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Fantasy Internet Identity

(Good idea. xD Have a good night!)

Realizing how much time he spent in this crazy world he logs off next to the windmill. Taking off the gear on his head and placing it on his bedside table, Cody goes to sleep.
Dante returned home around 5 am sopping wet, it had rained during the night. He walked into his home, the thought of living alone and never hearing his parents complain about him not cleaning his room brought tears to his eyes
Harriet awoke the next morning to the dull thuds of a headache. She sat up with a frown and whimpered quietly at her throbbing head. Her alarm clock seemed to be in sync with the pulsating pain. She quickly turned it off before looking around her room. It's Monday... I have school. She sighed, running her fingers through her tangled blonde hair. It was only the morning and all Harriet wanted to do was go back to bed.
Fast forward from Cody falling asleep to the next day in the afternoon he opens the door to his apartment, returning from work. Relieved to be out of that hellhole he makes his way over to a chair in his small living room, which was so small one couldn't even consider it a living room, but it worked for Cody.
Harriet had spent another boring day at school, watching the time tick by. Once she got home she threw her bag down onto the mocha colored couch in her living room. Her mom asked her the usual questions: how school went, what did she do, any homework. After the brief conversation she went up to her room to spend some well deserved time alone. And by alone she met online with the only people she actually considered friends.
After a few moments of enjoying his chair he goes into his bedroom, deciding to plug himself in. Putting on the headgear and laying down Cody starts it up. Materializing back at the old broken down window from before Cody grins from ear to ear, he can only imagine the fun today will bring. Pulling his new longbow off his back with his left hand, his right reaching to the quiver and pulling out an arrow. Notching the arrow onto the string the arrow sits perfectly. Seeing a low leveled wolf he pulls back on the string with a couple fingers, instantly releasing the arrow. One tip he learned in real life with archery is to let your eye aim for you, hesitating tends to cause less accuracy. The arrow soared twenty yards before finding itself burrowed into the wolf's chest, it despawning. Looking at the longbow he exclaims, "Oh nice, I like this."
(Woah! Just had to read an unexpected 6 pages, I haven't been getting notifs.)

Alipia reappears at the hub to see that something had clearly happened. Something dangerous. The cause had clearly left, and apparently a lot of people. There were only a few people, and one more that had just appeared. She didn't recognize anyone, or perhaps she was too focused on the havoc that had been caused. It would be fixed by tomorrow, seeing as it's the hub. She yawns, in game and in real life, from a recent lack of sleep. She should be going to bed by now, but she didn't feel tired, beside the occasional yawn. She decided to go back into the forest, since, just maybe....

Once inside the forest, she walks randomly forward, looking out for people and monsters. After a few minutes, she sees something that took her a second to process. It was an arrow, with the subtle hints of a monster that had once been there. She quickly heads another direction, seeing the havoc in the hub, clearly not caused by a monster, since those weren't typically allowed there. The thought of meeting that player in the woods wasn't a very comforting one. Eventually, she comes across a rock face, with a cave starting a dozen feet away from where she was, clearly some sort of dungeon. Although she wasn't sure exactly how they worked... she'd give it a try. She would be in over her head, she knew, but not by too much.

(Assuming he hasn't moved away already, or something, you can say that your character does or doesn't see Alipia,
@Dude . I can work with either one.)
After a while of wandering through the trees and brush Cody discovers a long rock race, one easily longer than a mile. Looking down the wall hoping to find something cooler he spots another player, he's an aggressive person but he sure as hell was not going to get jumped. So, he notches another arrow, waiting to see if this interaction will have him pull back the string and release, or not. Cautiously walking down over to the girl he takes his right hand off the string and waves casually. Even though he knows she could very well be hostile and/or a thief he decides to take a gamble. He stops at ten yards before her, a smile forming underneath his mask. "Hello there, you don't happen to be a raider do you? Just had to deal with one not too long ago and they didn't like the results. Truth be told I'm much more interested in exploring." The tone in his voice is genuinely non-confrontational.

@The Departure
Casie looked around the hub, seeing Dude nowhere near by. She checked in with the quest NPC. "Last I saw he went running into the forest." With a quick thank you, she headed off into that direction. So I guess this means he didn't start the quest without me. Maybe he's grinding or just trying to get some extra money. She thought as she pushed through the shrubs and low hanging branches.

Dude said:
After a while of wandering through the trees and brush Cody discovers a long rock race, one easily longer than a mile. Looking down the wall hoping to find something cooler he spots another player, he's an aggressive person but he sure as hell was not going to get jumped. So, he notches another arrow, waiting to see if this interaction will have him pull back the string and release, or not. Cautiously walking down over to the girl he takes his right hand off the string and waves casually. Even though he knows she could very well be hostile and/or a thief he decides to take a gamble. He stops at ten yards before her, a smile forming underneath his mask. "Hello there, you don't happen to be a raider do you? Just had to deal with one not too long ago and they didn't like the results. Truth be told I'm much more interested in exploring." The tone in his voice is genuinely non-confrontational.
@The Departure
Alipia laughs nervously. "No, not a raider." His tone was light and curious, but something About him put her on edge. "Yes, I like to explore the game as well. It's fun. Are.... YOU a raider, then?" she asks, her nervous tone growing slowly more clear. With what had happened at the hub, she was already planning on how she'd flee. She tenses, shifting her weight from side to side. "So, have you been to the hub recently?"
"Not unless I'm payed to be." He replies politely, pulling the arrow's nock from the string, placing it back in the quiver. When she asks him about the hub he chuckles lightly, perfectly recalling what happened. "Some brute decided to throw a tantrum and start wrecking the hub, he did say however that the hub rebuilds itself when broken. So it should be back..eventually." After a moment of silence he finally notices the cave which was actually right next to them. Curious he walks past her towards it, peeking into the cave's mouth. Unfortunately however it was too dark for him to see from the outside, before deciding to explore it he asks, looking back at her, "Were you planning on seeing what's inside? I can wait for you to be done and for the cave to reset."

