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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Raina nods to Lucious, then glances to Elizabeth. "You could follow Elizabeth in, and assist her in harvesting the flowers."


Elizabeth had heard what the magician had said, and turns to face him. "Aye, that is useful. I won't be able to leave the shadows, which may be difficult if this ranger lady is lurking inside there." She looks over to Davorin, and nods. "Aye, sounds like a useful strategy...." her voice trails off as Will just seems to be pushing the attack group inside. "Though, if ye want to do any good, ye might want to get on that," she says, shaking her head at Will.


Raina frowns. "Will feitha!" she calls, louder than she intended, but her voice was not nearly a shout. It might carry a short distance into the cave, but not very deep. She looks back to Shafer. "I am guarding the entrance in case she runs out this way. If you are not a confident fighter, then I would suggest either staying close to me, or returning home."

@ChoasMaker @ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey @YoungX @Wild Wolf Wind @tealevergood @Otakubeats
Evan slowly walks in bow nocked and drawn. i know I'm missing something i can't tell what he thought. he looked back at Raina standing at the entrance in the light. for ty. i won't let her kill anyone else he thought as he drew closer in.
Shafer was beyond happy with those options. Stay close to Rain. Perfect, he could do that. He nodded and took his place beside her, staring into the cave, pointed ears twitching with interest. "I'll stay here with you, mistress~" he cooed out, only remembering to keep his voice low at the last moment. He pulled his dagger out of its sheath as he glanced over to the one Raina yelled at, flinching at the sudden loud noise. He clicked at him annoyedly.

@ChoasMaker@ThatOneLunatic@SirGrey@YoungX@Wild Wolf Wind@tealevergood@Otakubeats
He had a feeling she would know they were there they weren't very quiet when they first arrived and even with Wills stealth she had been attacked by him from the shadows before and so he stopped in his tracks turning to Raider and Evan saying quietly "When you see an opening make your move." He stood straight up throwing his cloak to the side motioning for them to stay hidden as he said loudly so she would turn to face him "Well well, this is where you had run off to huh?" He chuckled @Otakubeats @Wild Wolf Wind @YoungX
"Very good, thank you. Could you by chance point me to her?" He was happy that Riana had given him something to do but he had no clue who anyone was. Lucius looked around and could see a lot of people in the group so taking a chance to guess who she was might be bad news for him. The only girl he had seen so far anyways was Raina. "I don't know what the flower looks like so I can stand guard while she harvest it."

@ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey @YoungX @Wild Wolf Wind @tealevergood @Otakubeats @Acey
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ThatOneLunatic said:
He had a feeling she would know they were there they weren't very quiet when they first arrived and even with Wills stealth she had been attacked by him from the shadows before and so he stopped in his tracks turning to Raider and Evan saying quietly "When you see an opening make your move." He stood straight up throwing his cloak to the side motioning for them to stay hidden as he said loudly so she would turn to face him "Well well, this is where you had run off to huh?" He chuckled @Otakubeats @Wild Wolf Wind @YoungX
"Ah hello you two, it's not nice to keep a lady waiting you know. Especially when that lady holds your friend's life in her hands." She held the flower in her hand, a lit torch in the other. "Now boys, I'm going to leave here, and you will get the flower. If either of you move to harm me then I will simply kill it. And I made sure that this was the only one left."
ThatOneLunatic said:
He had a feeling she would know they were there they weren't very quiet when they first arrived and even with Wills stealth she had been attacked by him from the shadows before and so he stopped in his tracks turning to Raider and Evan saying quietly "When you see an opening make your move." He stood straight up throwing his cloak to the side motioning for them to stay hidden as he said loudly so she would turn to face him "Well well, this is where you had run off to huh?" He chuckled @Otakubeats @Wild Wolf Wind @YoungX
he looks at raider "try and hide yourself I'm going to try something." he looks back at Raina "I'm doing something risky" he whispered
Raina would gently grab one of the magician's shoulders, and try to turn him to face Liz, who was looking at Lucius with a raised eyebrow, and waving at him.

"Once we hear fighting, you make yourself invisible and go in. I'll keep to the shadows behind you, so you are always between me and the fight. Once I've got the flower, I'll run. Wait until I'm out before you leave." Liz tells Lucius, and then looks to Davorin. "Though this would be pointless if the flower ain't in there. If ye could get inside, love, and let us know if it is there, I would greatly appreciate it."

