J. Parks Academy for the Talented

The warmth of Alissa's touch sent tingles of electricity spiralling throughout his body, making him shiver a little. He knew that she could feel his heartbeat on the palm of her soft hand, as it was beating very quickly. He wrapped his free hand around her waist, drawing her close. The day outside had turned dark, grey and bitterly cold, something Adrian thought he would never see in California. Unravelling his arm from her waist, he grabbed a thick faux fur blanket that was laying on the arm of the lounge and draped it over their bodies. "You know, at this time of year in Australia it gets to about 30 degrees. I'm just not used to the weather being so cold in November. Speaking of which, we'll be in Australia on the 13th, 4 days after my birthday. Is that alright with you?" He gave Alissa a chaste kiss on her crown and snuggled deeply into the blanket, which had already warmed him up and cocooned Alissa in his arms.

Alissa looked up at Adrian, she was now closer to him, and a blanket was being wrapped around the two. She moved her head so she could look at his face. "Mhhm." She muttered "Well, that's alright with me." She said, smiling. She snuggled in a little closer and felt the chaste kisses on her forehead, and the warmth of the blanket and Adrian surrounding her was almost enough to bring her into a sleep. She wrapped one of her legs around his, and planted little, soft kisses along his jawline before laying her head down. As her head was on his chest, she saw the time on the DVD player. "Hey, Adrian, it's like nine-o'clock." She told him "I think I'm going to get ready for bed. You can stay here if you'd like." She informed him, "If you want to stay here, you can go to your dorm get your pjs on, and do whatever else you need to do." She added as she kissed his lips sweetly, and stood by her dresser where she undressed and changed into a grey long sleeve and red flannel pajama pants.
"Of course I want to stay with you! I'll just duck down to my dorm. I'll be right back." Adrian gave Alissa a cheeky wink and hurried off to his dorm. Upon entering, he noticed that all of the lights were out, so he flicked the hallway and kitchen light on so he could see. Flashes of lightning lit up the gloom and quickly heavy rain was heard pounding the window. Shrugging off the cold weather, he went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, then changed into a thick white long-sleeved shirt and green plaid pyjama pants. He grabbed his ugg boots and packed his toiletries and headed back to Alissa's dorm. Walking in, he shut and locked the door and headed off to her bedroom, where he found her brushing her hair. "I'm back Honeyqueen." He said waltzing in, closing the door behind him and planting a warm, long kiss on Alissa's lips.
Alissa walked to the bathroom after Adrian had left, she brushed her teeth and then walked back to her dresser where she took her brush, and brushed her hair after taking it out of the ponytail it was in. When Adrian came back, she had just finished brushing her hair. She turned herself around to say "Hey." then she wrapped her arms around his neck, and returned his long, warm kiss. She eventually pulled away but stayed close to Adrian. She took his hand, and walked to her bed; she wrapped her other hand around his back. Alissa laid down in her bed, once she had reached it, and brought him down with her. She pulled the covers over the two, and pulled the soft and thick blanket over themselves too. She snuggled in closer to Adrian, and laid her head on his shoulder; the periodic flashes of lightning and heavy tapping water flashed throughout the room, and hit the window pane. "I love you." She whispered his ear before snuggling even closer to him.
Despite tiredness drooping his eyelids, Adrian couldn't sleep. Even though he loved it when it stormed when he was trying to sleep, something kept him awake. Alissa was sleeping soundly, her body snuggled closely to him and underneath the warm blanket. Easing out of Alissa's bed, he crept to the kitchen and took out his sleeping medication from his toiletries bag. Sleeping had been an on-off issue for many years, and he guessed that it had started again. Washing down the tablet with a glass of water, he wandered over to his phone, which was on charge on the dining table. Glancing at the time, he realised he had been awake for four hours since he had gone to bed. Thanks to the strong sleeping pill, he headed back to bed and climbed back in under the covers, easing off into a dreamless sleep, his heart heavy with a peculiar and unexpected emotion. Grief.

