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Fantasy Isle of Mist

ThatOneLunatic said:
"I am a tracker. Im good at hunting and stealth. I should be on the team that goes after her." He insisted
"I see," Raider said as he considers which should go after her and which should guard.
Shafer wrapped a clawed hand around his opposite bicep as he watched Lucius walk back to him, a soft feeling of relief washing through him. He really hadn't wanted to leave his lake. "Train? Your skills? Like your spells? Never mind, actually, I don't want to know. Your spells... Scare me so far." The nymph shivered gently as he inched closer to the water, the feeling of his scales drying swiftly becoming uncomfortable. he could survive for 6 hours out of water but it didn't mean he liked it at all. "I don't think that'd work. It's better if I'm submerged and however much water you could carry would only last me an hour at most."

"Yeah I am trying to improve my spells as well as my ability to cast them. Could I try to cast one of my spells on you and see if you could survive longer?" Lucius was praying to have the opportunity to test his abilities to on a different species from a different world. The most that he had done so far was make it so that they could understand each other. It would be fun to test something else on his new guinea pig.

Shafer immediately hissed in protest, spikes flaring out around the outsides of his arms and calves, shoulders coming up defensively as he shook his head pointedly. "No way. No way in fuck are you spelling me again." Shafer made it clear as possible as he took an obvious step back towards his lake. "Why don't you let me poison you because I don't actually know how long it takes for the excrutiating pain to wear off," the nymph spat sarcastically.

"Oh sure that sounds like fun, it would even allow me to test out how strong my abilities although it would suck if I died." He said this playfully having no intention to allow it actually happen. Lucius did feel a little bad about how he had treated Shafer because the creature obliviously didn't like the idea of magic and it was making him mad. "I am sorry if I made you mad, do you have any hard feelings about me using magic to allow us to understand each other? If so I could break the spell and it will be like it never happen minus the fact that it did." He didn't want to break the spell but if it was what Shafer wanted then he would. Lucius didn't want to hurt him anymore.

Shafer gaped at the man incredulously, lip curling in a snarl before he clued into the fact that Lucius was making a joke. His features relaxed into a more bewildered expression as he mentally scolded himself for not getting it right away. He lost himself in his own thoughts until his head snapped up to look at Lucius. He suddenly felt bad, he missed half of what he said. But he did catch the end. Just wing it. "No, it's okay. It's infinitely easier to understand you this way, I just don't trust magic. I've got some of my own but I never use it because I feel as if there are too many things that could go wrong." The nymph shuddered and shook his head. "You're sweet for the offer though."

"Well we better sort out the group soon" Davorin says as he points ahead. "That the cave where the flower and Elite will be" Davorin said as he thought about the risk. "We are at the disadvantage, she has the flower and we know she can use poison so whoever is going after her will have to careful, if we lose the flower the boys dies" Davorin says in a monotone voice. "I don't what she will have waiting for us, it could be poison traps as well as creatures or anything else" the vampire says as he looks around the group. Trust was something he didn't have for many of these people, which he knew would be returned. That was there biggest weakness.

@Otakubeats @Wild Wolf Wind @ThatOneLunatic @YoungX @tealevergood @Crystal Cali
SirGrey said:
"Well we better sort out the group soon" Davorin says as he points ahead. "That the cave where the flower and Elite will be" Davorin said as he thought about the risk. "We are at the disadvantage, she has the flower and we know she can use poison so whoever is going after her will have to careful, if we lose the flower the boys dies" Davorin says in a monotone voice. "I don't what she will have waiting for us, it could be poison traps as well as creatures or anything else" the vampire says as he looks around the group. Trust was something he didn't have for many of these people, which he knew would be returned. That was there biggest weakness.
@Otakubeats @Wild Wolf Wind @ThatOneLunatic @YoungX @tealevergood @Crystal Cali
Raider nodded with Davorin. "I agree. We need to form a group more suited towards stealth than anything. Will and Evan are most definitely perfect picks. Anyone else?" He thinks about the formation and thinks about those that are knowledgeable about poisons.
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Liz clears her throat. "Stealth I can do, and if she's distracted enough, I can take the flower and run back to the boy... assumin' ranger elf over here can give me instructions on how to make the antidote," Liz turns her head to look at Evan.


