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Fantasy Internet Identity

Casie whipped her head around to look at Dude with a glare. "I wasn't star struck! He caught me off guard and i don't get a lot of attention IRL so excuse me for not knowing how the hell to respond." She grumbled crossing her arms. How was she supposed to react when being shown affection? To her, she was simply glad she hadn't pushed him away or shrieked in surprise. She let out a sigh. "How would you have me respond?" She questioned him, before offering Storm an apologetic smile.
Her glare at him caused him to grin in a good way. Personally he thought it was an appealing look, but he quickly dropped that thought. "Fair enough, I just didn't get it, that's all. Didn't mean to offend you." Cody replies, meet her eyes. After a few moments the trio gets to the hub, which it has surprisingly repaired itself well. Moving to the Contractor he talks to the man in a friendly tone, figuring it might be best to get any/all information about the two lords disputing. They talked for a while, afterwards Cody went back over, waving casually goodbye to the Contractor. "Well, this will be even more difficult; apparently they raised the enemies' levels and numbers at the hold. Expecting us I assume!" Even though most people would take this as bad news, this only made Cody more excited, truth be told he liked being seen at a disadvantage. (Sorry if I'm kind of delaying us entering this mission, I'm trying to brainstorm some plots. :P )

Casie held his gaze before scoffing. "It's fine, I just get a bit too defensive sometimes." She sighed and followed the two into the hub. It was nice to see it back to its original state. She shifted back and forth on her feet awkwardly while Dude talked to the NPC. She wished she could've started a conversation with Storm, but she felt that it would be incredibly awkward so she simply remained silent.
The crooked man ventured deep inside the temple when he came up to an indestructible door, he pulled out a special key and opened the door and closed it behind him
"I figured we could go out now, might as well, you know? Actually first thing's first.." Sending them an official party request Cody starts moving towards the vast number of portals, eventually finding the one they need. Taking a deep breath as if to ready himself for immediate danger he enters the portal, phasing into the other realm. Upon spawning into this medieval themed world he notices himself a couple miles away from a hold, presumably it is bringing them right to their initial objective which is nice. From his view the hold of whichever lord this was fairly large, a watchtower on it's right side, most assured guards armed were on it.

(What the hold could be compared to.)

@Deadly Darkness @Chronos
The crooked man was in his secret trove where he stored all his treasures and wears

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/apbv9u.jpg.0cc79fffa46cbcf7783418a75c5b6311.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145801" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/apbv9u.jpg.0cc79fffa46cbcf7783418a75c5b6311.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Seeing the party request pop up, Casie quickly accepted it before following Dude through the portal. She stumbled out of the portal into the medieval realm. Traveling through portals always threw her center of balance off. She figured it would be nice to actually get used to them, but supposed due to her inactivity with portals that that would never happen. Casie looked around the area. In the distance past the green, rolling hills was a large castle like structure. "So that's it, huh?" She questioned, taking note of the guard tower.
The crooked man unloaded his treasures and weapons he collected over the week then logged out

Dante looked up at the ceiling still depressed over his parents, he sighed wishing Harriet felt the same way he did for her

Alipia was ready. She stood in the second to last room of a dungeon that she'd travelled to, in the middle of the desert. She was sweating, but mostly just because of the baking temperatures. All of the enemies had died easily, due to a lucky dodge and her end and being invisible part of the time. It had been a quick fight, now that her reflexes and in-game speed were much improved. The enemies weren't particularly easy, and one had hit her on the thigh with its club, hurting but luckily breaking no bones, but now she was pure adrenaline. The further from the hub she got, the more drastically harder the bosses got. She walks through the door, almost confused by an odd noise from the previous room before she stepped into the next room. Of course, it couldn't be an enemy, so she wasn't really worried. Already cloaked, she sees the boss. A level 12.... Training Dummy. Alipia smiles in relief and uncloaks.

Walking up to the dummy and smiling, Alipia draws her dagger slowly. She takes a step back and lunges forward with her dagger, when it happens.

The dummy reaches out, quick as a whip, and grabs her wrist, twisting it and taking her dagger. Just as quickly, it lunges out with it just as she did. She throws her weight to the side to wrench herself out of its grip, but it's too strong, and the dagger skims her arm, opening a small cut. Thinking quickly, she pulls out the sword she'd gotten from a previous dungeon (The one she met Guy at) She swings at him one handedly, but a swift slice across her stomach makes her drop the blade. The dummy's grip stays insanely tight on her wrist, preventing her from getting away from it.

But, before it can make a killing blow, it hesitates. Alipia hesitates as well, unsure of why the dummy hadn't killed her yet. It stabs her in the side of her stomach, just below her left ribcage. She lets out a cry and falls to the ground. The dummy lets her fall. It moves back into position as Alipia struggles to get up, her shirt staining red. She manages to stand upright, and the dummy lets her exit the dungeon. Once out, she looks around at the barren landscape around her. She doesn't see a player for miles and miles. Her vision fading, she slumps down face-first into the hot sand

(I don't think anyone would be near enough to notice her lol but someone can try if they want)​
"That's it! Pretty cool looking, this is the first time I've been in this area, how about you?" He asks Casie, the level of detail they put inside this game is mind blowing. In the chance the enemy might be waiting to jump them he pulls his longbow off his back, taking an arrow from his quiver and notching it onto the string, it resting perfectly onto his bow. After that he glances back to Casie, an instinctive warm smile appears on his face. "Apologies again for pissing you off a few minutes ago, it was petty of me."