@ChaosMaker @SirGrey

((Raina's still outside the cave, so she wouldn't notice that whisper @Wild Wolf Wind))

((Raina's still outside the cave, so she wouldn't notice that whisper @Wild Wolf Wind))
When Lucius saw that the girl was be hind him he mentally kicked himself for being such an idiot. "Sounds like a plan, if it would be beneficial I can make a barrier to prevent her from leaving while escape." It seemed reasonable to him that if she got the flower he would be able to seal off the caves entrance.
ThatOneLunatic said:
Will being the only one exposed at that moment would chuckle "Boys? Do I count for more than one man?" He chuckled @Otakubeats ((Will is the only one exposed))
She giggled. "No, just didn't think you'd be foolish enough to come alone child. Since you are here however, I wish to inform you. I know of your little..demons. sooner or later that seal is bound to break you know..." She smiled aiming to tempt him into helping her for more power. "Demons can strength you, if you allow them to do it."
Liz nods. "Aye, and we may need you to do that. I think that signal Davorin sent us was a warning of danger, so we best be careful. Ye go in first, and I'll stick to the shadows. Ready?"

"Demons? How could something so easily slain make me powerful?" He chuckled as he moved forward "Lets skip the chatter. Why dont we have a friendly duel? What do you say?" He smiled as he noticed Davorin enter. His keen ears could hear the soft flapping of his wings @SirGrey @Crystal Cali
Otakubeats said:
She giggled. "No, just didn't think you'd be foolish enough to come alone child. Since you are here however, I wish to inform you. I know of your little..demons. sooner or later that seal is bound to break you know..." She smiled aiming to tempt him into helping her for more power. "Demons can strength you, if you allow them to do it."

shit this is going bad if he starts acting cocky.
he thought. "Elita" he steps into view. "it me you want not him."
Now that Liz could hear the squeaking pattern more clearly, she was certain there was danger. "Alright, there is definitely danger. Probably that female ranger. Just make sure she can't destroy all the flowers inside before I get to one, aye?" Liz whispers, moving closer to the entrance, though staying out of sight of anyone inside, and waiting for the magician to enter first.

[QUOTE="Wild Wolf Wind]

shit this is going bad if he starts acting cocky.
he thought. "Elita" he steps into view. "it me you want not him."

Elita turned. "Come stand next to your friend, in my sight before my hand..slips." The flames danced closer to the flower.
ThatOneLunatic said:
Will shook his head "Evan. I told you to stay hidden....you just compromised us all!" He was furious as this could get the flower destroyed and Ty could die @Wild Wolf Wind @Otakubeats
"she would kill anyone to go after me" he takes out his saxe. "Elita you want me right? I'm right here. you don't touch any flowers or friends. the only thing you can touch is me......... in a fight." he looks at will "re doesn't sinta elfish bela n'alaquel ar' cronha he` iire lle get i' chance iire amin fight he`"
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[QUOTE="Wild Wolf Wind]
"she would kill anyone to go after me" he takes out his saxe. "Elita you want me right? I'm right here. you don't touch any flowers or friends. the only thing you can touch is me......... in a fight." he looks at will "re doesn't sinta elfish bela n'alaquel ar' cronha he` iire lle get i' chance iire amin fight he`"

"Fighting is such a trivial task. See, you either let me go and get the flower, or I burn it and the boy dies. You have one minute to decide."
Lucius stepped inside the cave, to think that he was going enter it all by himself earlier and he would have ruined it all for them if he had. He stepped into the cave and vanished as he bent the light around hi to make it appear as though he wasn't truly there. The cave felt dark and evil, of course there were shadows that were following behind him. He didn't know how she would know how fast he was going but it seemed as though she could still since his presence. He saw Davorin hanging from the ceiling and soon he could see the flickering light of a torch. He pecked a his head into sight of what ever it was, remaining invisible of course. Lucius could see that someone was dangling the flower above a torch and that was where he stopped not knowing if he should attempt to grab the flower or attempt to put out the torch. He couldn't put up a barrier yet since Liz was behind him and it would seal her off. All he could do was wait.

@Otakubeats @Wild Wolf Wind @Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey
His words were deaf to wills ears as a green aura leaked from his body. He was enraged and with a burst of speed he was infront of her his sword to her neck and the green aura surrounded the flames woth a sizzling noise "You will die here witch!" He yelled in fury

Kiera trots up next to Raina and starts whimpering when she sees evan and the fire. Evan turns to Kiera and gasps "shh girl its fine shh" her crying gets louder and louder. She then lets out a chilling howl. he swears the temperature drops like 10 degrees. the fire in a flash is gone.


(i know its not a regular one but its the best i could find)
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