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Fantasy Internet Identity

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.6ee13ca810963c07a44c99e3351ebe12.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146866" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.6ee13ca810963c07a44c99e3351ebe12.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> " lets head to a city, i kinda ran out of healing crystles not to mention.. we need to get food for this if we are gonna do a doungen or compleate a boss quest." Kiro stated as she headed tword a city, town of beginnings.

After a few hours of walking kiro soon reached the town of beginnings. Kiros house was located in the town of beginnings so it wouldnt be much of a problem. After a few more feet kiros house was on the left, A perfect clean house with furniture and all the items a house could need. Kiro also had good cooking which was awesome. " here we are." She said as she smiled kiro was glad to be back home again. how long was it 3-5 days. " Ya hungry?" Kiro asked with curosity as she removed her jacket and gloves reavealing kiro in almost pure black. @NickTonCutter @Neb



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The Town of Beginnings - Part 1


Username: Sim

Location: The Twilight Kingdom

Party: @Aragon @NickTonCutter

Notes: The Town of Beginnings, huh? I can dig it.

After some time, the trio found themselves in an all-too-familiar location. The Town of Beginnings, anyone and their grand mother had heard of it. Beautiful architecture, nearly illuminating rivers, and bustling streets. This was the "Go To" spot for any player new to the game and it's traditions.
"So this is what you had in mind, huh?" He gazed about his surroundings "Not too shabby, Kiro, not too shabby at all." Eventually, she approached her house and went inside, the excellent finish on the interior causing Sim to nearly jolt with excitement...Though he wouldn't often show it with his dominantly cool nature.

"In terms of food and potions I'm more than prepared for the journey ahead..." he paused after hearing her offer for food "But..what's another bite or two? Sure, I can go for something to eat." As she seemed to get comfortable, he made his way to the nearest table at sat down, intertwining his fingers before propping his elbows on the table; his chin now resting on the newly formed bridge. "So, tell me you two. What brought you to this game? More importantly, what's keeping you here?"

After following Kiro and Sim,Spark eyes sparkle as he smell the food entering in the house taking a sit on the couch "Of course i'm!" before he notice something "Wait,we can eat it in this game?" he say tilting his head at Kiro before turning back at Sim " Well,i was just hype to this.When i hear a Virtual reality game i though it was a fake but,it's really work.So my goal is just to have some fun and meet some greats friends like you!" Spark say smiling brightly.

Kiro sighed and didnt respond, As kiro grabbed her cooking supplies she took out the basic ingredients for a steak sandwich. As kiro grabbed the steak she soon cut it into slices and put them into a cooking pot. Kiro soon began working on the lettuce, stew and such, She was a huge fan of cooking and was happy to try to please her freinds. as kiro worked on the stew she took out the steak and added a bit of soy sauce . Kiro soon took out some lettuce and other items for a sandwhich, kiro was already 5 minnutes into the cooking and she was almost done with the stew, All she needed to do was set the table.

Kiro soon got the silver whare, cups, plates, and such and began to set the table, it was about dinner time in the game. Kiro soon cooked up some bread, that was tosted and put it on the table soon finishing everything, more or less the stew she cooked for dinner, Kiro soon ran in to the kitchen and made a bit of asparagus and put it in the oven for 3 minnutes.

Another 5 minnutes passed and kiro had finished the meal all was left was the tea.. Kiro began making some earl gray tea, which never took long, all was needed was tea bags and water. Warm water duh. Kiro had finished what she needed to make and soon put everything on the table. " Eat up." Kiro stated as she smiled. @Neb @NickTonCutter

Spark get up on a sit on the table and eat the food smiling before yawning "Welp i'm gonna take a nap guys." he say drowning into his chair. (Off to bed,too sleepy to write more)

The Town of Beginnings - Part 2


Username: Sim

Location: The Town of Beginnings

Party: @Aragon @NickTonCutter

Notes: Goodnight, Nick. If you want, Aragon, we can wrap this up soon and wait for him to wake up or continue.

Spark's reason was as good any reason. Wanting to dive into this world, experience new things and make new memories with the friends obtained in this wonderful data space. What better reason was there to play this game? Mind you, Sim's reasoning was a bit more complex than that...and from the looks of things, so was Kiro's. She remained silent, only responding with a sigh as she proceeded to cook in the background. Sim simply smiled as he usually had and relaxed in the chair he'd been sitting on.

"I like your thinking, Spark. I'm sure good times are ahead for us all." He then looked to Kiro "I won't pry, however, relief often comes with expression. The hardest weights are easily lifted by a few verbal exchanges, you know?" After giving his wise words, his eyes widened as she approached the table with the delicious meal. "Thank you for the food." The man was like a vortex when consuming food. Seeming to tear into all that rested before him, he put one of everything on his plate and began eating. "This is pretty good stuff, Kiro. Nice cooking skills!" Soon after they'd begun eating, Spark finished his food and headed upstairs to rest for the time being; it seemed they'd been relaxing here for longer than he'd originally thought. Oh well, no time like the present to make some new memories.

