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Fantasy Into the Forest

On the outskirts of a small town, lies a vast, unexplored forest. Over the past few decades, people in the town have told stories and legends about that place, saying that whoever goes in that forest are unlikely ever to return, either because they have been killed by something in that forest or they have become part of the forest themselves. Some say it is haunted by ghosts of people who have entered that forest and never returned home, and that strange and nightmarish creatures and beast lurk deep within those woods. Some think that it is cursed or that there is dark magic within that forest, and has stopped people from ever going in there and exploring it.

But one dark night, a couple of kids decide that they want to explore those woods for themselves and see what really lies deep within the forest. They do not believe in the stories and legends about this forest being haunted or cursed and think that it would not be dangerous to look through and explore the forest for a little while. but as they begin to travel through those woods, the stories and legends might actually turn out to be true and they themselves might never return and become part of the forest themselves...
(Ok I guess we can begin now, if anyone wants to join in they can at anytime. This rp will start late at night, the characters are all packing and preparinf to meet the others outside of the forest where they will be entering shortly, I'll start)
Jake stood in his room, putting a couple more things in his backpack before leaving. He wasn't sure how long he would be exploring the forest, it wouldn't be too long he thought, he and a couple others would just explore around for a bit and come right back home before anyone noticed but he still thought about packing a lot of things, you should always come prepared no matter what you were getting yourself into. He placed a flashlight in the front pocket of his backpack, threw it over his shoulder and opened the door slowly, creeping out into the hallway being careful not to wake his parents. He unlocked the door to his home and opened it, shutting it silently behind him. Jake walked down his driveway and down the road; at the end of the street, he could see the dark, ominous woods, practically calling to him. He had heard many stories about that forest and wasn't sure which ones to believe, he wasn't even sure if he should believe in them at all. He didn't care whether or not if people had warned him never to explore those dark woods, something about those trees, and the shadows he frequently saw behind them made him curious about what might be in there.
Annette Sighed as she looked out her bedroom winder at the dark woods down the street.

She knew a few of the other kids were planing on going exploring tonight, but none of them saw fit to invite her.

" *tch* whatever, like I wanted to join in their little ghost hunt"

She scoffed spitefully as she flicked some ash from a cigarette out the winder.

But as the night grew darker, and she knew it would be getting closer to the time they said they would meet up, she began to feel more and more lonely.

She decided if she wasn't invited, then she would invite herself, and to hell with anyone who didn't want her to come.

Grabbing her pepper spray and a small flash light from her closest, she started down the street.

walking down her hallway she didn't even bother to sneak.

He father was away on business as usual, and her mother was passed out drunk as usual.

Strolling out the door, she even yelled " Byeee" before slamming the door in frustration .

As she approached Jake she threw a cigarette but at the back of his head and scolded " Nice of you to remember me Jake-y boy !"
Nicole sat on a small tree stump near the opening mouth of the woods. She held her backpack in between her knees. In her packpack, she had a couple of waterbottles, two flashlights, an extra pack of batteries, a few bags of beef jerky, her knife, and a medical kit. She looked as if she was ready to go camping to another state by foot. Actually, she was waiting for Jake and the others to come so that they could explore the dark forest. No one had ever entered the forest, and even with all the rumors, Nicole wasn't scared. She was eager actually. The sense of danger brought chills down her arms and spine. Nicole turned her head, and saw Jake walking down towards her. "About time!" She yelled as she stood up
As Jake began approaching the entrance to the forest, he felt something hit the back of his head. He looked down and saw a cigarette lying on the ground; looking up he saw Annette standing there looking quite frustrated. Was she angry about not inviting her on this trip? "Oh, hey," he replied kind of awkwardly "Did you want to come along with us? I didn't know you wanted to, but you are welcome to I'm sure no one will mind, I surely don't," He finished trying to sound nice.

Jake turned his head the other way as he heard another voice call out to him "Yeah, sorry I'm a bit late I packed a lot of things for this trip," Jake answered Nicole as he and Annette walked towards her, where they could see she was sitting just on the edge of the dark woods.
Annette's mood seemed to improve right away after being invited as she almost skipped along with Jake as they got closer to Nicole, saying "well I'll forgive you for forgetting me this time.. it probably was because you were to shy to talk to such a beau--".

She cut her own sentence short as the reached the edge of the woods.

A sense of dread washed over her as she looked into the shadows and seemingly endless paths leading into the depths.