Alissa hadn't felt anything that night, she didn't know what went on. She slept through the night, and into the morning, to about 9:30 AM. She woke up as a light danced across her face; it hit her eyes first, then it scrambled all over her face. She slowly opened her eyes and saw it had been the sunlight from outside reflecting off of the kitchen's stove. Allissa slowly slipped from Adrian's arms and walked into the kitchen where she turned the stove on and got every supply that she needed out. She had been somewhat focused as she made her homemade waffles and cinnamon apple sauce to go ontop of it. She sautéed the apples and cinnamon in the fry pan, paying close attention to the food, and flipping them every so often. She also made the waffles from scratch, but did have to use the waffle press.

Adrian's eyelids fluttered open at around 9:38. He had slept roughly, despite taking his medication. Sitting up, he noticed that Alissa was no longer in bed and the smell of apples and cinnamon floated down the hallway and created a calm, romantic atmosphere. Inhaling the delicious aroma, he stretched his arms above his head and yawned, rubbing sleep away from his eyes. He slipped on his ugg boots and pulled down the sleeves of his shirt and wandered out to the kitchen, where the sweet sound of sizzling breakfast cackled in the air. He smiled when he saw Alissa preoccupied, flipping mixtures and constantly looking across the stove top. He leant against the corner of the wall and crossed his arms, his smile broadening. "Good morning, Honeyqueen." He near-shouted over the noise of the food.

Alissa had just finished putting the apples in a bowl, turning the stove off, and placing the waffles in the stove. She had turned around as she heard Adrian's voice. She walked over to him, and took one of his hands into hers "Goodmorning." She said to him before giving him a goodmorning kiss and leading him to the table where she let him stand for a second before moving him to then countertops. She set the apples on the counter ontop of a hotpad, and the waffles on a waffle rack. She gave Adrian a plate and utensils before saying "Take what you want to eat." She old him as she gave herself a plate and utensils and placing a few waffles and apples on her plate.
Adrian yawned before taking a single waffle and a spoonful of apples onto his plate. He wasn't very hungry, so he sat down and picked at his food, occasionally taking a bite. "So, not long before we're in Australia. Are you getting excited?" He asked Alissa, trying to make breakfast conversation. Deciding he was thirsty, he walked over to the fridge and took out some orange juice and poured a glassful. "Do you want some too? I'll just bring the bottle over." Carrying his full glass, he placed the juice bottle along with a glass for Alissa on the table and took his spot, popping a slice of apple into his mouth. A little of the juicy sauce dribbled down the corner of his mouth, so he wiped it off with his napkin and took a gulp of juice before giving Alissa a half-hearted smile.
Alissa took a bite of her waffle, and surprisingly, she wasn't hungry. She took the bottle into her hand, and poured herself a little bit of juice. "Yes, I am getting excite!." She told him after swallowing her juice, "how many more days?" She asked with a little smile. She giggled when the juice had squirted down his chin; when he wiped the juice off, he had missed a little just under his lip. Alissa walked over to him and stood next to him, and said "You missed a little." Before leaning her head down and planting a little kiss on his lips and wiping the juice off of this face. Alissa gave him a smirk and took his hand and said "Lets go to the lounge." As she pulled him up and walked with him to the lounge where she sat with her head on his collarbone, right in front of his shoulder. She still held his hand and her over arm was draped over his chest.
Adrian sighed a little, and rested his head on Alissa's crown. For some reason, today he just felt very low and down. "So only three days to go before we're in Australia, and tomorrow is my birthday. The big 2-0." He gave a little smile as he said those words, and pecked Alissa slowly on the edge of her forehead. Gently lifting her head off his collarbone, he eased out of the lounged and started to walk towards the hallway. "I'll be right back, I just want to get dressed and brush my teeth." He entered Alissa's bedroom and changed into a thick grey jacket, black tracksuit pants and kept his ugg boots on. Grabbing his toiletries bag, he brushed his teeth in the bathroom and splashed some of the cold water onto his face, the feeling of sadness weighing heavily upon his shoulders.


