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Fantasy Internet Identity

The police car, along with an ambulance and another police car, pulls up. A police officer gets out with a tazer and a pair of handcuffs. "Put your hands up!" He says, almost shouts. A paramedic and another police officer get out of their respective cars and rush over to the girl. The police officer goes back to the ambulance and gets a stretcher, pulling it over to them. They both carefully slide it under her and carry her to the ambulance, while the other handcuffs the furious mother. She's led into the backseat, and the police car leaves. The other police officer stays as the ambulance. "Good job," she tells him. He'd be asked for details about what happened later, he knew. For now, he would just go home. He knew they'd just call him when they needed him to talk about the fight. It always happened that way. But for now... He was just going to go home. But he hesitates. The girl who was being beat up by her mother, and the player who had left just before with the words, "My mother's going to kill me"? He keeps walking, although he's not sure how. Once he gets home, he logs back on immediately.

After reappearing in the room, he picks up his "sister" again, and sighs. "I heard sirens in real life," he says. "I swear it's that girl who owns this place. Some girl was being beat up by her mother, and....... well, if that's just timing, I'm not sure what isn't..." He says to the two.

After a the ambulance came hiniko was soon rushed to the hospital, being rushed into the operation room to deal with her broken ribs which were seriously snapped in half, well one that is. After a couple of days hiniko soon woke up to find her self in a hospital room. " What....is goin on?....." Hiniko asked with wonder as she sighed to see a nurse " oh? Your awake! Youve been asleep for a couple of days so i was asked to watch over you!" the nurse replyed with a happy tone. The nurse soon went to go get the doctors a bunch of them walked in with note pads and a couple of officers. " hello miss" the officer replyed as he smiled " we are here to give you info on your mother.. She is currently in interigation and will until we find out what the cause of the beating is. " The officer replyed as the doctors stepped in, checked the heart rate " seemingly u survived. so tell me what happend?" The officer asked with curosity as he prepared the note pad.

I renember leaving my mmorpg game i was late by a couple of hours...BUT...BUT IT WAS A MISTAKE!! I didnt mean to be late..." Hiniko replyed as tears flowed down her eyes. " I was playing with some freinds..I guess thats all i renember from my gaming...then i got beat by my mother...I dont want to be beat anymore....i want to live a free life." hiniko said as she wiped the tears. " thats...thats all i can renember.." Hiniko said as she adjusted herself, Hiniko soon looked out the window wondering what was happening in the game. @The Departure @Neb @NickTonCutter
"Never mind," he says fervently. "I'll try to do it myself..." He turns to walk out of the house. "Thank you for your hospitality," he says, going to open the door, but can't, since he doesn't have any open hands. "Could someone open the door for me?
Jackson ran home and into his room tossing his backpack onto the floor. jumping into his bed he put on his nerve gear grinning. He had just got this and made a account for it this morning and he was super excited to try it out. as the login thing appeared he typed in his info



Character name:Servreius

as he entered the game he gasped at how real everthing felt.

@Neb @The Departure @Defective Kitten

♔Aiko Sayuki

It took her a while to finally get the game but once she did, she instantly popped it into her computer and made sure her windows were shut and locked as well as her door. Of corse the way she got the game probably wasn't honorable but after the long days doing what her family wanted, this was the least she could give herself and she did technically buy it with her own money.. she just needed to get the maid's son to buy it for her.. but we won't talk about.

It took a moment for her game to boot up but once it did a window popped up for it. "Make a character now!" It read enthusiastically on the screen inside a large button within the new window, Aiko shrugged as she pressed the button in which it popped up a new screen that made her character. It was strange how detailed the create a character sequence was, normally games like these only have a few options to their character but everything about it seemed limitless but she didn't think anymore into it since the more the better!

By the time she had finally finished her character and did all the username and password stuff, she was already exhausted however the excitement of finally being about to play the game was too tempting to pass up. "Ready to go!" the button read but what was the most puzzling thing was how realistic the rippling effect was that emanated from the button. "Woah... its just like you can touch it." Mumbling to herself as she got closer to the screen, moving her hand forward to touch the ripples but she never actually being able to touch them since when the moment her hand got to where the screen was supposed to be, it was like her entire body was sucked into the screen.



