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Fantasy Internet Identity

Ryukaa got online he is already a level 25 Warrior in game. He gets online and goes to the shop to look for new items. None as always, he sighs and goes off to train.
Alipia reappears in the hub, extremely confused. Hadn't she died? Why was she back at the hub?

Although it was probably a pressing question, Alipia didn't t the game, so she shrugged it off as simply something she didn't know. Untill...

You're awake. Alipia starts and looks around. "Huh?" She asks. A passing player gives her a worried look, then hurries off. Don't be too surprised. Did you really think you would have survived that yourself? Alipia looks around. Was someone following her? I simply gave you a second chance. You are a fine, ok warrior, but you could be so much better. That's why I'm here, for you. Alipia's tension starts to fade. Perhaps it was just some cool added program that you had to be lucky to get. How fortunate. You may be thinking this is a fluke, a mistake, or just luck, but it's not. Alone, with your invisibility, you are powerful. But with me, you could be so much more. Alipia stops, dazed. "Yes," She says. "I accept, then... how do I start?" You do not start. You are. And suddenly, she felt new, whole again. She looks around with renewed strength. "It feels... I feel... so much more now," she murmurs. Indeed. Now, imagine how powerful you could be soon. Alipia takes a step forward. What do I do?

Try talking to him. Indeed, she could see a warrior passing her. A much higher level than her, but not extremely powerful. (@Ryukaa Miura ) "Excuse me," she says, reaching out for the man, suddenly feeling lost. "Do you.." Kill him. Against her will, she felt herself drawing her dagger. But it wasn't her dagger. It was Their dagger. Nothing could resist them, she felt. As long as she had it inside of her, she was more. Yes, that is the way to go. She speaks to the warrior once more.

"I'm going to kill you, now." But it didn't seem right. It wasn't her. It was it talking. "No, I'm not," she says with a squeak, putting away her dagger. "I=I'm sorry, I.." She turns on her heel and runs away. Away from the man, away from the Hub, away from the voice in her head. But she stopped. It had gone.
Seeing Casie smile at him made him smile warmly at her in return, his demeanor returning to usual now that the fights were over and there job was less compromised. Looking back to the corpse of his enemy Cody pulls the arrow out of the back of his head, letting him despawn, walking over to where he tossed his quiver he inserts the arrow back in it. "Might as we-" an explosion cuts him off, clearly coming from the hold they were initially heading to. "Shit. Looks like there's a change of plans.." Collecting his quiver he straps it onto his hip, his bow going back onto him as well. "I'm going to go see what's ahead, meet up before the gate." And with that he literally melts into the shadows, making his way towards the hold's gate to see what the hell is going on.

Alipia sees the man start to walk away, and she feels a wave of panic. "Wait!" She cries out, running after him. "I'm really, really sorry. That wasn't me, I..." She realizes that she can't tell anyone about this. It wouldn't be safe. She would be locked away, and..

@Ryukaa Miura
"Well, what is it?" He asks. Alipia hesitates. "I-I'm sorry," she repeats. "I'm not..." She turns and runs.

Running, and running, and running.. After a few minutes, she trips over a root of a tree and doesn't have the energy to get up. By now, tears are running down her face. "I'm sorry," she mutters to herself, but nobody was anywhere near her to hear. Or... was there?
Kiro nodded as she readyed her postition, she was ready to fight! She prepared a skill she had in her inventory...for a while..starburst stream it was called. Kiros smaller sword soon cAme out and kiro was ready to go. " Lets do this...boneZy." Kiro stated as she smirked and soon charged using the abylity, starburst stream.

With continus ( spellin sawwy) Strikes and streams Kiro happend to take down 2-3 bars from the goblins health. just 1 more to go go. Kiro faught left and right thinking to herself " FASTER....GOT TO GO FASTER!" Kiro thought as she went faster and faster hitting the goblin.

