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Fandom U.C.A 2.0 Character Sheets!

Done, and do you know bull?
Not exactully, but I've seen something like him before, as I've played Dragon Age Origins.
‘You don't need blood magic or demons to change someone's mind. We're a lot more fragile than we'd like to believe.’

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Name: The Ironbull
Nickname (s): Ironbull, Bull
Origin: a medieval fantasy universe known as Dragon Age
Occupation: ally
*Age: 36
*Race: does Qunari count?
Gender: male
Description: 8'2, muscular, 8'5 if you count his horns
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Bull is very much focused on the physical world, what he can see and understand. He tends to remain concrete, and avoids hypothetical discussions if he can. An example is in the Inquisitor’s inquiries about the Qun, and what might happen if it came south. Bull is short in his answers, and doesn’t elaborate further than giving a basic answer.

Bull uses logic to focus on developing his skills: this shows in his explanation of honing his ability with a sword and with the requirements of being Ben Hassrath. The way he uses knowledge - as though it’s another tool to add to a kit, another key that can open a door - is demonstrative of an inner logical framework based on using knowledge previously learned for new situations.

Bull’s humour is a little outlandish, but down to earth and relatable to a wide audience. While a social creature, Bull does seem to prefer company to talking, content to let another person steer the conversation, or be among a group without giving his input. This is most present with his Chargers: they are free to talk and socialise together, and he is perfectly content to watch and listen, something usually characteristic of an Introvert.

Bull’s intuitive ability is rather limited, as use of an inferior function can be incredibly draining and harmful to them. It shows most in Bull’s ability to simply let things remain unknown, giving him an assurance that not everything has to be figured out immediately. It gives him a patient, calm aura, as he is not hurrying to find the answers to every question, content to figure things out at his own pace, or the pace of his companions.

Bull loves to live in the moment, he's Are truly adventurous soul, taking efforts to do and see as much as he can whenever he can. He views the world as a solid force, and seek that same stability in the world and people around him. He bas an incredible ability to make even the most mundane task entertaining, able to stick to the boring jobs if they are perceived as necessary and routine; however, he must work in short bursts, taking breaks to move around and keep his energy up.

Powers and Abilities:
The objective of Reaver is to kill enemies. Due to this all of the skills suggested even if they look defensive are selected for this sole purpose.

Mighty Blow: The character puts extra weight and effort behind a single strike, gaining a bonus to attack. If it hits, the blow deals critical damage and imposes a penalty to movement speed unless the target passes a physical resistance check. He can use it every twenty minutes.

Grappling Chain: It yanks some larger enemies a bit closer to you. The chain also has limited range. It doesn't work on anything more then 300 lbs.

Crippling blows: He knows how to take the fight out of foes. His critical hits leave enemies weakened

Pommel Strike: Instead of going for the fatal attack an enemy expects, the player strikes out with a weapon's pommel, knocking the opponent to the ground unless it passes a physical resistance check. Can be used every fifteen minutes.

Blood Frenzy: Driven by pain, the reaver gains larger bonuses to damage whenever health decreases. Because this mode also incurs a penalty to health regeneration, the reaver flirts with death the longer the frenzy persists. It's a passive and health draining ability.

Devour: The reaver revels in death, absorbing the lingering energy of all nearby corpses, each of which partially restores the reaver's own health. It can be used every 35 minutes.

He's physically stronger then most humans and has a higher endurance.

He's got 380 HP.

He's got four health potions on him for each mission, each restoring thirty HP.

The Iron Bull was raised in the schools of Par Vollen by the tamassrans, though he was called Ashkaari, "one who thinks", at the time. He was big and strong for his age and liked to act as a secondary caregiver for his fellow children, reporting to the tamassrans when someone wasn't feeling well or was about to cause trouble. But Ashkaari sometimes got into trouble himself. On one occasion, after he'd eaten all the meat on his plate but left the vegetables untouched, his "Tama" told him that he wouldn't be allowed to go and play until he ate two more things off his plate. Without hesitation, he took two pieces of meat he had hidden in his pocket, placed them upon the plate, ate the two pieces while looking at Tama and ran off to play. This convinced her that Ashkaari would make a poor Qunari soldier, as they needed to be obedient to the spirit of an order as well as the letter. She recommended him for the Ben-Hassrath.

As he began his training, Ashkaari gained a new informal name to set him apart from his peers: Hissrad, "one who creates illusion" or "liar". His early work in Par Vollen involved uncovering smuggling operations, discontented groups considering fleeing the Qun and a Tevinter spy ring, which saw him recognized as a valuable asset. He was recommended for service on the Qunari-held island of Seheron. According to him, the island was "a sack of cats". Incursions from Tevinter, marauding Tal-Vashoth, and native rebels fighting on multiple fronts made life chaotic. The Ben-Hassrath considered two years of active service the maximum time most agents could perform in Seheron before prolonged stress rendered them unable to carry out their duties effectively but Hissrad lasted almost a decade before burning out, rising through the ranks as his superiors broke down or died.

On the eve of his last major battle in Seheron, Bull's unit suffered heavy losses when a friendly Seheron merchant was pressured into poisoning his men. When the same poison was used to kill a school full of children, Hissrad vowed to avenge them. He mounted an assault on a Tal-Vashoth stronghold in the jungle. He lost several more of his men in the fighting, including his longtime friend Vasaad, which sent him in a berserk state. When his surviving soldiers later came back for him with reinforcements, they found him unmoving, covered in wounds and surrounded by the butchered corpses of the Tal-Vashoth warriors. He declared himself unfit for duty and too dangerous to be around civilians, submitting himself to the Ben-Hassrath re-educators.

The Ben-Hassrath reassigned him to Orlais to work undercover, ostensibly as a Tal-Vashoth. He worked for the mercenary company Fisher's Bleeders for several years but Fisher was a mediocre commander and he eventually left, taking several of Fisher's men with him, to form his own mercenary company: the Bull's Chargers. Fisher, angered by this, entered into a brief fight with Bull, but the two ended up talking things over drinks and parted ways peacefully. Bull uses the Chargers to gather information on Orlesian nobles, feeding the intelligence to the Ben-Hassrath. Though he still reports to his old masters, time in Orlais led to something of an identity crisis for him.

He remains in command of the Bull's Chargers, though spends much of his time drinking, lazing about and overindulging - all clear violations of the Qun. Despite his unusually friendly demeanor and lax attitude to his philosophy, The Iron Bull still has a loyalty to the Qun which dies hard. He doesn't proselytize, but neither does he apologize for his way of life.

Just as The Iron Bull and his troops, the Bull's Chargers, emerge victorious from a skirmish with the Venatori, The Breach occurs. Spotting the disturbance, Bull sets off to investigate.

After the Herald returns from dealing with the Chantry in Val Royeaux, a member of Bull's mercenary group tells them that the Iron Bull is interested in being hired on to the Inquisition. Should the Inquisitor choose to meet up with the Chargers, they will find them on the Storm Coast in Ferelden. The Iron Bull admits to being a Ben-Hassrath, and explains that he will be relaying information about the Breach and the Inquisition to them. However, he will also relay information to the Inquisitor as well. If the Inquisitor is Qunari, Iron Bull will laugh and say that he now owes Krem money.

Like most of the companions, hiring The Iron Bull (and the Chargers) is optional. Should the Inquisitor decide to hire him on, he can be found outside of Haven by the stables, and later in Skyhold's main courtyard near Cassandra, before he eventually winds up in the ground floor of the tavern.

The Iron Bull's Ben-Hassrath reports come in the form of two war table quest chains which start with Choose Successor in Lydes and Investigate Hunter Fell.

Bull later informs the Inquisitor that the Ben-Hassrath recognize the threat Corypheus and his Venatori pose and are willing to offer an alliance. To that end, they set up a joint effort to attack a Venatori red lyrium smuggling operation on the Storm Coast. Upon arrival, the party meets with Bull's contact, Gatt, a former elven slave whom Bull recruited on Seheron, who details the plan for a Qunari dreadnought to ambush the smuggling vessel before it reaches open waters. In the meantime, the Inquisitor, Bull and the Chargers would separately take two hills where the Venatori are stationed so their mages can't sink the dreadnought. Bull assigns the Chargers what he believes to be "the easy job", but a large Venatori force begins advancing on their position. Gatt insists that the Chargers hold the hill, as the dreadnought would be destroyed otherwise. Bull looks to the Inquisitor to decide whether or not to sacrifice the Chargers. If told to signal the Chargers to retreat, the dreadnought is destroyed, the alliance scrapped, and Bull is cast out and becomes Tal-Vashoth.

The Ben-Hassrath send two agents to Skyhold to assassinate the Iron Bull. As he had noticed subtle signs of their arrival, Bull is easily able to counter their attack. He tells the Inquisitor that sending only two guys after him is a formality and that there's no need to retaliate.

His universe got destroyed by Solas and the veil. He got recruited by his boyfriend, Dorian, dragging him into the mess known as the U.C.A

Weaknesses: slower then average human, has a thing for acting before he thinks, would gladly sacrifice himself for his team. Instead of using stamina, he uses health points.
MUCH much better.

...Oh god, I've got a potato stuck on my head, I gotta think of a joke....HORN-

Approved 👍
Name: Peter Nettle
Origin: U-1841-nem. Status: Destroyed. (x3)
Occupation: Uninvited advisor/Ally
*Age: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
*Race: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
: ¯\_(-I mean male.

Personality: Just a little bit done with it. And also casually insane. (Used to be insane professionally.)
Powers and Abilities:

Illusion casting:
Being able to manipulate all five senses, he can cast near perfect copies or replicas of most objects and/or people. He can also change existing entities as well.
As long as you have think quickly enough and have an above average or obsessive amount knowledge on the structure or person he's casting.
Then you should be fine. You should be able to tell what's what.
What's what?
What is.

Inability to expire:
He can't die, the regenerative blood known as ichor which he acquired through non traditional means has provided a living prison for his soul.
He feels all the pain.
It's great for insurance scams though.
Weakness: It's the regenerative kind. . . take that as you will. It was also due to this ability/curse that he was able to survive the absolute annihilation of his universe. 3 times.
Being the only one left? He's just a little sick of it.

He knows a little bit of everything about anything.
Weakness: He knows a little bit. . . about anything you can think about. Secrets, that would burn through a persons head. Screaming to be let out. To be shared. To make others suffer.
To summarize, some knowledge is a bummer. And some he can't even tell some of it because of weird, magic, psychosis, brain universe wall stuff.
Bio: Traveling through the multiverse as any normal individual does. He came across the U.C.A's space head quarters. (Smashed through the window and nearly sucked people into the cold dark abyss of space.) After being saved and interviewed (Captured and interrogated.) The U.C.A realized that this individual could, more or less. Help their cause.
So they're tolerating him. For now.
Last edited:
Name: Peter Nettle
Origin: U-1841-nem. Status: Destroyed. (x3)
Occupation: Uninvited advisor/Ally
*Age: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
*Race: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
: ¯\_(-I mean male.
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Personality: Just a little bit done with it. And also casually insane. (Used to be insane professionally.)
Powers and Abilities:

Illusion casting:
Being able to manipulate all five senses, he can cast near perfect copies or replicas of most objects and/or people. He can also change existing entities as well.
As long as you have think quickly enough and have an above average or obsessive amount knowledge on the structure or person he's casting.
Then you should be fine. You should be able to tell what's what.
What's what?
What is.

Inability to expire:
He can't die, the regenerative blood known as ichor which he acquired through non traditional means has provided a living prison for his soul.
He feels all the pain.
It's great for insurance scams though.
Weakness: It's the regenerative kind. . . take that as you will. It was also due to this ability/curse that he was able to survive the absolute annihilation of his universe. 3 times.
Being the only one left? He's just a little sick of it.

He knows a little bit of everything about anything.
Weakness: He know a little bit. . . about anything you can think about. Secrets, that would burn through a persons head. Screaming to be let out. To be shared. To make others suffer.
To summarize, some knowledge is a bummer. And some he can't even tell some of it because of weird, magic, psychosis, brain universe wall stuff.
Bio: Traveling through the multiverse as any normal individual does. He came across the U.C.A's space head quarters. (Smashed through the window and nearly sucked people into the cold dark abyss of space.) After being saved and interviewed (Captured and interrogated.) The U.C.A realized that this individual could, more or less. Help their cause.
So they're tolerating him. For nowa
Admittedly now that I read this I'm a bit skittish, mostly with the weakness regarding the Illusion ability. Maybe I'm just being cautious (also past experiences with crazy + warping reality powers = misery for the rest of us). I'll still accept it, to see how he works, since you seem like a rad dude.

Approved 👍

Shepard is the only person who CAN protect this Galaxy.
- Admiral Anderson speaking to Admiral Hackett


Born on April 11, 2154, Shepard is a graduate of the Systems Alliance N7 Special Forces program (service no. 5923-AC-2826), a veteran of the Skyllian Blitz, is initially assigned to the SSV Normandy in 2183 as Executive Officer, with a Systems Alliance rank of Lieutenant Commander.

Shepard later joins the Spectres as the first official Human to join. The Spectres are an elite special task force only answering to the Citadel Council.

Shepard is a Biotic, originally receiving secondary exposure to Element Zero in 2168 & officially classified as one in 2171.

Powers and Stats​

Tier: 9-A Physically, Varies up to 7-C with Mass Accelerator Weapons, High 7-C with Biotics, Possibly High 3-A if Shepard takes control of the Reapers via the Crucible

Name: Commander "Jane" Shepard

Origin: Mass Effect Trilogy

Gender: Male/Female

Age: 32

Classification: Soldier/Engineer/Biotic, Alliance Navy Commander, Commander of the Normandy, Council Spectre, (Former) Cerberus Operative

Background/Personality: Shepard was a colonist living on the Alliance planet of Mindoir. Shepard was orphaned when Batarian slavers attacked the Alliance territory, taking many slaves & leaving only Shepard alive.

Shepard is a Ruthless individual who is already notorious for using any means necessary to complete the mission. During the Systems Alliance's raid on Torfan, a Batarian territory, Shepard sent 3/4 of her men to their deaths in order to wipe out the Batarian slavers in the area. She even chose to execute those who made an attempt to "make peace", cementing Shepard's reputation as "The Butcher of Torfan".

Throughout the course of Shepard's long & incredible journey across the Galaxy, Shepard has always shown a level of contempt/ indifference to everyone she comes across, often acting needlessly rude, patronizing, & insulting, even to those she considers friends & allies. Renegade Shepard has little if any sympathy towards the plights of others & prefers instead to recommend that people just "move on".

Shepard has also shown many instances of homicidal & bloodthirsty tendencies, as shown by her always opting for a more violent and brutal approach to solving problems & seems to relish in all of the fighting. Shepard, on many occasions, was able to persuade allies to indulge/act in such ways as well, molding them into more violent & less forgiving versions of themselves.

Shepard has little patience for such things & believes in doing "whatever is necessary" to get the job done, regardless of "collateral damage". Notably, Shepard was shown to take a liking to Cerberus, who operate under a very similar philosophy. Shepard also displays occasional xenophobic views & tendencies (another major part of Cerberus' MO) is likely another reason for this.