Adrian sighed a little, and rested his head on Alissa's crown. For some reason, today he just felt very low and down. "So only three days to go before we're in Australia, and tomorrow is my birthday. The big 2-0." He gave a little smile as he said those words, and pecked Alissa slowly on the edge of her forehead. Gently lifting her head off his collarbone, he eased out of the lounged and started to walk towards the hallway. "I'll be right back, I just want to get dressed and brush my teeth." He entered Alissa's bedroom and changed into a thick grey jacket, black tracksuit pants and kept his ugg boots on. Grabbing his toiletries bag, he brushed his teeth in the bathroom and splashed some of the cold water onto his face, the feeling of sadness weighing heavily upon his shoulders.

Alissa could feel herself getting excited for his birthday. "I can't wait to celebrate your 20th birthday with you. And then go to Australia with you." She told him. Something didn't feel right, this was a different side of Adrian that she hadn't seen before. She nodded and moved herself off of him and stood up; she walked to the kitchen, and cleaned up after breakfast. She through away the leftovers and wiped the counter and the table off, and cleaned the frying pan. She scrubbed the own until all of the grease was gone. She slipped her ring back on, and walked do her dressers where she changed into yoga pants, a white and red track t-shirt, and a pair of socks. Alissa walked back to her bed, and sat on her pillows. She pulled her knees up to her chest, and rested her chin on her knees. She started to wonder what had put Adrian in a down, and sad mood. She decided that she would ask him what was the matter when he came back. Alissa ringer brushed through her hair, and pulled it to a loose ponytail so it would stay out of her face.
After Adrian had dried his face, he wandered into the kitchen and took out a packet of pills. Gulping down three of them, he sighed heavily and made his way back to Alissa's bedroom, where he found her sitting on the bed, her knees pressed to her chest and a thoughtful look lining her face. "Is everything alright? Are you okay?" He asked, slightly worried. He knew that he wasn't in a very good mood that morning, but if it was making Alissa feel down, then he had to do some serious mood improvement. He slipped onto the bed beside her and wrapped her upper torso in his arms. He rested his head on top of hers, feeling her heartbeat through her clothes. He didn't want her to feel upset, but at the same time, if she was, he didn't know what to do. He was beginning to confuse himself.
"Adrian, what's wrong?" She asked when he entered the room. Alissa's eyes followed him as he made his way to her bed. "I'm ok, but what about you?" She asked, with a little concern in her voice. She unraveled her knees from her chest, let her hands rest on his shoulders and snuggled in closer to Adrian; her head was under his, and she could hear his heartbeat very well. She moved her legs so they were curled together, but not up to her chest. A sudden yawn came over her; the yawn was silent, but it made her sleepier. Alissa nestled her head under his, and left soft little kisses on his ear and jawline. Alissa looked up at him with a smile on her face. Her hands gently rubbed his shoulder blades and collarbone; she loved Adrian very much, and she didn't like it when he was in a depressed mood. She didn't know what had put him in the mood, but she wanted to make sure that he was ok, and he felt loved. Alissa slowly moved her head to his forehead, and placed a slow-moving kiss on his crown, then she moved her head away from his forehead and back under Adrian's, where she continued to think.