After a few moments the goblin picked up kiro and threw her twords a tree and ran twords her punching kiro into the trees. Kiros hp was low ( almost 0 just About a sliver or so left) and she didnt have any healing crystles. Damn...was she done for?" Kiro soon took one last swing at the moster using the same abylity and soon backed up. kiro was almost down to 0 hp. @Neb @NickTonCutter
Jonathan Birdsway

Jonathan was eating some chicken before his cat start to bite it.Jonathan was glaring at his cat before bitting in it too,unfortunately the cat won it and took a large part of the chicken.Jonathan sigh "Great job..." before leading his way trough his bedroom "Trace...ON!" the link enable as Jonathan awaken once more...


Spark look around as he notice a huge battle between goblins and Kiro,and also a skeleton.He run at Kiro position looking at her health bar "Well,i didn't though that i would see you hurt one day!" Spark look around at the goblins not really know what to do as he look in his inventory,a red drink is in it written on it "Beginner pots" he hand this to Kiro "I guess it's should help you." Spark say smiling

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" thanks.. but its yours... keep it." Kiro stated as she smiled. " Lets...take this bastard..down." Kiro said panting a bit. she wasnt gonna give up. nope nope nope. Kiro soon ran again taking down the final health bar, she loved her combat.

After a few minnutes the fight was over and kiro blacked out. She was down to almost. zero hp. was it sucide...ish... Probably. was it a dumbass move, OH HECK YA! Kiro was blacked out for a bit...but she was in black so what the hell. @Neb @NickTonCutter

Spark sigh before smiling again "So i have a question Kiro...What happen when you die in this world?Of course i hope you won't die right here in front of me.Why you won't take this pot after all?"

The Twilight March - Part 3


Username: Sim

Location: The Twilight Kingdom

Party: @Aragon @NickTonCutter

It seemed the monster was giving her quite the rough time. Even after using his earthen magic to hold the monster still, it still managed to clutch its way through the majority of the death-dealing blows. Mind you she managed to deal the monster enough to deplete a considerable amount of health; at least lower him down enough to where Sim could strike him down himself. However, that wasn't the point of a team, was it? More so, he should make an effort to go heal her. Wouldn't be good if she up and died on him during this tough boss battle now would it?

"Hold tight, young one. I'm on my w--"

{SFX} FWOOSH! Step step! {SFX}

Yet another interesting turn of events it seemed. Another unique looking traveler made their way to the battlefield. With the same plastered expression upon his visage, he threw up his hand and waved to the man.
"Good on you, man. I was just about to do that myself." As the goblin-- more than just a little irritated and on the last brink of his life let out a blood curdling scream, Sim's heart immediately switched to the wind element. "Tell me something, newcomer." He said in his chilled tone of voice "You got something that can help out here? If so, I'm sure me and your friend would really appreciate it!"

Sim used the gust of wind to propel him at blazing fast speeds toward the monstrous goblin.
"It looks like I will have to get up close and personal after-all...I'm too old for this." Upon reaching striking range, his hands flicked toward the ground; shooting Sim high into the air as the goblin was quick notice. "Here goes nothing!" By the looks of things, the newcomer looked to be an lightning manipulator. Banking on that fact, his heart turned to the water element as a great force of water shot out from his hands and drenched the goblin. Immediately after, he used his wind element to push him back to a safe distance.

"Sparky, we could really use a miracle right now!"

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After a few seconds kiro soon woke up. looking at her hp..." I just shouldnt be taking things that are yours, spark." Kiro stated as she smiled and soon got up. Kiro must have over worked herself if she blacked out. " How is this bastards hp doing?" Kiro asked as she got up and took out both of her swords. " BASTARD. YOU ARE GOING TO HELL!" Kiro yelled as being reckless as ever. Kiro soon ran to the boss and stabbed him in the arm and shoulder. The bosses health bar soon reached red but wasnt dead..yet the bar just turned red..still a long ways to go. Oh lordie what shit was gonna happen. yippie skippy. @Neb @NickTonCutter
Casie's head whipped around at the sudden sound of an explosion. Dude then disappeared into the shadows, going to scope out the damage. She turned back to Storm, her blade out. She smiled back at him. "We should probably prepare ourselves for a fight. Maybe if we're in luck, it'll be a big messy one." She let out a soft laugh before looking back to the hold, waiting for Dude to come back with a report on what had happened.