Also, noteworthy is the fact that though Shepard approves of Cerberus, they are also quick to assume the worst of their so-called allies.

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman characteristics, Regeneration (Mid-Low), Empathic Manipulation (Possesses great charisma and leadership skills. Can persuade both Saren[1] and the Illusive Man[2] to fight back again their indoctrination. United a divided galaxy against the Reapers), Expert Martial Artist, Weapons Mastery (Expert Marksman and Grenadier), Perception Manipulation (Can slow down their own perception of time via Adrenaline Rush), Explosion Manipulation (Via Frag Grenade, Inferno Grenade, Proximity Mine and Sticky Grenade), Energy Projection (Via Carnage), Electricity Manipulation (Via Overload. Can also enhance their bullets with electricity via Disruptor Ammo), Fire Manipulation (Via Incinerate and Inferno Grenade. Can also enhance their ammo with fire via Incendiary Ammo), Ice Manipulation (Via Cryo Blast. Can also infuse their ammo with ice with Cryo Ammo), Poison Manipulation (With Neural Shock), Paralysis Inducement (Via Neural Shock), Technology Manipulation (Such as Decryption, Electronics, AI Hacking, Sabotage), Technology Manipulation (Via Damping), Healing (With Medi-Gel), Force-Field Creation (In the form of Kinetic Barriers and Tech Armor), Summoning (Can summon droids to fight by their side like Combat Drone, Sentry Turret, Defense Drone), Invisibility (Via Tactical Cloak), Illusion Creation (Can create holograms via Decoy), Absorption (Via Energy Drain), Damage Boost (Via Assassination, Adrenaline Rush) and Damage Reduction (Via Immunity, Defense Matrix and Fortification)
Resistance to: Mind Manipulation (Was able to resist a direct a direct attempt of Indoctrination from a Reaper artifact[3], as well as being in contact with multiple other artifacts over the years without any hint of Indoctrination)
Attack Potency: Small Building Level (Shepard is comparable to the Shadow Broker, Varies up to Town Level with Mass Accelerator Weapons (Mass Accelerator Weapons shoot rounds at a fraction of the speed of light, allowing them to impact with the force of a nuke upon contact), Large Town Level with Biotics (They are an extremely powerful Biotic, one who is able to fight against very powerful & formidable Asari Biotics. Shepard is also relative to Liara, High Universal assuming Shepard takes control of the Reapers via the Crucible)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic (Shepard can easily match James Vega in a fight, Relativistic Reaction Speed (They are comparable to Liara & can react to Mass Accelerator Weapons), Relativistic Attack Speed with Mass Accelerator Weapons (Mass Accelerator Weapons shoot at Relativistic Speeds, Massively FTL+ with the SSV Normandy. The Normandy is capable of escaping Reapers which travel this fast)

Lifting Strength: Class 10 Shepard was able to easily lift a large metal object & overpowered the Shadow Broker who is comparable to the strongest of Krogan), Class K with Biotics (They are likely more powerful than 2 fodder Asari who were able to hold a massive hanger door closed with Biotics)

Durability: Town Level with Kinetic Barriers (Mass Accelerator Weapons shoot rounds at Relativistic Speeds, giving these rounds the force of a nuke on impact[4] and Kinetic Barriers can absorb the impact[5]), Large Town Level with Biotics (They are a Biotic comparable to Liara & some of the strongest Biotic Soldiers in Mass Effect, took attacks from Matriarch Benezia who is superior to Cora & a less impressive Asari who stopped multiple Kett Dreadnaught canon shots with Biotics Barriers), Large Town Level survived this attack, Possibly High Universal assuming Shepard takes control of the Reapers via the Crucible)

Stamina: Superhuman (Considering Shepard ventures through countless missions/operations to save the Galaxy & with only a few short moments of R&R)

Range: Standard Melee Range Physically, Extended Melee Range with Omni-Blade, Several Tens of Meters with Biotics & Tech Abilities, Hundreds of Meters via Mass Accelerator Weapons

Standard Equipment: This shows the vast majority of weapons Shepard is capable of wielding

Intelligence: Genius (Commander Shepard is quite impressive in terms of Intelligence. Shepard is capable of inspiring/coercing others to follow them, usually through exploiting a common interest, situation, goal, etc. They are also a master strategist, one who can formulate impressive strategies, usually while already engaged with the enemy, to fight opponents while making sure to use those same opponent's weaknesses against them.

Shepard is a trained professional career Officer in the Human Alliance Marines. They are also a graduate of the Systems Alliance's N7 program, which is the highest grade of their "Interplanetary Combatives Training". Shepard's actions/operations were so impressive that they were viewed as the most fitting Human candidate to join the Spectres.

Shepard is responsible for saving the Galaxy on nearly five separate occasions, each time from existential threats.

Was capable of convincing the Leviathan Race to join the fight against the Reapers. The Leviathan watched as countless cycles perished to the Reapers across millions of years. The Leviathan considered Shepard as the only existing variable that allows victory against the Reapers)

Weaknesses:: Kinetic Barrier's are contingent on the speed of an attack. A close-range melee attack is not fast enough to set it off.

Shepard suffers from nightmares & most likely some level of PTSD.

Shepard is the only person who CAN protect this Galaxy.
- Admiral Anderson speaking to Admiral Hackett


Born on April 11, 2154, Shepard is a graduate of the Systems Alliance N7 Special Forces program (service no. 5923-AC-2826), a veteran of the Skyllian Blitz, is initially assigned to the SSV Normandy in 2183 as Executive Officer, with a Systems Alliance rank of Lieutenant Commander.

Shepard later joins the Spectres as the first official Human to join. The Spectres are an elite special task force only answering to the Citadel Council.

Shepard is a Biotic, originally receiving secondary exposure to Element Zero in 2168 & officially classified as one in 2171.

Powers and Stats​

Tier: 9-A Physically, Varies up to 7-C with Mass Accelerator Weapons, High 7-C with Biotics, Possibly High 3-A if Shepard takes control of the Reapers via the Crucible

Name: Commander "Jane" Shepard

Origin: Mass Effect Trilogy

Gender: Male/Female

Age: 32

Classification: Soldier/Engineer/Biotic, Alliance Navy Commander, Commander of the Normandy, Council Spectre, (Former) Cerberus Operative

Background/Personality: Shepard was a colonist living on the Alliance planet of Mindoir. Shepard was orphaned when Batarian slavers attacked the Alliance territory, taking many slaves & leaving only Shepard alive.

Shepard is a Ruthless individual who is already notorious for using any means necessary to complete the mission. During the Systems Alliance's raid on Torfan, a Batarian territory, Shepard sent 3/4 of her men to their deaths in order to wipe out the Batarian slavers in the area. She even chose to execute those who made an attempt to "make peace", cementing Shepard's reputation as "The Butcher of Torfan".

Throughout the course of Shepard's long & incredible journey across the Galaxy, Shepard has always shown a level of contempt/ indifference to everyone she comes across, often acting needlessly rude, patronizing, & insulting, even to those she considers friends & allies. Renegade Shepard has little if any sympathy towards the plights of others & prefers instead to recommend that people just "move on".

Shepard has also shown many instances of homicidal & bloodthirsty tendencies, as shown by her always opting for a more violent and brutal approach to solving problems & seems to relish in all of the fighting. Shepard, on many occasions, was able to persuade allies to indulge/act in such ways as well, molding them into more violent & less forgiving versions of themselves.

Shepard has little patience for such things & believes in doing "whatever is necessary" to get the job done, regardless of "collateral damage". Notably, Shepard was shown to take a liking to Cerberus, who operate under a very similar philosophy. Shepard also displays occasional xenophobic views & tendencies (another major part of Cerberus' MO) is likely another reason for this.

Also, noteworthy is the fact that though Shepard approves of Cerberus, they are also quick to assume the worst of their so-called allies.

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman characteristics, Regeneration (Mid-Low), Empathic Manipulation (Possesses great charisma and leadership skills. Can persuade both Saren[1] and the Illusive Man[2] to fight back again their indoctrination. United a divided galaxy against the Reapers), Expert Martial Artist, Weapons Mastery (Expert Marksman and Grenadier), Perception Manipulation (Can slow down their own perception of time via Adrenaline Rush), Explosion Manipulation (Via Frag Grenade, Inferno Grenade, Proximity Mine and Sticky Grenade), Energy Projection (Via Carnage), Electricity Manipulation (Via Overload. Can also enhance their bullets with electricity via Disruptor Ammo), Fire Manipulation (Via Incinerate and Inferno Grenade. Can also enhance their ammo with fire via Incendiary Ammo), Ice Manipulation (Via Cryo Blast. Can also infuse their ammo with ice with Cryo Ammo), Poison Manipulation (With Neural Shock), Paralysis Inducement (Via Neural Shock), Technology Manipulation (Such as Decryption, Electronics, AI Hacking, Sabotage), Technology Manipulation (Via Damping), Healing (With Medi-Gel), Force-Field Creation (In the form of Kinetic Barriers and Tech Armor), Summoning (Can summon droids to fight by their side like Combat Drone, Sentry Turret, Defense Drone), Invisibility (Via Tactical Cloak), Illusion Creation (Can create holograms via Decoy), Absorption (Via Energy Drain), Damage Boost (Via Assassination, Adrenaline Rush) and Damage Reduction (Via Immunity, Defense Matrix and Fortification)
Resistance to: Mind Manipulation (Was able to resist a direct a direct attempt of Indoctrination from a Reaper artifact[3], as well as being in contact with multiple other artifacts over the years without any hint of Indoctrination)
Attack Potency: Small Building Level (Shepard is comparable to the Shadow Broker, Varies up to Town Level with Mass Accelerator Weapons (Mass Accelerator Weapons shoot rounds at a fraction of the speed of light, allowing them to impact with the force of a nuke upon contact), Large Town Level with Biotics (They are an extremely powerful Biotic, one who is able to fight against very powerful & formidable Asari Biotics. Shepard is also relative to Liara, High Universal assuming Shepard takes control of the Reapers via the Crucible)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic (Shepard can easily match James Vega in a fight, Relativistic Reaction Speed (They are comparable to Liara & can react to Mass Accelerator Weapons), Relativistic Attack Speed with Mass Accelerator Weapons (Mass Accelerator Weapons shoot at Relativistic Speeds, Massively FTL+ with the SSV Normandy. The Normandy is capable of escaping Reapers which travel this fast)

Lifting Strength: Class 10 Shepard was able to easily lift a large metal object & overpowered the Shadow Broker who is comparable to the strongest of Krogan), Class K with Biotics (They are likely more powerful than 2 fodder Asari who were able to hold a massive hanger door closed with Biotics)

Durability: Town Level with Kinetic Barriers (Mass Accelerator Weapons shoot rounds at Relativistic Speeds, giving these rounds the force of a nuke on impact[4] and Kinetic Barriers can absorb the impact[5]), Large Town Level with Biotics (They are a Biotic comparable to Liara & some of the strongest Biotic Soldiers in Mass Effect, took attacks from Matriarch Benezia who is superior to Cora & a less impressive Asari who stopped multiple Kett Dreadnaught canon shots with Biotics Barriers), Large Town Level survived this attack, Possibly High Universal assuming Shepard takes control of the Reapers via the Crucible)

Stamina: Superhuman (Considering Shepard ventures through countless missions/operations to save the Galaxy & with only a few short moments of R&R)

Range: Standard Melee Range Physically, Extended Melee Range with Omni-Blade, Several Tens of Meters with Biotics & Tech Abilities, Hundreds of Meters via Mass Accelerator Weapons

Standard Equipment: This shows the vast majority of weapons Shepard is capable of wielding

Intelligence: Genius (Commander Shepard is quite impressive in terms of Intelligence. Shepard is capable of inspiring/coercing others to follow them, usually through exploiting a common interest, situation, goal, etc. They are also a master strategist, one who can formulate impressive strategies, usually while already engaged with the enemy, to fight opponents while making sure to use those same opponent's weaknesses against them.

Shepard is a trained professional career Officer in the Human Alliance Marines. They are also a graduate of the Systems Alliance's N7 program, which is the highest grade of their "Interplanetary Combatives Training". Shepard's actions/operations were so impressive that they were viewed as the most fitting Human candidate to join the Spectres.

Shepard is responsible for saving the Galaxy on nearly five separate occasions, each time from existential threats.

Was capable of convincing the Leviathan Race to join the fight against the Reapers. The Leviathan watched as countless cycles perished to the Reapers across millions of years. The Leviathan considered Shepard as the only existing variable that allows victory against the Reapers)

Weaknesses:: Kinetic Barrier's are contingent on the speed of an attack. A close-range melee attack is not fast enough to set it off.

Shepard suffers from nightmares & most likely some level of PTSD.
"I'm your therapist, but I guess I am now COMMANDER SHEPA-"

Approved 👍
Name: Trevor Philips
Origin: a modern-day universe known as Grand theft auto
Occupation: unpredictable ally
*Age: 46
*Race: Caucasian
Gender: male
Powers and Abilities:
Tier: 9-B, higher with melee weapons, firearms, and heavy weapons. higher with Red Mist
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Expert Brawler, Weapon Mastery (Any kind of melee weapon or firearm), Regeneration (Mid-Low; Can recover from vicious gun wounds without medical aid, provided that he doesn't receive any further damage and remains stationary), Stealth Mastery, Vehicular Mastery (Skilled in piloting any kind of vehicle and aircraft), Electricity Manipulation (Via Stun Gun), Explosion Manipulation (Via several explosive weapons), Homing Attack (Via Homing Launcher), Fire Manipulation (Via Molotov), Pressure Point Strikes (Can easily knock out people by striking at their pressure points), Berserk Mode, Statistics Amplification and Limited Perception Manipulation in Red Mist

Attack Potency:
Wall level (Physically the strongest among the protagonist trio. Upon meeting a highly weakened Johnny Klebitz, Trevor stomped him to death by hitting him six times in the skull and created a massive hole in the process. Capable of knocking down people with a single punch, can one-shot armored police officers with a blow to the stomach. All the protagonists can keep hitting cars and even helicopters to the point where they suffer from severe deformation and mechanical damage and can also kick them hard enough to shake them. Can shatter wooden doors and fences. Can fend off cougars, rottweilers and can easily beat them and cattle to death with his bare hands, including tiger sharks and killer whales if one can keep up with them. Can easily shatter bullet-resistant windshields with a few kicks and sometimes with a single stomp. He can send people flying several meters with his strikes and trade blows with those capable of harming him. All the protagonists are capable of one-shotting each other in sheer anger), higher with melee weapons, firearms, and heavy weapons (Can quickly kill armored humans in one shot and rapidly blow up cars and trucks with ease. Can cause a tank to explode with a few shots. Capable of quickly destroying reinforced bank saves and blowing up heavily-armored cars and even construction equipment, as seen in the many heists he, Franklin, and Michael took.), higher with Red Mist (Strengthens both his armed and unarmed capabilities)

Speed: Peak Human with Subsonic+ combat speed and reactions (Can dodge RPG-7 fire at close range just by side-stepping, and RPG missiles can hit Mach 0.9. Can also avoid fast-moving oncoming traffic only by rolling. Can also perform extremely complex maneuvers in any aircraft at any given time and even outmaneuver highly-advanced homing missiles), higher with Red Mist (While it isn't on par with Michael and Franklin's abilities, Trevor's Red Mist nonetheless increases Trevor's perception to some extent). Subsonic with most vehicles and helicopters. Subsonic+ to Supersonic with most planes. Subsonic+ to Supersonic+ attack speed with firearms. Supersonic attack speed with Homing Launcher (The Homing Launcher in GTA 5 is based on a SA-7 Grail rocket launcher, whose missiles can easily hit 430-500 m/s)
Weaknesses: he's a M*th addict (which I'll rarely bring up in RP), he's basically a normal human, he's insane and his age is getting up there.

