J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Alissa cooled herself down she laughed and leaned into Adrian "That darn tomatoe, they are evil little minions" she said in a deep voice. She stole a piece of his lasagna "Those darn noodles!!" she said in a Barbie-ish voice "Thy always are way to jumpy" she said as she laughed a little harder "yeah not so sure you're my type.." she joked, she sprang back into a smile "I'm kidding. I'll love you anyway" she said as she leaned closer to him, and kissed his ear down to his lips. Then kissed him with a lot o passion
There was a connection between Adrian and Alissa, almost like magnetism, drawing them together. The passion burning between their lips couldn't be controlled, and both of their breathing was heavy and fast. "Excuse me, but save that for your dorms!" A girl shouted to them, causing them to split apart. Adrian took a sip of his water, panting slightly. "Well, I've had my excercise today," He smiled lovingly at Alissa. "That was some strong passion between us then. Do you think it's a sign? That we're like the two missing puzzle pieces? Because that's what I think." He trickled his fingers down her arm, causing goosebumps to form, and kissed her hand.

(P.S The girl that shouted was my own creation Eva :D )
Alissa felt as if nothing could break them apart. As the girl shouted as giggled and turned to Adrian, she put her head on his shoulder and took his hand, and ran her fingers over his. "I hope it was a sign, I feel like my heart is in yours and yours is in mine" she told him "I don't want to break apart, please promise you'll love me through the rest of our time together?" she asked. As Adrian ran his fingers own her arm she got goosebumps and laid her head next to his neck. She sighed contentally "One more class, then we can leave" she reminded him as she threw her lunch away and stood up taking his hand.


"School is almost over for the day. Thank god. Hopefully tomorrow we'll do some more interesting stuff, rather than just practice our octave range." Adrian entwined his fingers in hers, and, seeing as they had a few minutes spare before it was time to go, walked the long way slowly. "I'm really glad I got accepted to this school. Otherwise, how else would I have met you?" He didn't look at Alissa, but there was enough emotion in his voice to get across his feelings. "This is so much better than the orphanage. So much better by far. And you know what makes it better? You're here." He stopped suddenly and looked at her. "Since we're alone now, I need to give you this." He brought his lips to hers again and the spark ignited once more. The kiss was filled with such strong emotion, but it was once more broken, except this time by the bell. "That's the bell." He smiled and resumed holding her hand, walking with her to their last classes of the day.

(Sorry it's late, I was lost for inspirtation)
Alissa giggled "Tomorrow my first class is gymnastics, then dance. And finally orchestra" she told him. Alissa started to blush, she felt as if he could feel her heartbeat; only because it was beating out of her chest. As they kissed, Alissa smiled, she pulled away as he did and smiled once more. The spark between them was do strong, like they were two magents that were drawn together. Alissa hugged him as she stepped infont of the gymnastics room, "I'll see you after class, honey" she said as she let go and started to open the door waiting for his final resonpce