Spark accept the handshake smiling "Nice to meet you.Well you can call me Spark,but yeah Sparky sounds good too!" Before he could say more at Sim,he look at Kiro sighing as she rush to directly at the boss. "I'm only a beginner!" he say before electricity came across his arms as he aim at the Boss,this time he try something new from the yesterday training.Using his Time Alter ability this time he double his normal human speed rushing directly at the boss dealing a Electric punch right in the boss belly,dealing a great shock wave right in the Boss body but also behind him.It will not kill him but at least hurt him. "HOW COOL IS THAT!" Spark say in excitement before he notice his arms have been burn out "Oh well i guess i didn't really control that now..." he take a few steps back holding his broken arms using a heal pots in his arms before looking back at Sim waiting him to move as Spark nod at him.

@Aragon @Neb
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(Piece of shit computer deleted my post after 20 minutes of typing it, fml)

(It was an opportunity to change it at least)

Alipia gets up shakily. "No," she mutters. She takes out her dagger, and digs a small hole. "I won't." She puts the dagger into the hole, and covers the hole. She takes out the sword, and slams it into the ground. She can't pull it out. "Good." She feels better from her self control. She hums a song she once heard, then lets herself start quietly singing to herself. She takes a few steps forward before she hears footsteps nearing her. She whirls around to see a man, most likely a few years younger than her. "Hello," he says with a shy, soft voice. "Are you lost?" Alipia looks at him, slowly and unsurely deciding that he wasn't dangerous. Her heart rate increased.


"In fact, I am," Alipia decides to say, her fear clear in her voice. The man looks around, a slight reddish tinge that Alipia was too paranoid to notice. "Funny, since I happen to be as well. I'll take you to a village, there's got to be one somewhere..." Alipia's fear increases at the request. "I can get home myself," Alipia whispers to herself. The man steps forward and takes her hand. "No, I insist," he says, his shy tone fading to one of concern. "Are you ok?"


"You don't look too good," The man continues. His thumb goes to her wrist.


"Please, let me take you to a nearby village. I'm not sure where one is, but..." He had to admit, he was feeling rather panicked. "I beg of you to let me help you. I promise I won't hurt you." There is a scar on her forehead, in the shape of an imperfect oval. It looks rather recent. "Did someone hurt you?" He asks, brushing her bangs to the side to look at the scar. He does so fretfully. A magical scar. He realizes. His thumb, still on her wrist, notices her heart rate increasing. She would pass out if it increased any more.


"I..." He felt his own heart rate increasing. She was going to hurt herself if she didn't calm down. And hurt herself she did. She went limp, falling over in a faint. He catches her, just barely, and picks her up. Carrying the girl in his arms, he walks off, hoping it was the right way.
The Twilight March - Part 4


Username: Sim

Location: The Twilight Kingdom

Party: @Aragon @NickTonCutter

Unbeknownst to Spark, that electric attack had done much more than he originally planned. Due to Sim drenching him in water prior to the attack, it would deal a significant amount of extra damage to it's body; aka becoming the death dealing strike needed to end this...Or so he thought.
"Tch..still a sliver left.. alright then. Looks like I'm going to have to get creative." Assuming his famous stance (refer to the gif), the wind crystal lit up as his eyes shifted to a light blue color. "Tell me something, Goblin...You keep getting up after we put you down." His eyes narrowed as a gust of wind lifted the goblin high into the air "Do you want to have a bad time?"

As the goblin, powerless to defend itself, came crashing down towards the ground, Sim's heart changed to the fire element.
"The sky is beautiful...the world is as vibrant as ever." A pillar of flame shot from the ground "Goblins like you should be burning in hell..." As the fire engulfed the monster, it crashed into the ground and dispersed into particles as all the others had; the word "ENCOUNTER CLEARED!" appearing above their heads and assigning the necessary EXP. The fight was over...for now.

"Nice..." he said in a calming tone. Approaching the other two he placed his hands on their backs before a friend request appeared on both of their interfaces. "I like you two, you've got spunk. Let's say us three go take on a dungeon or somethin? I know a few spots with some tough monsters you'll really get a kick out of."

