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Fantasy Internet Identity

Dante logged back on, the crooked man appeared in the hub town and looked around seeing all the smiling faces made him sick

"All of you make me sick"

He mumbled to himself before he lifted his hand causing the hub town to shake making the npcs ran in simulated fear as stone spires tore the town apart


She looked at the time and waved bye "See you!" she skipped off in a different direction and now wondered what to do with herself. She sucked at killing monsters by herself for whatever reason. It was probably because her job caused her to pay attention to other things besides leveling up. Well...It wouldn't kill me to adventure!Or try to design a new map....The second option seems kind of tempting...But my skills...he argued with himself and decided to try to create a new map. Next time I'll level up! she told herself and logged out.


Indigo pumped her fist in the air "Time to beat up some monsters and not feel bad about it! Check me out!" she pumped herself up a bit more. She looked at her map and decided she needed money first so the shop was first priority. She began to walk off to a shop before everything started to shake "Eh? Is a really badass monster coming along!?" she looked around excitedly and saw some guy that wasn't a monster "That is not a monster..." she mumbled before yelling out "Do ya mind!? I'm having some lag troubles over here!" that was a lie but they probably wouldn't listen anyway so why not lie.

@Alaster Von Grim
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The crooked man looked back at indigo and sent a pillar flying at her

"Drown in despair it might dull that cheerful personality you suffer from"

He said as the pillar shattered turning into a swarm of knives



She rolled her eyes but laughed anyway "Yo! Dude I got no idea what's up with you but if you wanna battle I'm up for it." she gripped the handle of the bazooka type weapon she carried with a smirk. "But let it be known you got some cool moves!" she chose to talk too. It's not like it distracted her that much.

@Alaster Von Grim (Forgot to put her username instead of her actual name. Sorry!)
The crooked man flicked up two fingers and a spear skiward her bazooka and the ground beneath her feet started to open up

"Here's a fact about this game I learned while I was beta testing, you don't take fall damage if you get crushed to death first"

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"Oh! This isn't a fair battle!"
so this person was a beta tester..."So what's it like being a beta tester?" she wasn't all that worried since she could just hack everything back later and find this guy and kick his ass when she did. Easy as pie for her though she may of gotten in trouble for it.

@Alaster Von Grim
(Well dude hasn't responded and won't until tomorrow and I always thinks it's polite to wait instead of leaving him behind)


She sighed "I'd really rather not." she wondered how she could possibly get out of this...Oh wait she was a awesome hacker!...But there was no way she could hack that fast. The other option was beg for mercy....that was never happening. "Well I'll see ya in my next life!" she said but before she could possibly die or get injured she had the idea of using one of her more sharp weapons and using them to hold herself up a bit longer. It was difficult to do though. "My character! NOOOOOOOO!" she yelled sarcastically.

@Alaster Von Grim



"Well....My ass is dead." she waited for her game to start up again. What was that dude's deal like who does that? she didn't really think it was worth worrying about though. Right now she had to start hacking. When he was returned everything was a mess "Man...he really put a total on this place. Wonder how Ato will feel about this....It's bound to be funny." she laughed to herself and chose to log off for the time being...It was difficult to hack when you were online. She would find him and beat his ass later.

Monochrome logged off


Noah had shut off his computer for the time being and was now drawing a new map for the game on his tablet. It was only supposed to be a rough sketch but he was rather particular on detail so it looked like much more than that. He would pause every few minutes to think it over then write it. "Shoot....I ran out of inspiration....This is the perfect time to work on my other ideas though!" he tried to stay optimistic and began to work on his other things.
Teleporting back to the hub with Casie, Cody immediately notices the show going on in the hub. "Looks like your buddy is back at it again." He says to her with a long sigh, overlooking the now broken hub "Looks like he's coming to say hi..how fun. Honestly though, why would the developers make the hub destructible?" Placing his left hand over the hilt of his sword, ready to pull it out within a moment's notice. Were these two in a relationship or something? Am I missing something? That is all Cody can wonder as the Crooked Man moves closer to Casie, readying himself for anything.

@Deadly Darkness @Alaster Von Grim
Casie looked around the demolished hub town. Her eyes widened in shock. "He's absolutely nuts." She mumbled. With a quick look to Dude, Casie pulled out her sword, readying herself for a fight. Something tells me that this isn't going to go well. She thought as she watched Crooked move towards them: towards her.

@Dude @Alaster Von Grim (Doing cleaning today so response will be short and spaced out)
Taking his sheathe with the sword still sitting on the side of his hip Cody whips the Crooked Man in the side of the head with it, hard enough to stun him for a second. "You need some sense knocked into you. I don't know who you think you are insulting her or even making assumptions. We literally just met, she wanted to show me that cave and you interrupted us out of illegitimate jealousy. And now you continue to harm people..that makes no sense." Sighing with disappointment for people he unsheathes his sword, holding it in his left hand while holding his sheathe with his right. "Listen, I have better things to do. Truly. But, I can't be going around letting you shake up my customers, eh?" This time Cody won't be getting hit by a spontaneous move, in fact his demeanor has changed from the cave; since your messing with his line of work and reputation he has to give it his all. "Looks like you'll either have to decide to accept the fact that nothing is going on or continue being delusional."

@Deadly Darkness @Alaster Von Grim
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"I found that passage when I was beta testing it leads to a secret battle and this is a pre set location wait an hour it will reset"

The crooked man said before he stomped on the ground causing an earthquake

"And my problem with her is non of your concern"
"Careful, your insecurities are showing." She retorted, keeping a hold of her blade. Never did it cross her mind that her neighbor was completely off his rocker. He must have been living too deep in his own fantasies, and now his world was crashing down. Casie looked at Dude in somewhat surprise, but quickly regained her composure, looking back at Crooked.
"I asked you out and you forgot about it, you hurt me and you act like you don't care"

The crooked man snapped shouting at Casie

"Your just like everyone else, to shallow to even consider the consequences for your actions"

He said before he walked away

@Deadly Darkness

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