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Fantasy Iron & Fire: 2338 AD

That's alright. I always come down with something while travelling. Broken Wallet Syndrome, Video-Gaming Withdrawals, Missing-Bed Influenza. I totally understand. :)
TerraBooma said:
I...can't even remember anymore, I think it was are there any reporting stations for new recruits?
On a standard carrier you would have checked in with the Officer of the Deck when your shuttle landed. He would have passed you off to the Petty Officer of the Watch, who would have sent you to personnel. They would sign you in and give you the PO or officer to report to. (enlisted and officer respectively )
Alrighty, thanks. I'll get working on a post then.

Right, post out just to establish where Allen is. Lemme know if I messed up but I was trying to keep it fairly simple.
Sorry, was sick for a bit.

A.I. is pretty much from RL to near Halo level. (Not quite Halo so no A.I. will be smart like the A.I.s in that universe nor as capable), So a good balance would be an A.I that can appear as a hologram through projectors on the bridge, hangar, and other key areas. Otherwise the A.I. will be largely invisible and work through the ships computer systems. Of course as a fail safe all the computers can be not-networked to prevent a virus from disabling all the ships systems and A.I. at once. So typically the A.I. would have a certain clearance to certain ship systems that can be revoked by the CO and XO or adjusted as seen fit. As for the Mechs their A.I.s are like advanced pilot-interface computers that help the pilot use the mech and is capable of auto-pilot using pre-loaded and real time AO information stored in the Mech or being received by communication from other Terran forces.

Now the Valkyrie itself is pretty much like a Battlestar in BSG (I kept the exact details vague to ease posting) whereby it is divided into many bulkheads, decks, levels, and rooms that much like a RL navy ship are designed for functionality and durability than being aesthetically pleasing. Making the ship pretty was extremely far back in the mind of the designers when all the dangers of space combat are taken into account.

I will be posting shortly.
All hell, I'll make the damned CAG after all. lol I don't want to leave the pilots without a head, no offense to generic officers. xD
TechEwok said:
All hell, I'll make the damned CAG after all. lol I don't want to leave the pilots without a head, no offense to generic officers. xD
Good. I wasn't looking forward to running the entire squadron and the CAG. Looks like I'll be seeing the CO before the CAG anyway.

Hey commander, where do want the squadron names and personality traits listed?
Mhm, I'm typing up my post as we speak. I just need to know what the hell am I calling "personal comms"? Or do we not have them on the ship? Because I'm just winging it and accessing wireless blah blah stuff, to direct people like an operator.
I'd say yes. I intend for Alexis to have a unit that houses her personal assistant on her wrist, which can double as a relay to her ear bud. I'd say most folks would have basic communicators on their person in case of systems failures. Officers would have much more capable units with override capabilities. I doubt we're at implanted coms yet, but those would rock.
Cybernetics/implants would be complicated to moderate :v just coms. Data slates. Holographic displays. Halo level coms I would assume.
Who does my character report to? He's a Mechanic, but for simplicites sake, is that a detachment of Engineering?
I would assume anything to do with the maintainence of the Valkyrie/spacecraft would be under engineering. Since everything but the CMC is under navy jurisdiction.
I'm halfway done with the CAG. It is late so I gave it a pause. I'll finish tomorrow, maybe. But it's on my existing signup. Check it for any issues and I'll fix them when I get to them.
@Tarmagon @TechEwok there are two basic communication infrastructures; Wireless which would be personal comms and ship-to-ship communication over distances where signals or other means would be too time consuming or long; and then there is the common wired system via cabling that runs throughout the ship and has redundant systems in case of failure. The reason there are both is that the old analog wired system is pretty much immune to hacking or anyone listening in that shouldn't. We are not at the level of implanted comms yet, at least not to general forces. Maybe elite spec ops would be worth the really expensive toys. But we are at the level of regrowing lost limbs and organs for wounded personnel. Though just like in RL the chance of rejection is still present along with infection and the like.

@Tarmagon You can just add the roster of pilots and their personality traits in your existing app page for ease. Only POV characters in which the vast majority of you

@TerraBooma You will report to the Engineering officers above you or any higher ranking Naval officer. CMC officers are also technically your superiors but all technical jurisdiction and authority is under the Navy. So a CMC Major can be overrided by a Naval Major since you are technically a member of the Navy and not the Colonial Marine Corps. In addition Ship commanding officers (CO's and XO's) have jurisdiction over everyone on board the vessel and have discretion over authority when in combat operations. This also goes for planetary operations where CMC troops deploying from a ship (say the Valkyrie) will report to Starling as their overall officer unless a higher officer is present or Starling is ordered by a higher up to relinquish operational command to someone else like a Marine officer on the ground or an Army General planet side.

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