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Into the Crystal waters


New Member
The water was clear and calm on the eastern shore. Vacationers were on the beaches enjoying the bright sunshine. It was mid summer the perfect time to hit the beach and relax. However not all vacationers lived on the land. In the deeper waters of the coast a mermaid was swimming alongside a pod of dolphins. She had hair silver as a new coin and long enough to hit the fin on her fish like tail a human torso covered only with a bikini top made of seaweed and large clam shells. She was just turning seventeen so she was alone in the waters for the first time. She had been warned against going towards ships though she rarely listened to her father. She could not wait to see a ship to see how it worked why it was dangerous and to see the fable two legged people. her skin was fair and pale and sparkled with the suns reflection in the water.

The pod she was swimming with was going to far out for her comfort so she began to swim around a bit on her own. She then saw a weird thing in the water it was a net that a fishing boat must have lost.
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Going to the beach for the summer vacation is going to be a fresh start for him. His father shipped him off to the island, in the hopes of him getting his priorities straight. Unfortunately, that still isn't going to happen. If anything, he'll disregard his "duties" and do whatever the hell he wants. He's never been one for going with the flow, anyway, especially not when his father is involved. Besides, he's in a beach, with cute girls everywhere. If his father thinks he's going to pass the opportunity up, then he's very, very wrong.

Aside from the cute girls and the sheer pleasure of the ocean, there is one other thing he likes: fishing.

He borrowed a fishing boat from the pier. He paid the fishing man a few dollars to take the boat for a ride. He suggested catching fish of his own, and the task has been pretty successful.

Glen is lying against the stiff board when he catches the net being tugged downward. He blinks for the moment before he hurriedly pulls himself up. The fish have been quiet for half an hour now, so he's not sure why the net is moving. He stares down at water, watching. He squints his eyes when he sees a shadow moving just beneath the boat.
Marina gasped and tried to swim away but her tail fin got caught in the net so when she struggled it only made the net tangle worse. She saw a boat as she was dragged up and she pulled harder to go back down. She prayed to the ocean mother to get her free she was terrified. mermaids did not cry from fear else she would have tears rolling from her eyes.

Pleadingly she reached out for help but all the animals avoided nets and she now knows why.
Glen's eyes widen when he realises just how big the creature actually is. As he starts pulling the net up, he highly doubts that he's capturing a fish. Fish aren't usually this big, and they don't struggle like they're made of steel. Glen grits his teeth at the weight, the veins on his muscles bulging every time he tightens his hands around the thick thread.

"Oh my god," Glen mutters.

At first, he can only see a fish tail, wiggling back and forth in panic. But when he uses all his strength to lift the net up, he meets a pattern of bright green gills, flashing under the sunlight. He nearly chokes on a breath when he sees a patch of fair skin, connecting to its quivering tail. He rests the creature inside the boat, looming over it (her?) as he examines the situation.

Glen is fairly sure that he has just captured a mermaid.
When her skin hit the open air she thrashed more violently. Though she was running out of stamina. MArina clutched the net as she was p ulled all the way out of the water hanging upside down till thrown onto the ship. She coughed a few times this her first time useing her actuall lungs it was weird she lashed her tail making her almost comically flop around till she hit her head and stopped "Owwwww," she said rubbing her haid she had yet to actually notice the man who had pulled her from the waters.
His attention has been so focused on her tail that he hasn't looked at her face - until now. His eyes almost bulge out of its socket when he gazes over her features. She has a smooth jaw, complimented by the gentle curve of her face. She has tender features; her eyes are astoundingly green, like the ocean have carved her from its bearings. Her silver hair sticks to her skin, down to the slope of her body.

His fascination deepens, but when she accidentally hits her head against the wooden board, a laugh escapes his throat. "Woah," he says, "easy there, beautiful. Wouldn't want to ruin your pretty face." He starts to untangle the net from her tail, slowly peeling the material from her gills. His touch is soft as he removes the net from the square of her shoulders, slowly dragging it away from her.
Marina snaps her attention to the man and she is paralyzed in fear her heart fluttering quickly. When he touched her he'd feel her quiver. Her scales were smooth and cool her body warm and soft. she moved her hair from her face it's never stuck to her like this before. As she has never been out of the water.

