J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Adrian replied back to his mother and sister, and closed his eyes, Alissa's backrub relaxing him. "Hmm, that's a tough question. It would have to be between orange, yellow and pale green. Other colours are just meh to me. What's yours? It's funny how you can get to know someone so well as a person, but know barely any of their interests, isn't it?" He inhaled deeply and as he exhaled he felt his whole body sink into utter relaxation. Snapping his eyes open, he swivelled in his seat, leaping off the chair and replaced Alissa in a quick, fluid motion. "Okay, you've given me a backrub, so now it's your turn. I can't let my lovely m'lady do something so kind for me and not return the favour." Cracking his knuckles, he delicately placed his hands just above her shoulderblades and began the massage known as Shiatsu.
Alissa continued to rub his back and shoulder as she thought of her favorite color. "Hmm, my favorite color would have to be either teal, light green, or a soft yellow." She said, as she massaged Adrians shoulder blades. "Yeah, it is pretty funny that we barely know what each others interests are. "Well, besides cooking, cuddling, singing, dancing, sleeping and favorite colors." She added with a little chuckle. She sat in the chair, with her back completely leaning against the back of the chair, and her body not as tense. As Adrian started massaging, she felt he body loosen up almost completely, and she let her mind drift away. It ha been a while since she had been given a massage; it felt very nice on her body That was once tense, and a little stressed. She looks up at Adrian, an smirked "I love your hands." She told him, after she ha stopped herself from falling asleep.
Adrian cocked an eyebrow and smirked cheekily. "Oh, you lie my hands do you? Well that's good. It runs in my adoptive family I guess." He chuckled a little bit as he moved his hands lower, reaching the middle of her back. "My older brother Nathan is a masseuse, and a good one at that. You'll get to meet him tomorrow, or the day after. Depending on how long our flight lasts." Gently kissing the back of Alissa's neck, he continued to knead the muscles in her back. "Ooh, you've got a knot right here. Does it hurt if I press it?" He applied pressure to the spot, the tips of his fingers pushing into the knot and slowly teasing it out. He felt it untie and once he was satisfied he took his hands away, moving towards the base of her spine. "You're very relaxed now." He smiled to himself.
Alissa let out a long, relaxed sigh. "I can't wait to meet your family, they seem so interesting. But in a good way." She told him as his hands relaxed her body, and all of her stress had drained out of her body. "No it doesn't hurt." She told him when he asked her if he was hurting her when he was pressing on the knot in her back. She looked up at Adrian, slowly reaching her hands to.his neck, she rubbed the back of his neck as she brought his head down to her level. She misuse him, and then slowly started to let go of his neck. "I am very relaxed." She agreed as his hands continued to work down her back. She yawned and then put her hands on his hands and then started to stand up slowly. A She stood.at.he full height, she thanks Adrian, "How can I repay you?" she asked him with a curious, yet cute face.
"You don't have to do anything for me. But if you insist," Adrian smiled and stepped closer to her, swiping a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Without warning, he moved quickly and picked Alissa up bridal style, and carried her to the bedroom, laughing. "So, my gorgeous Honeyqueen, who is also my fiancee, I suggest that we make our last hours in the USA worth remembering." And with that, he place her delicately and placed gentle kisses along her jawline and neck.

*Time Skip*

"Honeyqueen! Are you ready yet? Our plane leaves in three hours!" Adrian was standing in the foyer of Alissa's dorm, his suitcase in one hand and the other tapping away at the side of his shorts. It would be a long flight to Australia, but still he didn't want to be late. He was so excited that time had seemed to slow down, a second taking what felt like an hour.
Alissa came out of her dorm, "Happy Brithday." She to Adrian as she locked her door behind her after she pulled her suitcase out. "Yes, I'm ready." She told him with a smile. She hugged him. and kisses his cheek, then she started to walk down the long, dorm filled hallways until they reached the door. She opened it for him, and when he had walked out, she closed the door behind herself. "Your car or my car?" she asked with little smile.