" No way.." she whispered to herself as she clutched her keys to her chest
Jake and Annette looked through the woods that seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see in front of them. Ever since he could remember, that forest had always seemed strange and unnatural to Jake whenever he looked at them. "Yeah it's a pretty big forest," he said finally answering her,"I've heard creepy stories about this place, but I don't really believe in them all that much," what he was saying was the truth, he'd never believed in the supernatural or unknown either so the legends about this place that had been told to him by other teenagers and adults in this town had always seemed like nonsense to him.
Nicole's smile quickly faded when she saw Annette step beside from Jake, and when he had heard him invite her. She lunged for Jake's arm, not caring if she hurt him or not, and she pulled him over to the side, "Why'd you invite her?" She angrily whispered. Nicole thought Annette was bratty and rude, and she sure hell didn't want to be bossed around the whole trip.
"I didn't really invite her, she sort of just invited herself," Jake replied, pulling away from Nicole's tight grasp on his arm, "I don't really mind if she comes along though," he said. It was pretty obvious that Nicole didn't like her, but Jake didn't really care who liked or didn't like someone that was going on this trip. At this point he just wanted to wait for the others and explore around in the forest, he didn't want to argue about who was invited or who wasn't it didn't matter that much to him anyway.
Nicole sighed, eyeing Annette who was hopelessly gazing into the dark forest. God, help me. Nicole marched back next to Annette and tapped on her shoulder, taking a step back after getting her attention. "I hope you've brought everything, because I only brought supplies for me," She stated, sounding cocky. Nicole wasn't usually cocky, but she despised the thought of Annette just coming along without being invited. She came out to have a good time tonight, but instead would probably be bossed around all night. The more the merrier...
Jake stepped forward to gaze upon the forest that lay out in front of him, leaving the two other girls to their conversation. To be honest, Jake didn't really mind going out to explore the forest on his own but thought it would be a little rude and weird to go do that now, and besides, it was safer to go into the woods with a group of people rather than alone just in case something happened like getting hurt or something. He waited there staring into the strange and dark woods in front of him while the other two talked.
"I'm beginning to be tired of this device," Jerry said gripping a thick brown piece of wood and throwing it to the side. "I don't want to be here! Let me leave," Jerry yelled gripping a stone and throwing it. It had been four months since he was trapped in this putrid world, alone without the comfort of his own people and annoyed by the ignorance of humans. With a deep sight he placed his hand on the piece of wood he face tightened as the wood molded into a three foot tall humanoid. With a twitch of his neck the figure came to life with green eyes,"Go find me something to eat," he mumbled to the figure, sadness filled his voice. Before the figure began running he picked up a pile of leaves and began tearing them into small bits and one by one they formed around the figure like make shift clothes. "Go," he whispered removing his hand from the figure, seconds later it disappeared into the forest. "What is that smell, smells like," Jerry turned his head and sniffed,"Cigarettes?"
Behind some trees Aora started to rummage in her bag and checking if she had everything she needed.

"Flashlight... Check. Batteries... Check. Food and water... Also check. And lastly, the camera... Check! I'm good to go."

Aora was always fascinated by the forest and it's myths, but didn't want to go there all by herself. She was too afraid. "What if those rumours are actually true..?", she wondered.

A few minutes earlier she heard two people outside of her house talking about going to the forest. She got curious and looked out of the window. It was a boy and a girl, about her age, that were talking.

That was her chance. There were finally some people that were going to enter the forest. She wanted to join them so badly, but didn't have the courage to. So, after packing her backpack, she left her small flat and took a different road. When she arrived at the forest she saw the same people that she had seen before, but this time there was also a third one, another girl.

Aora kept a slight distance from the teenager group and tried to remain kind of hidden. "I'll just try to keep my distance and follow them... ",she thought to herself.
Listening to Nicole only served to increase Annette's feeling of being unwelcome.

This only drove her to be more spiteful and defensive.

Drawing a single cigarette from her pack with her teeth she replied through s smirked toothy grin as she lit it.- "Well Nic-y, I may not be ready for the Matterhorn like some people here. But I think I'll be good for one night with the boogeyman"

Something then caught her attention towards the woods.

It made her look long and hard, but she didn't see anything.

She felt as though some was talking about her.

A strange feeling; like some one stepping on your grave.

Trying to not look scared she again turned to bratty comments- "So like, what are we even gonna do? this sounds kinda like a lame nature hike."

She had heard the stories, everyone had, but she didn't seem to care at all.

Or at least she didn't show it
Hearing the nickname Annette had given her, only made her more irritated than she was.

Nicole scoffed, roughly stuffing her cold hands in her pocket, while rolling her eyes.

"If its such a lameee nature hike, why don't you turn around and go home, we ne--"

Nicole suddenly got cut off, when the voices in her heard started to come back again.

They were as if there were different people in her head, with all different personalities.

She hated them. She couldn't control them. For a long time, she had thought about telling

her parents, but knowing them, they would have probably sent her of to a mental institution.

Nicole trudged back over to the tree stump, where she had sat waiting for the others.

Gazing back at the dark woods, she felt chills run down her arm.

Am I scared? No. Why would I be? I mean all of those rumors are basic folktales, just so teenagers wouldn't get in trouble running off into the forest. It can't be real...can it?

Nicole glanced back at the forest, as an eerie feeling crept over her. Why did she all of a sudden feel frightened?
Annette breathed a sigh of exhaled a small puff of smoke as Nicole walked off.

