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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Will began walking into the forest, he didnt know why but he had the urge to go there and as he walked he didnt know where to go he just knew he wanted to be in the forest
"Come on then" Davorin says walking towards this new place. Montblanca. It looked rather high class. "Wonder who owns it" the vampire said to the pirate as he walked closer to the crowds. It looked as if supplies were being delivered and traded. Davorin listen in hoping to find out what this was all about and more over who the owner was. @SinningSloth @Crystal Cali
After arranging deals to get food supplies, Maggie would return to Montblanca, returning to her quarters, seeing the crowd already growing outside, slowly but surely people streamed through paying the entrance fee. (which was mainly to that Maggie could pay for the food and building fees, plus a little bit for herself) As the crowd died down slightly the doorman would just have a giant grin on his face, greeting Davorin and Liz, as he greeted them in Maggie's voice instead of the voice that he was talking in before, "Pumpkin! Poppet! It's lovely to see the two of you here, welcome to my 'little' establishment." Saying that the man gestures to a box that had a price on it and the words 'entrance fee' before returning to his relaxed posture he had before Davorin and Liz came up.

@SirGrey @Crystal Cali
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As they all examined the new home a figure would move into the crowd. A Dark feeling coming from him as he walked through. He was familiar yet something seemed different. It looked to be the Elf Will but his hair was dark black unlike Wills Brown hair. He also gave the feelings of unapproachable and even cruelty. Unlike Wills calm happy approachable vibes. As he drew further into the crowd he would stop and chuckle to himself "Fools." He would say before a dark shroud would surround his body (time to start some trouble xD @SirGrey @Crystal Cali @SinningSloth
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Davorin sighed. "Oh it had to be her" he muttered to Liz. He had hoped not to meet the trickster again. Still no reason to cause trouble Pulling out his coin purse the vampire moved forward saying "Of cours-" Davorin stopped as he felt that dark tingling down his spin. The vampire mind buzzed with dread and in no better words, evil. He ten looked to the point of origin. Will, or a at least something like will. He seemed to more Elf like. He also seemed to have changed from his past sense. "Liz I hope you have a weapon" Davorin said drawing his blade. The vampire hypnotic powers would be put to there tests as he shouted "People get out of here now!". "Will mani lle done?" @Crystal Cali @SinningSloth @ThatOneLunatic
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The figure turned towards the man shouting.

His clear complexion and perfect skin showed he was definately an elf as well as his pointed ears. He spotted the vampire and chuckled as Vines slowly grew from the ground attempting to wrap around people all arounds legs @SirGrey @Crystal Cali @SinningSloth
Davorin wasn't having any of this. He dashed up towards the elf putting his sword to his neck. "I have no issue fighting you elf, just let the people go" the vampire ordered. How the roles had reversed. The vampire defending the people form the elf. Davorin had principles and these people had done nothing to deserve this. The sword drew close enough to make a small cut drawing elvish blood. @ThatOneLunatic
As this happened everyone in the area would a thundering snap of someone's fingers, with that quasi-real jinn wielding sword, some of them focused on cutting the vines while the others point their blades at this 'Will', light beings to what looks like pour into the darkness that was created by the elf so that if anyone was in that darkness they still could see. A voice comes from the doorway, Maggie's voice only the words she spoke felt like they were being warped, causing the air about to ripple unnaturally, "It is rude for uninvited guest to cause issue outside of someone's establishment, stupider still for it to be my establishment you choose." the voice was Maggie's but the figure that stood there was not anything anyone had seen, a dark wispy silhouette, long horns equally shrouded in darkness with a thick tail whipping about behind floating nearly a foot off the ground, the only colour that could be seen is a long red scarf draped around her neck, it held a bow that seemed to drip with some sort of liquid. Bird now flying over the building to signal the guards of something going on, Maggie spoke again, "You will leave or you will face punishment, choose." with that she draws an arrow aiming at the elf.

@SirGrey @Crystal Cali @YoungX @ThatOneLunatic
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He chuckled as he grabbed the blade with his armored gauntlet. And he pushed backwards as he drew his own sword "Now now Vampire I'm

Not here to fight you." He was

Surprisingly strong and his hand glew in darkness and the darker it grew the stronger he became. He chuckled at