Lifting Strength: Peak Human (Can throw people twice his size with just one arm, also capable of lifting fully-grown people above his head. Can push back bodybuilders. Can casually run around with a minigun and jump with it)

Striking Strength: Wall level (Physically the strongest among the protagonist trio), higher with Red Mist

Durability: Wall level (He was beaten up savagely, and he was still able to fight. Can withstand collisions with cars and trucks going at high speed, while possibly being launched against walls after the impact. He can also survive being run over by 18-wheelers and being shot out of reinforced windshields at high speeds so long as collision with anything other than the road is avoided and can take a few rounds from the Heavy Sniper and its Mk. II variant before dying. Getting hit by cars also increases the amount of Red Mist he possesses. Even routinely survives other violent car crashes while driving them, smoothly brushing off extreme flips and ramming into walls and whatnot without bracing. Take shotgun blasts and high-caliber rounds that can penetrate thick body armour and easily destroy cars with a few shots to the face at point-blank range without issue. Can withstand being burned for extended periods. Should be able to withstand his own punches. Regularly takes on breathtaking stunts and withstands massive amounts of g-forces while using planes), higher with Standard Body Armour, higher with Red Mist (He is virtually invincible in the game; able to brush off animal maulings, train crashes, jumbo jet crashes, exploding blimps, and missiles from his weapons as if nothing happened to him)

Stamina: Superhuman initially (Could easily defeat hordes of enemies armed with weapons like baseball bats, knives and the like while extremely drunk), Infinite after maxing out the Stamina bar (Doing so nets Trevor infinite sprinting and swimming)

Range: Standard Melee Range normally and with brass knuckles, Extended Melee Range with melee weapons, Hundreds of Meters with most firearms, Several Kilometers with sniper rifles

Standard Equipment: Grenades (He always carries plenty of grenades when roaming the streets). He also steals others' weapons, such as Grenade Launcher, Assault Rifles, Micro-SMG, and Shotgun during Rampage missions. On a planned mission, he usually carries a Sniper Rifle, a pistol, and various other weapons, but otherwise, generally an arsenal of firearms

Intelligence: Above Average (Trevor appears to be highly intelligent. He enrolled at a military academy for four years, has a college degree from it, and is shown to be good at math, as he was able to calculate the worth of four tons of gold off the top of his head faster than someone could use a calculator to find out. He is focused and rational on the jobs at hand, displaying a capability for calculation and planning, even under chaotic situations. He can follow any detailed plans strictly, and also he has proven to have good ideas for grand heists. Trevor has also been shown to have good perception, as he was the only one who figured out that a brick of cocaine Franklin and Lamar were buying was actually drywall)

Personality and Bio:
What is known about Trevor's background is highly speculative and comes from his own words. Trevor was born and raised in Canada, near the border with the United States, or, as he calls it, the "Canadian border region of America". He claims he "grew up in five states, two countries", in "fourteen different homes", "three care homes", "two correctional facilities", with "eight fathers", and "one beautiful, damaged flower of a mother".

As a child, he had a history of rage issues and violent impulses that ruined his attempts to fit into society. He claims that, in a fit of rage, he sodomized his hockey coach with a hockey stick, and at some point, he strangled a clarinet player with his own instrument. He also claims to have killed various animals and "drifters" even during the early years of his life.

Trevor's childhood itself was an unhappy one. His father was physically abusive towards him, while his mother was emotionally abusive, overbearing, treated him with condescension and saw him as a "useless boy" who cared little about her. When he was a child, Trevor's father abandoned him in a shopping mall, which Trevor later burned down in retaliation. Trevor also had a brother named Ryan, whom Trevor was not fond of. Ryan died in an "accident" prior to 2013.

Trevor dropped out of school, ultimately robbing him of some grammatical skills and basic knowledge, such as the location of ancient Rome, which he believed to be part of America. It is possible, however, that he had some formal education, as he claims[8] - though possibly sarcastically - that he took a night class in criminal law. Despite this, he does have good mathematical skills, such as being able to accurately calculate the price of four tons of gold in a matter of seconds. Trevor also claims that he was the Canadian under-18 Champion and "almost turned pro".

Later in his life, Trevor discovered that he had a talent for flying jets. He enlisted in the air force to fly fighter jets, but several days prior to completing his training and becoming a licensed pilot, Trevor was deemed mentally unstable during a psychological evaluation, thus resulting in his discharge and grounding for life. It is implied his discharge was due to his psychological relationship with his mother.

After leaving the military, Trevor became a drifter and committed petty crimes along the border with no particular goal in mind. In the late 1980s, around the age of 20, he eventually began running a small airfreight operation in North Yankton, where he met his future partner-in-crime, Michael Townley.

While waiting on the runway to meet his employer, he saw not one but two dust trails coming up the road, despite the fact that he was told there would be only one person meeting him. Michael exited the first car while a man whom Michael previously carjacked exited the other, yelling at them. Trevor shot off a flare gun he was carrying into the second man's eye, killing him. He and Michael both dumped the body into a lake afterwards. The flare was still burning from the inside of his head, causing the pair to throw up. After the incident, Trevor and Michael became friends and started a criminal partnership together.

Trevor's first job involved robbing a place that cashed checks. However, he was caught because the clerk turned out to be someone who knew him, resulting in him serving four months of a six-month sentence. After Trevor was released, he and Michael committed many robberies all over the midwest, though Michael's recognizable quoting of lines from Solomon Richards's movies, and Trevor's habit to snap and murder people in broad daylight often kept them on the run. Throughout their crime spree, they worked with several other accomplices; the closest one being Lester Crest - a talented hacker and heist planner. Over time, Michael developed a relationship with and married a stripper named Amanda, eventually having two kids, Tracey and Jimmy. This created some friction between the criminals, due to Michael spending more and more time with his new family and less with his criminal activities. Despite this, Trevor began to see himself as an uncle to the couple's children, even vowing to avenge Tracy should anyone 'wrong her'. Over the following years, Michael became more cautious as a criminal because he saw himself having more to lose should he be imprisoned or killed, which led Trevor to believe Michael was going "soft". As a result, Trevor recruited a fellow crook named Brad Snider to take part in their robberies. Michael and Lester distrusted Brad, never showing any empathy towards him. At some point, Brad suggested to Trevor that they cut off Michael and work only with each other. Trevor declined, believing he should stay loyal to Michael.

Trevor and Michael remained partners in crime until they undertook an ill-fated heist in 2004 alongside Brad and a getaway driver in Ludendorff, North Yankton. Secretly, Michael made an agreement with corrupt FIB agent Dave Norton to exit his life of crime and start over with his family in Los Santos. The plan involved the group robbing a cash depot, followed by them making their way to a rendezvous point, where Dave would fatally shoot Trevor and non-fatally shoot Michael, with the latter then pretending to be buried at the Ludendorff Cemetery, before actually moving to Los Santos with his family. The heist initially ran relatively smoothly until two security guards were killed - the second one by Trevor as the guard held Michael at gunpoint - and the police arrived, which the group had to fight through, barely managing to get to their getaway car. As they drove to the rendezvous point, where they were told a helicopter was waiting for them, their driver was killed by the police and Michael was forced to take the wheel, though their vehicle was struck by an oncoming train at a railroad crossing and destroyed. Michael insisted that they stick to the plan, and they began walking in search of the helicopter. They were then ambushed by Dave, who fired at the trio, missing Trevor and fatally wounding Brad instead, before shooting again and "injuring" Michael. Trevor refused to leave his friends behind and attempted to fight off the police until a weary Michael told him to save himself, prompting Trevor to reluctantly make his escape.

As a result of the failed heist, both Trevor and Michael wrongly believed one another to be dead. Trevor was not able to get access to his savings because of his identity being blown, but regardless managed to evade the police for several years and made a new life for himself in the rural town of Sandy Shores, San Andreas. There, he developed an addiction to crystal meth and founded a small criminal business with new-found partners Ron Jakowski, a paranoiac conspiracy theorist, and Chef, a m*th cook. The business, named Trevor Philips Enterprises (alternatively called Trevor Philips Industries), specialized in arms smuggling and the cooking and sales of crystal m*th*mph*tam*ne. During Trevor's time in Sandy Shores, he affiliated himself with the Aztecs gang, the redneck hillbilly O'Neil brothers, and high-ranked members of The Lost MC - including the club's leader, Johnny Klebitz. However, the latter's relationship was particularly strained due to Trevor's tendency to occasionally have s*x with Johnny's girlfriend, Ashley Butler, in exchange for m*th payments, much to Johnny's chagrin.

In 2012, Juggalos Wade Hebert, Daisy Bell, Kush-Chronic, and several others stopped in Sandy Shores to buy dr*gs while on their way to "the gathering". They met Trevor, who took the group, save Wade, to a nearby quarry and is implied to have murdered them. Wade never figured out what happened to his friends and decided to stay in Sandy Shores, joining Trevor's criminal empire. At some point, Trevor rammed a hockey stick up Wade's an*s, just like he had done before to his hockey coach.
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“Specialist, Henrik, reporting for duty! Oh wait… you are just here to tell me that I have cleaning duty again..? Suppose I can do such…”


Metal Slug (OC)





Standing at the height of 5’9”, Henrik wears the typical clothing of a Rebel Soldier, donning the green military fatigues alongside the dull green helmet, although there have been modifications made to his clothing and equipment. Alongside a military grade bulletproof vest being worn over his torso and the removal of any Rebel Army insignia (which is replaced with the insignia of that of the U.C.A.), his green jacket has some of its buttons ripped off from the collar, keeping it open with Henrik not caring to replace the buttons. His helmet also has a in-built radio device that allows him to communicate over long distances. Underneath his helmet is military cut brown hair waiting to start growing again.

Henrik is someone that doesn’t prefer to be in the spotlight, often preferring to help others however he can and simply being the ‘common grunt’ that most others think of when it comes to soldiers. He doesn’t do anything to bring attention to himself and only speaks up when referred to or needing to put in useful words into a conversation to try and help out as best as he could. And it’s something that he enjoys a lot, after all, he is someone is merely trying to complete his task at the end of the day, he doesn’t care if he is considered a ‘hero’ or whatever when it comes to the public eye, only that the job gets down. It doesn’t help that he often acts as the “straight man”, trying to keep others from getting in trouble and dealing with their shenanigans.

Despite such, when not forced to be serious, Henrik is a down-to-earth individual, not needing much to be satisfied other than a decent pay and a job well done. He often enjoys speaking with others whether it comes down to books or simply telling stories of what occurs during his time of service within the Rebel Army. Henrik is especially loyal to a fault, more than willing to put himself in the line of danger to ensure those that he is working for aren’t harmed one bit.

Inhuman resilience, decent durability:
It’ll take being hit time and time again to put down this soldier from the fight. From bleeding from multiple wounds to even losing an entire limb, it would do nothing to stop this soldier from keeping the fight going on unless knocked right out in one fell swoop. His durability isn’t something to scoff at either, being rather resistant and capable of handling multiple bullet fire before starting to be slowed down just a bit from his wounds. Although nothing on the level of taking a rocket head on and not being unharmed.

Rather surprising agility:
Henrik is surprisingly quick and nimble being a (mostly) standard human and all, capable of easily dodging and weaving from bullets and rockets, to even laser beams and plasma shots heading his way. Either the projectiles are slow as hell, or these Regular Army soldiers must be putting something into the water. Nonetheless, it fits very well for his fitting run and gun style the series is known for, focusing more so upon dodging attacks and weaving than merely taking hits. Although that doesn’t stop him from occasionally taking a backseat and fighting at range, usually referring to his backpack in order to help others out.

LV Suit summon:
Taking considerable inspiration from the Regular Army's Slugnoid, the Rebels created the LV Armor as their own mechanized armor. The LV Armor is very light and maneuverable, capable of double-jumping thanks to the rocket boosters on its backpack. The operator controls this vehicle inside the cockpit while being protected from most incoming enemy attacks.

In terms of weaponry, the only weapon that the armor has is a 100mm smoothbore cannon, which deploys from one of its claws for firing high explosive shells. Needless to say, it also possesses the ability to equip any weapon to its other claw, making it both versatile and unique; but at the same time, limited, due to ammo from weapon crates being limited. Additionally, it can use its claws to punch enemies at close range, dealing considerable damage with each blow. When summoned, it typically starts off with a stronger version of the Heavy Machine Gun. While the mech can be repaired, once destroyed it cannot be summoned for the rest of a “mission” or “battle” unless one were to somehow repair it… when about to break apart, it’ll automatically eject its pilot in order to get to safety.

Weapon expert:
Henrik is a natural when it comes to using weapons, even those that he has never used before in his entire life. All it takes is a couple of minutes alone with a weapon (preferably not in a battlefield although he certainly knows how to raise a weapon up and pull its trigger if it has any) and Henrik will at the very least have a basic understanding of how the weapon is used and how to reload it. Although, Henrik is often known for cleaning and maintaining the weapons of others if allowed to handle them.

Henrik, while not wanting to admit it, is rather decent when it comes to many common things. Such as cleaning, cooking food, survival knowledge, makeshift repairs, even basic medicine training. Often he is the one going around and making sure things are kept in tip top shape.


Arsenal of Weaponry:
Henrik is often known for bringing with him a whole arsenal of weaponry alongside with him into combat, mainly bringing them from his backpack and using them to shoot down anything that comes his way. Here is a list of weapons that he has at hand:

Despite not being the best when it comes to melee combat, he at least has something to defend himself with in the off chance he gets into any close range engagements. A somewhat dull and yet durable machete, it isn’t too powerful in of itself but combines with another tool later to make it even more stronger.

A standard issued rifle within the Rebel Army, the rifle itself isn’t too bad when it comes to combat, usually firing a piercing shot (that suffers against armor) that travels far and certainly does well when it comes to unarmed targets. Usually it would jam although Henrik took real good care of it, keeping it in a non-jamming state.

-Heavy Machine Gun:
Normally taking the form of an assault rifle, the rifle itself is not out of the ordinary, using the standard 7.62mm rounds available. Although, it certainly is capable of firing a hellfire of bullets right at its targets, chewing right through standard infantry and having a bit of trouble when it comes to piercing enemy armor, although enough bullets will certainly get the job down. When the box containing the weapon is given to an ally, it is typically turned into an acceptable form either coming from the user’s series or maintaining its appearance. The same goes for all the other weapons given to allies.

The 12-gauge rounds filled with metallic BB pellets are highly effective at point blank range, although the BB's lose their velocity after traveling a short distance and become harmless after a while. Despite its limited ammo, it can obliterate hordes of infantry with a single shot and even destroy vehicles easily with just a few shots.

