J. Parks Academy for the Talented

"No babe I can pay for It, unless you wanna help me pay" Ella said she paid for the necklace she asked jordan "babe can you put it on for me" It was so pretty she was scared it might out pretty her..
Jordan smiled "I can do anything for you" he said as he placed the necklace around her neck and pecked her cheek. Jordan took her hand and walked with her back to the festival.
As they were walking through the festival Ella saw her latest ex-boyfriend she hoped he wouldn't notice her.. Ella put her head down she walked past him. she said to Jordan "He's my ex-boyfriend so i was trying to hide from him.. sorry if i scared you or something"
Jordan put his hand on her back "It's ok Ell, I understand" he said as he kissed her cheek. He wanted to make her safe and loved; she was the love of his life; he would do anything for her.
Ella pecked his lips as they kept walking, Ella felt so happy that she wqs the love of his life.. He was the love of her life too.. she was soo lucky to have him.. she has never been so happy in a relqtionship like she has with Jordan.. "babe can we go? My feet are starting to hurt..." She said as she was getting pains in her feet.
Jordan nodded "Sure sweetheart" he said as he picked her up in his arms and walked back to his car. When he reached his car, he set Ella down in the car after he'd opened the passengers side door. He closed her door and then walked to the other side of the cat and got into the driver' side. Jordan started his car, and then started to pull out of the parking lot.
As they got back to the dorm, Ella went and changed into her pajamas and went and laid down in Jordan's bed and fell asleep. She had to wake up early in the morning for her drama class so they could work on their proformance as they only had 2 weeks left to practice. "Jordan I have to get up early tomorrow so if i'm not here by the time you wake up, i'll be in the drama room with my classmates so we can work on our proformance." Ella said as she fell asleep.
Jordan playfully frowned "Alright, good night sweetheart" he said as she fell asleep. Jordan changed into his pjs and then climbed in next to Ella and kissed her forehead. He gently wrapped his arms around her and dozed off.
Ella woke up around 5:30 in the morning, She groaned and rolled over to go back to sleep, But she knew she had to get up for drama even though today was the first day their holidays. Ella got up and went and had a shower she got out and got ready, She walked out to see Jordan sleeping peacfully, She took a picture and added it on facebook waiting for him to see it while he was gone. As she added it on facebook she added a caption "doesn't he look so cute while he is sleeping:)" She tagged him in it, She locked her phone and went and had breakfast. It was 7:00 and it was time for her to leave. Ella left a note on the table and quietly left the room. She made her way to the drama room to see a note on the door saying there was no practice today. Ella was really pissed off that she had gotten up at an ungodly hour. She made her way back to Jordan's room to see him not in his bed, She went into the kitchen to she Jordan with an evil grin on his face.
Jordan woke up as Ella left. He checked his face book because he'd gotten a notification. He smiled at Whag Ella had posted. He got up and walked to the kitchen, then poured himself some cereal. As he finished he heard his door open and he saw Ella, then grinned. "Hey there Delilah" he said with a little chuckle. He wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her a kiss.
Ella walked into the kitchen not looking very happy. She went and laid down on Jordan's bed and said "Babe practice was off so i woke up at 5:30 for nothing" Ella turned and faced the wall until she fell asleep. When she woke up she noticed that Jordan wasnt anywhere. She went into the bathroom to fix her hair and make-up, She heard someone walk in and she popped her head out of the door to see that it wasnt Jordan, someone was breaking in. She was freaking out cause her phone was on Jordan's bedside table.
Jordan had gone into his back closet . When he was back there, he head someone open the front door. He turned around and walk towards the front door "Ella? Everything is alright sweetheart." He told her, and it was true; the person coming in was the health Expecter.
Ella was in relief she walked out and sat down on the couch and started watching tv.. "babe he scared me and I'm cold can you hold me and keep me warm?" Ella asked as she was shivering
Jordan smiled "Of course I can sweetheart" he said as he plopped himself close to Ella and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her cheek, and rubbed her back and shoulders. Jordan pushed some of her hair behind her ear, and played with her hair.
Adrian groaned, but obliged and unzipped Alissa's dress. When she had gone into the hall down to her dorm to change, he walked over to his tall rack of DVD's, most of them unwatched. His sister had visited recently, so all of his movies were in alphabetical order, according to genre. He finally settled on Eat Pray Love (A movie his sister had given him as a joke) and popped it into his DVD player. He waited for the selection screen to come on, then went to the kitchen and made some popcorn. Whilst it was popping, he changed out of his suit into a plain grey t-shirt and plaid pyjama pants. He tipped the popcorn into a plastic bowl and waited on his couch for Alissa to return.


(I return!!! :D School went back and I just didn't feel like RPing :/ )
Alissa changed into her pjs and walked back out to Adrian. She sat down next to him and took his hand "So, what movie did you pick out?" She asked with a smirk. She laid her head on his shoulder and looked up at him. Alissa pecked his cheek, and then gently nuzzled her head into his neck. She did love him; he meant the entire world to him. If he ever went out of her life, she knew her life would not be the same.

