J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Alissa took a deep breath and slowly let it out. She wrapped her hand around his waist and held onto him "I bet it was." she agreed "Adrian I promise I will hold onto that gift for my entire life and never let it go" she said as she bought one of her hands up to his ear, and rubbed the side of his head with her thumb. She moved her head a little closer to his and leaned her forehead softly against his.
"That's good. Because it means the world to me, so it means a lot that I'm handing it over to you." Adrian kissed Alissa lightly, then deepened it. "I really care for you Alissa. If you weren't in my life, it would be incomplete. You are amazing." He smiled lightly and wiped away his tearing eyes. They hugged quietly on the beanbags, gently rocking in sync with each other, enjoying the company that she gave him. He felt happy, complete, a feeling which he hadn't felt in many years.
"You mean the entire world to me" Alissa said as she softly kissed him, her kiss became a little harder. She pulled away, and and looked at him with sympathy "Sshh" She whispered into his ear as she wiped away his tears ssoftl with the bottom of her thumb. She kissed his forehead softly and took his hands and put them around her neck and let to of him hands. She moved her hands to his waist and smiled.
Adrian wrapped his hands around her neck and shared her smile before crashing his lips to hers. He felt a sudden need to be closer to Alissa, to feel the burning passion between them, to never leave her. He pulled her closer and pulled back briefly, panting slightly, and whispered, "I love you so much. Don't ever leave me," before pressing his lips to hers again.
Alissa mmoved closer to Adrian, her chest against his and she pressed her lips against his. She pulled away and smiled, she pressed her forehead against his and looked into his eyes "I don't want to be with out you Adrian, a love you too" she whispered softly and put her lips back on his, and kissed him with passion, she wanted to be with him forever, and never leave his side.
Adrian pulled away with reluctance, and looked deeply into Alissa's eyes. "Today has been the best day of my life. Honestly, I'm so glad that we met. Without you, my life wouldn't be right. And just know, that I'm always here for you. Whatever, whenever. Come and talk to me. Okay?" He whispered and gently stroked her cheek, while entwining his fingers around hers.

(Ciao, it's time for me to get some sleeps! I'll update tomorrow however, so meet again?)
Alissa rested her head on his chest and kept Close to Adrian. "Okay, I will come to you when and whatever I need someone to talk to" she agreed with a smile. She let her body relax as he stroked her cheek, she put her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes a few minutes. Yes the day was fun, and it was long. But it was also tiring, she opened her eyes "Adrian, I'm going to get out of my suit, I'll be right back" she said as she kissed his cheek and let go of his hand and walked to her room, and. Hanged into blue jean shorts, a blue and grey v-neck, and a white undershirt. She walked back to him and sat on his lap, with her legs across his legs, and put her head on his shoulder.