-Drop Shot:
The Drop Shot is a bouncing landmine whose concept is not very different from the Rebellion's Sarubia. While effective against infantry, its small warhead forbids it from being much of a use against enemy armor. The landmines will bounce and explode on contact, but they don't travel too far and are also limited to the geography of the terrain. They are, however, extremely effective against infantry hiding behind cover. The user must pay attention to the environment (especially slopes and obstacles) for effective use of the weapon.

-Iron Lizard:
The Iron Lizard is a remote-controlled unmanned vehicle designed to engage targets with a high amount of lethality. While excelling at anti-personnel roles, its special warhead filled with a combustible chemical does very little against armored targets. The car-like "bullet" runs through the floor until it finds a target and explodes in a blue smoke. It is very effective against ground targets but is also ineffective against air targets, targets in height, or targets on a different platform from the player.

-Super Grenade:
As powerful as the regular grenade while having increased range, the Super Grenade can quickly demolish targets in its way, although the smoothbore tip will not enable it to pierce through thick armor. The grenade travels fast, and creates a massive explosion capable of destroying anything over the target. However, to compensate for the massive damage it does, it has low amounts of ammo and can only fire two grenades at a time.

-Rocket Launcher:
While not being able to provide enough penetration power to defeat extremely heavy armor, these rockets are highly explosive and are very effective against masses of infantry and more vulnerable vehicles. The rockets partially aim for the nearest foes then explode on contact.

-Dual Heavy Machine Guns:
The Sub-Machine Guns are made to give a soldier more range and fire power than a pistol, while still enough mobility to maneuver around a battlefield than a full sized rifle. Henrik has two of them to use. It usually takes the form of dual M-3685’s for Henrik, the M-3685 is specifically made not only to provide the troops with those crucial parts, but to provide substantially more firepower than a standard submachine gun. Designed to be able to handle more powerful caliber rounds, this gun is an excellent choice for soldiers who wish to carry tremendous amounts of fire power while still able to move around easily.

Laser Gun:
The Laser gun is a two-handed rifle like weapon that is reloaded by replacing an energy canister that can be removed from a hatch on the left of the gun and replaced with another . The Laser Gun emits a thin stream of highly concentrated energy in the form of multicolored lights. These lights have so much energy concentrated into such a small area that the focal point is powerful enough to cut through tank armor and decimate enemy infantry like they weren't even there. Although the weapon itself is very powerful, the rate of energy consumption is very high, resulting in quick ammo depletion.

-Thunder Shot:
This weapon creates a strong pulse of electricity that auto targets on any possible enemy and hits almost instantly, being capable of piercing through armor and hitting multiple targets at once with a single shot. All of this comes at the cost of low ammo. It is a cannon like weapon with multiple lightning arcs on either side.

-Enemy Chaser:
It is a weapon that shoots tracking rockets that, while not as damaging as the rocket launcher, certainly does a decent bit of damage. The rockets itself usually chase after the closest target nearby them. Allies given this weapon usually are given a tracking rocket launcher either fitting of their world or the standard looking weapon.

-Flame shot:
A Flame thrower like weapon attached to two backpack carried canisters, the Flame Shot is effective against infantry and lightly armored vehicles at close range. One shot is enough to burn a number of soldiers, and a few are enough to melt vehicles with ease. It shoots a stream of fire and that lasts for a couple of seconds before disappearing.

-Ice Gun:
A handheld pistol like weapon, it uses nitrogen canisters in order to function. It is capable of firing a light blue beam of frozen energy that freezes opponents and objects hit with it, and has a alt mode to instead fire head sized spheres of ice that have a much larger effect, but requires more effort to be aimed and used correctly.

-Zantetsu sword technique:
A powerful technique infusing tool, using such would either cover the user’s weapon within a white glow or grant them a temporary knife in order to use. The technique itself enhances and strengthens the weapon it is covering, even allowing the user to create a slash-like wave of energy at foes which also destroys projectiles within its path, a perfect mixture of offense and defense. Unfortunately, the user is only able to perform three special wave slashes before the effect diminishes, although it certainly still will be something useful.

“Average Old Hiking Backpack”:
Despite being called such, the oversized hiking backpack that is almost as tall as Henrik contains a hammer space within it that allows him to store a whole manner of things, mainly things that can fit right into the opening of the backpack. From medical supplies, cooking utensils and food all the way to spare ammo and entire boxes containing weapons within… Henrik certainly is a walking armory waiting to help his allies out.

-Reliance on weaponry/gear:
With all these weapons, it becomes increasingly apparent that without them, Henrik is far more weaker as a result. While he may have weapons of ‘mass destruction’, on his lonesome, he would have a far more harder time trying to take foes down, especially without his backpack which contains most of his weapons inside.

-Poor CQC:
Simply put, Henrik is not someone you wanna see charging at the frontlines alongside you. With poor hand-to-hand fighting skills that are mainly just adrenaline fueled reactions by him, Henrik certainly is going to prefer staying afar from any fight up close.

-Simply just human:
At the end of the day, Henrik is just a slightly beefed up human, and while he certainly has things going for him, he can’t simply keep up the pace forever and will eventually get tired or even become exhausted from over fighting and such. Alongside that, he doesn’t exactly have much defenses other than trying to dodge, with no defenses whatsoever against elemental or psychic attacks.

Henrik didn’t have the most ‘unique’ of childhoods per to say. Despite a world full of supernatural occurrences and large battles all around, he grew up in what was a modest life, living in a upper-middle class family and lived a comfortable life without any sort of worries. If anything, the only thing weird about him was how much he went about doing chores or even taking up a spare job during his time once he was old enough, always being respectful for to his parents. However, his life had changed when it became an young adult, with Rebel Army recruiters having made their way into the town he was living inside of, and despite the initial protests of his parents, Henrik had offered himself up to join the army in order to spare his father from joining it. And so, the rest of his years up to the present had been spent serving within the Rebel Army, and despite the general chaotic nature of everything and how the Army suffered against the spec-ops of the Regular Army, Henrik managed to survive through it all, managing to reach the rank of specialist up to this point. His latest mission related in the collection of special weapons that those of the Regular Army utilizes, although it was soon brought to a stop when he was suddenly whisked away from his realm, finding himself right in the presence of the UCA. From one group to another, Henrik had decided to join alongside the UCA in order to try and help out as best as he could, merely wishing to return home and get back to his usual way of living once his world is restored.
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Name: Trevor Philips
Origin: a modern-day universe known as Grand theft auto
Occupation: unpredictable ally
*Age: 46
*Race: Caucasian
Gender: male
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Powers and Abilities: tbd
Weaknesses: he's a M*th addict (which I'll rarely bring up in RP), he's basically a normal human, he's insane and his age is getting up there.
Personality and Bio:
What is known about Trevor's background is highly speculative and comes from his own words. Trevor was born and raised in Canada, near the border with the United States, or, as he calls it, the "Canadian border region of America". He claims he "grew up in five states, two countries", in "fourteen different homes", "three care homes", "two correctional facilities", with "eight fathers", and "one beautiful, damaged flower of a mother".

As a child, he had a history of rage issues and violent impulses that ruined his attempts to fit into society. He claims that, in a fit of rage, he sodomized his hockey coach with a hockey stick, and at some point, he strangled a clarinet player with his own instrument. He also claims to have killed various animals and "drifters" even during the early years of his life.

Trevor's childhood itself was an unhappy one. His father was physically abusive towards him, while his mother was emotionally abusive, overbearing, treated him with condescension and saw him as a "useless boy" who cared little about her. When he was a child, Trevor's father abandoned him in a shopping mall, which Trevor later burned down in retaliation. Trevor also had a brother named Ryan, whom Trevor was not fond of. Ryan died in an "accident" prior to 2013.

Trevor dropped out of school, ultimately robbing him of some grammatical skills and basic knowledge, such as the location of ancient Rome, which he believed to be part of America. It is possible, however, that he had some formal education, as he claims[8] - though possibly sarcastically - that he took a night class in criminal law. Despite this, he does have good mathematical skills, such as being able to accurately calculate the price of four tons of gold in a matter of seconds. Trevor also claims that he was the Canadian under-18 Champion and "almost turned pro".

Later in his life, Trevor discovered that he had a talent for flying jets. He enlisted in the air force to fly fighter jets, but several days prior to completing his training and becoming a licensed pilot, Trevor was deemed mentally unstable during a psychological evaluation, thus resulting in his discharge and grounding for life. It is implied his discharge was due to his psychological relationship with his mother.

After leaving the military, Trevor became a drifter and committed petty crimes along the border with no particular goal in mind. In the late 1980s, around the age of 20, he eventually began running a small airfreight operation in North Yankton, where he met his future partner-in-crime, Michael Townley.

While waiting on the runway to meet his employer, he saw not one but two dust trails coming up the road, despite the fact that he was told there would be only one person meeting him. Michael exited the first car while a man whom Michael previously carjacked exited the other, yelling at them. Trevor shot off a flare gun he was carrying into the second man's eye, killing him. He and Michael both dumped the body into a lake afterwards. The flare was still burning from the inside of his head, causing the pair to throw up. After the incident, Trevor and Michael became friends and started a criminal partnership together.

Trevor's first job involved robbing a place that cashed checks. However, he was caught because the clerk turned out to be someone who knew him, resulting in him serving four months of a six-month sentence. After Trevor was released, he and Michael committed many robberies all over the midwest, though Michael's recognizable quoting of lines from Solomon Richards's movies, and Trevor's habit to snap and murder people in broad daylight often kept them on the run. Throughout their crime spree, they worked with several other accomplices; the closest one being Lester Crest - a talented hacker and heist planner. Over time, Michael developed a relationship with and married a stripper named Amanda, eventually having two kids, Tracey and Jimmy. This created some friction between the criminals, due to Michael spending more and more time with his new family and less with his criminal activities. Despite this, Trevor began to see himself as an uncle to the couple's children, even vowing to avenge Tracy should anyone 'wrong her'. Over the following years, Michael became more cautious as a criminal because he saw himself having more to lose should he be imprisoned or killed, which led Trevor to believe Michael was going "soft". As a result, Trevor recruited a fellow crook named Brad Snider to take part in their robberies. Michael and Lester distrusted Brad, never showing any empathy towards him. At some point, Brad suggested to Trevor that they cut off Michael and work only with each other. Trevor declined, believing he should stay loyal to Michael.

Trevor and Michael remained partners in crime until they undertook an ill-fated heist in 2004 alongside Brad and a getaway driver in Ludendorff, North Yankton. Secretly, Michael made an agreement with corrupt FIB agent Dave Norton to exit his life of crime and start over with his family in Los Santos. The plan involved the group robbing a cash depot, followed by them making their way to a rendezvous point, where Dave would fatally shoot Trevor and non-fatally shoot Michael, with the latter then pretending to be buried at the Ludendorff Cemetery, before actually moving to Los Santos with his family. The heist initially ran relatively smoothly until two security guards were killed - the second one by Trevor as the guard held Michael at gunpoint - and the police arrived, which the group had to fight through, barely managing to get to their getaway car. As they drove to the rendezvous point, where they were told a helicopter was waiting for them, their driver was killed by the police and Michael was forced to take the wheel, though their vehicle was struck by an oncoming train at a railroad crossing and destroyed. Michael insisted that they stick to the plan, and they began walking in search of the helicopter. They were then ambushed by Dave, who fired at the trio, missing Trevor and fatally wounding Brad instead, before shooting again and "injuring" Michael. Trevor refused to leave his friends behind and attempted to fight off the police until a weary Michael told him to save himself, prompting Trevor to reluctantly make his escape.

As a result of the failed heist, both Trevor and Michael wrongly believed one another to be dead. Trevor was not able to get access to his savings because of his identity being blown, but regardless managed to evade the police for several years and made a new life for himself in the rural town of Sandy Shores, San Andreas. There, he developed an addiction to crystal meth and founded a small criminal business with new-found partners Ron Jakowski, a paranoiac conspiracy theorist, and Chef, a m*th cook. The business, named Trevor Philips Enterprises (alternatively called Trevor Philips Industries), specialized in arms smuggling and the cooking and sales of crystal m*th*mph*tam*ne. During Trevor's time in Sandy Shores, he affiliated himself with the Aztecs gang, the redneck hillbilly O'Neil brothers, and high-ranked members of The Lost MC - including the club's leader, Johnny Klebitz. However, the latter's relationship was particularly strained due to Trevor's tendency to occasionally have s*x with Johnny's girlfriend, Ashley Butler, in exchange for m*th payments, much to Johnny's chagrin.

In 2012, Juggalos Wade Hebert, Daisy Bell, Kush-Chronic, and several others stopped in Sandy Shores to buy dr*gs while on their way to "the gathering". They met Trevor, who took the group, save Wade, to a nearby quarry and is implied to have murdered them. Wade never figured out what happened to his friends and decided to stay in Sandy Shores, joining Trevor's criminal empire. At some point, Trevor rammed a hockey stick up Wade's an*s, just like he had done before to his hockey coach.
The year is 2015, YouTube channels milk the hell out of a little game called Goat Simulator....wait-

He still needs his powers and abilities filled out. Approved otherwise.
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“Specialist, Henrik, reporting for duty! Oh wait… you are just here to tell me that I have cleaning duty again..? Suppose I can do such…”


Metal Slug (OC)





Standing at the height of 5’9”, Henrik wears the typical clothing of a Rebel Soldier, donning the green military fatigues alongside the dull green helmet, although there have been modifications made to his clothing and equipment. Alongside a military grade bulletproof vest being worn over his torso and the removal of any Rebel Army insignia (which is replaced with the insignia of that of the U.C.A.), his green jacket has some of its buttons ripped off from the collar, keeping it open with Henrik not caring to replace the buttons. His helmet also has a in-built radio device that allows him to communicate over long distances. Underneath his helmet is military cut brown hair waiting to start growing again.

Henrik is someone that doesn’t prefer to be in the spotlight, often preferring to help others however he can and simply being the ‘common grunt’ that most others think of when it comes to soldiers. He doesn’t do anything to bring attention to himself and only speaks up when referred to or needing to put in useful words into a conversation to try and help out as best as he could. And it’s something that he enjoys a lot, after all, he is someone is merely trying to complete his task at the end of the day, he doesn’t care if he is considered a ‘hero’ or whatever when it comes to the public eye, only that the job gets down. It doesn’t help that he often acts as the “straight man”, trying to keep others from getting in trouble and dealing with their shenanigans.

Despite such, when not forced to be serious, Henrik is a down-to-earth individual, not needing much to be satisfied other than a decent pay and a job well done. He often enjoys speaking with others whether it comes down to books or simply telling stories of what occurs during his time of service within the Rebel Army. Henrik is especially loyal to a fault, more than willing to put himself in the line of danger to ensure those that he is working for aren’t harmed one bit.

Inhuman resilience, decent durability:
It’ll take being hit time and time again to put down this soldier from the fight. From bleeding from multiple wounds to even losing an entire limb, it would do nothing to stop this soldier from keeping the fight going on unless knocked right out in one fell swoop. His durability isn’t something to scoff at either, being rather resistant and capable of handling multiple bullet fire before starting to be slowed down just a bit from his wounds. Although nothing on the level of taking a rocket head on and not being unharmed.

