J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Adrian layed on his side, bringing Alissa with him. He faced her, holding her close so she wouldn't fall off, wrapping one arm around her waist and the other around her shoulders. "So, we've got approximately three hours until our classes. Got any ideas on what we can do? Because I could just sit here, like this, all day, and be happy." He planted a short, but passionate kiss on her lips. "My honeyqueen," he whispered. "Do you know how I came up with honeyqueen? You're as sweet as honey, and you're my queen, so therefore, Honeyqueen was created." He gave her another short, but sweet kiss.


(Sorry it took so long! RPNation is being stupid *Rage Face* :( )
Alissa put one of her hands on Adrian's side and one of her hands on the middle of his back, just lightly touching it. "Hmm, that would be ok with me.." she trailed off. Alissa drew herself closer to Adrian; her chest on his, Alissa gave Adan a big, long, passionate, soft, lingering kiss. "How creative" said Alissa with a smile on her face, she brought her legs down onto his and entwined them together. She gave Adrian a soft little peck on his forehead as she tilted his head up, and moved one of her hands to his neck.

(It's ok, I understand :) )

He began to move in, to kiss her on the lips, but moved at the last minute and kissed her forehead instead. "Oops, did I trick you?" He gave a cheeky smile and made a look of pure innocence. "How rude of me. How can I ever make it up, my dear lady? Oh, I know.." He stopped and gently, but powerfully, pressed his lips against hers. He gripped her shoulders and waist tighter, trying to feel closer to her, even though that wasn't remotely possible. He felt her nails dig into his neck, but he didn't mind. She wouldn't pierce the skin, and the worst would just be some red skin. Besides, he wouldn't complain, as long as he was with her, he had everything he needed.
Alissa giggled, she ran her hand up and down his neck and let Adrian kiss her. She moved her Other hand to his ear and softly ran her thumb over the outside of his ear. She pulled away for a brief moment only to say "I love you baby" and put her lips back on his and kissed the side of his lips and cheek
"I love you too," He whispered, panting lightly, then crushed his lips back onto hers. It almost felt unnatural without each other's lips together, and Adrian had never experienced so much love in his life before, so he was taking the opportunity to make the most of it. He began to kiss along her jawline, getting lower down her neck and reached the top of her shirt. He paused, then continued back up, kissing all around her face, planting his love all over her. Once he was all kissed out, he let out a satisfied sigh and placed his head just above Alissa's, her head sitting underneath his. "Don't ever leave me. You are too important in my life. I need you." He said, a serious look on his face.
Alissa ran her hand down his arm to us hand and entwined his fingers in hers. She snuggled into him closer and nodded her head with agreement. "I don't ever want to leave or be without you Adrian, my life wouldn't be the same without you" she told him as she hugged him gentley, then looked at the time: 10:20. She looked up at Adrian and smiled sweetly.
"Aw, 40 minutes until class!? Where did the time go?" Adrian complained when Alissa broke the news to him. "I wish we didn't have to go to class; I like just lying here with you, and having our occasional make-out sessions." He winked and pecked her nose tip. Then he sat up and stretched. "Well, I guess you should get your instruments ready for music class. I am already prepared." He raised a hand and delicately stroked his throat. Getting up, he walked to the kitchen and reached for a glass and filled it with water. He took long gulps and it was empty within a couple of seconds.
Alissa nodded her head with agreement. She walked over to the door and got get violin, and duffle bag. She then threw them over her shoulder and walked over to Adrian. She took his hand as he set the glass down and started to walk out of her dorm, to their classes. Thankfully, the orchestra room was right next to the choir room
Once they were outside their classrooms, Adrian heaved a sigh, preparing for more melodrama. "This is where we depart, my fair maiden," He held Alissa's hand daintily and kissed it lightly, before dabbing his eyes with an imaginary tissue. "Oh dear me, how can I live without you for an hour? You are too special and precious to be let out of my sight." He smiled and blew her a kiss, then spied Mr Aldvara walking down the hall, and the growing line of students outside each classroom. "Well, time to go." He kissed her quickly on the lips and walked into the choir room, which everyone was just starting to pile into.
Alissa blew him a kiss and let go of his hands, walking into Orchestra. Some good news came for Alissa; one, she was getting to play the song Springsteen by Eric Church for festival. two, they were going to play along with the choir!! Alissa almost jumped out of her char as she heard the news!! Be quickly got her music for Springsteen, and started to practice, that song reminded her of her relationship with Adrian, she smiled as she played the song for the first time and almost got all of the notes right, but missed a few of the sharps. As Mrs.Hokken told the class she had to confirm the song choice with Mr. Aldvara, Alissa smiled. Mrs. Hokken left the room and Alissa played Springsteen.

((I know I havent been on in a while, I havent had the chance to be on here. But [MENTION=2801]Coedy[/MENTION] could you fill me in please?))
((Suree Ashlee :) Alissa and Asrian are growing together in many different ways, I think the page that we left off of was in the low twenties))
(K thanks.. what is your male character's name again?) Ella went for a walk down the the nearest coffee shop and then ordered her regular and left to go to class.