"Well, since I've already paid for the trip, we'll take my car. I can pay for long-stay parking, and we're gone for roughly two weeks, so that will be about $300." Adrian said thoughtfully then led the way to his deep red Mazda 6, courtesy of his parents. Stopping at the boot of the car, he popped open the trunk and shoved his suitcase in, along with Alissa's. Slamming the lid, he smiled broadly. "And now, my lovely lady, we shall be off to the airport, where a roughly 14 hour trip awaits us, assuming that the weather plays nice for us." Striding over to the drivers side door, he slid in and started the ignition. Pulling out of the school's lot, he drove steadily down the street, the airport mere minutes away. Rolling waves of excitement were pulsing through him, causing his already wide smile to grow bigger and bigger. He took one hand of the steering wheel and gently paced it on Alissa's knee. "Are you excited? I know I've asked you a billion times, but I feel like I should just keep making sure that you're not having second thoughts.
Alissa nodded, she climbed into the Mazda, and buckled up. She looks out of the window happily, and then started to feel a wild smile slip onto her face. She took her gum out to her purse and put a piece of the arm rest for Adrian. "Here, courtesy of ." She told him with a little giggle. She leaned back in her seat and prepared herself for the 14 hour plane ride; it was a good thing that she loved plane rides. Alissa turned her head in Adrian's direction after she had placed her hand on top of his. She smiled and nodded "Yes, I am extremely excited, and I have no second thoughts. I mean, why would I? This is gonna be the best trip ever." she said to him with a big smile on her face. She looked out of the windshield, noticing they were about three miles from the airport, she felt like jumping up and down. "Oh, and before a forget." She.said drawing out a paper from her purse on holding it out. "This is the pulpy that we are adopting after we come back to the USA." She told him with a huge smile. "What do you think?" she asked him with a little sideways tilt of her head. (This is the puppy - http://images04.olx.com/ui/3/18/66/49131266_5.jpg )
Adrian stopped at a red light and took the opportunity to look more closely at the slip of paper. "I think he's absolutely adorable! On the weekends we can walk him down to the beach and play frisbee so he gets plenty of excercise. And I think he'll be a great addition to our little 'family'. Assuming that you're not pregnant of course." He said with a swift chuckle. The light turned green and with growing excitement, he sped towards the airport. They still had a couple of hours until their flight, but they had left early just to be safe. And he had booked first class tickets, so they would be in a lap of luxury until they reached his homeland. "I can't believe we're going to adopt a puppy. My sister is going to be jealous. She's a real humanitarian." Taking a bend, the airport loomed into view. "I just can't help but feel as though ever since that day in the cafe, when you spilt water all over yourself, my life has taken a turn for the best. You're my miracle, Honeyqueen." He turned his head and smiled at Alissa just as he pulled up into the carpark, which wasn't very crowded. "Let's go and check in and take the car to the long stay park."
Alissa smiled happily, she folded the paper up and nodded. "I think that would be a great idea. And yes, he will be an excellent addition to our little ' family.' Because I am not pregnant." She agreed as she giggled a little and stuck the paper back into her purse. She watched as they zoomed past hundreds of buildings, and the world seemed to stop as they drove. She laughed a little "Your family sounds so interesting, but in a good way." She said to Adrian as they began to see the airport. Alissa blushed, she looked over at him, and smiled a little, "That is too sweet." She said to him as they pulled up into the car park. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me." She told him before she kissed his cheek. She noticed that they were a few hours early, but she didn't mind. "Ok sounds like a plan to me!" Alissa had agreed before Adrian drove off to the long stay park.