((It's Ok!! I totally understand!!))
"Absolutely. I wouldn't dream of not seeing your gorgeous face again." He winked and laughed at his own cheesiness. He walked off to the choir room, where he was gladly informed that they would start singing a couple of songs, to test harmony and vocalisation. First up was Christina Aguilera's Beautiful, then One Thing by One Direction and finally Kids in America by Ricky Wilde. He was so relieved to actually sing songs, rather than just practice octaves. During One Thing, he was struck with a sudden idea of their song. Smiling to himself, he happily sang with the rest of the class until the bell went, much to his joy. Almost skipping back to Alissa's class, he waited patiently outside.
Alissa started her class with beams, then bars, and finally mat. She finished her routine and quickly got changed and cooled her self down as she grabbed her bags and walked to the door. Alissa opened the door and stepped out side; she saw Adrian waitin and entwined her fingers in his and started to walk to their dorms "How was your class??" she asked sweetly. Alissa placed her head on his shoulder and smiled
"So much better than the last two periods. We actually did some singing, thank god. If we didn't, I think I would've died. But anyway, how was yours?" Adrian looked at Alissa and smirked. "Another intense workout? Shall we go to your room so you can shower and change? I don't mind waiting for you if you do." He turned into her dorm corridor and stopped outside her door, raising an eyebrow. Suddenly feeling playful, he began to act like a spoiled brat. "Chop chop, I don't have all day to wait outside a door." He rolled his eyes at the ceiling and tsked, smiling during all of it.
Alissa giggled "Yes, it was" she said as she opened her dorm. "Could I?" she asked "Thanks honey, youre the best" she said as she led him inside "There, now your inside of a door, is that better my prince?" she asked she was pretending to be the butler that didn't gt payed enough. She moved closer into Adrian she kissed him; their sparks flying everywhere, she kissed him with passion and softness, she continued to kiss him, feeling as if she couldn't pull away.
Adrian drew her closer, almost trying to merge them together. The sparks that were exploding everywhere made their lips inseperable, almost as if they were stuck together. Somehow he found the strength to separate after a heavy couple of minutes. "I never get tired of your lips," He smiled and pecked them again. "But you should go and have a shower. You don't want to smell yucky, especially in front of royalty!" He put his high and mighty front on again and held his hand to his chest and lifted his head high. "Good greif, what is the pungent aroma? Someone needs to clean themselves!" He laughed jokingly and kissed Alissa again. "Now go and have a shower. I'll be waiting." He wandered off into her lounge room and plopped himself onto the beanbags where they first hung out.
Alissa giggled and walked to her drawers taking out; a white under shirt, athletic shorts, a blue v neck, grey hoodie, and her other items. She walked into he shower, the feeling of the warm liquid against her back, face, legs, and hair. The aroma of her lavender body wash, and berry shampoo filled the room. She she finished her shower and dried off and changed into her clothes that she picked out. Then she did her hair, but let it a little wet, and hung her towel up and walked back to Adrian and say next to him, taking his hand and putting her head on his shoulder. Suddenly she had a thought "Do you have any more ideas for our song?" she asked sweetly
"Oh, no, not at the moment," Adrian lied. He wanted to keep his idea secret until he could make sure it would work, and if so, perfect it. "But I'm sure something will strike me. What about you, my little nerdy piano player?" He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and kissed her forehead before laying his head on top of hers. "I'm sure your mind is filled with ideas." He gently stroked her upper arm and fondled with the hem of his shirt. He was pondering his idea, waiting to hear Alissa's so he could be absolutely certain that his idea would fit in with hers. He wanted her to be happy, so he wanted her to do what she wished with the song, even though it was theirs.
Alissa closed her eyes and put her head in his shoulder "Yes, I did" she agreed "Would you like to hear it??" she asked. Suddenly an idea struck her mind and slowly stood up with out a word and ran to her back closet, where she kept her cello. Alissa set a chair up in front of Adrian and smiled "Yes I play cello too" she said with a giggle; Alissa places the bow on the string and began to play their song her fingers dancing up and down the finger board.

