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Fantasy Iron & Fire: 2338 AD

So, does anyone have an idea ( commander) how long these Transit jumps are going to take subjectively and objectively? I'm assuming that only the engineers watching the engines are going to actually be aware of the Transit happening. If there are going to be physical effects inside the ship, I need to know before my next posting.
Isn't FTL like in starwars.... No real need to strap in or do anything really. It's basically the ship travelling a FTL speeds with no change to the going abouts of said ship? >.>
Question! Its an important one! @Verse Zero Do I really have to give a history xD I am really lazy at the moment... I just don't feel like making anymore character sheets for a very long time. I created multiple descriptive characters that just never went past the initial post in scrapped rps. I might fill it in when I get some motivation, if that helps.
With artifical gravity systems I would assume so, but you never know. That's why I ask. After all, I know of multiple mechanics to go FTL, and each different timetables and internal effects, or lack thereof.
ANd @Tarmagon Marines would not have recieved said payload of 200 nukes.... >.> Not that the Valkyrie herself had a fully stocked armoury of nuclear torps. Ship to ship weapons are handled by the navy and quarter master. Marines handle fire-arms and ground combat vehicles.

It would be rather counter productive to have the crew strapped in during FTL transit, the whole point is to mingle around and interact with other characters... It's a safe bet to say we're not all strapped into giant chairs or in cryo-stasis during FTL.
KaldorDraigo said:
ANd @Tarmagon Marines would not have recieved said payload of 200 nukes.... >.> Not that the Valkyrie herself had a fully stocked armoury of nuclear torps. Ship to ship weapons are handled by the navy and quarter master. Marines handle fire-arms and ground combat vehicles.
It would be rather counter productive to have the crew strapped in during FTL transit, the whole point is to mingle around and interact with other characters... It's a safe bet to say we're not all strapped into giant chairs or in cryo-stasis during FTL.
You are assuming they are weapons. And Marines handle security and checking weapons into and out of the magazines. The ordnance techs handle the arming and loading.

You'll probably find out more about them in Alexis' report to the Commander. I will say they are useless against anything larger than a strike fighter.
Nuclear warheads. Tarmagon. Nuclear warheads. I don't think there are quite that many uses for nuclear warheads. You stick em at the top of a rocket and point them in the direction of something you're not particularly fond off.

Fair enough on security. I'm just skeptical as to why Marines would need to handle something a chief gunnery officer would be more qualified to handle.

Air-to-air Nuclear warheads? >.>
I like waffles too @TechEwok :D Also, I posted a lengthy post for once :o Mainly thoughts and my characters reacting to the others like Firentis and Gallen. A little dialog too

Who is Jacob Allison? :'(
Hey, we're in the future. Note the part about sub critical implosion and tuned output? Think deep space flash bangs. Without atmosphere, nukes are contact weapons, and if the reaction is tuned and the energy filtered, you get a massive flash, a burst of gammas and little else.
xD I know, it's kool. My post isn't anything special, plus if you want my main character to interact with you, you kinda gotta goat him into it. He is pretty shy at times and can be brockward :P I was gonna mess with Gallen, but Takashi making one joke or tease is enough for him xD

Bleh, School sucks cx
FTL will probably take about an hour of travel time. FTL i planned on being fast but fuel draining. Even with the ships advanced reactors it takes a lot of power and pretty much leaves the reactors energy levels pretty low until they can regenerate the power used.

And there is no change. The artificial gravity reduces any disturbance caused by FTL travel.
Lol, ok. I'll get her history thrown in there when I get the inspiration :) Thank you! I think I'll post her intro when Alexis makes her way to the CAG.
Hey quick question, my character is piloting a Vulture Transport Gunship, where or who should I be reporting to?
CAG. Ther CAG oversees the entire Air Group aboard the Valkyrie with only the XO and CO being the CAGs direct superiors

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