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Fantasy Internet Identity

Chuckling to himself he sheathes his sword and clips it back to his hip; he looks to Casie and jokingly asks, "Well then, trouble follows you wherever you go, huh? Guy sure does know how to create a scene, that's for sure." Now that the conflict of interest was going about his own business Cody walks over to the contractor NPC. After a few moments of calming him down from the havoc and reassuring him the area will respawn back Cody looks at the kiosk containing all the currently available contracts, ranging from a simple loot grab for another players/merchants, to raiding a player and taking their loot. Usually the more darker jobs pay out more but are obviously more risky. So, he motions over for Casie to come and take a look and get her opinion on what we should do.

@Deadly Darkness


"Aaaaaaand......Done! Got my stuff back....and some extra things." she laughed triumphantly and she heard her mother yell for her to shut up. She snickered quietly this time. Now that she took some things she was ready for gaming! She had eaten like five bags of chips and drank like seven sodas. She was ready to get her ass back into the game. She quickly put on her headset ad waited for the game to load. Taking forever.... she thought and after a few minutes of dying of boredom the game loaded up with the same mess Mr. Crooked left.

Monochrome logged on


Noah looked over his designs and a satisfied smile came on his face It's nice if I do say so myself. he finished a weapon design and one map design. These were looking well and he was sure the gamers would like it....he hoped anyway. He yawned before closing his tablet up. He could show someone later to hear their opinions. He wondered what to do with himself and his eyes drifted to his laptop. He smiled a little and hopped back on. The loading screen had taken unusually long for some reason That's odd...My internet must be slow. after a unusually long time his game loaded up.


AtoMiki looked around the hub in confusion "W-What happened!? The hub....Did a monster come through!?" she seemed devastated by this. "....What kind of idiot made the hub destructible.....Oh yeah." someone had thought that was a good idea and she complained to whoever that person was in her mind. "This is bad! I need to fix this....Who is running around doing this?..." she had made a mental note of adjusting the hub but maybe they needed a watchlist or something. Somebody...maybe a NPC did that...or a player...He couldn't imagine why though. Whoever played it must of loved it...Right?

(Ato/ Noah is probably making a big deal out of a game but he's Noah so that's just him)
Casie bit her tongue and remained silent, letting him continue past. Of course he was painting her in such a bad light; his feelings were hurt, though at the moment she didn't quite give a damn. It wasn't like she chose to miss it, and even after she apologized and still showed up for the date he got all jealous over her hanging out with someone. He was being absolutely ridiculous; that was the only solution she could draw up. Casie's gaze was caught by Dude motioning to her. She closed the distance between the two and looked at the variety of quests. "So which one are you thinking about doing?"

@Dude @Alaster Von Grim
"Well, I actually wanted to get your input. I've lately been going for the mild ones just to get quick cash, but I figured that since we're a party now your choice is equally as important." After a second of silence while flipping through he adds, "Also, I don't think you're a bitch. Some people just can't handle rejection it seems. Although your fiery attitude was something to behold."Chuckling lightly he looks at her, hoping his poor comedic relief is sort of easing the situation. Continuing to scroll he pauses on a quest, reading over the description. "Here's one, we apparently would have to go into some medieval realm one of the portals leads to and meet with some NPC. Should start us off on an instance where we aid that NPC while they siege a hold. It's kind of like the older style games where it's a set battlefield and you have to go through the level and at the end is the loot. Your thoughts?"

(Up to you if you want to try, I'll honestly try to make a good plot but wing it at the same time. ^_^ If not, that's fine lol I'm just trying to brainstorm ideas. :D )

@Deadly Darkness
Dante logged off when he heard the mail arrive, he went downstairs to check. It was a single letter, he opened it and started to read it and it said

It is with a heavy heart I must inform you you that your mother and father were killed in a tragic motor vehicle incident when the drive of a bus hit them head on....