"So, Kiro, what kind of dungeon do you want to hit up after this? I'm thinking something with a beautiful grassy plains."

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" sure" Kiro smiled as she grabbed her food and ate. kiro lived in a fancy house. thats All that was to be revealed. Kiro smiled as she kept eating and soon stopped. " I came here to escape the real world. My real life is hell. I live in a rich family. its a drag. and i was supposed to transefer but i didnt because i convinced my mom to not make me transfer down to the us. " Kiro explained as she kept eating. Kiro didnt like her irl life so she games alot. " My mom is very strict. i have to be on time..to events. dinner. and so on. It sucks to be bossed around by your own parents." Kiro stated as she kept eating. @Neb
The Town of Beginnings - Part 3


Username: Sim

Location: The Town Of Beginnings

Party: @Aragon

Notes: Time for the heavy stuff.

As he'd expected, her reason for wanting to exist within this world was deeper than Spark's innocent resolve. To be strung up by the chains of expectation, the pressure of their past mistakes and accomplishments weighing your very soul down. Yes, this was indeed a very solid reason for wanting to escape like she had. If anything, Sim could respect it. He knew what it meant to have expectations for your life, however, his expectations were vastly different from her own.

"I see, that's rather unfortunate." He stopped consuming for a moment, taking a drink of water before continuing on. "In my reality, I am seen as a monster. I was born with intimidating looks despite my ever-gentle nature and because of it?" he gazed down at the table "Not even my own parents will acknowledge my existence. They put me up in that house because they're scared I'll kill them if they try to kick me out. They're more so terrified of what I might do to others if I get sent out to the world." His attention focused back on Kiro "I come to this world because I'm not judged for more looks but instead my value as a player. Everyone here is different, everyone here is odd. With that in mind, I can finally be the man I've always wanted to be. Aside from the necessities in the outer world? I spend my entire day here. Now that the heavy stuff had gotten down, he took a few more bites out of his food before asking his earlier question once again.

"You never told me what kind of Dungeon you'd want to go to."
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" i dont really care on what doungen i go to. I am not picky. " Kiro said as she heard a knock soon awensering the door. " Oh..uh hey...do i know you?" Kiro asked as she let the girl in. " Cmon in. help your self to some food." Kiro said as she smiled kindly at the girl. she wasnt a mean person. her mother was...

Kiro soon checked her clock " WHAT?! 2 HOURS LATE IN IRL?! SHIT MOM IS GONNA KILL ME!! I. gotta log out." Kiro said as she logged out and soon opend her eyes.

Hiniko soon grabbed her books and started her homework quickly it was 9:00 pm and she was supposed to be downstairs by 7:00. Shit her mom was going to kill her. Hiniko kept working on her homework which was only math. 4 pages of math...great. Hiniko soon finished after a couple of hours and headed downstairs in her black clothing..as usual. " your late." Hinikos mom stated as she got up and slapped hiniko hard..in the face, " DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO GAME?! CANT YOU SPEND TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY?! YOU WERE 2 DAMN HOURS LATE!" hinikos mother shouted as she kicked hiniko in the stomach. Hiniko soon coughed up blood and the fight with her mother was gonna get vialont.

@Neb @The Departure
The Town of Beginnings - Part 4


Username: Sim

Location: The Town Of Beginnings

Party: @Aragon @The Departure

Notes: Going to watch anime for a bit following this post. We can continue a bit later tonight if you'd like.

She didn't seem to care about which dungeon they went to, however, Sim was all the more cautious when adventuring with friends. He didn't want to go anywhere that was too out of their range, and judging by Spark's inexperience? It definitely wouldn't do for them to go somewhere out of newcomer territory. As she went to answer the door, Sim crossed his arms in the chair.

"Yo! Welcome to Kiro's humble abode. I'm going to do a bit of searching for dungeons. If you're still around when I get back, why don't you come with us?"

Around the exact same time, Kiro had logged out of the game herself. Well, it seems they would have to put this adventure on hold for a little bit. At least until Spark and Kiro had managed to return.

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(Woah there buddy O.o )

(actually though it's a hastily created character carrying her that I might make into a second character)

He steps inside. "Thank you. Um, I-" He was interrupted by their host's hasty farewell. "Ah..." He hesitates, not sure how to react. He turns to the player sitting at the table. "Ah, can you help? I.." He stops before he can continue, remembering the glares from the people in the town. Best to make something up. If he made up a good cover story, it would spread, and then maybe he wouldn't be attacked by someone. It's not as if he'd kidnapped the girl. Had he?