Rather surprising agility:
Henrik is surprisingly quick and nimble being a (mostly) standard human and all, capable of easily dodging and weaving from bullets and rockets, to even laser beams and plasma shots heading his way. Either the projectiles are slow as hell, or these Regular Army soldiers must be putting something into the water. Nonetheless, it fits very well for his fitting run and gun style the series is known for, focusing more so upon dodging attacks and weaving than merely taking hits. Although that doesn’t stop him from occasionally taking a backseat and fighting at range, usually referring to his backpack in order to help others out.

LV Suit summon:
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Taking considerable inspiration from the Regular Army's Slugnoid, the Rebels created the LV Armor as their own mechanized armor. The LV Armor is very light and maneuverable, capable of double-jumping thanks to the rocket boosters on its backpack. The operator controls this vehicle inside the cockpit while being protected from most incoming enemy attacks.

In terms of weaponry, the only weapon that the armor has is a 100mm smoothbore cannon, which deploys from one of its claws for firing high explosive shells. Needless to say, it also possesses the ability to equip any weapon to its other claw, making it both versatile and unique; but at the same time, limited, due to ammo from weapon crates being limited. Additionally, it can use its claws to punch enemies at close range, dealing considerable damage with each blow. When summoned, it typically starts off with a stronger version of the Heavy Machine Gun. While the mech can be repaired, once destroyed it cannot be summoned for the rest of a “mission” or “battle” unless one were to somehow repair it… when about to break apart, it’ll automatically eject its pilot in order to get to safety.

Weapon expert:
Henrik is a natural when it comes to using weapons, even those that he has never used before in his entire life. All it takes is a couple of minutes alone with a weapon (preferably not in a battlefield although he certainly knows how to raise a weapon up and pull its trigger if it has any) and Henrik will at the very least have a basic understanding of how the weapon is used and how to reload it. Although, Henrik is often known for cleaning and maintaining the weapons of others if allowed to handle them.

Henrik, while not wanting to admit it, is rather decent when it comes to many common things. Such as cleaning, cooking food, survival knowledge, makeshift repairs, even basic medicine training. Often he is the one going around and making sure things are kept in tip top shape.


Arsenal of Weaponry:
Henrik is often known for bringing with him a whole arsenal of weaponry alongside with him into combat, mainly bringing them from his backpack and using them to shoot down anything that comes his way. Here is a list of weapons that he has at hand:

Despite not being the best when it comes to melee combat, he at least has something to defend himself with in the off chance he gets into any close range engagements. A somewhat dull and yet durable machete, it isn’t too powerful in of itself but combines with another tool later to make it even more stronger.

A standard issued rifle within the Rebel Army, the rifle itself isn’t too bad when it comes to combat, usually firing a piercing shot (that suffers against armor) that travels far and certainly does well when it comes to unarmed targets. Usually it would jam although Henrik took real good care of it, keeping it in a non-jamming state.

-Heavy Machine Gun:
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Normally taking the form of an assault rifle, the rifle itself is not out of the ordinary, using the standard 7.62mm rounds available. Although, it certainly is capable of firing a hellfire of bullets right at its targets, chewing right through standard infantry and having a bit of trouble when it comes to piercing enemy armor, although enough bullets will certainly get the job down. When the box containing the weapon is given to an ally, it is typically turned into an acceptable form either coming from the user’s series or maintaining its appearance. The same goes for all the other weapons given to allies.

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The 12-gauge rounds filled with metallic BB pellets are highly effective at point blank range, although the BB's lose their velocity after traveling a short distance and become harmless after a while. Despite its limited ammo, it can obliterate hordes of infantry with a single shot and even destroy vehicles easily with just a few shots.

-Drop Shot:
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The Drop Shot is a bouncing landmine whose concept is not very different from the Rebellion's Sarubia. While effective against infantry, its small warhead forbids it from being much of a use against enemy armor. The landmines will bounce and explode on contact, but they don't travel too far and are also limited to the geography of the terrain. They are, however, extremely effective against infantry hiding behind cover. The user must pay attention to the environment (especially slopes and obstacles) for effective use of the weapon.

-Iron Lizard:
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The Iron Lizard is a remote-controlled unmanned vehicle designed to engage targets with a high amount of lethality. While excelling at anti-personnel roles, its special warhead filled with a combustible chemical does very little against armored targets. The car-like "bullet" runs through the floor until it finds a target and explodes in a blue smoke. It is very effective against ground targets but is also ineffective against air targets, targets in height, or targets on a different platform from the player.

-Super Grenade:
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As powerful as the regular grenade while having increased range, the Super Grenade can quickly demolish targets in its way, although the smoothbore tip will not enable it to pierce through thick armor. The grenade travels fast, and creates a massive explosion capable of destroying anything over the target. However, to compensate for the massive damage it does, it has low amounts of ammo and can only fire two grenades at a time.

-Rocket Launcher:
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While not being able to provide enough penetration power to defeat extremely heavy armor, these rockets are highly explosive and are very effective against masses of infantry and more vulnerable vehicles. The rockets partially aim for the nearest foes then explode on contact.

-Dual Heavy Machine Guns:
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The Sub-Machine Guns are made to give a soldier more range and fire power than a pistol, while still enough mobility to maneuver around a battlefield than a full sized rifle. Henrik has two of them to use. It usually takes the form of dual M-3685’s for Henrik, the M-3685 is specifically made not only to provide the troops with those crucial parts, but to provide substantially more firepower than a standard submachine gun. Designed to be able to handle more powerful caliber rounds, this gun is an excellent choice for soldiers who wish to carry tremendous amounts of fire power while still able to move around easily.

Laser Gun:
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The Laser gun is a two-handed rifle like weapon that is reloaded by replacing an energy canister that can be removed from a hatch on the left of the gun and replaced with another . The Laser Gun emits a thin stream of highly concentrated energy in the form of multicolored lights. These lights have so much energy concentrated into such a small area that the focal point is powerful enough to cut through tank armor and decimate enemy infantry like they weren't even there. Although the weapon itself is very powerful, the rate of energy consumption is very high, resulting in quick ammo depletion.

-Thunder Shot:
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This weapon creates a strong pulse of electricity that auto targets on any possible enemy and hits almost instantly, being capable of piercing through armor and hitting multiple targets at once with a single shot. All of this comes at the cost of low ammo. It is a cannon like weapon with multiple lightning arcs on either side.

-Enemy Chaser:
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It is a weapon that shoots tracking rockets that, while not as damaging as the rocket launcher, certainly does a decent bit of damage. The rockets itself usually chase after the closest target nearby them. Allies given this weapon usually are given a tracking rocket launcher either fitting of their world or the standard looking weapon.

-Flame shot:
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A Flame thrower like weapon attached to two backpack carried canisters, the Flame Shot is effective against infantry and lightly armored vehicles at close range. One shot is enough to burn a number of soldiers, and a few are enough to melt vehicles with ease. It shoots a stream of fire and that lasts for a couple of seconds before disappearing.

-Ice Gun:
A handheld pistol like weapon, it uses nitrogen canisters in order to function. It is capable of firing a light blue beam of frozen energy that freezes opponents and objects hit with it, and has a alt mode to instead fire head sized spheres of ice that have a much larger effect, but requires more effort to be aimed and used correctly.

-Zantetsu sword technique:
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A powerful technique infusing tool, using such would either cover the user’s weapon within a white glow or grant them a temporary knife in order to use. The technique itself enhances and strengthens the weapon it is covering, even allowing the user to create a slash-like wave of energy at foes which also destroys projectiles within its path, a perfect mixture of offense and defense. Unfortunately, the user is only able to perform three special wave slashes before the effect diminishes, although it certainly still will be something useful.

“Average Old Hiking Backpack”:
Despite being called such, the oversized hiking backpack that is almost as tall as Henrik contains a hammer space within it that allows him to store a whole manner of things, mainly things that can fit right into the opening of the backpack. From medical supplies, cooking utensils and food all the way to spare ammo and entire boxes containing weapons within… Henrik certainly is a walking armory waiting to help his allies out.

-Reliance on weaponry/gear:
With all these weapons, it becomes increasingly apparent that without them, Henrik is far more weaker as a result. While he may have weapons of ‘mass destruction’, on his lonesome, he would have a far more harder time trying to take foes down, especially without his backpack which contains most of his weapons inside.

-Poor CQC:
Simply put, Henrik is not someone you wanna see charging at the frontlines alongside you. With poor hand-to-hand fighting skills that are mainly just adrenaline fueled reactions by him, Henrik certainly is going to prefer staying afar from any fight up close.

-Simply just human:
At the end of the day, Henrik is just a slightly beefed up human, and while he certainly has things going for him, he can’t simply keep up the pace forever and will eventually get tired or even become exhausted from over fighting and such. Alongside that, he doesn’t exactly have much defenses other than trying to dodge, with no defenses whatsoever against elemental or psychic attacks.

Henrik didn’t have the most ‘unique’ of childhoods per to say. Despite a world full of supernatural occurrences and large battles all around, he grew up in what was a modest life, living in a upper-middle class family and lived a comfortable life without any sort of worries. If anything, the only thing weird about him was how much he went about doing chores or even taking up a spare job during his time once he was old enough, always being respectful for to his parents. However, his life had changed when it became an young adult, with Rebel Army recruiters having made their way into the town he was living inside of, and despite the initial protests of his parents, Henrik had offered himself up to join the army in order to spare his father from joining it. And so, the rest of his years up to the present had been spent serving within the Rebel Army, and despite the general chaotic nature of everything and how the Army suffered against the spec-ops of the Regular Army, Henrik managed to survive through it all, managing to reach the rank of specialist up to this point. His latest mission related in the collection of special weapons that those of the Regular Army utilizes, although it was soon brought to a stop when he was suddenly whisked away from his realm, finding himself right in the presence of the UCA. From one group to another, Henrik had decided to join alongside the UCA in order to try and help out as best as he could, merely wishing to return home and get back to his usual way of living once his world is restored.
Metal Slug Solid ...tasty.

Approved 👍
Name: Nezuko Kamado
Origin: Demon Slayer Kimetsu no yaiba
Age: 14
Occupation: ally
Race: Demon
Regeneration: As a demon,she can heal herself quickly and restore lost limbs/ reattach them.
Her blood demon art allows her to use her blood on ennemies and emflamme it,setting her foes ablaze. It's more effective on other demons but might also work on other dark or noeturnal creatures/beings.
Personality and Bio:

Weakness: Nichirin blades or similar weapons effective against demons. Used to be vulnerable to sunlight for can now resist to it once again.
Name: Shinobu Kocho
Origin: Demon Slayer Kimetsu no yaiba
Occupation: ally
Weapon: Stinger like Ninchirin sword infused with poison of her own creation.
Personality, abilities,bio:

Weakness: Keeps her feelings inside.
Name: Muichiro Tokito
Gender: male
Origin: Demon Slayer Kimetsu-no-yaiba
Occupation: agent
Weapon: Nichirin katana

Weakness: Being human,much like the other demon slayers,make him vulnerable to supernatural beings.
Name: Nezuko Kamado
Origin: Demon Slayer Kimetsu no yaiba
Age: 14
Occupation: ally
Race: Demon
Regeneration: As a demon,she can heal herself quickly and restore lost limbs/ reattach them.
Her blood demon art allows her to use her blood on ennemies and emflamme it,setting her foes ablaze. It's more effective on other demons but might also work on other dark or noeturnal creatures/beings.
Personality and Bio:

Weakness: Nichirin blades or similar weapons effective against demons. Used to be vulnerable to sunlight for can now resist to it once again.
Name: Shinobu Kocho
Origin: Demon Slayer Kimetsu no yaiba
Occupation: ally
Weapon: Stinger like Ninchirin sword infused with poison of her own creation.
Personality, abilities,bio:

Weakness: Keeps her feelings inside.
Name: Muichiro Tokito
Gender: male
Origin: Demon Slayer Kimetsu-no-yaiba
Occupation: agent
Weapon: Nichirin katana

Weakness: Being human,much like the other demon slayers,make him vulnerable to supernatural beings.
Ok, word of advice, next time you should just put all your characters in one post, so that it’s easier.

Otherwise approved 👍
Name: Zenos Yae Galvus
Origin: Eorzea (Final Fantasy 14)
Occupation: Agent
Age: 26
Race: Garlean/Altered Human
Gender: Male
A towering man in mid 20s with a youthful face, fair complexion, and long golden hair. Standing over seven and a half feet tall, his form is clad in light leather royal garments and a gold pauldron that extends from his right shoulder down to his arm. When merged with his avatar, his left arm glows red and becomes clawed, his hair flares out and darkens with glowing crimson streaks, and his eyes glow red, distinct from his Resonant eyes.
A Thrill-Seeking Nihilist, Zenos can operates purely on his own interests with a strong belief in a means to a end, coming across with a perpetual boredom outside of a challenge before him. Unable to understand the people around him, having grown up with wanting for nothing and no real conflict or want, yet with no real attachments either. Originally unable to find joy in his life, this would change when he met his first true friend and rival, instead seeking acceptance for them in the belief they were the one person who could understand them. He is entirely self aware of all his flaws and who he is, moving past it all, with most concerns being beyond him, despite knowing its not a good thing with how fundamentally broken he is compared to his peers.

Powers and Abilities:
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Name: Zenos Yae Galvus
Origin: Eorzea (Final Fantasy 14)
Occupation: Agent
Age: 26
Race: Garlean/Altered Human
Gender: Male
A towering man in mid 20s with a youthful face, fair complexion, and long golden hair. Standing over seven and a half feet tall, his form is clad in light leather royal garments and a gold pauldron that extends from his right shoulder down to his arm. When merged with his avatar, his left arm glows red and becomes clawed, his hair flares out and darkens with glowing crimson streaks, and his eyes glow red, distinct from his Resonant eyes.
A Thrill-Seeking Nihilist, Zenos can operates purely on his own interests with a strong belief in a means to a end, coming across with a perpetual boredom outside of a challenge before him. Unable to understand the people around him, having grown up with wanting for nothing and no real conflict or want, yet with no real attachments either. Originally unable to find joy in his life, this would change when he met his first true friend and rival, instead seeking acceptance for them in the belief they were the one person who could understand them. He is entirely self aware of all his flaws and who he is, moving past it all, with most concerns being beyond him, despite knowing its not a good thing with how fundamentally broken he is compared to his peers.

Powers and Abilities:

Mung Daal's biggest Final Fantasy.

Approved 👍
Admittedly now that I read this I'm a bit skittish, mostly with the weakness regarding the Illusion ability. Maybe I'm just being cautious (also past experiences with crazy + warping reality powers = misery for the rest of us). I'll still accept it, to see how he works, since you seem like a rad dude.

Approved 👍
Yay, don't worry, all misery that I cause will be very relevant to the story lol. I won't go too crazy I promise hehe
show (1).jpeg

Name: Pixie

Origin: Shin Megami Tensei III

Role: Ally

Race: Pixie (Demon)

Age: Unknown

Sex: Female

Physical Description: Pixie's appearance isn't anything notable. She is, obviously, quite small in size. As such, most opponents will assume Pixie is just the next easy target to eliminate. Though that is simply not the case.