Raina listens to the plan Raider was forming. It seems like a good idea. "I will wait outside to see if she runs. I can also summon animals to aid us in case she does slip past, so she will have a difficult time getting past me."

@YoungX @Wild Wolf Wind @ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey @tealevergood @Otakubeats
Liz started to get real annoyed as this was the second time Evan had not explained to her if she would be able to make the antidote herself if she snuck out with the flower. She moved over next to him, and yanks on his arm in an attempt to force him to look at her. "Oi! Are ye deaf? I been askin' if there's any way I can make the damn antidote if I sneak out with the flower! Is there anything else I need, or is it just the flower? What do I gotta do with it? If this lady is as powerful as everyone's gettin' at, then she'll have ye fightin' her till the poison runs it's course if ye ain't smart about it!"

Raina sighs. While she did not appreciate Liz' lack of manners, the pirate had a point. "Evan, we need to know before we get there. Ty may not have enough time for us to finish this."

@Wild Wolf Wind
Acey said:
Shafer gaped at the man incredulously, lip curling in a snarl before he clued into the fact that Lucius was making a joke. His features relaxed into a more bewildered expression as he mentally scolded himself for not getting it right away. He lost himself in his own thoughts until his head snapped up to look at Lucius. He suddenly felt bad, he missed half of what he said. But he did catch the end. Just wing it. "No, it's okay. It's infinitely easier to understand you this way, I just don't trust magic. I've got some of my own but I never use it because I feel as if there are too many things that could go wrong." The nymph shuddered and shook his head. "You're sweet for the offer though."@ChoasMaker
"Hum... It is just I come from a world where everyone is a wizard or a witch. I had to come here to get better because in my world a spell is easier to cast then to speak but here that is not so." Lucius looked back towards the cave to see a group of people who had gathered. The seemed a little stressed out. He couldn't hear their conversation but from the looks on their faces it looked as though they were doing something important. "Hey I want to go investigate what is happening at the cave, can you come or would you rather me stay here while you take a dive?"

@Acey @Crystal Cali
@Wild Wolf Wind[/URL]
Evan was too deep in thought to hear them "oh, well its a ranger made poison so the recipe is only known to rangers so only i can do it. but i think someone else can do it" he looks at Davorin. he knew that it would be only him that might do it but what he didn't understand is how the vampire identified the flower. its very mistakable for other flowers.
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Shafer whined softly, an agitated clicking noise building at the back of his throat. He was obviously conflicted as his gaze flicked between Lucius and the lake. He finally gave up. He sighed and slumped his shoulders, giving a reluctant nod. He didn't want to leave Lucius alone on the island, that could end with all sorts of bad. "I'll come with you... Oh fuck wait, that's Raina!" He grinned before turning and diving back into the lake, getting himself thoroughly soaked before emerging once more. "Okay, we can go now." He bounced in excitement, totally enthusiastic at the idea of hanging out with his queen.


@Crystal Cali
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"You are very perspective Evan, yes I could make an antidote to the poison if needs be" Davorin says holding lapels of jacket. "I have knowledge in the area of alchemy, I have created.... mixtures in the past some of which involve the Araluen orchid that is how I know what it is" Davorin said referring the fact that Araluen orchid isn't a very unique flower. "Well Teal what are you going to be doing?"

@YoungX @Wild Wolf Wind @ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey @tealevergood @Otakubeats
Raina turns her head as her keen ears pick up the sound of voices approaching. She looks over to see Schafer and Lucious approach. She looks directly at them, and brings a finger to her lips, signaling for them to come quietly. They were close to the cave, and Raina did not wish for Elita to have too much warning that they were coming. She looks back to Evan. "If we have two people who can make the antidote, that strengthens our odds. Especially considering that Elita is likely to focus her attention on you. If Liz and Davorin can sneak in while you are fighting Elita, get the flower, and return to Ty, he has a greater chance of survival. Here is what I would suggest we do." Raina looks around the group, formulating a solid plan. "Evan, Will, and Raider go in first and approach Elita. Try to drive her farther into the cave. Once it sounds as if they are moving back, Elizabeth and Davorin sneak in, pick the flowers they need, then hurry back to Ty." Raina looks over to Teal, pointing to her, because she did not know the girl's name. "You and I will guard the entrance, in case Elita tries to escape that way. The group's main goal is the flower. If you can kill Elita today, do so, but the flower is our first priority. Understand?" Raina spoke quietly enough that her voice would not carry far beyond the group, but her tone was firm and commanding.

