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Since she didn't reply he continued down the mouth of the cave, still whistling. When he comes to the first "room" of the cave he notices a ton of lower leveled NPCs, who seemed to be strangely looking at him while he enters with a tune. Pausing he calmly asks them, "What's inside this cave?" They rushed him, clearly unimpressed. "Alright then." The first of the NPCs which was a Orc looking beast brought his war hammer down, aiming to crush Cody's head into his neck; unfortunately for the Orc Cody was quicker, which resulted in him bringing his Pugio deep into the Orc's chest. Before it despawned Cody shoved the "corpse" at the next NPC lining up, causing the NPC to stumble back, giving him enough time to activate his only skill. During the brief moments of pure adrenaline it's as if Cody was a painter, the only color he had was red however, and the only brush was his weapon. After a moment his masterpiece was done, the room was empty, and the NPC's carcasses despawned. After picking up the gold they dropped on the cave's floor he heads deeper inside.
(Well, since nothing has happened I'm going to double post.)

Stepping inside the main room of the cave, he notices a nice throne made out of stone, which as strange as it was only made Cody want to sit on it. So, that's exactly what he did, he sat on his new stone throne and whistled. This cave is lame.
Casie looked back as Dude jumped, seemingly startled, then walked into the nearby cave. "Look, Crooked, You can come along if you want to, but you don't have to be so sensitive, ok?" She spoke softly before looking off towards the cave. "So are you coming?"

@Dude @Alaster Von Grim (Play nicely boys xD )
After a few moments of sitting down on this strange seat he leaves the cave, thoroughly disappointed of it. Upon reaching the outside he opens up his menu, opening up the skill tab while making his way back to those two. Scrolling through the massive list of skills he decides to categorize it by affect, eventually getting through to the skills regarding cloaking and surveillance, eventually finding the skill that fits him best. The skill allows him to be "one" with shadows, but the downside is, is that the skill takes up enough concentration to not allow him to attack while activated. So, this skill is good for basically everything but combat; which is enough for Cody. Closing the menu he looks back up, wondering if they were finished doing what they were doing, this forest seemed to be too low of a level for him anymore, so it might be best to move on.

@Alaster Von Grim @Deadly Darkness
All of a sudden out of Cody's peripherals a player spawns in, this was his first time seeing someone else spawn in funny enough, which is what intrigued him to see what the dude was doing. Almost immediately after the guy spawns he goes after a pack of NPCs, which for some reason Cody found humorous; he chuckled to himself as the dude gets punched, remembering all too well his recent encounter with Crooked Man's golems. After the stranger finished his fight with the group Cody claps lightly for him, genuinely amused by the fight. "There you go, didn't know what to think when he started socking you. Thought you might have picked a bad fight." Grinning beneath his mask he moves closer to the guy, introducing himself with a warm tone of voice, "Well fought though man, nice to meet you, my name's Dude." Even though he wanted to be friendly with the guy this wouldn't be the first time a friendly encounter goes bad, so he reaches behind his back if it did; casually holding his Pugio in his sheathe, waiting to see if it needs to come out.

"Pretty bad ass, not going to lie." He replies, taking notice of Storm being on the defensive, but not outright attacking; so Cody takes his hand off the knife and raises his hands jokingly, after a second placing them back at his side. "Oddly enough a couple of associates and myself were actually just nearby hanging out." He points over to where he came from and added, "I saw you spawning in and wanted to see what kind of a person you are. Although I'm not quite sure, you seem somewhat decent from first impression." That was his genuine answer, Cody doesn't pick meaningless fights unless it either is personal for him, or he is paid appropriately to do so. At this point he doesn't really know what to do next, although Cody is still cautious he somewhat believes Storm isn't looking to have a pointless fight either.

Casie sighed before pinching the bridge of her nose. "You're not going to stop saying that are you?" She mumbled more so to herself before looking up and noticing Dude was gone. She looked around before seeing a flash of red. She followed silently. At the sound of another voice, Casie ducked behind a tree and moved her hand to the hilt of her blade. She listened quietly to the conversation and smiled at him mentioning his "associates." Quietly she popped her head out from behind the tree, looking between Dude and the newcomer. "Talking about us again?"