Dante dropped the letter and tears ran down his face, he didn't know what to do he had no one to comfort him
Dante stood at the door for a couple minutes before he wiped the tears from his face which left his eyes red, he picked up the letter and walked over to Harriet's house and knocked on the door weakly. He was in shock he didn't know what to do even if Harriet didn't care for him she was the only person he could go to

@Deadly Darkness
She smiled at his belief in her opinion being something of actually importance. She opened her mouth ready to defend herself when he mentioned rejection, but smiled with a soft laugh at his joke. Her hand went to the back of her neck sheepishly. "Well you see, I didn't exactly reject him. We were supposed to meet up and I was late, and it just went downhill from there. Though after that performance I don't think he should be to set on a second date." She smiled, cursing herself internally for the crappy joke. She listened as he spoke about the quest. "Sounds good to me."

Laura opened the door, stunned to see a red eyed Dante. "Is everything alright, Dante? Did something happen?" She looked him over for any clue as to what happened.

@Dude @Alaster Von Grim
She looked from his sad face to the letter he had just handed her. Her eyes widened as a hand flew of her mouth. "Oh honey, I'm so sorry." She pulled him into a hug. "You can always come over here to us." She released him and beckoned him to follow her inside. Picture frames hung in the hallway, displaying images of a much younger Harriet and her siblings. Laura led Dante into the living room. "Is there anything I can get you?" She asked in a motherly tone.
Elizabeth kicked her shoes off, and to the side of her room. Letting a loud yawn escape from her pale-lips, she thought about all of the progress she had made today. Blackmailing Government officials had never been so easy. Taking her tablet into her hands, and logging into her bank account. Sure enough everything was right with the world. She still had easily over 20,000 pounds. She giggled to herself before quickly shifting the tab to log into “MMORPG” She closed her eyes as her mind drifted into the game.

The light sensation of falling, and the relaxing hymn of the audio of her surroundings. Her pale figure grew digitally in the main-hub. Awestruck as the clothing began to take shape around her figure, and her crown made of Bones. She was to meet a client, hopefully they wouldn’t be late. They usually always are… She looked around at all of the other players, trying to pick out the one whom be the most “Inconspicuous”. Keeping the bound leather book close to her chest, and her other free hand clenched on her Rapier strapped to her waistline.

“God damn it, where is he…”
Accepting the quest, Cody casually waves goodbye to the Contractor who he's become somewhat familiar with oddly enough. "I just want to arm up, I got a few gold from my last job." And with that he walked over to the arms merchant. After heavily debating on what would be appropriate for this siege Cody buys a Pugio (type of dagger), and a long bow with a quiver full of arrows. Fortunately he had some skill points from his last encounter with baddies so he was able to just now put more points into archery, so Cody now has average skill with the bow. He places his sword in his inventory, equipping his new Pugio. Holstering the sheathe onto the back of his shorts it sits at the end of his back, within easy and quick reach of his left hand. Obviously the bow is slung across his back while the quiver fastened onto his belt on his right side. "Well then, need anything before we go off? I figured a change of pace for me might be fun."

@Deadly Darkness
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"I'd ask if I could talk to Harriet but I acted like a world class asshole so I doubt she would want to see me"

Dante said as he sat on the couch and looked at the floor
Laura looked over to the stair case before glancing back at Dante. "Let me see what I can do." She gave him a reassuring smile.

Casie smiled. "I think I'll stick with my sword." She twirled the sword skillfully until the sound of reality spooked her into dropping it. "Uh, hold on a sec."

Harriet pulled off her head set, a little annoyed that she was being interrupted. She looked at her mom with a raised eyebrow. "Hey,"

"Hi sweetheart, listen, Dante's downstairs-"

"What?" She squeaked in surprise. "What's he doing here."

"He's gone through some tough things recently, so can you just come and comfort him?" Harriet let out an over exaggerated sigh as if her mom was asking something ridiculous.

"But mom, he destroyed the town in the game and was being a douche." Laura crossed her arms, glaring at her daughter.

"That was a video game, now go down there." She then disappeared back down stairs, expecting Harriet to follow. Harriet sighed and put her headset back on. "Hey Dude, I have to go, some ridiculous stuff came up." She grumbled before logging out and going downstairs.

@Dude @Alaster Von Grim
She flashed a small signal light, from a mirror in her pocket towards the crowd. A tall slender figure cloaked in a black-rob began to walk towards her. Keeping her wits about her, as a gentle bow followed from the cloaked figure. Preforming a curtsy in response, they both nodded in agreement walking away from the main-hub of players.