(Welcome back x)
"I chose Eat Pray Love. I have no idea what it's about, but it sounded like something you'd like." Adrian placed an arm around Alissa's neck, kissing her crown and pressing OK on the remote to start the movie. He reached up to the light switch that was just above his head and turned off all of the lights, so the two of them were illuminated by the flickering screen. "Popcorn?" He held the bowl to her, waiting for her to take some. He took a couple and shoved them into his mouth. "Om Nom Nom," He said with his mouth full, smiling. "It's really good. Even though dinner was great, I like the packaged popcorn better." He shrugged and placed his head on Alissa's, his arm still around her neck.


"I chose Eat Pray Love. I have no idea what it's about, but it sounded like something you'd like." Adrian placed an arm around Alissa's neck, kissing her crown and pressing OK on the remote to start the movie. He reached up to the light switch that was just above his head and turned off all of the lights, so the two of them were illuminated by the flickering screen. "Popcorn?" He held the bowl to her, waiting for her to take some. He took a couple and shoved them into his mouth. "Om Nom Nom," He said with his mouth full, smiling. "It's really good. Even though dinner was great, I like the packaged popcorn better." He shrugged and placed his head on Alissa's, his arm still around her neck.

Alissa smiled "Sure" she took a few pieces of the popcorn and put them into her mouth. She giggled when Adrian had made the silly noises. Alissa gave Adrian a kiss and then moved her body a little closer to his. She giggled again "Yes, this is much better than dinner" she joked "You never this type of quality in a restaurant" she added with a giggle. "I love you" she whispered into his ear, them placed a soft kiss on the side of his head.
"I love you too, my Honeyqueen," Adrian said softly into her hair, pressing kisses across the top of her head, and down to the base of her jaw. "But, I bet you a million dollars that I love you even more." He pulled away and smiled sincerely, his love and care shining in his eyes from the illumination of the movie. He grabbed a thick blanket off the side of the lounge and swept it across the two of them, then snuggled down into it, putting his head on Alissa's shoulder. He shovelled another handful of popcorn into his mouth, spilling most of it over Alissa's chest. "Oops." He said with a cheeky smile, opening his mouth open to show her the mushed up popcorn. He closed his mouth, swallowed, winked and pecked her cheek and snuggled back into her shoulder, which he found extremely comfortable.

Alissa giggled, she picked a piece of popcorn off of her chest, and threw it at Adrian. When his head was nuzzled into his shoulder, she slid her hand up to his head. Her fingers lightly grazing his hair, she ran her finger along his hairline on the side of his head and rubbed his skin with her thumb. Alissa looked down at Adrian, her adoration for him could he seem in her eyes. She pecked his forehead before laying her head down on his, she looked towards the movie; it was about halfway through. Alissa did watch the movie, but she was usually focused on Adrian too. She loved him so much; he was the one thing in her life that could never be replaced.
Adrian heaved out a big sigh, and watched Julia Roberts prance about on his TV. He could feel the gentle hum of Alissa's breathing rise against his chest, giving him a sense of relaxation and calm. He and Alissa quietly shared the popcorn, stroking each others hair, and eventually he could feel a slight sleepiness come over him. He shook it off just as the credits began to roll. Switching off the movie, he said, "Would you like to watch another movie? Or do you want to do something else? I'm happy to do whatever you want." He pulled the bowl of popcorn out of the blanket and placed it on the table beside the lounge. Shifting sideways, he sat up and stretched his neck, and waited to hear her response.
Ella hugged Jordan and kissed his cheek before she fell asleep on the floor.. She was.in a nice dream before she heard a noise and woke up.to see the kitchen light on.. She noticed Jordan in the kitchen "babe what are you doing?" Ella said sleepily... Ella went back to bed and went to sleep....
Alissa though for a moment "Why don't we just snuggle for now ?" She suggested. She pressed her body close to his, wrapped her arms around him, and placed her head under his chin. She gave his lips a kiss, and then brought her head back down. She rubbed her hands all over his back, and she looked up at him when the Movie had turned off. She could feel a sudden sleepiness come over her, but she tried to push it away. She didn't want to fall asleep quiet yet "You better keep e awake, because I'm going to fall asleep in a second." She told him with a giggle. She closed her eyes, and pretended to snore.

Jordan smiled "No idea, love" he told her. Jordan followed her into bed, wrapped his arms around her, and then fell asleep. He had his head on be shoulder, and her body pressed against his.
Ella woke up, she noticed how cute Jordan looked so she just left hin there. She walked into the kitchen and made some breakfast, she sat at the table eating when she heard Jordan get up. "Babe do you want some breakfast?"
Jordan felt for Ella, but she wasnt there, he turned over and looked at the beauty in his dorm. "I'll make it sweetheart, don't worry" he said as he pecked her cheek, and popped a bagel into his toaster. When it came up, he spread some cream cheese on it and sat by Ella "Good morning my beauty." He said with a smirk.

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