When the net was gone she tried to crawl her way to the the boat edge and off into the water that called to her.
When she starts to flee, Glen quickly grabs her by the arm. "Hey, wait!" He catches himself, loosening his grip on her skin. He tugs her backward. "I'm not going to hurt you," he says, his voice soothing. He doesn't know why he doesn't want her to go just yet. He's captivated by her. He's never seen a mermaid before, and he's not sure when he'll see another one again. "Please?" He flashes her a charming smile.
When he grabbed her arm she gasped. His voice was different then what she was used to. To be honest she didn;t understand all of it. when he pulled her back however she thrashed her tail once more in fear though she was already begining to dry out. He smiled at her and she could only think he was going to trick her. She stared at him her eyes wide and her bottom lip quivered lightly. She wanted back in the water she would never go neer a ship again or a net.
Noting her lack of replies, he's doubting whether the mermaid can actually understand him. Is there even a certain language for these kinds of creatures? It's not like Glen can speak merman, either. He can't say anything that might get her to trust him, and it's pretty obvious that she doesn't. He looks at her drying tail and grabs the empty bucket on the boat. He dips the bucket in the water until he has just the right amount. He pours the water over her slowly. He grins at her. "Are you okay with that?"
She looked at him again she only understood a bit of his words. 'ok and that,' though the water felt wonderful she sat her hands behind her using her arms to keep her torso up. She could do as other merfolk have before her and learn his language quickly. However she wasn't sure she wanted to do something like that to a two legger. A kiss was not an item held lightly
He's not sure what else to do. If she doesn't understand anything he's saying, then how are they going to talk? He narrows his eyes in thought. "My name is Glen," he says finally. "I know you don't understand what I'm saying . . ." He tries to find ideas on how to find out her name. What do mermaids even name themselves? "What's your name?" Glen asks.
she leaned forward. Did he have to keep talking? were all the two legged beings dumb? She asked herself oh well she needed to know his language he found her pressing her lips to his the english language rushed into her mind though she flushed.
A gasp escapes his throat when she pulls him in for a kiss. Her lips are wet, but they're soft, and she tastes like the ocean. He pulls away for breath, shock looming over him like a wave. "What did you do that for?" He breathes.
"It worked," She said softly "Let me go now two legged one," Marina demanded though she was still shaking a bit. She was hoping she'd scare him into dumping her back in the ocean. She brought her tail closer to her chest.
Two legged one? Is that what mermaids call humans?

"Why do you want to go back so badly?" Glen questions. He knows why, but what's the rush? He leans closer. He won't let her go just yet. If anything, he's going to persuade her to be his friend - and he's good at that. "Are you afraid of me?"
she shied away from him. "I do not wish to be out of the water two legger," She tried to keep her voice even but she failed and almost squeeked with how close he was she lashed her tail slapping him in the side with her fin. It wasn't a powerful strike but she hoped he got the message,
Her hit feels like he was slapped by a baby, but he laughs at her futile attempt. "Okay." He nods. "I'll bring you back to the water, but can you please not swim away from me?" The corners of his mouth upturn into a smile. He pushes his hand toward her. "I'll even swim with you, if you want."
"two leggers don't swim they drown," The girl said not taking his hand she instead went to pull herself up she had every intention of crawling off the boat.
"What?" Glen laughs. "Of course we do." He waits for her to hop off the boat before pulling his shirt over his head. He follows her lead and dips into the water.
Back in the water she swims freely around staying under the serfaceas above the serface was for two leggers. She felt so much beter twisting around in the water and much stronger.
If she's planning of making him drown, then she's very successful. He might be a good swimmer, but he can't follow her further into the ocean. He reaches out for her tail, grabbing it to hold on.
she thrashed an under water she was much stronger then him. she serfaced "Don;t touch me two legger!" she said she was angry already at him for netting her to begin with. "are all of you so free to touch everyone elses tails?"
Glen can't help but laugh at her irritation. He didn't think he's pissed off the mermaid so much. It's not like he's hurt her. He shrugs. "Hey, I'm just trying to keep up. Sorry if that offended you." He doesn't really care, but he doesn't want her to flee, either. "I just want to be your friend."
she was just sitting in the water only her chest up was out of the water. "You keep talking like you know what it is to be a friend to a mermaid," she said but she knew he didnot

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