"I don't know what's wrong. Trust me, it happens sometimes. My psychologist believes it's just repressed emotions from the orphanage coming out. So I wouldn't be too worried." Adrian said quietly, feeling slightly guilty. When Alissa had rested her head back underneath his chin, he leant back slowly, lying on the bed with his head nestled in the soft pillows, Alissa wrapped in his arms. He gently stroked her arm and stared off into the ceiling, thinking. "I'm sorry if I've made you upset or worried. I haven't been taking my anti-depressants as often as I should be, so it's probably just from that. I'm fine though, so please don't worry or stress yourself out too much. We should just be excited that we'll be in Australia soon, and I'll be 20 in not too long either." A small smile teased at the corners of Adrian's mouth, the thought of being back home with the girl he loved filling him with happiness. "I love you, my Honeyqueen." He whispered softly, stroking her hair gently and slowly.
Alissa slowly nodded her head, "Ok, well I'm glad that you are ok." She told him. "No, you haven't made me mad, or upset." She reassured him, "I can't wait to celebrate your twentieth birthday together! And then eventually go to Australia." She said to him, with a smile creeping up on her face. Alissa moved her head below his collar bone, and reached her hand up to his ear where she ran her finger over his ear, and placing soft kisses at the base of his neck. "I love you too, Adrian." She told him, letting her fingers off of his ear and into his bair. The soft, short hair felt as it always did and Alissa couldn't help but love that moment that they were laying in.
Adrian felt his spirtis lift slightly as they layed there, together on Alissa's bed, and soon he felt his eyelids become heavy and yawned silently. Despite taking some sleeping pills, he didn't sleep very well, so in the moment that they were in, he felt himself become sleepy. He tried to keep his eyes open, but he eventually succumbed to their weight, and drifted off. Images of different foods that he had eaten in the past week flew past his eyes and were quickly replaced by his family. They were all posing for a family portrait, except he and Alissa and a small baby were also in the photo. Broad smiles plastered every face and the picture almost glowed with happiness and contentment. And with seeing those smile, unbeknown to Adrian, a true, peaceful smile creeped up onto his face as well, matching the beaming faces of his family.
Alissa noticed that Adrian was drifting asleep, she smiled a soft smile, and hummed a little tune. She slowly laid her head that was in between his shoulder and head. She was also beginning to fall asleep, but before she fell asleep, she saw Adrian smiling in his sleep. That was worth more than anything to her, and she could cherish that moment for the rest of her life. As she slipped into sleep, her mind was flooded with old memories from when she was a lot younger, and all of her family had been sitting in the living room. Her dad was telling stories of their grandpa, and all of the hilarious things that he had done. Alissa also saw the day when she arrived at J. Parks, what seemed like old memories came into her dreams. Memories all with Adrian, and all so happy. She fell into a little deeper sleep as her thoughts soar and happy images floated across her dreams.
Adrian's eyes opened slowly, rubbing the tiredness away from his eyes. The room was filled with a bright, luminescent glow of mid-morning sunshine. He tried to shift his body sideways, but noticed that Alissa was sleeping on him, so he gently eased his head so he could get a view of the clock. 11:26am. They hadn't been asleep for terribly long, but he felt more refreshed and happier than he did before. Sighing contently, he raised his arm and placed it behind his head, nestling closer to Alissa's body. He would lie and wait for Alissa to wake up, and then what they did with themselves was to be decided later on in the day.