Kiro looked at the freind request saying " sim" your name is sim?. kiro looked at sim as she smiled " Im kiro. She smiled happily, still with low hp. " lets allow my hp to go up first. cuz i dont need to die yet. that would be bad. " Kiro said as she smiled and got up. Kiro soon sent sim, and spark a freind request.

@NickTonCutter @Neb

Spark eyes wide open as he see the fighting style of Sim "That's awesome !Guess i'm the only one new here..." Spark accept the friends request "A dungeon ? Oh yes i'm totally up for this ! i hope we could find awesome treasures there.But i advertise you that i probably will slow you down since i'm still learning hehe..."

After some time walking, he saw a village in the distance. But... not really a village. No, definitely not a village. It was a castle, or a similarly designed fortress. It looked like something had just gone on, so perhaps there would be some people there. Perhaps it was a people that had recently been attacked. They might not be open to strangers. None the less, it was his only shot. He walks towards the castle.

(Sorry for the short post I ran out of time rn but you can probably see where I'm going with this)
Neb said:
"Do you want to have a bad time?"
As the goblin, powerless to defend itself, came crashing down towards the ground, Sim's heart changed to the fire element. "The sky is beautiful...the world is as vibrant as ever." A pillar of flame shot from the ground "Goblins like you should be burning in hell..."
(How subtle with your referances)
" Doungens may be a bit advanced for this pipsqueak, unless he wants to do it." Kiro said as she smiled and messed up sparks hair." Kiro soon looked up and back down " lets go before we get cought in combat again with goblins. its not fun to be cought in a battle again from a previous enimy," Kiro stated as she started walkin. @Neb @NickTonCutter
Getting to the outlying forest about sixty yards away from the hold Cody safely watches what's going on. It seems to him that Lord Salver has sent quite a deal of men to siege himself. Cody can count about fifty to one hundred men, each with their own proficiency of weaponry. The explosion was Salver's forces weakening this poor fool's gate, which meant only less time before they get in and their job was void. We either have to save this lord or kill this Salver prick..I wonder if he's even here. As if good fortunes were placed on him he caught a group of soldiers reporting to what appears to be someone of importance. Making his way back to Casie and Storm, Dude comes out of the shadows, telling the two, "Well, we're in a predicament." Explaining everything he saw he concluded that their best bet was to find out who the leader of this counter siege was, it could either be Salver or someone who will negotiation worthy.

The Twilight March - Part 5


Username: Sim

Location: The Twilight Kingdom

Party: @Aragon @NickTonCutter

Notes: I keep forgetting to save this template so I don't have to recode it over and over again. Curse me and my habits.


Y / N

Hovering his finger over the Y, he promptly clicked it before turning to Kiro and hearing her words. "It's nice to meet you, Kiro." He had to agree about waiting for a moment. There was no point in charging into a dungeon head first with low-hp, that was just asking to be spawn killed. Not to mention any possible PKers that resided in the more dangerous parts of the dungeon. He definitely didn't want to put his new friend in any harm. "Alright, we'll relax for the moment."

Spark hadn't hesitated in accepting Sim's friend request; good on him. After hearing that he was rather new to the game, Sim felt a tad bit embarrassed calling him a newcomer. He had no idea he actually
was one, he would've called him something more uplifting if he'd known. Pushing that aside for a moment, Kiro mentioned that dungeons might be a bit tough for him at the moment, after hearing this recent news? He had to agree. Following this, she suggested that they get out of here before they get caught by some more goblins and began walking away. Brushing his clothes off and preparing for the long journey ahead, he placed his hands back into his jacket's pockets and turned around.

"Maybe we'll visit a weaker dungeon in order to get Spark acquainted with how things work around here then, yeah? You're low on HP and he's inexperienced, it'll do the both of you good to fight light for now." As he'd said this, his heart turned green once more as he'd begun to float slightly in the air; crossing his knees and sitting as the air now guided his way. "You got anywhere in mind, Kiro? I kind of spawned here when I logged on. I'd check my bookmarks for some legendary places but I like traveling to new places more." With that being said, he'd followed behind her and left The Twilight Kingdom behind.

The Twilight March - END!


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