Personality: While sometimes a little too sarcastic is the wrong circumstances, Pixie is quite the lovable traveling companion. Despite lacking physical strength, Pixie is always willing to charge into a mess to protect the friends she has made, like with the Demi-Fiend, who she secretly has a massive crush on, as well as a few others.

Likes: The Demi-Fiend, someone else taking charge, someone strong to follow, Ice Cream, Demons, Pink Flowers.

Dislikes: Lightning/Electricity (Bad experience while enduring Thor's Hammer's electric attacks), when she loses friends, when someone chooses to ignore the obvious solution.

Battle Experience: Aside from fighting Thor, Dante, Metatron (Not That One), Beelzebub, and Kagutsuchi, Pixie, along with Dante, and the Demi-Fiend were able to stand against the Demon Lord LUCIFER. While Pixie was mainly focusing on making sure Dante and the Demi-Fiend's lives were not taken the whole time, using revival spells excessively, she was still able to match the Dark Lord.

Equipment: Flowers she was given from the Demi-Fiend.

Abilities: Revive (Allows Pixie to completely restore 4 Allies to peak condition. Though this is only usable once every fight)
Electricity and Fire Manipulation
Various Healing Spells

Goals: With it unlikely she is going to see the Demi-Fiend anytime soon, Pixie simply wants a place she can live in perfect calmness.

Weakness: Pixie forms attachments to new people too easily. She is also at an increased risk to any attacks from fellow Demons.

Name: Dante Sparda
Origin: Devil May Cry (DMC3)
Role: Ally
Sex: Male
Race: Human/Demon

Physical Description:
Dante wears long, tan-colored jeans, black fingerless gloves, and military-style boots. His coat has zippers on the sleeves and a buckle around the waist, and two brown, leather holsters on the back.

Personality: Dante is incredibly flippant, casually mouthing off to even the most powerful of demons, and he generally enjoys showing off and taunting his adversaries as often as he can. Dante also displays a fearless, almost disinterested attitude towards incredibly dangerous situations.

Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Stamina, Telekinesis, Regeneration, Weapon Mastery, Darkness Manipulation, Durability Negation, Vibration Manipulation, Hellfire Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Social Influencing, Fate Manipulation, Cosmic Awareness, Time Immunity, Immortality Type 5.

Weapons: Rebellion (A Sword From Sparda's Days), Ebony and Ivory (Twin Handguns), Sub Machine Guns, various Rocket Launchers, Needlegun, Grenadegun, Shotgun, Assault Rifles.

Ammo: All of Dante's weapons carry an infinite ammo surplus. Dante is also able to summon these weapons at will.

Weakness: Dante's cocky attitude tends to get the guy into more trouble than out of it.

Name: Sofiya Pavlovna, a.k.a. Balalaika
Origin: Black Lagoon
Role: Agent—Intelligence Dept.
Race: Human
Gender: Female

Balalaika is a tall and fit woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes. Her most noticeable features are the burn scars covering half her face and her chest, which she received in Afghanistan. She usually has long, painted fingernails, a burgundy suit with a Soviet military overcoat, and a cigar in hand. Occasionally, she may swap to her old VDV uniform, which features a blue cap with a prominent Red Army pin.

Balalaika considers herself one of the dead, someone who missed her chance to die in Afghanistan but is otherwise a walking husk. She is desensitized to subjects that would terrify the average person, such as gratuitous violence. However, she is honorable in that she repays her debts and respects those who have seen war. She is also disciplined and professional, though highly cynical.

Those who cross Balalaika find her methods of retaliation are swift and heavy-handed. She is a warmonger at heart, but not to the point of senseless violence; there's always a message to her aggressor, usually a warning. Unsavory as her methods are, she believes one can't argue with results. She dislikes people questioning her decisions or trying to dissuade her, though she lets one go on rare occasions if they manage to amuse her.

  • Black Market Trade - Balalaika's syndicate, Hotel Moscow, is known for their illicit dealings. She is a savvy and professional businesswoman, but also really shady.
  • Marksmanship - She is a top-notch sniper, capable of competing in Olympic shooting tournaments.
  • Skydiving - She was a VDV paratrooper during the Soviet-Afghan War, thus is experienced in the use of a parachute.
  • Hand-to-hand Combat - She is strong and swift on her feet, capable of handling armed attackers with her bare hands.
  • Deception - Balalaika's lies can be very consistent, with high-quality fake documents to corroborate them.
  • Stechkin APS - Balalaika’s sidearm of choice. This select-fire 9x18mm pistol has a 20-round magazine and the option to mount a stock.
  • Fake ID - These false papers claim she is Vladilena N. Vasilinov, a Russian diplomat. With this identity, she can waltz past many police officers without needing to stop or be searched.
  • Cigars - Thin Russian cigars. She prefers these over cigarettes, and they are among her signature items.
  • At the end of the day, she is a human—a skilled one, for sure, but not able to keep up with superhumans. Thus, she is relegated to an advisory role.
  • When in doubt, follow the trail of 9x18mm casings to Balalaika; her gun uses a distinct round that doesn't see much use in the West. Someone could frame her by dropping similar casings at the scene of a crime.
  • Her means are usually dark and brutal, which doesn’t win her any favors from more heroic characters.
Born during the Cold War, Sofiya was the granddaughter of a disgraced Red Army General. She joined the Red Army and served in Afghanistan under the assumption she'd have a chance to compete in the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles. Instead, this exemplary soldier was tortured by enemy fighters and then marginalized by the Soviet government when she returned home. It was at this time Sofiya Pavlovna had died (in a metaphorical sense).

Around the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, Sofiya and her old unit joined forces with other former soldiers and rose quickly in the Russian mob. She adopted her old nickname "Balalaika" and raised holy hell upon landing in Roanapur, Thailand. She carved out her own piece of the City of the Dead and eventually came face-to-face with Mr. Chang, the head of the local Triad. During a shootout at the docks, Chang shot her and let her fall into the ocean, but she was saved by Dutch, a passing pirate. Since then, she’s provided steady work and the occasional gift for his Lagoon Company… but that’s a story unrelated to this one.

Balalaika’s universe was among the first destroyed by the Pretender. She handled the news quite well superficially, but has been utilizing the UCA's available resources to hunt him and his subordinates. She has vowed to help however she can if it means giving the villain a "Chechen facelift"... or whatever gruesome punishment crosses her mind at the time.
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Name: Trevor Philips
Origin: a modern-day universe known as Grand theft auto
Occupation: unpredictable ally
*Age: 46
*Race: Caucasian
Gender: male
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Powers and Abilities:
Tier: 9-B, higher with melee weapons, firearms, and heavy weapons. higher with Red Mist
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Expert Brawler, Weapon Mastery (Any kind of melee weapon or firearm), Regeneration (Mid-Low; Can recover from vicious gun wounds without medical aid, provided that he doesn't receive any further damage and remains stationary), Stealth Mastery, Vehicular Mastery (Skilled in piloting any kind of vehicle and aircraft), Electricity Manipulation (Via Stun Gun), Explosion Manipulation (Via several explosive weapons), Homing Attack (Via Homing Launcher), Fire Manipulation (Via Molotov), Pressure Point Strikes (Can easily knock out people by striking at their pressure points), Berserk Mode, Statistics Amplification and Limited Perception Manipulation in Red Mist

Attack Potency:
Wall level (Physically the strongest among the protagonist trio. Upon meeting a highly weakened Johnny Klebitz, Trevor stomped him to death by hitting him six times in the skull and created a massive hole in the process. Capable of knocking down people with a single punch, can one-shot armored police officers with a blow to the stomach. All the protagonists can keep hitting cars and even helicopters to the point where they suffer from severe deformation and mechanical damage and can also kick them hard enough to shake them. Can shatter wooden doors and fences. Can fend off cougars, rottweilers and can easily beat them and cattle to death with his bare hands, including tiger sharks and killer whales if one can keep up with them. Can easily shatter bullet-resistant windshields with a few kicks and sometimes with a single stomp. He can send people flying several meters with his strikes and trade blows with those capable of harming him. All the protagonists are capable of one-shotting each other in sheer anger), higher with melee weapons, firearms, and heavy weapons (Can quickly kill armored humans in one shot and rapidly blow up cars and trucks with ease. Can cause a tank to explode with a few shots. Capable of quickly destroying reinforced bank saves and blowing up heavily-armored cars and even construction equipment, as seen in the many heists he, Franklin, and Michael took.), higher with Red Mist (Strengthens both his armed and unarmed capabilities)

Speed: Peak Human with Subsonic+ combat speed and reactions (Can dodge RPG-7 fire at close range just by side-stepping, and RPG missiles can hit Mach 0.9. Can also avoid fast-moving oncoming traffic only by rolling. Can also perform extremely complex maneuvers in any aircraft at any given time and even outmaneuver highly-advanced homing missiles), higher with Red Mist (While it isn't on par with Michael and Franklin's abilities, Trevor's Red Mist nonetheless increases Trevor's perception to some extent). Subsonic with most vehicles and helicopters. Subsonic+ to Supersonic with most planes. Subsonic+ to Supersonic+ attack speed with firearms. Supersonic attack speed with Homing Launcher (The Homing Launcher in GTA 5 is based on a SA-7 Grail rocket launcher, whose missiles can easily hit 430-500 m/s)
Weaknesses: he's a M*th addict (which I'll rarely bring up in RP), he's basically a normal human, he's insane and his age is getting up there.

Lifting Strength: Peak Human (Can throw people twice his size with just one arm, also capable of lifting fully-grown people above his head. Can push back bodybuilders. Can casually run around with a minigun and jump with it)

Striking Strength: Wall level (Physically the strongest among the protagonist trio), higher with Red Mist

Durability: Wall level (He was beaten up savagely, and he was still able to fight. Can withstand collisions with cars and trucks going at high speed, while possibly being launched against walls after the impact. He can also survive being run over by 18-wheelers and being shot out of reinforced windshields at high speeds so long as collision with anything other than the road is avoided and can take a few rounds from the Heavy Sniper and its Mk. II variant before dying. Getting hit by cars also increases the amount of Red Mist he possesses. Even routinely survives other violent car crashes while driving them, smoothly brushing off extreme flips and ramming into walls and whatnot without bracing. Take shotgun blasts and high-caliber rounds that can penetrate thick body armour and easily destroy cars with a few shots to the face at point-blank range without issue. Can withstand being burned for extended periods. Should be able to withstand his own punches. Regularly takes on breathtaking stunts and withstands massive amounts of g-forces while using planes), higher with Standard Body Armour, higher with Red Mist (He is virtually invincible in the game; able to brush off animal maulings, train crashes, jumbo jet crashes, exploding blimps, and missiles from his weapons as if nothing happened to him)

Stamina: Superhuman initially (Could easily defeat hordes of enemies armed with weapons like baseball bats, knives and the like while extremely drunk), Infinite after maxing out the Stamina bar (Doing so nets Trevor infinite sprinting and swimming)

Range: Standard Melee Range normally and with brass knuckles, Extended Melee Range with melee weapons, Hundreds of Meters with most firearms, Several Kilometers with sniper rifles

Standard Equipment: Grenades (He always carries plenty of grenades when roaming the streets). He also steals others' weapons, such as Grenade Launcher, Assault Rifles, Micro-SMG, and Shotgun during Rampage missions. On a planned mission, he usually carries a Sniper Rifle, a pistol, and various other weapons, but otherwise, generally an arsenal of firearms

Intelligence: Above Average (Trevor appears to be highly intelligent. He enrolled at a military academy for four years, has a college degree from it, and is shown to be good at math, as he was able to calculate the worth of four tons of gold off the top of his head faster than someone could use a calculator to find out. He is focused and rational on the jobs at hand, displaying a capability for calculation and planning, even under chaotic situations. He can follow any detailed plans strictly, and also he has proven to have good ideas for grand heists. Trevor has also been shown to have good perception, as he was the only one who figured out that a brick of cocaine Franklin and Lamar were buying was actually drywall)

Personality and Bio:
What is known about Trevor's background is highly speculative and comes from his own words. Trevor was born and raised in Canada, near the border with the United States, or, as he calls it, the "Canadian border region of America". He claims he "grew up in five states, two countries", in "fourteen different homes", "three care homes", "two correctional facilities", with "eight fathers", and "one beautiful, damaged flower of a mother".

As a child, he had a history of rage issues and violent impulses that ruined his attempts to fit into society. He claims that, in a fit of rage, he sodomized his hockey coach with a hockey stick, and at some point, he strangled a clarinet player with his own instrument. He also claims to have killed various animals and "drifters" even during the early years of his life.

Trevor's childhood itself was an unhappy one. His father was physically abusive towards him, while his mother was emotionally abusive, overbearing, treated him with condescension and saw him as a "useless boy" who cared little about her. When he was a child, Trevor's father abandoned him in a shopping mall, which Trevor later burned down in retaliation. Trevor also had a brother named Ryan, whom Trevor was not fond of. Ryan died in an "accident" prior to 2013.

Trevor dropped out of school, ultimately robbing him of some grammatical skills and basic knowledge, such as the location of ancient Rome, which he believed to be part of America. It is possible, however, that he had some formal education, as he claims[8] - though possibly sarcastically - that he took a night class in criminal law. Despite this, he does have good mathematical skills, such as being able to accurately calculate the price of four tons of gold in a matter of seconds. Trevor also claims that he was the Canadian under-18 Champion and "almost turned pro".

Later in his life, Trevor discovered that he had a talent for flying jets. He enlisted in the air force to fly fighter jets, but several days prior to completing his training and becoming a licensed pilot, Trevor was deemed mentally unstable during a psychological evaluation, thus resulting in his discharge and grounding for life. It is implied his discharge was due to his psychological relationship with his mother.

After leaving the military, Trevor became a drifter and committed petty crimes along the border with no particular goal in mind. In the late 1980s, around the age of 20, he eventually began running a small airfreight operation in North Yankton, where he met his future partner-in-crime, Michael Townley.

While waiting on the runway to meet his employer, he saw not one but two dust trails coming up the road, despite the fact that he was told there would be only one person meeting him. Michael exited the first car while a man whom Michael previously carjacked exited the other, yelling at them. Trevor shot off a flare gun he was carrying into the second man's eye, killing him. He and Michael both dumped the body into a lake afterwards. The flare was still burning from the inside of his head, causing the pair to throw up. After the incident, Trevor and Michael became friends and started a criminal partnership together.

Trevor's first job involved robbing a place that cashed checks. However, he was caught because the clerk turned out to be someone who knew him, resulting in him serving four months of a six-month sentence. After Trevor was released, he and Michael committed many robberies all over the midwest, though Michael's recognizable quoting of lines from Solomon Richards's movies, and Trevor's habit to snap and murder people in broad daylight often kept them on the run. Throughout their crime spree, they worked with several other accomplices; the closest one being Lester Crest - a talented hacker and heist planner. Over time, Michael developed a relationship with and married a stripper named Amanda, eventually having two kids, Tracey and Jimmy. This created some friction between the criminals, due to Michael spending more and more time with his new family and less with his criminal activities. Despite this, Trevor began to see himself as an uncle to the couple's children, even vowing to avenge Tracy should anyone 'wrong her'. Over the following years, Michael became more cautious as a criminal because he saw himself having more to lose should he be imprisoned or killed, which led Trevor to believe Michael was going "soft". As a result, Trevor recruited a fellow crook named Brad Snider to take part in their robberies. Michael and Lester distrusted Brad, never showing any empathy towards him. At some point, Brad suggested to Trevor that they cut off Michael and work only with each other. Trevor declined, believing he should stay loyal to Michael.