“So, here’s the contract we need you to fill…” The robed male handed her what looked to be a book of documents. And in the passing a small-sack of coins in addition to the Book.

“Consider this a down-payment.”

“There had better be more… And don’t you dare try to cheat me again.” She quickly barked back scolding the male. Apparently they had done business before.

“Look last time was simply, a mistake… Anyway I have to Log. Been under surveillance lately…” The Robbed figure quickly drew up the menu, and logged out of the game. She sighed heavily, cracking open the book and skimming the pages. Placing the worn tome into her satchel she headed back towards the main-hub and into a rest location.
"Alrighty." He replies casually, finding a nice wall in the sun to lean on. Just as the Crooked Man said the main hub repaired itself, almost as if they were Lego pieces. Such a strange but cool world.

@Deadly Darkness @AnyoneElse
Dante jumped out of his seat wiping the tears from his eyes when Harriet walked in

"Ha...Harriet I'm sorry I know you don't want to see me but... my mom and dad"

Dante said as he handed her the letter he received

"I don't have anyone else to go to"
She glanced down at the letter, but her eyes then widened like her mom's. "I... I'm sorry," she mumbled looking up at him with a regretful expression. Of course she had been mad, and it made her even more upset that he'd get away with it, but she felt awful that his parents were now dead and she initially considered it an excuse. She looked down at the ground, her hands clasped in front of her. "I'm so sorry for your loss."
"I'm sorry I was a jerk, I know you didn't mean to hurt me"

Dante said as he started to tear up, he walked over to Harriet and rested his head on her shoulder as he cried

"I understand if you hate me for it, I'll be going now"

He said before he started to walk towards the door

@Deadly Darkness
Harriet growled internally at herself before speaking. "Wait, you can stay if you want to." She mumbled, looking down at her tear stained shoulder. Laura smiled from the kitchen door way holding mugs filled with hot chocolate. On a normal occasion around others she would've made the comment that they weren't children, but at the moment she really wanted it.

@Alaster Von Grim
After preoccupying enough time sitting around Cody decides to go back to the forest realm, curious to see if he himself can find some secrets. Walking over to the designated portal he enters, wondering what will be waiting on the other side. He ends up at the same drop off as earlier, so he heads in the opposite direction he met Casie in that tree. Just as he was passing another large tree, it's trunk wider than his arm's span, he hears a sword unsheathe. Turning around he discovers someone dressed in black, their face hidden. "Give me your shit or I'll take it." He says to Cody, sure of himself his tone and appearance was intimidating. Cody on the other hand blatantly laughed in his face, so hard he was slapped his knee with his hand. The man in black rushed Cody, the sword in his hand aiming to pierce through Cody's mask. In a swift movement and flick of the wrist Cody drove his Pugio into the individual's jaw so hard that the despawn animation glitched. "Huh, it was a player." Grinning in victory he says to himself while walking away from that unfortunately brief skirmish, "Have fun at the hub, asshole."
Both Laura and Harriet's eyes widened as he suddenly left. She turned back to her mom to see her arms crossed and a familiar frown set on her face. "I didn't make him leave! I told him to stay if he wanted to." Laura sighed and shook her head.

"I can't believe you sometimes, Harriet." Harriet sighed before returning to her room and more importantly her computer.
Continuing to adventure through the forest Cody tries to feel out everything, see if anything will phase him through. Eventually he found a clearing with what appears to be a thick, broken down windmill. Looking it over for a few moments he decides to go over and check it out.
Dante didn't go home he wondered the streets, the sounds around him felt like they were a thousand miles away. He had no relatives, no siblings, he spent all his time online so he didn't have any real friends
Harriet sat at her computer for what seemed like the entire night. Her thoughts were too clouded; she couldn't make sense of anything. "I can't do this right now." She exhaled. She honestly did know what this was, but she did know she couldn't do it. Slowly Harriet pulled herself from her chaired and dropped down over onto her bed. I have school tomorrow. The thought made her want to burst into tears, but instead she simply pressed her face into her pillow until she fell asleep.

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