Maggies words "Humans threatening me? You might be worse than the damned Elven royal family. Wretched creatures!" He was furious and his power frowing with his anger and Davorins blade began to crack under the pressure. @SirGrey @SinningSloth
Liz, who had been holding onto Davorin's arm, elegantly slid sideways and drew her sword. It wasn't an impressive sword, just an old short cutlass, but it was still sharp. "Ye know you're trash when the pirate has more manners than you," she says, giving the dark elf an annoyed look. She had been looking forward to enjoying some entertainment, and now she had to play the hero. @ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey @SinningSloth
If you want to fight me or not, we shall clash this day" Davorin order as he kicked the elf, hoping to get him to let go of his blade. Still the vampire had his enhanced and if needs be his pistol. He was glad that while Maggie may annoy him, she too had principles. He readied his blade for combat. He only hoped it would hold. @Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic @SinningSloth
as Davorin's kicked the elf, tendrils wrapped themselves around the elf, half the Jinn continued to free the villagers from their binds while the others began to attack the elf, their attacks were syncopated making it difficult for the elf to follow the attacks. While that happened Maggie would point her bow upwards firing an arrow skywards and as it came down multiple arrows followed raining down on the elf, "so you choose punishment, shame, I'm not much for death." her tone was cold nothing like what she normally talked like.

@Crystal Cali @SirGrey @ThatOneLunatic
The tendrils upon nearing the dark aura around him melted. The kick davoring attempted caused him to leg go of his blade as he rolled backwards still talin on some of the force. As the Jinn began to attack him he laughed maniacally as the dark vines continued to grab most of the Jinn's arms before they swung while others took the force of slashes. And as Maggie readied herelf to fire the arrow images of an ternate reality came into her vision allowing her nothing but the images of Davorin impaled on a pike and Liz nailed to a tree along with hundreds of villagers slaughtered upon the ground. It was clear that this elf was beyond the capabilities of even Will who was at least it seemed one of the most skilled among them. @Crystal Cali @SirGrey @SinningSloth (sorry just csnt let him die yet he has to unfold a plot point first xD )
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Davorin sliced down the elfs arm before point the sword to his neck. Davorin yelled demanding "Stop these attacks and give yourself up, or be gutted. That dark laugh got to Davorin. Maybe it was that this elf wasn't Will it was something powerful and evil. Maybe it was how the voice seemed to be just wrong in its conception. Never the less the vampire held his blade tight. @Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic @SinningSloth
As he slashed down his arm

The elf didnt flinch and he brought his own sword to davorins manuevering his head so the point was to the side of his face as he pushed it away with his blade and he rolled sideways as his feet seemed to move exceptionally fast. It was clear he had speed magic and his aura acted the same as Wills. @Crystal Cali @SirGrey @SinningSloth
(I find it funny that the elf's trying to do mind games with an illusion demon)

as the vision came to Maggie's, her vision pieced those images, "You think you can play my game against me?! Your ignorance is your folly, do you think I care? The answer is no." She said as the Jinn broke down into bladed wisps that that coiled around the vines, swarming the elf. This time she fires an arrow at the ground near the elf, the arrow shatter on contact into a crystalline liquid that moved to the elf, avoiding the others.

@SirGrey @Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic
Davorin stepped back as Maggie launched her attack. He couldn't tell if it would work or not. After all the elf was incredibly strong. He moved so that he and Liz were opposite on another with the elf in-between. He primed his sword ready to attack again if need be. @Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic @SinningSloth
He quickly realized he wouldnt be able to do this easily and drcided it would be best ti fall back and retreat. He summoned Vines that cooiled into human shapes and Orbs of his dark aura traveled to them and entered the head shaped part and the vines came

To life. They began to rush towards the jin and the other three covering his escape.

Will who had been in the forest headed into the town as he heard screams and on his way he had grabbed a Elven blade from the temporary camp they had. And as he sprinted towards the billage he spotted the dark aura. His Green aura growing in a bright light @Crystal Cali @SirGrey @SinningSloth
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Liz did not flinch as the dark aura came towards her. In fact, she ran to face it head on, slashing her sword in short, precise movements to scatter the aura, in an attempt the get to the dark elf, and at least land a good, painful hit on his side. If she hit, it wouldn't kill him, but it would hurt like hell.

@ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey @SinningSloth
YoungX said:
"Well... we could walk around the beach like before. Even heading to see the mountains is an idea, or maybe well... we could search for some springs?" Raider wondered if the Isle had actual springs filled with fresh water.
May smiles at the ideas Raider had come up with. "You know, I'm not sure there are springs on this isle anywhere. Though, if we are going to go far off the path, I am afraid I will slow us down quite a bit."
ThatOneLunatic said:
( It isnt just an aura xD the aura controlled the vines so its like vine people xD )
(Ah. She wouldn't know exactly what it is, which is why she's trying to cut through it. If it's too solid, you can say it stops her from getting to him)
The bladed wisps would continue their attack on the elf, while some of them splinter off attacking the vine creature, seeing the elf try to escape Maggie would billow out, "You think you can disrupt my business and then run? Think again." She shouts out at the elf, multiple arrows pulled back, firing all of them at once, as the arrows fly, they shatter into a larger barrage of arrows all moving towards the elf that was running away.

@SirGrey @Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic

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