Trevor and Michael remained partners in crime until they undertook an ill-fated heist in 2004 alongside Brad and a getaway driver in Ludendorff, North Yankton. Secretly, Michael made an agreement with corrupt FIB agent Dave Norton to exit his life of crime and start over with his family in Los Santos. The plan involved the group robbing a cash depot, followed by them making their way to a rendezvous point, where Dave would fatally shoot Trevor and non-fatally shoot Michael, with the latter then pretending to be buried at the Ludendorff Cemetery, before actually moving to Los Santos with his family. The heist initially ran relatively smoothly until two security guards were killed - the second one by Trevor as the guard held Michael at gunpoint - and the police arrived, which the group had to fight through, barely managing to get to their getaway car. As they drove to the rendezvous point, where they were told a helicopter was waiting for them, their driver was killed by the police and Michael was forced to take the wheel, though their vehicle was struck by an oncoming train at a railroad crossing and destroyed. Michael insisted that they stick to the plan, and they began walking in search of the helicopter. They were then ambushed by Dave, who fired at the trio, missing Trevor and fatally wounding Brad instead, before shooting again and "injuring" Michael. Trevor refused to leave his friends behind and attempted to fight off the police until a weary Michael told him to save himself, prompting Trevor to reluctantly make his escape.

As a result of the failed heist, both Trevor and Michael wrongly believed one another to be dead. Trevor was not able to get access to his savings because of his identity being blown, but regardless managed to evade the police for several years and made a new life for himself in the rural town of Sandy Shores, San Andreas. There, he developed an addiction to crystal meth and founded a small criminal business with new-found partners Ron Jakowski, a paranoiac conspiracy theorist, and Chef, a m*th cook. The business, named Trevor Philips Enterprises (alternatively called Trevor Philips Industries), specialized in arms smuggling and the cooking and sales of crystal m*th*mph*tam*ne. During Trevor's time in Sandy Shores, he affiliated himself with the Aztecs gang, the redneck hillbilly O'Neil brothers, and high-ranked members of The Lost MC - including the club's leader, Johnny Klebitz. However, the latter's relationship was particularly strained due to Trevor's tendency to occasionally have s*x with Johnny's girlfriend, Ashley Butler, in exchange for m*th payments, much to Johnny's chagrin.

In 2012, Juggalos Wade Hebert, Daisy Bell, Kush-Chronic, and several others stopped in Sandy Shores to buy dr*gs while on their way to "the gathering". They met Trevor, who took the group, save Wade, to a nearby quarry and is implied to have murdered them. Wade never figured out what happened to his friends and decided to stay in Sandy Shores, joining Trevor's criminal empire. At some point, Trevor rammed a hockey stick up Wade's an*s, just like he had done before to his hockey coach.
Boom, probably the most insane character here (not powerwise)
It's Time to roll the dice; you know I'm the type. Type to risk my life, not afraid to die
Name: Alexander Xavier Xanderlia
Origin: an original character from the futuristic dystopian universe of Fallout
Occupation: agent
Age: 21
Race: Hispanic
Gender: trans-masc
Description: 4'11.3, skinny, curly white hair, pale skin, pale blue eyes, has albinism, androgynous, pretty
Xavier is a really gentle boy who rarely means harm to those who don't harm him first. He isn't that socially intelligent, but his fierceness on the battlefield is matched by few in Fallout, not even most of the BOS' soldiers. He's a bit mentally unstable and would do almost anything for those he looks up to. Having even killed over a hundred innocents, all for the approval, and possible affection, of one guy. He's quite loyal, and hard to piss off, but once you do? It's almost a guarantee he'll be one of the first to betray you. He's very hyperactive, and skittish. Xavier is very emotionally sensitive so you'll see him cry in Jericho's arms for next to no reason.
Powers and Abilities:
Near the beginning of the game, you'll be introduced to the outlying, basic statistical system in Fallout, which is called S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Obviously, S.P.E.C.I.A.L. is an acronym, and it stands for Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck.
average human is 2 or 3/10 for each special
Xavier's special stats:
S. 5.8/10, 8.6 in his power armour
P. 6/10
E. 4/10
C. 7.5/10, 9/10 with men
I. 3.8/10
A. 8.5/10, 5.5/10 in port armour
L. 9.2/10

15 is the bare minimum for each stat
Barter: 86/100
Big guns: 15/100
Energy weapons: 42/100
Explosives: 70/100
Lockpicks: 100/100
Medicine: 92/100
Melee weapons: 37/100, 68/100 in power armour
Repair: 100/100
Science: 67/100
Small guns: 82/100
Speech: 98/100
Unarmed: 15/100

Black widow: Effects. Taking this perk grants a +10% bonus to damage against enemies of the opposite sex during combat and access to unique dialogue options with certain characters of the opposite sex outside of combat.
Night person: Taking ranks of this perk grants a +2 bonus increase to Intelligence and Perception starting at 6:00 p.m. and ending at 6:00 a.m. Higher ranks enhance the bonus to +3, gives night vision, and grants increased HP.
Nerd rage: Taking ranks of this perk provides +20 Damage Resistance and 20% bonus damage while also generating a slow-time effect (similar to when using Jet) when below 20% of max HP.
Sneak: 50% increase of stealth
Aquaboy: protecting from all radiation damage while swimming. It also allows for underwater breathing and makes the player undetectable while submerged.

Weaknesses: he's a normal human, he has weak bones, he's insane but can hide it, he's extremely sensitive, he has anemia and he's naive
Xavier was born on November 11, 2258, to James and Catherine Rodrigo as Rosita Rodrigo, at the Jefferson Memorial, where they worked on Project Purity, a complex operation centered on using a highly-technological water purifier to cleanse the sealed-off Tidal Basin of radiation and make it drinkable once more. James' colleague and friend Dr. Madison Li acted as nurse during the delivery. Unfortunately, Catherine experienced sudden cardiac arrest and passed away shortly thereafter.

James suspended the endeavor and traveled to Vault 101 via Megaton with the help of Star Paladin Cross who defended James and the baby from mutated creatures and raiders along the way. James and Cross also stayed at the saloon in Megaton owned by Colin Moriarty briefly, where they discussed the future of Project Purity. Colin mentions that the baby Xavier would not stop crying. Dr. Li somehow helped James relocate to Vault 101.

Xavier's childhood on the surface was kept a secret in order to shelter them from the outside world, and to keep up the pretense of the social experiment for which the vault was constructed. James would often tell his child about their mother's favorite passage from the Bible, Revelation 21:6, which mentioned the waters of life. The Lone Wanderer lived comfortably in the Vault. At a young age, they befriended Amata Almodovar, daughter of the overseer. They also bonded with Jonas Palmer, Vault doctor and close friend of James.

When the Xavier was ten years old, they had a birthday party organized by Amata and their father, although they were antagonized by a boy named Butch. During the party, they were gifted a Pip-Boy 3000 by the overseer, along with a BB gun from their father and Jonas Palmer. Between the ages of ten and sixteen, the Lone Wanderer pitched four strikeouts in the Vault 101 baseball games.

When the Xavier was sixteen, they took their Generalized Occupational Aptitude Test exam to help them determine their role in the Vault. They remained friends with Amata, who was antagonized by Butch and his juvenile gang, the Tunnel Snakes. Xavier got into a fight with them, and won.

For 19 years, Xavier lived in Vault 101 without incident, but in 2277, James disappeared without any explanation. The young Xavier, with Amata's help, was forced to leave the safety of the vault to look for James in the ruins of Washington, D.C. In order to find him, Xavier had to travel across the wasteland following James' trail and visiting all of the locations that James had been to, gathering to eventually locate James' whereabouts. Xavier helps Moira Brown collect information for her book 'Wasteland Survival Guide'. There he met Jericho, and well, Jericho and the need for attention and validation from the big bad Jericho help turned Xavier insane.

After collecting two thousand caps, Xavier hired Jericho for 1,000 dollars, he brought Jericho away from town, only to end up exploding it for 500 caps and a fancy penthouse suite he promised to share with Jericho.

After eventually finding James trapped in Vault 112's Tranquility Lane simulation by Stanislaus Braun, the scientist and his heir returned to the Memorial to put Project Purity back on track, but the reunion was cut short when the Enclave's regional commander, Colonel Autumn intervened and demanded ownership of the project in his bid to cement the Enclave's power over the wasteland. James, unwilling to allow the project to fall into the hands of the Enclave, sacrificed himself by filling the control chamber of Project Purity with deadly amounts of radiation, hoping to kill Colonel Autumn and the other soldiers, though he managed to express a final farewell to his child just before passing. However, Colonel Autumn managed to survive, and the Enclave ultimately took control of the purifier, however, James' sacrifice left them unable to operate it.

After fleeing from the Jefferson Memorial building with the remainder of the Project Purity staff, including Dr. Madison Li, Xavier took refuge within the Citadel, enlisting the help of the Brotherhood of Steel led by Elder Owyn Lyons to retrieve a G.E.C.K. from Vault 87 with the intent to use it to fully restore Project Purity and defeat the Enclave. At the Vault, because the G.E.C.K. was contained in a highly irradiated chamber, Xavier had to choose whether to enlist the help of Fawkes, a friendly super mutant immune to radiation, or face the deadly amounts of radiation themselves to retrieve it.

Once the G.E.C.K. was retrieved, Xavier was captured by Colonel Autumn in an ambush and taken to the Enclave's stronghold of Raven Rock. There, President Eden secretly presented the Lone Wanderer with a canister of modified FEV to be inserted into the purifier, which would poison any genetically mutated creature drinking the purified water. Shortly after, the Lone Wanderer escaped, leaving Raven Rock, returned to the Citadel and rallied the Brotherhood to assault the Jefferson Memorial with the help of their secret weapon, the massive combat robot Liberty Prime, and take back control of Project Purity during the Battle of Project Purity.

Inside the control chamber of Project Purity, after finally stopping Colonel Autumn, the Lone Wanderer and Sentinel Sarah Lyons were faced with the dilemma of who would enter the radiation-flooded chamber and complete the project's activation. It was also possible that the Lone Wanderer could complete Eden's plan and infect the purifier with the modified FEV (though it's implied by an idle comment from Deacon in Fallout 4 that this canonically did not happen). Upon activating the purifier and fulfilling the family legacy of restoring humanity's chances of survival, a burst of ambient radiation enveloped the Lone Wanderer.

Xavier went back to Megatron to see Jericho sitting a few feet away from the town, Xavier offered Jericho another thousand caps since Xavier had a lot more then he needed. Jericho only took five hundred, which he used to buy both him and Xavier some help from a doctor and some cigarettes.

Xavier and Jericho grew close from the time Xavier first hired him, to the time Xavier defeated the enclave. Jericho was the only reason Xavier sacrificed himself to the radiation and didn't poison the water, worried it'd effect Jericho.

Type to make you cry, type to put a price. All up on your head, do just what I said

'Now, brother, for the fun you had, The Devil's coming and his mood is bad’
Name: Nikolai Aleksei Massani Makarov
Origin: original character from Mass Effect
Occupation: Agent
Age: 36
Race: Russian
Gender: Masculine
Description: Straight black hair, blue eyes, 5'10, attractive, muscular, has a few tattoos, has his 'sins' scarred onto his body and Zaeed's name scarred into his chest.
Personality: Nikola is a naturally charming and flirtatious man who can get along with most people. But his thoughts? Those are darker then most people could handle, his urges almost as dark as his thoughts. He can mainly control them though, but when Zaeed is insulted or threatened? It's like this man doesn't give a single fuck about anything but hurting the person who disrespected Zaeed, luckily all it takes is one disappointed look from the older man to calm Nikola down.

He's highly intelligent, especially when it comes to psychology and combat, he's typically too lazy to use it though.

He rarely experiences emotion, unless sadism could count as a emotion, but Zaeed can make him feel emotions, it doesn't make much sense to him.

Powers and Abilities:

Niko is extremely skilled with sniper rifles and assault rifles.

190 points of health, 260 points of shield.

Biotic Charge: Biotic Charge is a Biotic power used by Vanguards in Mass Effect. Biotic charge allows the user to thrust forward at an incredible speed, before slamming into their target. This culminates in a large collision that hits unprotected enemies and causes them to fly backwards, inflicting loads of damage. If it kills an enemy, it heals Niko 30 points of health. It can only be used every twenty-five minutes.

Super Nova: Nova is a close-range power which utilizes a high-risk, high-reward combat system. While expending the 40 points of Niko's shield, Nova inflicts a high amount of damage to surrounding enemies, pushing them back or sending them flying. It can be used often, but it will always drain Niko's health

Lash: It sends a large amount of biotics energy towards a enemy, taking away around twenty to forty of health, ten to twenty-five if a target has a shield protecting their health, it can be used every fifteen minutes

Combat drone: Drones are small robots used to support and supplement organic soldiers on the battlefield. They have no artificial intelligence of any kind, but follow fixed, minimally adaptive programs. Most varieties employ mass effect levitation to improve mobility. It can last for a while (up to two hours) but it takes around three hours to rebuild.

Tactical cloak: tactical cloak is a tech ability that allows you to turn invisible to both allys and enemies. Niko can use it every 13 minutes, but if he takes damage (from either an ally or enemy) or if he damages somebody.

Weaknesses: sleeping problems (no matter how much he sleeps he's exhausted so he tends to not brother sleeping anymore), easily overwhelmed in certain circumstances, is a human, anemia, hypoglycemia, if Zaeed was in trouble, he'd do anything, even if it meant he'd die

Bio: Nikola grew up in a extremely ab*sive household, having experienced basically every kind of ab*se, but financial. That was until his older sister literally stole him and his twin brother from their parents when they were twelve. Niko experienced nothing but ab*sive relationships, well, until he meets Zaeed at the age 28, Zaeed was a great friend to Niko, but nothing more. Upon the two separation from Zaeed, he became a little dependent on Zaeed, Zaeed left Niko on Illium unexpectedly to work for Cerberus.

Once Niko and Zaeed reunited, Niko was like a clingy bitch towards Zaeed. Zaeed didn't mind it at all.

He nearly sacrificed himself for Zaeed when the reapers destroyed the world.