(Goodnight! I won't be on tonight, the only times I will be on are about 9 in the morning. Or 10 at night)
Adrian stoked Alissa's shoulder, humming softly. Their breathing was in a rhythm, their chests rising and falling at the same time. I feel so strongly about her, he thought to himself. It must have been fate that drew us together, otherwise my life would have been so much better. "So, what would you like to do now? Would you still like to sit here, with me, or would you like to do something fun? I don't mind, just as long as I'm with you." He said, breaking the silence. "If you choose something different, we'll have to go to my room first. I'll need to get changed. I don't everyone staring at me and making you jealous." He smiled and kissed her crown, chuckling.
Alissa kissed his neck and thought for a minute. "We should go to a movie" Alissa suggested. She giggled her little giggle and helps his hand, "I'm not the jealous type" she said with a smile on her face. She stood up, then pulled Adrian put beside her, Alissa took his hand and walked to her door. "So you should probably get dressed" she said with a wink, she she looked at Adrian, she felt her phone vibrate. She took it from her back pocket; it was a text from her friend back home: Hey Liss! It's Mehgan, remember me?? The girl you lost the talent competition to, oh and I have some more news; about your brother. He was found, dead in cave in the side of a dune. Sucks to be you again!! ~ Mehgan. As Alissa read the text, she put her hand over her mouth and ran back into her doorm, she sat on the edge of her bed, and started to cry into her hands. Alissa realized that she still had her phone in her hand, so she violently place it on her bad and started softly to sob in her hands.
"Alissa? Alissa!" After she had ran back into her dorm, Adrian was swept with a sudden wave of fear. One minute they were walking to his dorm, all happy and fine. Then the next she is checking her phone and running back into her dorm with tears trickling down her cheeks. What was going on!? He reached her bedroom door and knocked softly. "Alissa? Please open the door. Tell me what upset you. Remember, I'm here for you. You can tell me anything." He waited for a couple of minutes, listening to her softly crying. Then he tried again. "Remember not one hour ago when I said you could trust me with anything? That still stands you know. Please come out and talk to me. You're scaring and upsetting me now." He gently wiped his growing tears with the back of his hand before knocking again.
Alissa stood up and opened her dorm, she immediately went into a hug, then buried her head in his shoulder. "Tucker was found dead" Alissa said as she hugged him again. Alissa felt safe for probably one of the firsts times since everyone but her family left for the army; she didn't want to leave his grasp;"Adrian, you really don't know how much you mean me" she said softly, "I don't ever ant to be with out you" she said taking her head out of his shirt. "I'm sorry for scaring and upsetting you" she said appoligetically; Alissaa looks up at him once more "Hey, it's ok, your ok, I'm ok, I'm safe now" she whispered softly as she pushed away Adrian's growing tears. She smiled a soft, sad, but a little happy smile and hugged him again, not wanting to let go, she held onto him tighter and put her head on his shoulde and got her lest sniffles out
Adrian rubbed Alissa's back comfortingly. "I'm so sorry. I truly am. I can't imagine what it's like to be so close to someone you love." He felt an ache in his chest as he spoke. He gripped her tightly, almost trying to push his love and sympathy into her, trying to make her feel better. "I don't want to be without you either. You really have made my life special." He kissed her gently on her head and softly stroked her long, dark hair. A couple of tears escaped. "Get it all out. I'm here for you. You can drench me in your tears, I don't care. Just get them all out. I know what it's like to not let them out, and it's not good. Cry, if you need to. And I'll cry with you." He stroked her cheek and held her close and let his tears fall as well. He wasn't crying from sorrow though. He was crying because he felt so blessed to have someone to share himself with.
Alissa looked up at Adrian, tears escaping from her eyes. She felt so loved, a feeling that she hadn't felt in a long time. She kissed his cheek softly and put her head on his chest, she let the tears flow until they were no longer. "I love you Adrian" she said to him, with every passion in the world. Alissa started to hear music in her head, that sounded like a good song! She pulled away from Adrian, but their chests still together. She smiled brightly and kissed his lips with every emotion possible, "Hey, I need to show you something" she said as she took his hand and walked with him to the piano room. As Alissa was walking, her phone buzzed, cautiously she picked it up and looked at it with big eyes. It was a text from her Aunt Tia it read: Hey Issa!! I have some very good news for you!! Tucker is alive, that Meghan girl lied to you, Tuck is a live baby girl! ~ Love Aunt Tia As Alissa finished reading the text. she looked up at Adrian and wrapped her legs around his waist, then kissed him passionately, she smiled brightly as she jumped down "Tucker is alive!!" She told him as she hugged Adrian once more "He's alive' she whispered to him. Alissa was overjoyed; she took Adrians hand and smiled.
Adrian squeeze Alissa's hand in delight. "Fantastic! Now you don't have a reason to let me see you cry," Adrian smiled. "Plus, I have an opportunity to meet him now. And you don't have to deal with the pain of losing someone again. It's not nice." He brought her into a hug, picking her up and swinging her around, making her laugh. When he put her down, he pecked her nose. "Now that's a noise I like to hear coming from you." He paused for a moment, still holding her hand. "What were you going to show me?" He noticed the door that they had stopped just outside of. It was open slightly, so he pushed it open. A grand piano stood in the centre of the room, and it looked expensive. "Were you going to play me something?" His eyes sparkled slightly with excitement.
Alissa giggled and stepped in the room "yes , the music and notes came to me as I was sitting with you!" she told him. Alissa, still holding Adrian's hand, walked inside of the class room, she sat on the bench and brought him down next to her. Alissa starte to play, at first the song was slow, then all of the sudden it got faster, Alissa's fingers trickled down the ivory keys like wind. She smiled at Adrian as she finished the song "Did you like it?" She asked "I think it needs lyrics...." she trailed off as she turned to Adrian; her face was bright with a smile. "Would you like to help me?" Alissa asked as she leaned in and kissed him softly.

"Absolutely. We'll make it our very own song. Trademarked and everything." Adrian returned the smiled. "And, I'm not lying, I thought it was beautiful. Just like you," He winked and laughed. "I know, cheesy, but it's exactly how I feel." He brushed his fingers lightly over her hand and her palm, tracing the contours of her soft hand. He sighed contentedly and looked back and Alissa. "Now, before I help you, can you help teach me to play?" He raised an eyebrow and smiled, then pressed a whole bunch of keys at once, laughing like a little child.

