, is it?" He gave Alissa a smile and flopped onto a plush beanbag, digging his spoon into the soft, but crunchy pie. After he had swallowed the steaming mouthful and washed it down with some cream, he smacked his lips together. "Hm, I must say, this is one of the better pies I have tasted in my lifetime. The sweet, but tangy sauce compliments the delicious filling and accentuates the subtle flavour of the pastry." He said to her poshly, dabbing his mouth daintily with a napkin. However, this proved to be useless, as he scoffed down another spoonful, smearing filling, cream and flakes of crumbly pastry all over his chin and upper lip.

Alissa nodded "Yeah, it's not exactly the best lunch." She agreed with a giggle. She took a seat next to him, where the only sounds in the room her the constant clangs of the silver wear against the plates, and the lip smacking that occurred every once in a while. She smirked "Thanks. I made sure the filling was exquisite and carefully made, and the crust was formed the the exact measurements to make it delectable." She said with a dainty voice and a flutter of her eyes. Alissa couldn't help but give the slightest giggle when Adrian wiped his mouth daintly, and then smeared filling, cream, and crust over his upper lip and chin. "You got a little something right there." She told him as she leaned forward, wiped the pie off of his chin, and then brought her head closer to his. Alissa slowly placed her lips on top of his, and then she kissed him. The taste of the tangy and sweet filling made the kiss even more delectable. Alissa pulled herself away from him, and brought their empty plats to the kitchen; where she rinsed them off, and placed them in the dishwasher. She happily rejoined Adrian on the beanbags, where she laid her body across his legs, and gently ran her hand up and down his masculine arm.

Adrian giggled softly as Alissa ran her hand up and down his arm. Swiping a loose strand of hair out of his eye, he inhaled and sighed deeply. "Wow, I think I gained ten kilos from that pie. But it was just fantabulous. You are an amazing cook." He gently stroked the silky strands of Alissa's chocolatey locks and looked at the wall clock. "Huh. I guess the question now is that what do we do with the rest of our day? It's almost one o'clock and we've done all of our Christmas shopping, went out for breakfast and had lunch. And since our classes have finished for the term, with only five days until we're in Australia, our plans seem pretty stagnant." He twisted some hair around his index finger, staring off into space, trying to imagine what they could do. But, these thoughts were clouded with recipes flittering across his vision to make for dinner.


Adrian giggled softly as Alissa ran her hand up and down his arm. Swiping a loose strand of hair out of his eye, he inhaled and sighed deeply. "Wow, I think I gained ten kilos from that pie. But it was just fantabulous. You are an amazing cook." He gently stroked the silky strands of Alissa's chocolatey locks and looked at the wall clock. "Huh. I guess the question now is that what do we do with the rest of our day? It's almost one o'clock and we've done all of our Christmas shopping, went out for breakfast and had lunch. And since our classes have finished for the term, with only five days until we're in Australia, our plans seem pretty stagnant." He twisted some hair around his index finger, staring off into space, trying to imagine what they could do. But, these thoughts were clouded with recipes flittering across his vision to make for dinner.

Alissa smiled, she nuzzled her head into his neck, and looked across the room. Suddenly, a yawn slipped out of her mouth. She looked up at Adrian, and wrapped one of her hands around his neck. "I think it would be nice to spend some of our time cooking, and then snuggling." She said as she kissed his cheek, and slid the hand that was wrapped around his neck up to the back of his head. Alissa let her other hand graze down from his chest, to his abdomen, and then back to his chest. She liked the feeling of his short, smooth hair on her fingers. Alissa wrapped her legs around his, bringing her closer to him. Alissa dotted little kissed up from he base of his neck, up to his jawline where she placed a few soft kisses, to his cheeks, and then to his soft lips. They connected once again; her hand was now cupping the side of his face. Her thumb rubbing up and down the side of his face.
Adrian allowed their lips to part, his face hovering only one centimetre from Alissa's. "That sounds like a great idea." He whispered then got up and pulled open her fridge, seeing what food was available. "Hmm, I'm thinking of honey and herb marinated chicken for dinner. How does that sound? You can add your own little twists to it, but judging by your provisions, I should be able to whip that up." He closed the fridge and wandered over to the pantry, walking inside the large room and peering around. "And for dessert, I think I could make some royal icing and make little chocolate frangipani biscuits that accompany the icing." He took the pure icing sugar out of the pantry and dug around in her other cupboards, searching for more food. He had placed all of the ingredients and saw that Alissa hadn't moved from her spot. "Aren't you going to come and join me?"

Alissa sat, deep in thought. She could heard him though, and she finally came to as he walked around. She shook her head, and stretched. "The chicken sounds great, and the cake does too." She told him as she Got up, and joined him in the kitchen. "Yes, I am joining you." She told him with a smirk. Alissa took out a crew carrots, and potatoes. She started by peeling the carrots and potatoes, and the cutting the potatoes into quarters before putting them in a bit pot of boiling water. Then she sliced the carrots also into quarters. She place them on the counter, in a pot of freezing cold water. Alissa looked over at Adrian before walking to him, and standing next to him. She wrapped her hands around his waist as she watched him cook. The delicious smell of the food wavered around the room, and gave her a smile. Suddenly, she realized that the potties needed to be stirred, and then the eat turned down the slightest bit.

Adrian was enjoying himself immensely, coating the chicken in a marinade of no-sodium soy sauce, lemon and orange juice, chopped thyme and rosemary and a dash of salt and pepper. He put that aside to let the chicken absorb the flavours, then moved onto the dessert. He took some cocoa and plain flour, added some milk and made a dough for the biscuit base. The Royal Icing wouldn't take long to make, so he combined rosewater and frangipani oil and added that to the dough. He then whipped the chicken into the oven for forty minutes at 130 degrees. Moving on to the icing, he placed the dough into the fridge to set before cutting and quickly created a thick, pristine white paste that was the icing. He also put that in the fridge and wandered off to the lounge and fell onto the plushness in an exhausted heap. "God, today has just wiped me out. But the food smells good, so I think I'll be okay." He smiled to Alissa, moving into the foetal position, closing his eyes and yawning deeply.

Alissa stood there, watching Adrian; the smell of rosemary tickled her nose, and brought lovely memories back to her. When he had finished making the chicken, and cake, she followed him to the lounge. She sat next to him, and laid her head on his shoulder "I agree, I'm wiped out, but it's been an amazing day." She said, agreeing. She wrapped her hand around his neck, and rubbed the back of it with a few of her fingers. She had nuzzled her head into the crook of Adrian's neck, and was placing a free feather soft kisses on his neck every now and then. The familiar feel of his soft skin made her smile. Alissa slid her hand down to his, where she took ahold of his hand, and rubbed her fingers over his knuckles. Her hand that was still around his neck, slid down to his chest, where she let her hand rest ontop of his heart.


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