His thoughts were interrupted by the player at the table. "Um, thank you," he says. "But, I...." he starts his cover story, right then and there.

"My sister went missing," he says in a forlorn voice. "And when I found her, she was..." He gestures down at the girl tearfully, amazed and disgusted at how easily he was faking this. "Can you help? I would be able to, but I had a nasty run-in with a dragon and... I-I just want her to be ok. I think she was attacked by something magical."

(Of course, he wouldn't be able to actually cure her, or be able to know what's really going on with her, but sohgoifhg)
Hinikos mom kept beating the shit outta her until she passed out, " YOU DARE HAVE THE NERVE TO COME LATE! I SHOULD PUNISH YOU!" Hiniko kept enduring the pain as she soon gained a cut lip, a serious broken rib and many bruises. Hiniko soon blacked out with her mother still beating her, she was seriously hurt and if no one came in soon hiniko was screwed.

After 15 minnutes hiniko soon woke up again but this time holding her waist and walking outside "
YOU. ARENT. GOING. ANYWHARE, HINIKO HIRASHI!" Hinikos mother soon kicked hiniko down the stairs and more beating shit on hiniko. Hiniko screamed in pain as she stood up with blood on her head, arms and many cuts on her arms. Hiniko soon stood up but soon fell to the ground her mother stepping near her as she got kicked again and again. @ anyone in the realworld derp; @Neb @The Departure
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(Don't you think that's a little(lot) blown up more than it needs to be? Also only one person is in IRL and they're at home. But to quote one RPer, it's amazing how many conflicts could just be resolved by the person calling the cops. Since this has clearly happened before)
- faceplams- I need to go to creativity school- Learns nothingg- Well its a interaction in tue real world..and kiro/ hiniko is severly hurt,.,dont worry she intends on running....away,
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(Might as well end up at one of our character's houses and be like "please don't tell anyone I'm here" or whatever then)

After a long nap,Spark eyes open as he see that Kiro fade away and she was not online anymore.He turn back at Sim and notice someone unknown was there from him "Huh...Hello?" Spark says as he yawn one last time before getting up "So anyways...Have you a cool OP dungeon Sim?It's do not matter if it's hard,i prefer to play games by the hard ways !"

@Neb @The Departure
"Dude, go outside, irl," he hears from his IM with Jeff. "I think someone's getting beat up."

He sighs. "Would you help her, please? I-I'm sorry, I need to..." he allows a small sniff. "Just give me a second." He partially acknowledges the person who logged in just then. He logs out, partially disgusted at what he'd said. He puts on his hoodie. Usually, something like this was some standard scuffle, but he never liked them. Jeff knew he'd try and stop a fight. He always did that, so Jeff always told him.

He goes out the door and sees Jeff standing outside. "Hey man," he says. "Doesn't look very good. I think it's some psycho mom beating up her kid. Sad, right?" No. In fact, it was quite angering(If that's a word). "Just show me where it is," he says. Jeff points south-east, down the street. "It's quite a ways that-a-way." He nods and starts walking. While he's walking, he takes the time to get out his phone and dial 9-1-1. He doesn't click call yet, since he's still not sure of the severity of whatever the fight was.

But when he saw it, he clicked Call. He talks for a moment with the police, then he holds the phone in his hand as he runs up to the mother. "What are you doing?" He demands.

" NONE OF YO-" The mother yells as she was was cut off from hinikos laughing, " Is that the best you cant do..." Hiniko stated as she coughed up blood." The way you beat me up...over somthing pointless just showing up a couple hours late...tch you make me si-" Hiniko was soon cut off by the mother beating the shit out of hiniko " YA DAMN BRAT! YOU DONT HAVE ANY RIGHT TO SPEAK STAY ON THE GROUND!" Hiniko soon looked up to see someone else but her vision blurred and hiniko soon blacked out. @The Departure
As the girl, the victim, starts to speak, he feels even more unsure. At this rate, she'd be beaten to death. "None of my business? You're beating your daughter do unconsciousness. I think that should be of someone's business, if not the police. Speaking of the police..." He'd barely begun hearing police sirens, and now they were getting louder. "What you're doing isn't right," he says. "If you aren't ready to raise a child, maybe you shouldn't have."

(Oh, he just took it! Think ahead. (Sorry for the reference if you get it I'm sorry lol)
hiniko laied on the ground uncountious, not ready to die. Hinikos mother soon kicked hiniko in the ribs again and this time breaking one on her right side,, Hiniko was bleeding all over the place and was seceriously hurt. hiniko remaindd on the ground with shallow breathing, serious injuries and some bleeding, @The Departure

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