"This is your captain speaking, in a few minutes we will be taking off. There will be a brief stop in Maui before we arrive in Mebourne. Please enjoy your flight in comfort and luxury." Adrian and Alissa were strapped into their comfortable leather chairs, the planes engine whirring softly as the blades began to spin. After they had checked in and stowed the car in the long stay carpark, customs officers held them up until the boarding call was almost over. But, they had made it and the excited jitters were building immensely. Adrian gripped Alissa's hand and pecked her lightly. "This is it. Only a few thousand kilometres and we'll be in Australia." He beamed widely. "And then, in about a months time, we'll be with your family for Christmas. Everything is perfect." He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, just as the plane shot down the runway and lifted into the morning sky, flying past several birds and popping through fluffy clouds.
Alissa smiled as she looked at Adrian, She held his hand tightly as the plane took off. She turned her head to his direction, and softly kissed his cheek. "I can't wait to finally meet your family." She said before her attention was directed to the window, where she looked down at all of the buildings that were below them. As the ride wore on, she fell asleep, needed to be very awake when they got to Australia.

(Time skip)

Alissa yawned as another one of the captains messages came over the loudspeakers. "Attention passengers, we will be landing in Melbourne in approximately 20 minutes, at this time, please remain seated until our flight attendants say it's ok to unfasten your seat belts." with that, he stopped speaking and turned the intercom off. Alissa smiled brightly a the message ended. "20 minutes, can you believe it? We'll be in Australia really soon!" she said to him excitedly. She gently squeezed his hand as she could see the coast of a land form out in the ocean. She smiles again and turned to Adrian, She pecked his cheek and then sat back in.her seat.
Adrian felt his heart soar with emotion, mostly happiness and pride as he saw the edge of the country. "I know Honeyqueen! My family will already be at the airport, waiting at the gate as if the plane will be early." He rolled his eyes knowingly and smiled, sighing deeply. The next 20 minutes seemed to fly by, as the plane touched down in what seemed mere seconds. "We're here! We're here!" He bounced up in down in his seat like a little child, earning a disapproving glance from an eldery woman. "Welcome to Melbourne, Australia. The temperature is currently 38 degrees with 66% humidity. Thank you for flying with us." The captain's speaker cut out and, with much excitement, Adrian unclipped himself and led Alissa down past the attendants and other passengers and stepped out into the hot, typical Australian summer air. "Welcome Honeyqueen, to Australia!" He announced, leaping down the stairs and held Alissa's hand as he led her through the airport, quickly spying his family. Waving energetically, he brought Alissa over to the group, who all wore broad smiles. "Everyone, this is my fiancee, Alissa Manny. Alissa, this is my mum Alissandra, my dad Brett and my siblings Damian, Liana, Jessica and Toby." He pointed each member out, his arm wrapped around her waist.
Alissa had the biggest and happiest smile on her face as she got her bags from the conveyer. She trudged along with her suitcase and duffle bag as she walked with Adrian. She happily held his hand as they navigated their way throughout the airport. When he has spotted his family, she began to feel nervous and excited at the same time. Alissa smiled as be introduced her to his family, and his family to her. She put her arm around his waist, and felt her stomach fill up with butterflies. She smiled at all of his family members "Hi, nice to meet the people that Adrian talks so greatly about." she said to them, keeping her bight, happy smile on her face until the corners of her mouth and cheeks started to cramp up. She looked up at Adrian, and then out of the humongous window that stood behind his family. The overall appearance of Australia made her smile, and feel like it was drawing her towards its beautiful, sunny beaches. Honestly, she could not wait to spend a week or two with Adrian's family in the land that he came from; the wonderful place that was called "The Land Down Under." Alissa looked up at Adrian, and smiled yet again.