@The Departure @Deadly Darkness
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[QUOTE="Alaster Von Grim]Dante walked over to his computer and stared at the screen still depressed over his parents death

(OK so I know you said he's fragile, but come on now xD )
[QUOTE="The Departure](OK so I know you said he's fragile, but come on now xD )

(Cut Dante some slack his parents just died)
Dude said:
"Not unless I'm payed to be." He replies politely, pulling the arrow's nock from the string, placing it back in the quiver. When she asks him about the hub he chuckles lightly, perfectly recalling what happened. "Some brute decided to throw a tantrum and start wrecking the hub, he did say however that the hub rebuilds itself when broken. So it should be back..eventually." After a moment of silence he finally notices the cave which was actually right next to them. Curious he walks past her towards it, peeking into the cave's mouth. Unfortunately however it was too dark for him to see from the outside, before deciding to explore it he asks, looking back at her, "Were you planning on seeing what's inside? I can wait for you to be done and for the cave to reset."
@The Departure @Deadly Darkness
Alipia's shoulders tense as he says, "Not unless I'm paid to be." Which, in her paranoid mind, meant yes. "Um," she says, "Yeah, sure." "some brute decided to throw a tantrum and start wrecking the hub, he did say however that the hub rebuilds itself when broken. So it should be back..eventually." Alipia nods, tensing even more. She tries to force herself to loosen up, but can't. The man looks at the cave, walking up to the opening and tries to peer in. "Were you planning on seeing what's inside? I can wait for you to be done and for the cave to reset." Alipia forces herself to shrug as if she didn't care. "Yeah, I was, but you can go in first if you want." If he was to say yes, it would be easy for her to get far away while he was inside.

[QUOTE="Alaster Von Grim](Cut Dante some slack his parents just died)

(So... he... um... what? wtf? lmao I see this will go over your head but if you're that concerned about it than tell me to explain later)
[QUOTE="The Departure](So... he... um... what? wtf? lmao I see this will go over your head but if you're that concerned about it than tell me to explain later)

(Because that's just... why. I don't see Dante as a character like the vague reference I'm making)
For some reason Cody had the sense she was being timid by his presence, which in most cases would benefit him but in this situation he wasn't trying to be intimidating. Looking over himself as if self-analyzing his 'intimidation factor' he shrugs it off as that maybe being her personality, to him and most he was just a little shit. "Nah, you can go for it. You discovered it initially so it's only fair." Pulling the quiver off his hip and placing it with the bow beside the rock wall, he sits down next to his equipment. Pulling out one of his pieces of gold, he practices rolling the coin on his knuckles, patiently biding his time. To be honest he was curious if she would even go into the cave, she seemed freaked out enough.

@The Departure

(I'll be back late tonight, so have a good one! :D )
A sudden silence swept over the immediate area around her. It was like everything had been sucked away. She continued walking, yearning for the sound of her feet scuffing over the grass, but it never came. It felt as if she was fading away, like she wasn't there anymore. The now grey leaves sapped all emotion from her. She continued walking as if in a trance. Her eyes were hollow, void of all thought.
Dude said:
For some reason Cody had the sense she was being timid by his presence, which in most cases would benefit him but in this situation he wasn't trying to be intimidating. Looking over himself as if self-analyzing his 'intimidation factor' he shrugs it off as that maybe being her personality, to him and most he was just a little shit. "Nah, you can go for it. You discovered it initially so it's only fair." Pulling the quiver off his hip and placing it with the bow beside the rock wall, he sits down next to his equipment. Pulling out one of his pieces of gold, he practices rolling the coin on his knuckles, patiently biding his time. To be honest he was curious if she would even go into the cave, she seemed freaked out enough.
@The Departure

(I'll be back late tonight, so have a good one! :D )
(Ok, it seems I will too, so :c)

"Oh," Alipia says. "Thank you. I guess I'll see you sometime, or something," she says, and enters the cave. The first area of it was surprisingly decently lit, which was odd given that it was pitch black from outside. She looks back, and see a wall there instead. The man couldn't follow her in, could he? she thought. But now that she was inside, it seemed silly how paranoid she was. She looks around the empty room. Of course, the later rooms would have monsters, but she used the empty space to ponder the possibilities regarding the hub and the man outside the cave.
Kanami sighed, sitting in her chair on her tiny balcony, as she closed her manga. She stood up, her book under her arm, as she slid her door open and walked inside, shutting it behind her. Her black bangs covered her eyes, and she took her reading glasses off and put them on her bedside table, and set down her manga next to it. Grabbing her virtual reality headset, she put it on and flopped onto her bed, the screen loading before she opened her eyes to see the hub.

Kanami stretched her arms out, sighing happily. She passed the marketplace, wondering what to do today.
The crooked man spotted Casie, she looked like she was in a worse mood then he was. He wave his hand and the ground beneath her feet wrapped around her ankles and lifted her up making her hang upside down

@Deadly Darkness
She was shocked out of her mood by the world suddenly being flipped upside down. She looked at the rock around her feet and faintly smiled at the familiarity. She took the hilt of her sword and bashed into the rock, freeing her feet. She quickly pulled her legs underneath her,landing in a crouching position. She then looked back, spotting the familiar form.

@Alaster Von Grim

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