@Deadly Darkness

(@The Departure Yeah, I'd respond but our characters went off to do a mission in another part of the game. If you want to somehow stumble on them feel free!)
Jonathan Birdsway


"YEEEEAH!!!" Jonathan yell in the street not caring about the people around as he check his phone about a great news."Finally!The first Real Virtual MMORPG is out !" Jonathan is thinking as he walk in the street humming happily,is cat on his shoulder.He run at a gamestop buying everything in order to reach this dream,before walking at his home.He goes directly in his bedroom making his account booting up his computer and leading trough the website "Name?Well...I know!I'm gonna call myself Spark !" Jonathan finish his inscription and wait in front of his computer.He was sighing as it seems to take time "It's maybe a fake after all?" he yawn closing his eyes....



Spark,after opening up his eyes again look around excited "That's work ! That's freaking works!" he go around jumping everywhere raising his arms feeling much more alive and stronger then in real life,he was actually seeking for someone...

(Open for interaction)

"It's my first time here as well." She smiled, looking over the stone building. Noticing Dude notch his bow, Casie pulled out her sword, readying herself for any sort of attack. She was slightly taken by surprise as Dude apologized again. She waved her hands quickly in the air. "No, it's fine, really!"

(Going to be super busy today)
Hiniko walked into her apartment, a wooden floor, walls painted a black and blue, digital. The apartment is spotless. Everything is in place, like it should be. Hiniko soon walked to her room which had a desk filled with papers, pens, pencils, a computer, drawers for her papers. Hinikos bed was located on the far right of her computer and the nerve gear was right next to her bed.

Hiniko soon walked over to her bed and smiled as she grabbed her nerve gear and put it on. within moments the nerve gear turned on. " Link start!" Was Hinikos first words before entering the game. Hiniko needed to do the log in which was

Language: English ( Japanese )

Name: Kiro

password: *******

everything in the login said "
Okay" Kiro was now in the game.

Kiro soon looked around and wonderd around, she knew whare to go and knew what to do. Kiro continued to wonderd around until she bumped into someone.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_oav36vloSb1u5woe4o1_1280.png.3bf31002ad57b3ccf8657c6fe3d0d194.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146222" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_oav36vloSb1u5woe4o1_1280.png.3bf31002ad57b3ccf8657c6fe3d0d194.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

After discovering his Electrical power showing his excited personality he turn back at and attractive women smiling brightly at her before tapping her on the back "Hey Madam!Are you new here too?I guess i need some friends to begin some funny quest after all!" Spark say confident about this.




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Kiro turned around to see someone with blonde hair and pale skin.. Kiro had Black hair just tinch darker skin but Kiro was still pretty pale. ' Hey" Kiro said smiling at the boy. " Who are you exactly?" Kiro asked as she smiled. Kiro didnt mind interaction..but she was a bit of a terrible word phraser.. @NickTonCutter

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_oav36vloSb1u5woe4o1_1280.png.05f20313818aa65c57a1880d13be9c92.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146233" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_oav36vloSb1u5woe4o1_1280.png.05f20313818aa65c57a1880d13be9c92.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I'm...Spark i guess.I just start this game today and i start to learn my new power !" He say smiling softly before looking back at the Hub "Seems like the spawn point!" Spark turn back at her "May i ask your name?"




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" My name..is kiro. I know my way around. u need help with combat skills?" Kiro asked with a kind and settle tone. " this is spawn point, the cites and towns are safe zones." Kiro said as she smiled. @NickTonCutter

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_oav36vloSb1u5woe4o1_1280.png.832a0e5a4dc784230248dbbbe4e1820f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146244" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_oav36vloSb1u5woe4o1_1280.png.832a0e5a4dc784230248dbbbe4e1820f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Spark smile back at her "Thank you Kiro ! Yeah sure,experiencing my combat skills would be really cool in order to achieve my goal i guess !" Spark say bouncing from excitement.



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( no worries haha) Kiro soon headed out to a feild " Ya comming, spark" Kiro asked as she turned around and smiled. " Its best to learn combat before you figure out that you cant fight, that would be very bad." Kiro said as she giggled. " Lets go."

Kiro soon headed out to the feild and saw 2 bores. " I will show you how to kill one. Its very simple." Kiro said as she smiled and readyed her sword. @NickTonCutter

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_oav36vloSb1u5woe4o1_1280.png.e759649f39a9ad5296a4d6a943c7bceb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146263" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_oav36vloSb1u5woe4o1_1280.png.e759649f39a9ad5296a4d6a943c7bceb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Spark cross his arms waiting for Kiro to strike,excited to see where it was going.During that,he feels some electricity coming around him as his excitement elevate.




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Kiro soon took out bother of her buster swords and went full force on spark. " Dont worry, your hp cant go down in a safe zone." Kiro stated as she smiled and attacked from behind. @NickTonCutter

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