(Time Skip)

Adrian was packing his clothes into the drawers of the guest bedroom at the family home. The trip home had been full of talk, mostly directed at Alissa. He smiled broadly as he stuck his shirts in the drawer at the thought. It was no surprise to him when his mother told the two that she had prepared dinner days ago and also a very large angel food cake, with no strawberries. Just as he had placed his toiletries bag in th ensuite, his mother knocked on the door. "Hi mum." He smiled at Alissandra and shoved his suitcase beneath the bed. "Where's Alissa?" "Oh, your siblings are keeping her quite busy. I just wanted to have a little chat." She came over and perched herself on the edge of the mattress. "I'm just a little concerned about you. I feel as though you're too young to get married. Explore the world, live the life that you want." She waited for Adrian to reply. Brushing off her statement, he replied; "We're not going to get married for a couple of years now. But don't you think the most important thing is that we love each other?" Looking at his hands in his lap, he changed the subject. "I wonder what they're doing with Alissa." He said, referring to his siblings.
Alissa had been bombarded with all sorts of questions after they had arrived at the house. They had taken her throughout the entire home, showing her where everything was. After they had finished showing her around, and run out of questions, they showed her to her room; which she shared with Adrian. As she walked in, she had finished hearing the last of a conversation that she had no clue what it was about. She smiled at Adrian's mother, and then walked to the bed opposite of Adrian's bed. She started to unpack her things, and put them in drawers. She had finished putting her shirts in the drawers when she turned and looked out of the window, she loved the sight of Australia. Alissa quickly turned back to her items, and put them all away. When she was done, she sat on her bed, and then moved down to where Adrian was sitting. "Oh, they were all asking me questions, but I don't mind." She said with a little smile. She put her arm around Adrian's back, and looked up at his mother. "It was really nice to meet you, Mrs. Lorenzato." She said to her, still with her happy smile on her face.
"And it was lovely to meet you Alissa. I hope you're hungry, because dinner will be served soon. I know it's a bit early, but I've had it sitting in the fridge marinating for a while." And then Adrian's mum slipped out of the door, shutting it gently behind her. When her footsteps echoed away, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "I'm glad that my siblings were harassing you. It's what they do best, and it's their way of getting to know you." The bright pink and orange sunset cast a bright glow across the room, setting a romantic air. He pecked her temple and nuzzled her neck. "I'm warning you now, at dinner, everyone will find more questions to bombard you with. Especially dad, he is going to ask you every question to your favourite colour to how regularly you ovulate." He chuckled with embarassed knowledge, then turned serious. "But don't answer that. Don't answer anything that you feel uncomfortable with."
Alissa nodded, "Im sure it'll taste great." She said, as hiia mother left the room. She put her head on his shoulder, and rubbed his back. "I am used to it; the freshmen would always ask me boatloads of questions on Dance." She said with a little chuckle. She looked out of the window, her spirit was cleaned by the appearance of the bright orange and pink skies. She smiled softly as she looked up at him. She kissed him passionately and then lai her head on top of his. "I don't mind my love, I like letting my fiancée's family know as much as they can with me staying in my comfort zone." She told him, as she started to smell the delicious marinara cooking on the stove as she snuggled with Adrian as they sat on his bed; letting the entire world pass by.
"Dinner! Adrian and Alissa!" Alissandra called from the kitchen, the smell of the chicken wafting underneath the door. Adrian stood up and held out his hand. "Come along Honeyqueen. My mum makes the best chicken within 100 kilometres." He closed his hand on Alissa's and pulled her up, leading her out into the dining room. Her family were all seated along the table, his father seated at the head. There were two places left, between Brett and Jessica. Adrian took his place next to Jessica, and with a familiar flourish, helped himself to the food that was plated in front them. Bowls of chicken lay at both ends of the table, platters of mango salad and saffron rice added colour and vibrancy to the room. "So Alissa, do tell me about yourself. Do you have any other siblings?" Brett asked, resting his chin on top of his hands.
Alissa sat down at the table next to Brett, and helped herself to some food. She had never had anything this tropical in a while, this was an extra special dinner for her. Her mouth watered a little bit as she brought the mango salad up to her mouth, then consumed it. As she was chewing, Brett asked her his question, and she almost instantly smiled. "Well Brett, I have two older siblings; both my brother Hunter, and my sister Teegan have been in the army." she rtold him before she scooped up some of the saffron rice on to her fork, and let.the delicious food fill her mouth. She looked around the table as if she was asking for more questions.
