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Fantasy Internet Identity

CERBERUS177 said:
(This will be my last post, it's 11PM, and I need to wake up early.)
(You lucky duck your time is two hours earlier than mine lol)
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Alipia breathed quickly and shallowly, until Avalon says, "It's gone." They walk out into the road, Alipia visibly trembling. She didn't look around, she didn't walk very fast. Avalon, probably having noticed how not-ok she was, takes her hand and gives it a squeeze to try and calm her down. Somewhat, it does. Her breathing slowly slows as they stand still, holding hands. By the time she's mostly mentally back to normal, se begin to feel embarrassed about holding his hand, so he lets go and they just walk side by side.

"How would you feel about us hiring a new player to explore with us?" It wasn't a new concept to him, he'd done it twice before. Alipia shrugs dully. "Also," Avalon asks more seriously, "Has this left you with any powers?" Alipia shrugs. "No," she says. "If anything I'm stripped of them. Except for my invisibility...."

They come across a slightly lost-looking girl under a tree, putting the tutorial pamphlet in her pocket. (lol time to screw with her mind) (
@Defective Kitten) "Excuse me," Avalon says to her. "Would you like to be an explorer mercenary for a set amount of time?"


Maybe I should just log out and try this later.. Princess looked defeated by the events that happened today as well as the disappointment of the dull looking pen which she eventually equipped into her weapon bar anyways. However as she was about to log out she heard someone talk to her, looking up to see two individuals. A boy who asked her the question and a girl who looked somewhat shaken up, "I'm sorry but may I ask what an explorer mercenary is? I'm quite new to this game.." It was still rather strange to call this virtual reality a game but she would come to accept it whether she liked to or not.

@The Departure
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Ryukaa walked into a shop to buy new swords, and equipment. Once he walked out he had spent 500 gold on weapons and equipment.
"It's a term for someone hired to explore places like dungeons or what have you, or help someone do so. It's a good start for newer players," He says, having noted her level, but not quite before he'd originally asked the question. And indeed it was a good start for lower level players, giving them a good job, with no specific risk higher than any other player, unless their employer was completely insane and sent them on some suicide mission. It got them gear and levels, and whatever else their employer supplied. "Interested or no?"
Ryukaa started to walk around to find some quests but he didnt know which one to do. He just needed some gold so he settled on a Explorer Mercenary quest.
(HOW CONVENIENT AMIRITE? Actually Avalon was just talking about hiring someone to be one, instead of a quest, so that's kind of confusing)
He was walking towards the last quest area he remembered when he saw 2 people under a tree. He hasnt talked to any real player in a while so he decided to approach them.

"Hello." He says as he starts walking towards them but still slightly on guard in case any traps are set up.

@The Departure @Defective Kitten
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The Melancholy Skeleton - Part 1


Username: Sim

Location: Kiro's House -> Town of Beginnings

Party: Nobody

Notes: Finally back! Welp, let's get roleplaying then.

You are no longer AFK!

The skeleton's eyes, after having been frozen for such a considerable amount of time, frantically moved about before gradually settling into place. As his terrifyingly pleasant visage remained so, a significantly large piece of paper containing all the notes he'd taken had been placed in his inventory. His entire body felt asleep after having it remain still like he had, he almost felt ridiculous complaining about his aching bones...but that was literally all he was comprised of. Regardless of that, he now looked up to address his presumably present friends.

"Alright guys, the old bag of bones is back with th--"

He was met with no ordinary silence at this moment. No, this was the kind of silence you got when not only had nobody been there; they hadn't been in that house for quite some time. In fact, she'd managed to clean up the entire establishment all while he was AFK. The skeleton let out a sigh, lightly pressing his palm against his forehead as he'd gotten up from the couch.
"Seems I was gone for a bit too long, huh?" He spoke quietly "Well, nothing I can do about that. Maybe I should explore the city for a bit while I'm here? Who knows, I might run into something interesting."

He approached the door and headed out. Being extremely careful to not slam it in case Kiro and Spark had been sleeping upstairs and he just hadn't noticed.
"Alrighty then.." his eyes narrowed "...Where..am I again?"


