J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Adrian and Alissa reached the fountain in the central courtyard. Adrian led her to the ledge and brought her into a one shoulder hug. "You know, I hate it when people make me choose things to do. But, since it's you, I'll let it slide." He said while kissing the top of her head. "How does just being together sound?"
"Oh I'm sorry" Alissa said as she hugged him "I would love to just be together; chilling, spending quality time by ourselves." she said with a smile "We should go to the beach!" Alissa said triumphantly
Maxx smiled and got into his car, "Thank you" he said as he took her hand, turned the engine on, and started to dive to school. "So," he said to Ally

Kayce waved to Ally "See ya!" she said as she looked back to Ty. "Not at all; What are you going to do to me exactly?" she asked couriously
"Sounds good to me," Adrian smiled. "It'll give me a chance to try out my new board shorts. And with you on my arm, they'll look even better!" Adrian stood up and began to make his way back to their dorms. "Well come on! Our swimmers won't put them on themselves, you know."
Alissa giggled and walked to his side and kissed his cheek. "I'll meet you by my dorm in five minutes" she said as she opened her dorm door, grabbed her purple bikini, and put it on. She put her hair in a bun and waked outside of her dorm, and Waite for Adrian
Adrian slipped on his new board shorts, and slipped on a thin t-shirt, just to cover up. He smiled to himself and began to walk back to Alissa, his smiled growing wider at the thought of some alone time together.
As Alissa saw Adrian, she smiled; Alissa walked over to him and kissed him "You are right those short will look better with me on your arm!" she said with a giggle. She took his hand and started to walk to her car
Once they were on the road, Adrian gently stroked Alissa's hand. There was a silence in the car, but it wasn't awkward. It was a happy silence. Then, Adrian had a sudden thought. "By the way, when we get to the beach, I dibbs burying you in the sand first!" He laughed.
"Fine!!" Alissa said with a laugh she held Adrian's hand a little tighter and leaned back "but we have to race to the water after we set our stuff down!" she said as she poked his nose, and giggled
"You're on, girlfriend!" Adrian did a little snap and laughed. "By the way, you have the most adorable giggle I've ever heard. Perfect for you." He turned to look at Alissa, smiling sweetly.
"Oh you did not just go there" Alissa said jokingly, she bobbed her head sideways. "Thank you" Alissa replied, she kissed his cheek "And you mister have the amazing eyes!" she said "I could look into them all day long" she said with a little chuckle. She got out of the car as they pulled into the beach lot. She grabbed her stuff and waited for Adrian
Maxx smiled and got into his car, "Thank you" he said as he took her hand, turned the engine on, and started to dive to school. "So," he said to Ally

Kayce waved to Ally "See ya!" she said as she looked back to Ty. "Not at all; What are you going to do to me exactly?" she asked couriously

((Repost for Joker, originally posted on the 20th))
Adrian stripped off his shirt and tossed it onto the seat and walked over to Alissa. He leant in and kissed her softly, then grabbed her hand and they walked onto the empty beach. "Now, do you know where we can get a shovel to dig your hole?" He smiled at her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
"Right there" Alissa said as she held up his hands and giggled. She took Adrians hand and smiled. She kissed him back, a little more forcefully, but not too hard. She put her arm behind his back and started to walk to the middle of the beach where she laid down her stuff. As she set her bag down she smiled and too Adrian "but first I'm running into the water with you she said as she started to run towards the water with a big smile on her face.
"Hey! That's not fair!" Adrian shouted and ran after Alissa. He could hear her laughing and he started too. He was soon in reach of her, and he jumped onto her back playfully, covering her eyes with his hands. "Guess who?" Adrian asked playfully.
As Adrian jumped on to her back and covered her eyes, she stood up straight "Hmm..." she said pretending to think "Taylor Lautner?" she joked. Alissa took his hands off of her eyes and set him down, then turned around "I was wrong, but right now, I'm looking at someone much better. Someone who I'm falling for" Alissa said with a smile. She put her Arms around his neck leaned in and kissed him Passonietly. "Nobody's perfect" Alissa mumbled against his lips "but you are perfect for me" she added as she kissed him again, but on his neck
Adrian pulled Alissa closer to him, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. He pulled away briefly, only to say, "I think you're perfect. In every single way," then pressed his lips back against Alissa's. After a couple of minutes, he unravelled his hands and pulled away, with much reluctance. "Come on, let's enjoy the view. Even though the one in front of me is already enough for me." He smiled and winked and entwined his fingers in hers, and they began to walk down the beach.
"How did I become so lucky?" Alissa asked, she hugged him again and walked down to the water with Adrian. As she put her feet in the water and jumped on his back "onward!" she said with a chuckle. she put her arms around his neck and her shoulder on his. She couldn't wipe the smile from her face
"The word is mush!" Adrian laughed and ran further into the water, making sure to splash Alissa in the process. He gripped her legs tightly to prevent her from falling off and continued to splash about in the water, loving the sound of Alissa's laugh. He ran back up to the beach and set her down gently, then sat beside her, pulling her by her closer to him.
Alissa laughed and held onto him, a little tighter than before. She sat on her towel, and moved closer to him; she laid her head on his shoulder and held his hand. She put the other hand on the back of his head and ran her fingers through his hair. She smiled brightly, and looked at Adrian, gosh he had the cutest smile and eyes. Ahe looked to the ocean, and then to the beach.
Adrian turned his head toward Alissa, just as she was looking down at the other end of the beach. Their eyes connected, and the chemistry between them was almost overbearingly strong. "You know, I've never known such a beautiful person; inside and out. You say no one's perfect, well guess what? That's a lie. To me, you are perfect." He put a strand of her wet hair behind her ear, leaning in at the same time. "You're gorgeous." He whispered before gently kissing her. Again.
Alissa put her hand on the side of his face with a big smile on her face "Adrian, that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me" she said as she pulled his closer and kissed him, over and over. She had a strong connection with him, and she did t want to leave his grasp; stayed close to him and pressed her forehead against his. She wrapped her arms Round him and gave him a big hug. She smiled
Adrian hugged back, smiling. "I'm here for you, anytime." He rubbed her back softly, then moved so he could look her in the eyes. "I would never ever lie to you. Not ever. I wouldn't want to do that to you, or to anyone. I genuinely care about you." He rubbed his thumb over her cheek and then moved back into the hug, pulling her close enough so he could feel her heartbeat.
Alissa put her head on his chest, he looked up at him "Thank you" she said softly "I won't lie to you either, I promise." as Adrian told her that her eyes began to produce happy tears in the corners of her eyes. She rubbed them away and put her head under his chin; she put her free hand on his neck gentley moved it up and down his neck. She closed her eyes for a moment and held onto his thighter, then not so tight.

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