(Did you have a really good Christmas? I know I did! :D )
Alissa woke up madness greeted by the mid-morning Sun that danced across her dorm room. She yawned and saw that Adrian was awake; she looked up at him, and poked his stomach playfully. "Well hello there handsome." She said to him with her signature giggle. She felt extremely refreshed and ready to take the day on. Alissa stretched, trying not to bump Adrian while doing so. She moved her head to the pillows beside her, and stretched a little more. She looked over a t her fiance and smirked; his happy face made her smile.

(Yes, I had an amazing Christmas)
"I'm not the handsome one. I fade into the background against your stunning beauty." Adrian said softly, but loud enough to be heard. He was feeling much better since earlier that morning, so he slipped out of Alissa's reach and headed out to the hallway. "I'll be right back. Don't you dare move a single inch." He winked and shut the bedroom door behind him, creeping out of Alissa's dorm and headed to his own. Walking inside, the air was a bit stale. That was to be expected when no one had been staying there for a while. At least he had cleaned it up before spending most of his time at Alissa's dorm. It had taken him nearly six hours, but he had managed to clean the entire dorm. He peeled open the fridge, which was practically empty, and reached into its depths before pulling out lunch for the two of them. It was covered in clingwrap so it wouldn't go off, but he could feel the stickiness of the honey clinging to the plastic coating. Heading back to Alissa's dorm, he locked his dorm firmly and entered hers, placing lunch on the island and walking back down to the bedroom.
Alissa watched as he left, a smile still on her face, and her body still warm from Adriana body heat and the sheets. She wondered what he was doing as she laid there in complete silence. She stretched herself realizing her body was stiffer than she thought, so she stretched a tad bit more then stopped. Alissa took her sweatshirt off and tossed it into her laundry hamper, she turned over her body over so She was facing the opposite way as.before. Alissa pulled the cover over her a little bit more, and turned over once again, now looking at the living room. When Adrian came back, She cholesterol but wonder what was in the plastic covered plate, but she knew she's would find out soon. A he laid down with her, she laid her head on his shoulder and then kissed his forehead.
"I brought back lunch." Adrian gave Alissa a sweet smile. "It had been marinating in my fridge for a couple of days, so I decided that it would be lunch rather than going off. It's lemon and lime chicken kebabs with honey and a splash of white wine, just to give it a bit more of a punch." He winked and snuggled closer to Alissa, resting his head on her chest and exhaled deeply. "Just let me know when you want lunch. They'll take about half-an-hour to cook, and during that time I thought I would make some fried rice to go with it. I don't mind when we eat, so whenever you're hungry just let me know and I'll get started." He rubbed some excess sleep from the corners of his eyes and blinked a couple of times. He wasn't tired, he was just still awakening from his nap.


(I'm sorry I haven't been online much :( , I've just been on holidays, and with limited reception, it's really crappy)

"I brought back lunch." Adrian gave Alissa a sweet smile. "It had been marinating in my fridge for a couple of days, so I decided that it would be lunch rather than going off. It's lemon and lime chicken kebabs with honey and a splash of white wine, just to give it a bit more of a punch." He winked and snuggled closer to Alissa, resting his head on her chest and exhaled deeply. "Just let me know when you want lunch. They'll take about half-an-hour to cook, and during that time I thought I would make some fried rice to go with it. I don't mind when we eat, so whenever you're hungry just let me know and I'll get started." He rubbed some excess sleep from the corners of his eyes and blinked a couple of times. He wasn't tired, he was just still awakening from his nap.


(I'm sorry I haven't been online much :( , I've just been on holidays, and with limited reception, it's really crappy)
"Hmm yummy!" Alissa said after he told her what he had brought. She nodded, "Ok, sounds like a plan for lunch." agreed with a smirk. She gently poked his side and giggled as she took her finger off of his sides and then slid her hands to his chest and stomach. She rested her head on top of his an held him close, keeping a cocoon of warm body heat around them. She kissed his crown and rubbed her eyes, trying to wipe the leftover sleep out of her eyes and body. She looked down at him and gently smiled "I love you." she told him before she rubbed his jawline and neck with her thumb.
"And I love you too, my Honeyqueen." Adrian replied, softly kissing the back of her hand. Then, without warning, he leapt from Alissa's grasp and out of the beds comfortable recesses, he started heading back out of her bedroom door. "I'll get started on lunch. Okay?" He gave a quick smile then hurried off to the kitchen. Easily making his way through Alissa's pantry, he took out the rice, soy sauce, assorted vegetables and set up her wok and began preparing the fried rice. After he was able to let the rice cook away, he unwrapped the chicken and placed them onto a scalding skillet. Smoke immediately rose and the heavy sizzling filled the room. Inhaling deeply, he was happy at how they had turned out. Now all he had to do was finishing cooking. While he turned the kebabs to cook evenly, he took out two plates, set portions of rice onto each and finally set the kebabs down. Happy with his work, he called out to Alissa. "Lunch is done! Come and get it!"


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