@YoungX @Wild Wolf Wind @ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey @tealevergood @ChoasMaker @Acey @Otakubeats
Shafer stopped walking when Raina made that motion for quiet. He clicked in disappointment but obediently lightened his steps, his stance sinking lower to allow himself to move soundlessly through the brush. He glanced back at Lucius impatiently before his excitement got the best of him and he picked up the pace significantly, all but running over to Raina. He landed beside his queen with a silent pounce. He chittered affectionately as he smiled up at her and straightened out his posture. "What are we doing?" He spoke in his own language, relieved now that someone could understand him without the use of magic. And I'm assuming here that Raina can speak the language of all her peoples?

@Crystal Cali@YoungX@Wild Wolf Wind@ThatOneLunatic@SirGrey@tealevergood@ChoasMaker
Raina knew the language Shafer spoke, though she had not heard it in some time. She speaks back to him in the same language he spoke to her. "A woman has poisoned a young elf. A flower that can make the antidote, and possibly the woman herself, are inside this cave. Some of our group are going in after the woman, some are going after the flower, and a couple of us are guarding the entrance to make sure the woman does not escape." Raina was assuming that the group was going with her plan, but she was confident at least a few of them would be willing to go along with it.

@Acey @YoungX @Wild Wolf Wind @SirGrey @tealevergood @ChoasMaker
Acey said:
Shafer whined softly, an agitated clicking noise building at the back of his throat. He was obviously conflicted as his gaze flicked between Lucius and the lake. He finally gave up. He sighed and slumped his shoulders, giving a reluctant nod. He didn't want to leave Lucius alone on the island, that could end with all sorts of bad. "I'll come with you... Oh fuck wait, that's Raina!" He grinned before turning and diving back into the lake, getting himself thoroughly soaked before emerging once more. "Okay, we can go now." He bounced in excitement, totally enthusiastic at the idea of hanging out with his queen.@ChoasMaker

@Crystal Cali
"Okay then." He was happy to know that the women from earlier was in the group which meant that he was going to learn who this all powerful women was.

Lucius didn't know what to do when they arrived because he was told to be quiet and it seemed as though they had a very important mission going on. Since the queen didn't know him at all it wouldn't make since for her to give a role in the mission but he felt like he needed to do something to. "Excuse me but would there be anything that I might be able to do in order to assist you? I am talented in magic and I can completely vanish from sight." He spoke as silently as he could.

@YoungX @Wild Wolf Wind @ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey @tealevergood @Acey @Otakubeats
"Sounds like a plan" Davorin said to Liz. "Though crawling through a dark cave with you wasn't the first thing I was thinking of doing today" the vampire said in a light tone before getting down to business. "As I said I have my bat form, so I could go ahead make sure if it is all clear, lets say one squeak for clear, two for danger three for flower" he explained. @Crystal Cali
Will grew tired of the wait and smirked tapping Evan and Raider on the shoulder and nodding to them before moving into the caves drawing his sword silently. He moved without sound as the cloak over his armor masked his presence. He had fought the girl before without a problem, he could do it again. He knew about all the flora that grew on the Isle as well, he had spent years of his life before the humans came studying it and learning each plants properties and uses. He knew he could help with the flowers but chose not to voice it. @Crystal Cali @Otakubeats @SirGrey @YoungX @tealevergood @Acey @Wild Wolf Wind
Shafer was all but purring with adoration at this point. He gave a hazy nod before he actually comprehended what Raina was saying. He glanced down at his waist and rested a hand on the bone-dagger he had sheathed there. He toyed with the hilt nervously before he looked back up at her. He didn't really want to fight. He really, really didn't want to fight. "What are you doing, Raina?" He stumbled over her name, as always, entirely uncomfortable with the English language.

@Crystal Cali@ChoasMaker@ThatOneLunatic@SirGrey@YoungX@Wild Wolf Wind@tealevergood@Otakubeats

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