As soon as she heard that it was a good start for a new player like herself, her eyes lit up with anticipation and the thought of logging out for the day quickly slipped her mind. "Oh really? If thats so, I'd love to! Thank you for the offer!" Bowing slightly just out of habit and formality. Now that she looked at her gear a bit more, it was pretty basic and weak so perhaps this was a lucky opportunity to meet these people. "Oh, my names Princess by the way. Pleasure to meet you." Introducing herself to the two before another player came by, walking somewhat stiffly towards them with a polite hello as she returned it with a light nod towards him.

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Avalon gives a fake bow. "Pleasure to meet you, your highness," he says with a small smile. Even Alipia can't help but smile a little. "I'm Avalon, and this is Alipia." Alipia gives a small curtsy with a tiny grin. "And, in that case, off we go. Hello, person," he says to the person who approaches them. Alipia recognizes him as the guy who she accidentally tried to kill, and in nervousness she takes a small step back towards the tree. "How's it going?" Avalon asks casually. "Do you need anything?"

@Defective Kitten @Ryukaa Miura
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Princess couldn't help but smile lightly when being called 'your highness' but of corse she didn't mind it especially with the username she gave to herself, it was a joke at first but the name slowly grew on her especially since it wasn't taken of all things. She just waited and listened as the new boy came along, asking for their assistance on a quest which was convenient since they were about to set out on one anyways but of corse that was up to Avalon's and Alicia's decision since Princess was new and just wanted to follow for now.​
Pikmin100xx said:
((ok good night))
"Alright" she says then sits down next to the fire so how long have you been playing this game for?" She asks
Been playing for a while... I've fought on many other servers and all, but I always come back here to help everyone who needs it... Like you, you are new so, I decided to help you. " he said, starting the fire.
Ryukaa Miura]"I was planning on doing a quest and wondering if you all would like to do one with me?" He asked. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24287-the-departure/ said:
@The Departure[/URL] @Defective Kitten
(lol so it was just random? Or Ryukaa asked them because he recognized Alipia? I haven't the info to tell if he recognizes her yet lol)

"Sure," Avalon says. "What's the quest for? I think you would have more experience than the two of them. Just making sure it isn't too hard."
Avalon nods. "The quests are less random, and gague where it should send you by your level, but while being a mercenary of that type can be much more rewarding, it can be more dangerous too. Although, at your level, the randomness wouldn't be a danger for you, would it?" He smiles a little. Indeed, the man was a really high level. Even with his own fancy unique skills and tricks, he couldn't stop anyone of his level. It was a risk to take if they wanted a companion with them.


Princess nodded with a small smile,
"I'm okay with it, I just don't want to be at this weak level anymore so anything that can boost my stats I guess." She was slightly eager to get into everything and not die from a level 2 forest bunny however this whole adventure thing got her slightly nervous. She already knew what would happen if she died but she'd heard that dying was an.. unpleasant feeling which was completely understandable. Plus she didn't even know how to use her ability, she only had a pen after all.
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CERBERUS177 said:
Been playing for a while... I've fought on many other servers and all, but I always come back here to help everyone who needs it... Like you, you are new so, I decided to help you. " he said, starting the fire.
"Aww thanks that's so nice of you to do for other people so we ready to go you said the boos is a little further right" she asks him nicely
Pikmin100xx said:
"Aww thanks that's so nice of you to do for other people so we ready to go you said the boos is a little further right" she asks him nicely
"Yeah sure. " he said standing up, his stamina was a little low, but it should be regenerated when they reach the top, "So, how'd you end up playing the game? " he asked her.
"oh um I just saw an add for it on some website while I was just simply searching the internet during my free time" she says thinking back wondering how her male body is doing at home
Pikmin100xx said:
"oh um I just saw an add for it on some website while I was just simply searching the internet during my free time" she says thinking back wondering how her male body is doing at home
Ranger laughed a bit, "I found the game through a friend... " he lied, his real self doesn't have much friends, or any for that matter, "So how's your experience for the game so far? " he asked her.

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