She had been holding her breath to let her speak in an attempt to gather ammo for a come back.

in truth she was hurting and didn't want to fight anymore.

so she left it be for now and leaned against a tree to wait for things to start.

mumbling to herself " It's already frickn cold"
"We'll just wait for the others and then we can go," Jake said as he stood there, placing his hands in the pockets of his jeans, and stared up at the giant oak and pine trees that loomed above them. Jake looked back down and scanned the woods closely. Something had caught his eye, he wasn't sure what pr who it was, but he knew for sure he had seen something dash quickly behind a tree. Jake was surprised, but not really scared, there was nothing to be scared about. It's just a regular forest, nothing scary or unnatural is lurking in those woods, he was sure of that.
"I can do this-no...yes. yes i can! I'm a teen for god's sake...ohhhh no no- mom's going to be so mad...and dad...If they find out" Asta thought as she trudged towards the meeting place, trembling fingers wrapped around her mailbag strap. She stretched her eyes, willing them to adjust to the dark just as a slight rustle sounded in the detritus to her left. Immediately going into panic mode, Asta ran forward in the general direction on the group, screaming and crying in slurs of English and Norwegian, with her hands outstretched in front of her. She got about a few meters in before running four pegs into Annette, still shouting and crying.
The moonlight filtered through Waverly's light curtains, reminding her that it was nearly time to head out. Slipping on some comfortable clothes and, of course, a pair of black suspenders, it seemed she was dressed for the occasion.

She had packed her messenger bag with supplies the night before. She brought a canteen with water in it, some granola bars, a couple batteries for her flashlight, and a pocket knife for carving her initials into some trees. Normally she'd consider that type of thing a ruffians behavior, but it seemed appropriate for what was happening tonight.

With a final glance in the mirror, and the slight adjustment of her thick black glasses, she slung the messenger bag over her shoulder and opened the window. The air was still, somewhat chilly. It felt nice out though, like the perfect setting for tonight. She hopped down onto the rather tall tree stump that laid in her backyard before jumping to the ground, then took off for the edge of town.

She hadn't been invited, per say, but she'd heard a couple other kids talking about it in school. She was sure that they didn't mind her tagging along. If they did, well...they could get over it.

She turned the corner and saw, at the end of the street, the looming forest's edge. Standing there she could make out three figures, but couldn't tell who they were. "I'm so excited, it's almost time!" She said, giggling happily.
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Annette crashed to the ground with a slew of profanity.

She looked up with a hateful anger, rubbing all the spots that hurt.

But it strangely subsided when she found out it was Asta.

She was her polar opposite, but she always seemed to have a soft spot for her.

At the very least she was kinder to her then the other kids.

Picking herself up and dusting off she complained "Damn it all Asta, what have I told you about freaking out like that. You ruined my smoke, and got my skirt dirty."

With a hidden smile, she picked her up and continued " You Idiot, what in the Hell has you so worked up?"

Taking a tissue that she used to stuff her bra she handed it to her. "and stop crying already"
Asta climbed to her feet and took the tissue, thanking Annette. She fumbled over 'Thank you's and 'I'm sorry's before snapping back to the question- "I was walking and i saw a-a thing!" she paused, trying to bring up a mental image of what she saw, if anything. Her mouth hung open and she stared for a few seconds before she looked back up suddenly, "It looked like a little troll" Asta halfheartedly said, realizing WHAT she was saying halfway through and how stupid it sounded. She covered her face with her hands in embarrassment "It might've been a bunny"
Annette snickered a little before asking " A troll? really Asta? "

seeing that she was still shaken up about it, and trying not to embarrass her any farther, she rested her hand on her shoulder and assured her-

" You're probably just hopped up on sugar again."

Looking over to Nicole she smirked and whispered " That or you saw Nicole from a distance."
Asta figited under the forests' wake, one hand tugging the hem of her sweater nervously. She glanced over to Nicole, then back to Anette a little curiously, reading the atmosphere the two gave off. Though she felt kinda guilty, Annette's jokes made her feel way better about the situation. A breathy chuckle escaped her lips before she turned her attention back to the forest and it's creepy appearance.
Nicole briskly stood up from the stump of the tree, glaring at Annette rudely. She walked over to them both, ignoring the existence of Annette there, and greeted Asta with a hug. Asta was the cutest one of the whole group, and she was really fond of her. Asta just made everyone feel easier with her being in their presence. Nicole turned around, face to face with Annette again. "Okay Anne, maybe you didn't hear me clearly the first time, you were NOT invited, so for one night, can you please act tolerable, because if not, feel free to go back home to stuff your A-cup bra," She insulted, pointing at Annette's breast. Nicole hated arguing and insulting people. She always had an uneasy feeling of guilt later on. But Annette was rude, and she really didn't care about what hurt her feelings or not. She tipped her head, waiting for Annette's respond, while she comfortably slid her dainty hands, in her back sweatpants pockets.

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