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Into the Crystal waters

"I don't," Glen admits. "But I would like to know." His charm isn't going to get him places, but he still flashes her the same friendly smile. "Please?"
she crossed her arms "You two leggers are crafty... you;re the first I've ever seen,' she told him. "You got to know I am not to be touched!"
"Okay, fine!" He raises his hands up in mock surrender. "I won't touch you. Any more rules I should know about?"
"Stop gawking, you keep staring at me!" She said her voice was more smooth now that she wasn't as scared. "Its making me have chills."
"Fine!" Glen laughs. This girl has more rules than he ever thought of. "Okay. No staring." It's not like he can help it. The girl is beautiful. Not staring at her takes a lot of effort. "What else?"
"I guess that's it," Marina said looking thoughtful. "Yep that's all," She laid back letting the sun hit her torso warming her. "this... is my first time surfacing," she admitted
Good, because he doesn't think he can handle more rules. He doesn't like being restrained, and he will most likely break whatever set of guidelines she's already said. He follows her lead and pushes himself up, letting the water carry him. He glances at her, at her tail. "I guess that's why you pretty scared of me, huh?" He shrugs. "I can understand that. I didn't mean to hurt you or anything, though."
"I am not scared of you," Marina said with a huff. Though when he caught her in that net she had been terrified. She spashed him using her tail. "I was scared of the boat," the horror stories she was told of boats made her shudder.
He raises his arm just in time, preventing the water to hollow at his face. "Okay. So, you're not scared of me." He gestures to the boat with a smile. "Next time, I'll make sure not to bring the boat with me when I come to see you."
"Come see me?" She asked why in the world would he want to do that? She stared at him "Two leggrs live on land, not I the water," she stated as if he wer dumb and didn't know he could drown.
"You're right about that." Glen clicks his tongue. "But I can swim. Come on. We're friends, right? And I promise not to net you this time."
She tenced at the thought of the net. Why was this boy so worried with being friends? She looked at him "Ok fine whatever," she finally said.
she gasped and dove under when her tail came up and splashed it got him and made a small wave. She hung out under the water after that looking at him mostly his legs though how odd thy were
He lifts his arm up to avoid it, but the water still hits him right back. That reminds him never to have a fight in the water with a mermaid. "Hey," he sputters out, kicking his feet.

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