As Jordan passed the social studies room, he bumped into a very pretty girl "I'm sorry,!" he exclaimed with a little smile
Ella smiled at the boy who was standing in front of her.. she smiled then blushed.. "hey my name is Ella" she said then giggled
Jordan smiled "Cool name" he remarked "Im Jordan" he added. Jordan glanced up at the clock and then back to Ella "I have to go, but please call me" he begged hand her a slip of paper with his number in it, and started to step away.
Adrian's heart lept with excitement when Mr. Aldvara broke the news; a joint performance with the band! That meant that he and Alissa could be together for more often, and they could also learn each others talents. When the bell rang for their 20 minute break, he ran out and spied Alissa running at him. He embraced her when he reached her, and swung her around with excitement. "Have you heard the news? We get to work together!" He received a few odd looks, but he didn't care. Placing a long, passion-filled kiss on her lips, he held her hand and practically skipped off to eat. He knew it was a bit silly to get so excited over, but who cared! Not him.


(Soo sorry it took forever! My internet was lagging and RPNation kept logging me out...Ugh, I wasn't happy :( )
Alissa smiled as she was swung around. She nodded her head "I know!!" she said excitedly; Alissa took his hand and skipped with him to eat. Alissa didn't care of dhe looked silly; she was with Adrian, and she was so very happy. As they approached the garden once again, Alissa sat down on a bench, pulling Adrian next to her. Alissa was overjoyed, but she was also a little down; hoping that Adrian didn't see that she was sad, she pecked his cheek and took out her lunch; yogurt, and a turkey ham and cheese wrap. "Do you have any big news?" Alissa asked "like big oppurtunities" she added curiosly


(It's fine, I totally understand :) )
"Um, not that I know of," Adrian was a bit puzzled at her question. "Why do you ask? Has something come up for you?" He smiled at her as he took a bite of his sandwich. Watching as she smiled back, he noticed that the sparkle in her normally bright eyes was missing. And she seemed rather flat as well. But, he thought not to push her and ask; if something was wrong, he hoped she would tell him so he could help her. He wanted to make her feel happy and good about herself. He kissed her softly, but romantically on the cheek, trying to lift her spirits.

"Umm.." Alissa debated what to feel him Alright, either I tell him I have to leave for a month to Tennessee, or I'm getting solo in he festival. "Yeah, I'm getting a solo in festival, but that's not so big" Alissa added. As set he yogurt down and turned towards Adrian and took his hands "Well, actually, about two days ago, I got a call from an Orchestra in Tennesseez... They gave me a schoolarship." she said. She started to tear up, "I don't know if I can.." Alissa said quietly "What if.." she trailed off and looks at Adrian. Yes, Aliisa loved him, but she also cared about school. Alissa didn't know if she'd burst into tears; torn tween her boyfriend and a wcholarship.
When Adrian heard the news, he felt his heart crumble. Of course he wanted the best for Alissa, but she was the only person who had ever given him true love in his entire life time. And now, she was being taken from him. "Oh, o-of course you should take the scholarship!" He faked happiness, but it was quickly discovered by the crack in his voice. He felt tears spring up into his eyes and he quickly wiped them away, hoping she didn't see. He tried to recompose himself; "What an amazing opportunity! Of course you should take it!" He said, trying to be bright and chipper about it all. But, with every word he said, he continued to feel as though his heart was being ripped into tiny shards of confetti.

(I was tearing up just reading your post, let alone writing mine :/ )
Alissa shook her head "I'm not going to take it, I can't bear to be away from you. Besides I don't want to fly half way across the country for one semester" She said with a giggle. Alissa hugged him tightly, and wiped away his tears. She kissed his lips, trying to make him feel better; Alissa put her head on his shoulder and looked up at him. Suddenly, a thought came to mind, "Ooh guess what!!" Alissa asked with her usual spunk and twinkling eyes she was nt smiling uncontrolably and running her hand onver his arms.
Adrian was pleased to see the bright sparkle return to her eyes. But he did feel a little guilty that he was keeping her from an amazing opportunity. "It's not another devastating piece of news is it? Becuase believe me, I've had enough for one day." He pecked her cheek and gave her a tight hug. He sat back, took another meek bite of his sandwich and awaited her news, crossing his fingers and hoping with all of his heart that she wasn't about to announce something awful.

(Sadly, I have to go have dinner. But I will be back on, so don't leave!)
Alissa laughed a little bit and shook her had "No, it's more like... Somehimg remarkable for you and I" she said with a little smile. She stood up running to the red car parks infront of the school, she opens the door for the tall man, and he walked out. Alias led him to Adrian, as they got closer the man appeared to be a foot taller than Alisa, she motioned for Adriwn to stand up and she looks toward the man with a smile. Alissa then turned to Adrian as said "Adrian, this is my brother, Tucker" she said with a smile; she quickly hugged Tucker and winked at Adrian "Tucker, this is my boyfriend, Adrian" she said with a smile. Tucker stuck his hand out to Adrian "Nice meeting you" he said in his semi-strong southern accent.

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