Adrian was amazed. "Could I find anyone better than you? You can play two instruments, you do dance, gymnastics and you can cook. You are perfect!" He laughed and walked over to her, planting a sweet, lingering kiss on her lips. "I would love to hear your idea for our song. Even though the cello is fantastic, lets just see what you've got in mind first." He held her hand and pulled her up onto her feet, and twirled her around, as if they were in a romance movie. "My sweet, gorgeous Alissa, let's hear it." He smiled at her.
"I play basketball, volleyball, soccer, and softball too. But just for fun" Alissa said with a giggle "That's to sweet Adrian" she said softly. She stood infront of Adrian and smiled "He's the one on my mind, every day and every night. I know we're meant to be, and you know it's true baby." she sang, a little nervous because she didn't actually sing... She just sang along with her favorite songs "It's nothing much" she said she voice trailing off "I don't care if you don't like it, you can tell me" she said softl and looked at him in the eyes questioningly.
"Honestly?" Adrian raised his eyebrow. "I think it's perfect for our little love song. You are getting more and more good to be true." He gently wrapped his arms around Alissa's waist and brought his face close to hers. "Do you understand how much in love I am with you? It may just be because I've never experienced love like this before, but I feel as though my life would be incomplete without you." He pecked her on her cheek and smiled. "Can you teach me some ballroom? I want to be prepared for the end of year dance, and who better to teach me than my girlfriend?" He swayed gently, giggling at how ridiculous he felt.
Alissa brought her chest to his and leaned into him; kissing him with love, encouragement, happiness, and agreement. She pulled away somehow and smiled; as he swayed she giggled "I'd love to, but the next dance is at the end of september" she reminded him and she placed her arms around his neck. "Now follow my lead" she said moving slowly left to right and back. She placed a finger on his chin and lifted his face "but try to looked at me" she said with a giggle. Alissa put the side of her head on his shoulder and continued to dance with here eyes closed.
Adrian was extremely clumsy; he kept stepping on his own or on Alissa's feet, often saying "Ow!" or "Sorry!". But soon, he was holding Alissa's gaze and striding around the room as if they were floating on a cloud. Their movements were effortless and filled with grace, passion and love. Feeling daring, he decided to bend Alissa backwards and kiss her, just like all of the great movies have. However, he underestimated how far he bent her back and ended up falling over, him falling heavily on top of her. "Oh my god, are you alright?" He scrambled off Alissa and knelt down next to her, extremely concerned since she took the majority of the fall.
"Ow!" Alissa cried out him pain. She held her back but quickly removed it, she looked up at Adrian, not wanting him to feel guilty or bad, she smiled and hugged him "I'm ok by back hurts, but I'm ok" she reassured him. She hoped he couldn't feel her cringe in pain as she sat up. Alissa laid across Adrian's lap, her feet over his thighs her head resting on her bes
"Do you need a heat pack? Or do you think you need to go and see the doctor? Do you think you've broken something. Oh god it's all my fault! I'm sorry," Adrian began hyperventilating. He was having a panic attack because he was so concerned about Alissa. How badly had he hurt her? It was unintentional, of course, but he couldn't keep the feelings of despair and guilt out of his system. "Should I ring the nurse to come and see you? Is an ice pack better than a heat pack? Do you want some water? Please tell me you don't hate me. Please tell me that you're okay. Of course you're not okay, I practically dropped you!"
"Hey, hey, shh" Alissa whispered softly as she put her hand on the side of his face. "I don't hate you baby, I'm ok. No I haven't broken anything, I've gotten dropped much worse than that" she told him "There will be a bruise. It's not your fault" she saiid trying to make him feel better. She kissed him softly and took his hand "Come on, lts watch a movie" she suggested as she pulled him up onto her bed and entered Dear John. She brought Asrian next to her and laid her head on his chest
Adrian's heart was slowing down, so was his breathing. "You know, I love this movie. It's sad, but it's good at the same time." He rubbed Alissa's back gently, trying to soothe any pain he had caused her. "I'm going to cook you dinner tonight. After dropping you, it's the least I can do." He still felt guilty about it, but at least her words had calmed the worst of the feeling down. The opening credits rolled and he sighed, a mixture of content, sadness and guilt. He was a jumble of emotions, but as long as he had Alissa at his side, he would be fine.
Alissa held onto him tighter "Ok. But really Adrian, it was an accident, I completely understand" she told him "Then I can make you dinner" she poked his soft nose and kissed him, like that had at the fountain.
"No, I'm making you dinner. You will make me nothing. I'll have 2 minute noodles or something. Conversation over." Adrian said bluntly. He was going to make her feel better, even if a delicious home cooked meal was what it took. "Love you, my princess." He whispered gently into her ear while stroking her hair and keeping his eyes on Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfried.
"Ok" Alissa agreed softly, Dear John was pretty sad.. But she just looked at Adrian "I love you too, my prince" she replied in a whispered tone. She placed her hand on his stomach and Made little shapes on his stomach. She smiled softly and closed her eyes and opened them slowly.

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