"The army? Well, that must be a very interesting job. Do you see them often?" Alissandra asked, taking a dainty bite of her food. Adrian felt himself roll his eyes and smile. He could sense that one of her questions would lead into a very long discussion about the values and morals that families have, and if they didn't, should. Adverting his attention away from his mother, he turned to Jessica and started to catch up. He learned that her friend was six months pregnant and that she had found a new beau. "Is he nice? What's he like?" He asked. Everyone else at the table were engaging Alissa in conversation, so it was just he and Jessica. "Oh yes, he's really sweet. He's one of those rare guys who are just everything. It's kind of like we're two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, we're just so compatible." Adrian felt himself smile at Jessica's adoration.
"Actually, my brother, Hunter finsihed his term a few months ago. His fiancée is pregnant, and he didn't want the baby to not have a father when he or she was born." Alissa responded with a soft smile. "And my sister, Keegan, is finishing up her last month over in Afghanistan. She'll be coming back around December; maybe even on Christmas." She added, reminiscing over a few of the places that Keegan had told her about in letters. Eventually, Alissa came back down to earth and continued eating the delicious food. She heard little bits and pieces of Jessica and Adrian's conversation, but didn't intrude on anything. By the time that the sun started setting, she had answered dozens of questions, but it seemed as if Alissandra had more questions to ask; but Alissa didn't mind. She waited to hear more questions with a happy, and loving smile on her face.
It was 8 o'clock when all of the dishes were cleared away into the kitchen and everyone was filled with delicious food. Adrian's family had run out of questions, leaving Jessica, Damian and Toby to go to their own homes, leaving Adrian, Alissa and Liana sitting at the table with his parents. Liana had only just turned 18 a couple of days ago, and since she was at university she lived with Alissandra and Brett. Brett sighed. "Well, it's been an absolute pleasure to meet you Alissa. I'm off to the study; I've got a big report to do." He slid out of his chair and and headed down the hall. "Yeah, I better break in some study too. My medical career won't get off to a good start if I fail my exams." Liana too slid out of her chair and disappeared. "And I don't have a good enough excuse, so I'm going to go and finish my Bryce Courtenay collection. I'll let you two settle in." She got up and pecked Adrian on the scalp and Alissa on the cheek. "I will see you both in the morning."
Alissa smiled and waved to Liana, "Sleep well Laina." She said as she turned to Adrian. "I love this place, and your family." She told him, as she hugged him, and then started to walk to their room. "Come on, we should head to our room, and get settled." She said as she took his hand, and then walked with him to their room. As she entered, she changed into basketball shorts and a sports bra. She looked out of the window, and sighed contentally. "It's so beautiful here." She mumbled, letting her eyes roam around outside of the room. She turned back, and sat down on her bed. She stretched her back, loving the feeling of the warm, soft air streaming through the window. She let a huge smile overcome her face as she rested on the bed. All of her muscles were relaxed, and her mind completely clear.
"I'm just going to change into my jammies. I'll be back in a second." Adrian pecked Alissa's forehead, gathered his pyjamas and walked into the ensuite, closing the door behind him. Stripping off, he changed into yellow plaid boxer short and a tight grey singlet. Gathering up his clothes, he dumped them into the wicker washing basket and stepped back out into the bedroom. "I forgot how much I missed this place." He sighed, staring out the open window, the thin white curtains flapping in the cool breeze. Daylight savings was in full swing, so the sun was only just turning the sky a radiant shade of deep pink. The whole room was panelled in dark wood, giving it a cabin-esque feel. "So Honeyqueen, I don't feel quite yet ready for bed, so what would you like to do? We can go and check out the rest of the house, hang out in the freeroom, which has a pool table, chess, books everything you can think of. So, my sweetpea, the choice is entirely up to you."

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