A grin formed on her face as she watched the smug look on the man's face wash away into one of confusion. It was always nice seeing someone with an arrogant grin suddenly get thrown for a loop. Though she figured this guy would quickly recover from it. She walked out from behind the tree and next to Dude, her hand still on her blade, visible for the stranger to see. She wasn't about to hide the fact that she questioned him; she wouldn't give him the pleasure of nervous small talk.

The crooked man walked towards the Cody and Josh making the ground rumble as he walked

"It's what you did so no I'm not Casie"

He said as he walked past her
"Oh yes, it seemed to be what defused the situation." He replies, happy to see Casie come over. (He only said associates because he didn't/doesn't know Storm's true intentions. ;D ) She had her hand on her blade, which was understanding. "He wants to come along strangely enough, we're like a band of misfits. I like this." He says with a tone of humor, looking at the Crooked Man wondering if he decided on coming as well. "Now, are you coming with us or not man, some looting might get the pain out, you know?" Even though C.M. has been a pain, Cody found it best to try to mend bridges seeing as he's becoming a common face.

Casie smiled at Dude's "band of misfits" comment. "Sure, the more the merrier." She smirked. Even if this guy turned out to be trouble it would be an interesting change of pace. She was also glad that Dude was trying to encourage Crooked into being more positive; she was beginning to wear down on trying to help him. She smiled at Storm's polite tone as he extended his hand. She took it, letting go over her blade. "It's a pleasure, and I think all of us traveling around will be a great deal of fun."

@ChronosCoded @Alaster Von Grim
Grinning he replies contently, "Fine by me, C.M. Fine by me." Looking back to Storm he asks curiously, seeing as this mission will require skill and some tact. "Alrighty, so Storm, what are you good at? Right now we have been preparing to complete an instance, the more people the better the loot. Should be pretty fun, we were planning on heading out as soon as we find an appropriate number of people, which I believe we have." Directing this to everyone, "Anyone have anything they want to do before we head out? Not quite sure how long this mission will be to be honest. But, I'll explain it all on our way over."

The crooked man walked over to Casie and kissed her forehead

"I hoped you'd feel for me the way I feel for you but I was wrong"

He said before he walked away into the forest

@Deadly Darkness
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"That's all we need really, this shouldn't be an extremely difficult mission, but challenging." Looking over to C.M. while he walks away Cody shakes his head, disappointed he won't come along. Oh well, he's emotional unstable anyhow. He concludes, starting to walk back to the hub. He knows he could teleport to the hub, but he likes to do things traditionally if it doesn't hinder him. "Basically this is an instance in one of the medieval realms one of the portals will bring us to. We're to link up with one of the NPCs who is a "lord" who will ask us to help siege another hold his rival owns. It should be fun and the missions adapt to what we do, so the end game isn't set."

@ChronosCoded @Deadly Darkness
Casie was stunned as she felt Crooked press his lips to her forehead. Her cheeks turned a deep red as she remained silent.She shook her head when asked if anyone needed to do anything before heading off. She fiddled with her sword, lost in thought, as she followed the two towards the hub.

(Don't worry about it :D )

Casie looked up, drawn out of her thoughts by Storms voice. It took her a moment to process what he had said, which meant she had been staring at him for a brief moment. "Oh, Casie. My name's Casie." She fumbled with her words. She sat up slightly, trying to snap out of her timid mindset and appear more confident.
"I really don't get you two." Cody states, refering to C.M. and Casie. "One second he's calling you a bitch and you seemed fed up with his attitude and the next he's kissing your face and your star struck." chuckling lightly he adds, "I just don't get people, which I thought I did." Shrugging casually he dismisses the thought, preoccupied by the mew thought of the loot and possibilities in that hold. I wonder if this hold has a throne, nice enough for me to enjoy sitting on. All he can imagine at that point is living in the past where things like thrones and holds were relevant, damn he would have loved it.


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