'So, say your prayers your soul to save his tiptap shoes they will dance on your grave’

'That's the price you pay, leave behind your heart and cast away, just another product of today’
Name: Jericho
Origin: Fallout
Occupation: Agent (he just tags along with Xavier so much he's a agent at this point)
Age: 67
Gender: male
Description: 6'3, athletic build
Personality: Jericho's temper is fairly controllable even though he's always loud and aggressive, Jericho feels the need to insert dominance over others, and most of the time doesn't give a single fuck about other people. Jericho is loyal to nothing more then a good bottle of alcohol and money. He's got a nasty temper which he can control, his temper is typically shown in battle more then anywhere else. Jericho didn't feel much besides for the things he considered basic human emotion (hunger, anger and l*st) until he met Xavier, who he feels close to. He wouldn't say it's a romantic or s*x**l relationship at all, he doesn't feel that way to anyone under the age 28 but it isn't a fatherly relationship, not what so fucking ever. Jericho is a sadistic man. He cusses a lot.
Powers and Abilities:
you'll be introduced to the outlying, basic statistical system in Fallout, which is called S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Obviously, S.P.E.C.I.A.L. is an acronym, and it stands for Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck.
average human is 2 or 3/10 for each special
Strength: 7/10
Perception: 7/10
Endurance: 9/10
Charisma: 6/10
Intelligence: 7/10
Agility: 8/10
Luck: 3/10
Jericho is great with guns, more specifically assault rifles and sniper rifles. Jericho's great with melee, but he prefers guns. He's got a suit of Tesla power armour Xavier gave to him.
Weakness: he's a old guy, he's human, he coughs blood a lot, he's addicted to alcohol and marijuana, he's got a short temper.
In his past, Jericho was a ruthless and deadly raider, killing and stealing for measly amounts of caps and loot for even the slightest of reasons. After fighting along with other raider gangs for many years and becoming a crack shot with a rifle, Jericho saw fit to "retire" and settled down in Megaton to enjoy his twilight years. Despite being out of the game for a long time, he has not lose touch with his raider ways. While the smug-lipped, foul-mouth Jericho will lend his marksmanship to protect the town, he more often than not prefers to guzzle booze and spew curses at passersby completely care-free. Rumors are abound that he also occasionally does some odd jobs for Colin Moriarty.

By the time the Lone Wanderer leaves Vault 101 in 2277, Jericho has begun having thoughts about getting back out into the wastes to fight and kill freely, though he'd prefer if he was paid for "equipment" expenses upfront as a start.

Jericho isn't officially apart of the UCA, but he's considered an ally or an agent since he follows Xavier on every mission the vaulty goes on.

'Rather be the hunter than the prey, And you're standing on the edge face up 'Cause you're a natural A beating heart of stone You gotta be so cold To make it in this world’
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Name: Akaza
Real name: Hakuji
Origin: Demon Slayer Kimetsu no yaiba
Occupation: Agent. Is reformed by the U.C.A and alterated to work with humans instead of eating and hurting them.
Age: 133
Race: Demon
Gender: male


Weakness: Sunlight and nichirin weapons

Name: Kokushibo
Real name: Michikatsu Tsukigumi
Origin: Demon Slayer
Occupation: Ally.Much like Akaza is reformed and genetically alterated by the U.C.A to work with humans.
Race: Demon


Weakness: sunlight and nichirin weapons( or other weapons that work agsinst creatures of darkness)
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Name: Quinn Dos
Origin: She was made in a robotics factory in the future
Occupation: Ally
*Age: Unsure
*Race: Robot
Gender: Female
Description: Quinn is a robot that has long robotic ears that resemble a rabbit, dark blue shoulder pads, baby blue arm markings, and dark gray fingers. Her feet are pointed, her legs are a grayish blue and dark blue. She also has wheels on the bottom of her feet so she can roll around when she wants to. She also has a star sticker on her upper chest.
Personality: Quinn is extremely curious, she is approachable and nice, She will do anything in her power to make sure her friends are safe. Her flaws include naivety, and stubbornness if things don’t go according to her plans.
Powers and Abilities: She can calculate plans, play music, and is able to hold items that weigh more than her. She holds electricity in her body, and can be used to fight if she gets angry or overheated.
Weaknesses: She runs on a battery system, so she can power down if not charged in time. She won’t be able to talk in this state. She is also subject to digital glitches/viruses and can become fragile and weak if water touches her
Bio: Quinn comes from a factory in the future that made robots to help people with their troubles. Quinn’s coding allows her to be friendly and ready to help. Quinn is diagnosed with autism. She loves making banana bread, she also has an interest in boxing. IMG_3651.png

Name: Pixie

Origin: Shin Megami Tensei III

Role: Ally

Race: Pixie (Demon)

Age: Unknown

Sex: Female

Physical Description: Pixie's appearance isn't anything notable. She is, obviously, quite small in size. As such, most opponents will assume Pixie is just the next easy target to eliminate. Though that is simply not the case.

Personality: While sometimes a little too sarcastic is the wrong circumstances, Pixie is quite the lovable traveling companion. Despite lacking physical strength, Pixie is always willing to charge into a mess to protect the friends she has made, like with the Demi-Fiend, who she secretly has a massive crush on, as well as a few others.

Likes: The Demi-Fiend, someone else taking charge, someone strong to follow, Ice Cream, Demons, Pink Flowers.

Dislikes: Lightning/Electricity (Bad experience while enduring Thor's Hammer's electric attacks), when she loses friends, when someone chooses to ignore the obvious solution.

Battle Experience: Aside from fighting Thor, Dante, Metatron (Not That One), Beelzebub, and Kagutsuchi, Pixie, along with Dante, and the Demi-Fiend were able to stand against the Demon Lord LUCIFER. While Pixie was mainly focusing on making sure Dante and the Demi-Fiend's lives were not taken the whole time, using revival spells excessively, she was still able to match the Dark Lord.

Equipment: Flowers she was given from the Demi-Fiend.

Abilities: Revive (Allows Pixie to completely restore 4 Allies to peak condition. Though this is only usable once every fight)
Electricity and Fire Manipulation
Various Healing Spells

Goals: With it unlikely she is going to see the Demi-Fiend anytime soon, Pixie simply wants a place she can live in perfect calmness.

Weakness: Pixie forms attachments to new people too easily. She is also at an increased risk to any attacks from fellow Demons.

Name: Dante Sparda
Origin: Devil May Cry (DMC3)
Role: Ally
Sex: Male
Race: Human/Demon

Physical Description:
Dante wears long, tan-colored jeans, black fingerless gloves, and military-style boots. His coat has zippers on the sleeves and a buckle around the waist, and two brown, leather holsters on the back.

Personality: Dante is incredibly flippant, casually mouthing off to even the most powerful of demons, and he generally enjoys showing off and taunting his adversaries as often as he can. Dante also displays a fearless, almost disinterested attitude towards incredibly dangerous situations.

Powers/Abilities: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Stamina, Telekinesis, Regeneration, Weapon Mastery, Darkness Manipulation, Durability Negation, Vibration Manipulation, Hellfire Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Social Influencing, Fate Manipulation, Cosmic Awareness, Time Immunity, Immortality Type 5.

Weapons: Rebellion (A Sword From Sparda's Days), Ebony and Ivory (Twin Handguns), Sub Machine Guns, various Rocket Launchers, Needlegun, Grenadegun, Shotgun, Assault Rifles.

Ammo: All of Dante's weapons carry an infinite ammo surplus. Dante is also able to summon these weapons at will.

Weakness: Dante's cocky attitude tends to get the guy into more trouble than out of it.

Name: Sofiya Pavlovna, a.k.a. Balalaika
Origin: Black Lagoon
Role: Agent—Intelligence Dept.
Race: Human
Gender: Female

Balalaika is a tall and fit woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes. Her most noticeable features are the burn scars covering half her face and her chest, which she received in Afghanistan. She usually has long, painted fingernails, a burgundy suit with a Soviet military overcoat, and a cigar in hand. Occasionally, she may swap to her old VDV uniform, which features a blue cap with a prominent Red Army pin.

Balalaika considers herself one of the dead, someone who missed her chance to die in Afghanistan but is otherwise a walking husk. She is desensitized to subjects that would terrify the average person, such as gratuitous violence. However, she is honorable in that she repays her debts and respects those who have seen war. She is also disciplined and professional, though highly cynical.

Those who cross Balalaika find her methods of retaliation are swift and heavy-handed. She is a warmonger at heart, but not to the point of senseless violence; there's always a message to her aggressor, usually a warning. Unsavory as her methods are, she believes one can't argue with results. She dislikes people questioning her decisions or trying to dissuade her, though she lets one go on rare occasions if they manage to amuse her.

  • Black Market Trade - Balalaika's syndicate, Hotel Moscow, is known for their illicit dealings. She is a savvy and professional businesswoman, but also really shady.
  • Marksmanship - She is a top-notch sniper, capable of competing in Olympic shooting tournaments.
  • Skydiving - She was a VDV paratrooper during the Soviet-Afghan War, thus is experienced in the use of a parachute.
  • Hand-to-hand Combat - She is strong and swift on her feet, capable of handling armed attackers with her bare hands.
  • Deception - Balalaika's lies can be very consistent, with high-quality fake documents to corroborate them.
  • Stechkin APS - Balalaika’s sidearm of choice. This select-fire 9x18mm pistol has a 20-round magazine and the option to mount a stock.
  • Fake ID - These false papers claim she is Vladilena N. Vasilinov, a Russian diplomat. With this identity, she can waltz past many police officers without needing to stop or be searched.
  • Cigars - Thin Russian cigars. She prefers these over cigarettes, and they are among her signature items.
  • At the end of the day, she is a human—a skilled one, for sure, but not able to keep up with superhumans. Thus, she is relegated to an advisory role.
  • When in doubt, follow the trail of 9x18mm casings to Balalaika; her gun uses a distinct round that doesn't see much use in the West. Someone could frame her by dropping similar casings at the scene of a crime.
  • Her means are usually dark and brutal, which doesn’t win her any favors from more heroic characters.
Born during the Cold War, Sofiya was the granddaughter of a disgraced Red Army General. She joined the Red Army and served in Afghanistan under the assumption she'd have a chance to compete in the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles. Instead, this exemplary soldier was tortured by enemy fighters and then marginalized by the Soviet government when she returned home. It was at this time Sofiya Pavlovna had died (in a metaphorical sense).

Around the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, Sofiya and her old unit joined forces with other former soldiers and rose quickly in the Russian mob. She adopted her old nickname "Balalaika" and raised holy hell upon landing in Roanapur, Thailand. She carved out her own piece of the City of the Dead and eventually came face-to-face with Mr. Chang, the head of the local Triad. During a shootout at the docks, Chang shot her and let her fall into the ocean, but she was saved by Dutch, a passing pirate. Since then, she’s provided steady work and the occasional gift for his Lagoon Company… but that’s a story unrelated to this one.

Balalaika’s universe was among the first destroyed by the Pretender. She handled the news quite well superficially, but has been utilizing the UCA's available resources to hunt him and his subordinates. She has vowed to help however she can if it means giving the villain a "Chechen facelift"... or whatever gruesome punishment crosses her mind at the time.
Time to roll the dice, you know I'm the type. Type to risk my life, not afraid to die
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Name: Alexander Xavier Makarov
Origin: an original character from the futuristic dystopian universe of Fallout
Occupation: agent
Age: 21
Race: Hispanic
Gender: trans-masc
Description: 4'11.3, skinny, curly white hair, pale skin, pale blue eyes, has albinism, androgynous, pretty
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Powers and Abilities:
Near the beginning of the game, you'll be introduced to the outlying, basic statistical system in Fallout, which is called S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Obviously, S.P.E.C.I.A.L. is an acronym, and it stands for Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck.
average human is 2 or 3/10 for each special
Xavier's special stats:
S. 5.8/10, 8.6 in his power armour
P. 6/10
E. 4/10
C. 7.5/10, 9/10 with men
I. 3.8/10
A. 8.5/10
L. 9.2/10

Skills: TBD

Perks: TBD

Weaknesses: he's a normal human, he has weak bones, he's insane but can hide it, he's extremely sensitive and he's naive
Bio: TBD

Type to make you cry, type to put a price. All up on your head, do just what I said

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Name: Nikolai Aleksei Massani Makarov
Origin: original character from Mass Effect
Occupation: Agent
Age: 36
Race: Russian
Gender: Masculine
Description: Straight black hair, blue eyes, 5'10, attractive, muscular, has a few tattoos, has his 'sins' scarred onto his body and Zaeed's name scarred into his chest.
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Personality: TBD
Powers and Abilities: TBD
Weaknesses: TBD
Bio: TBD

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Name: Jericho
Origin: Fallout
Occupation: Agent (he just tags along with Xavier so much he's a agent at this point)
Age: 67
Gender: male
Description: 6'3, athletic build
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Personality: TBD
Powers and Abilities:
In his past, Jericho was a ruthless and deadly raider, killing and stealing for measly amounts of caps and loot for even the slightest of reasons. After fighting along with other raider gangs for many years and becoming a crack shot with a rifle, Jericho saw fit to "retire" and settled down in Megaton to enjoy his twilight years. Despite being out of the game for a long time, he has not lose touch with his raider ways. While the smug-lipped, foul-mouth Jericho will lend his marksmanship to protect the town, he more often than not prefers to guzzle booze and spew curses at passersby completely care-free. Rumors are abound that he also occasionally does some odd jobs for Colin Moriarty.[Non-game 1]

By the time the Lone Wanderer leaves Vault 101 in 2277, Jericho has begun having thoughts about getting back out into the wastes to fight and kill freely, though he'd prefer if he was paid for "equipment" expenses upfront as a start.

Jericho isn't officially apart of the UCA, but he's considered an ally or an agent since he follows Xavier on every mission the vaulty goes on.

Approved 👍 👍 👍
Name: Quinn Dos
Origin: She was made in a robotics factory in the future
Occupation: Ally
*Age: Unsure
*Race: Robot
Gender: Female
Description: Quinn is a robot that has long robotic ears that resemble a rabbit, dark blue shoulder pads, baby blue arm markings, and dark gray fingers. Her feet are pointed, her legs are a grayish blue and dark blue. She also has wheels on the bottom of her feet so she can roll around when she wants to. She also has a star sticker on her upper chest.
Personality: Quinn is extremely curious, she is approachable and nice, She will do anything in her power to make sure her friends are safe. Her flaws include naivety, and stubbornness if things don’t go according to her plans.
Powers and Abilities: She can calculate plans, play music, and is able to hold items that weigh more than her. She holds electricity in her body, and can be used to fight if she gets angry or overheated.
Weaknesses: She runs on a battery system, so she can power down if not charged in time. She won’t be able to talk in this state. She is also subject to digital glitches/viruses and can become fragile and weak if water touches her
Bio: Quinn comes from a factory in the future that made robots to help people with their troubles. Quinn’s coding allows her to be friendly and ready to help. Quinn is diagnosed with autism. She loves making banana bread, she also has an interest in boxing. View attachment 1184626
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto

In all seriousness, before I make a final decision I need to ask...

You draw that picture? Looks pretty good.
Name: Akaza
Real name: Hakuji
Origin: Demon Slayer Kimetsu no yaiba
Occupation: Agent. Is reformed by the U.C.A and alterated to work with humans instead of eating and hurting them.
Age: 133
Race: Demon
Gender: male


Weakness: Sunlight and nichirin weapons

Name: Kokushibo
Real name: Michikatsu Tsukigumi
Origin: Demon Slayer
Occupation: Ally.Much like Akaza is reformed and genetically alterated by the U.C.A to work with humans.
Race: Demon


Weakness: sunlight and nichirin weapons( or other weapons that work agsinst creatures of darkness)
UltraWagonWheel24 UltraWagonWheel24 You forgot mine.

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