Opening her eyes again, she realized she wasn't in her room anymore but some town of some sort. "Welcome to the Town of Beginnings" The sign read proudly up top. She was confused, very very confused and a bit disoriented. Walking around the town to see what was going on, she passed by a window that slightly reflected herself in which she was mesmerized that the person looking back at her was not longer Aiko but Princess, the character she had just made a few moments ago.

"Oh god, I'm dead aren't I? The game probably overheated my motherboard and exploded and I just died and now theres probably a fire in my room. This is what I get for using people to buy my things! I'm a terrible person. Mom and dad and brother and sister are gonna pop up any minute now because they died too and the country is going to go into ruins and the world is going to explode and it going to be my fault because I wanted to play a game rather than be stuck in the library and learn. 'Learning is knowledge and knowledge is power' the tutor used to say and if I hadn't been such a selfish person maybe I wouldn't have died so young...!" Princess spoke very quickly, rambling as she panicked, squatting in from of the store with her hand over her head.​
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Servreius looked at his flaming tail and horns when he suddenly noticed a girl with pink hair spawn next to him. running towards her he called out "hey you yah you" he yelled running towards them and grinning at them. he looked up at the sign she was looking at and read aloud "Welcome to the Town of Beginnings, this place sounds cool" He commented

@Defective Kitten


Princess looked up at the boy who was talking to her, or at least she believed he was anyways, before going into another panic of some sort and squealing at his appearance. "Y-y-you're here to take me to hell aren't you? For my crimes like the time I broke the vase and blamed it on the cat and so the cat had to go into time out for a day and half. O-or that time when i accidentally took the last loaf of bread because I wanted to feed the ducks and I should've given it to a homeless boy or something. And also that time when I wasted money on a giant inflatable duck when I could've spent it wiser? Or is it because I bought a game and it overheated my computer and my computer exploded which caused a house fire and now everyone I know and love are about to die and come here?" She continued to ramble despite not necessarily knowing what was happening but assuming for the worst anyways..​
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Looking at her confused he looked himself over and realized he did look like the devil. he didn't pay attention when he made his characters and just spammed buttons. he laughed as the girl continued ramble"don't worry i am pretty sure i am not the devil" he stated matter of factly about to put his hand on her shoulder when it burst into blue flames. "WHAT THE CRAP!" he yelled shaking his hand around trying to put it out

@Defective Kitten
" You will be out shortly ms. And you get to take the money that is left over. which is quite alot. You get to move out if you choose." The doctor stated nodding at the police. " Tell me ms. how is your ribs doing...we had to do a operation on your ribs...scince theynwere broken and shatterd." The doctor stated. things wont be the same anymore... for hiniko anyways. " Here is some nerve gear..you will need somthing to do.. we had the police pick it up from ur house." The doctor said smiling kindly. " Thank you.." Hiniko replyed as she logged in

Name: Kiro

Password: ******

- and more shit to happen duh.-

Kiro soon logged into the game seeing that she had quite a bit to clean up... 4 damn days...geez.." Kiro said softly as she began to clean up her house. it was quite the mess. @The Departure @Neb @NickTonCutter
Alipia had been woken up from a fitful "sleep" by the man from earlier. It had been a huge relief, waking up from the nightmare that had been her possessed sleep to see a worried, kind face above hers. They'd explained their past experiences in the game while she was nursed back to full health. It had been harder than normal, the man commented, but he understood once she told him why. Although, she noted how little she actually knew about him. She hadn't told him much about her irl, and neither did he, except to claim he was a part of something she'd seen on the news lately. They'd planned how to destroy the demon inside her, and he eventually revealed that he was a monk from Avalon, which everyone knew was a fabled place high above the mountains. She hadn't believed him at first, but then He'd proved it. He hadn't revealed his name, so she'd been calling him Avalon. One day, he'd announced he'd be visiting the victim of the thing he'd apparently witnessed. He'd told her which hospital he'd be at, which she'd heard of. She found out when he's be there to, and made a mental note to see if he was lying or not.

