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Fandom Island of Hetalia


This whole nightmare was terrible. Alfred missing, Romeo near to death, me & Gilbert injured. It's like Whitney wasn't the only one out to get them. It's almost as if the island was to. He continued to limp around searching for sticks, when he hit his head on something, hard. Cool. Metallic. He used his sword to cut the foliage, and scraped the rest out of the way.

He yelled at the other nations.

"Mein gott! This is outrageous!"

A camera sat in the bushes. Pointed straight at Gilbert's face. Gilbird tweeted on his shoulder.

Was he watching them?

"What is it?"  At Gilbert's shout, Arthur rushed over, glancing around for any signs of danger.  But when he saw what the other nation was pointing at, his eyes widened in surprise.  If Whitney was watching them, it meant that he'd know about everything they'd said and done, know that they were taking defensive measures and were working to make some sort of plan.  "We'll have to destroy it; the less information he has about us, the better," he stated, quickly raising the borrowed revolver and firing a bullet into the camera's lens, rendering it useless.  

"But if he's got one of these, there are probably more around, maybe other sorts of bugging devices as well.  We ought to have a look around camp for them."  

There had always been at least a couple of nations at camp, though, Arthur realized, so whatever surveillance Whitney had set up had been put in place before they even arrived, meaning he likely had the whole of the island under his watch, not just here.  So even if they got rid of the cameras around camp, they'd have nowhere else to go without him knowing.  And whoever else might have made it to the island wasn't at all safe either; he'd be able to spot each and every one of them.  Scotland.  Wales.  France.  Everyone.  Arthur's gaze turned towards the faint outlines of the trees in the darkness, suddenly no longer sure how they were going to get through this.  

"Gilbert," he began as he fixed his focus on searching for any other surveillance.  "Do you realize what this makes our chances against Whitney now?  The longer we sit here waiting, the more of us he'll take.  We've got to figure something out, and soon."

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With this whole fiasco going on, Prussia's mind was racing. Thoughts dashing through his head. He sat down against the rock wall.

"How can we beat him Arthur, he's a madman! He's a madman who knows what he's doing! We can't beat him, we can't fight him, he's always one step ahead!"

Gilbird fluttered over, resting on Prussia's head. He stroked his little friend.

Ellen look down at the rest of the group, watching for anyother movement from the tree line. She sighed quietly and looked back at the two Italys makeing sure they were both okay before continueing her quiet visual over the camp.
Whitney Zarrof

Whitney entered the room Alfred was in, seeing him still unconcious.

He had a nice face.

It would do nicely.

He made sure the cameras were ready.

He uploaded the link.

Now to wait for him to wake up.

(Truth is revealed. Whitney gets paid to kidnap people and torture them for entertainment of others.)

((Fk sorry.))

Alfred stirred. And his eyes opened slowly. He took in the scene. Typical. He decided to employ some good ol american sarcasm. "I don't negotiate with terrorists you know." 



"Why are you giving up so easily, young one?" Maria, no, Rajah asked as her once deep brown orbs darkened yet again to a charcoal black, signifying her change. The personification made her way over to Gilbert, her eyes staring intensely into his crimson ones with a cold fury. "Hmph, and to think you would proclaim yourself to be the most 'awesome' one out of all of us, a former knight at that." She mocked him with a tilt of her head, her chocolate brown hair swaying with her movements.

Honestly, Rajah couldn't stand these sort of people. Weaklings, the lot of them were. She couldn't help but click her tongue with every passing second that the other didn't respond to her words. Her eyebrows furrowed in irritation. Her country, young as it officially was, had faced many hardships, even before it was discovered by the Spanish. She knew all too well how it felt to be helpless, but right now, the former kingdom that stood before her was not helpless. He was just a coward.


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