Alissa smiled "Our song" she repeated the sound of that gave her a smile. She kissed him softly and looked up at him "Sure, I'll teach you the C Maj. Scale" she said with a smile. She placed his hands under hers and pressed down on the C, the E, then G, and all of the sharps. Alissa smiled "And that was the C Major scale" she said with a giggle, even though Alissa wasn't the bet at singing she had a pretty good voice, she hummed a few word that came out as "When we're together, nothing else is better" she sang those words along with the piano part

"Cause our love makes the world stand still," Adrian sang back, allowing Alissa to play. He had always felt insecure about his talents, about himself, but she brought everything out of him. He smiled sweetly at her and hummed along to her playing the piano gracefully, trying to think of more lyrics. "So, we've got the last two lines of our chorus, we just need to figure out the rest." He laughed softly and turned over the music sheet. Pretending to read, he did the classic yawn and placed one arm around her shoulders. "Gosh, I'm sleepy," he winked. "You've just worn me out. But keep playing. I need to think of more lyrics, and you need to practice the song." He nudged closer to her, bringing his temple to hers, then cupped her face in his hands, looking deeply into her eyes.
Alissa smiled at Adrian, she leaned into him and started to play. This time harmonies were included, she closed he eyes and swayed a little ad she played. As the song ended, Alissa giggled and poked Adriands nose playfully "Ok, but I am actually pretty tired" she said as he cupped her face, Alissa looked into his eyes, letting the chemistry build. She leaned her forehead against his and began to kiss him softly. She pulled away, but kept her head on his head, Alissa put one arm around his back and leaned into his a little more than before, she took her arm from his back onto the ivory piano keys, she played the song again, yawning on every chorus. She stretched her arms out "Dang it" she said remembering that tomorrow was monday. "It's 11:30 at night and tomorrow is a school day" she said with a little frown, she stood up taking Adrian's hand, and pulling him Close to her, she kissed softly, then a little harder
Adrian smiled during the kiss, then pulled back and put his hands on Alissa's waist. "What a shame. But, that's what school is for. Now," he had a mischevious glint in his eyes and he suddenly swept her up bridal style. "I can't let Princess Alissa fall asleep on the way to her slumbering chamber!" He said galiantly. He strode into her bedroom and gently placed her on top of the covers, making sure her head was on the pillow. "Get some sleep my Sleeping Beauty," He smiled then bent down into a goodnight kiss. "We will never part, promise me that. And, don't forget, tomorrow I'll give you the extremely special object. Which you can't know about." He sat down on the side of her bed, softly stroking her hair and cheek, waiting for her to go to sleep, because he couldn't bear to part her.

Alissa giggled as he carried her to her dorm, as she was laid down on her bed, she wrapped her arms around his nek, and gave him a goodnight kiss back "I promise" Alissa said as she sat back and laid her head on her pillow, she smiled at Adrian "I love you Adrian" she whispered into his ear, she slowly closed her eyes thinking how lucky she was, Alissa took Adrian's hand and suddenly fell sleepy. She drifted off, still holding his hand, with happy thoughts and questions about the gift and future.
When Alissa's eyes had been closed for a few minutes and her breathing was steady, Adrian gently pulled his hand out of her grasp, careful not to disturb her. He tiptoed out of her dorm and walked back to his. Once inside, he went straight to his chest of draws, pulled out pyjama pants and after undressing, put them on. Walking over to his window, he looked out at the moon and sighed happily. He had never felt so happy with life before, and he was loving it. Yawning, he walked over to his desk and pulled out Alissa's gift gently from a box. Smiling widely as he held it, he put it back and hopped under his covers, quickly drifting off.
**Time Skip**

Alissa woke up; 6:20 Am. She slowly got out of bed and did her makeup, then she changed into a white shoulder shirt with teal lines on it. Then she straightened her hair and make her breakfast of to waffles, strawberries, and syrup. She finished her breakfast and cleared her plate. Alissa walked to her bathroom on brushed her teeth, not long after hat she spritzed some perfume on herself. Alissa looked at the time, it was 7:30, she put her bag over her shoulder and started to head in the direction of. Adrian's door; to see if he was awake, and her piano class was down that way.
It was 7:32. Adrian had already been up for a couple of hours. Since it took him a while to get out of bed and get ready, his alarm had been set for 5am. Now he was all set, dressed in a orange travisty t-shirt, another pair of designer jeans and high tops. He had Alissa's gift in his pocket, already in its special box, ready for her to open it. His singing class was to start soon, so he took one last bite of his toast and was just turning the handle on his door when a knock echoed throughout his room. Knowing who it was, he smiled and whipped it open. "Morning." He said brightly and kissed Alissa hello.
Alissa smiled as Adrian opened the door, "Moning handsome" she said with a giggle, she kissed him back and took his hand, and led him out if his dorm, until they reached their classes. She stopped in the middle of their classes "See you after class?" she asked sweetly

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