(leading towards them both visiting you @Aragon )
Kiro soon finished the dishes after 15 minnutes, she always worked hard to keep her house clean. Kiro soon headed up stairs and got undressed and soon began to get cleaned up. kiro soon finished getting cleaned up, wet damp hair. Hiniko soon put on her outfit and headed out. @The Departure
Side by side, the two walk through the Town of Beginnings, planning to head back to those other people's houses to thank them from a few days ago. Alipia glances around fervently the whole time worrying Avalon slightly. They reach the house quickly, and Avalon reaches forward and knocks on the door, leaning back. It came to mind he didn't really know whose house it was out of the three that had been there. It was clearly Kiro's, since that had been clearly stated, but... he didn't know which one Kiro was.
Kiro soon heard the door knock and awenserd.. " Hey...whats up" Kiro asked with a smile, the best she could fake..which probably wouldnt work. Kiro soon allowed the guest to come in, " You want anythin to eat?" Kiro asked as she smiled kindly. @The Departure


Princess just stared at the devil-boy with a confused yet cautious expression, as if he might be playing a trick on her and also why he was so.. 'calm'.. well sort of.. However once his shoulder set a flame, she took back what she said about the calm part, just staring at him as he put out the flame as if he had lost his mind but maybe she had lost her mind instead. Being in this place wasn't necessarily what a sane person would be in. Continuing to be in a crotch, she looked up at him with two blinks,

"So.. What exactly is this? A dream I'm assuming than?" Despite his.. 'excitement' he seemed to be more levelheaded with this situation that she was, or at least know more in any case.

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Aragon said:
Kiro soon heard the door knock and awenserd.. " Hey...whats up" Kiro asked with a smile, the best she could fake..which probably wouldnt work. Kiro soon allowed the guest to come in, " You want anythin to eat?" Kiro asked as she smiled kindly. @Aragon[/font]
" what do you mean? You mean irl? " Kiro asked with curosity...she was worried enough of someone finding out who she was.. " I dont..really renember seeing you." Kiro stated " What i meant is " You saw me in irl?" Kiro asked with a bit of curosity. @The Departure


Ranger logged into the game and spawned in a small town, must be new, there's a bunch of players around, interesting as that might be, must are paired up, leaving him to roam alone...again, not like he cared, he always roamed alone when he's not needed, almost like his real life. He left his party chat open for anyone to join and ask for any help, he sheathed his sword and walked through the town, into the forest next to it, and went to find a boss, high level samurai that held some pretty good loot and a fair amount of XP. Last he was seen was at a temple up in the snowy mountains. So he made his way there. As he walked he came upon a low level, fighting some bandits a little higher than him, Ranger ran to his aid and weakened them so the low level can get the XP, he asked to adventure with him, but declined, as he was dead set on the boss. He waved and walked away.

As Ranger came upon the walk way to the top of the mountain, he was stopped by some average AI's, nothing too hard, except there were tank types, take a bunch of damage, as he dodged their slow but very deadly attacks, he made his way to some trees, ripping them out and using one as a weapon, as they gripped it, he torched it and turned it into a large fire ball, running across the burning tree and slashing their heads, cutting them both off. He knelt down to collect anything of worth.

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CERBERUS177 said:


Ranger logged into the game and spawned in a small town, must be new, there's a bunch of players around, interesting as that might be, must are paired up, leaving him to roam alone...again, not like he cared, he always roamed alone when he's not needed, almost like his real life. He left his party chat open for anyone to join and ask for any help, he sheathed his sword and walked through the town, into the forest next to it, and went to find a boss, high level samurai that held some pretty good loot and a fair amount of XP. Last he was seen was at a temple up in the snowy mountains. So he made his way there.


( i can interact. )

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