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"Oh... Thanks" Bunny smiled, sending the request. "I heard you were huntinf a titan... Sounds tough, how long have you been playing?" She asked, gently pulling her hand out of his

@Alaster Von Grim
"I've been playing this game before it came out, I'm a beta tester"

The crooked man said as he accepted the friend request, adding it the countless other people who added him

Casie scratched the back of her head thinking before a large grin splayed across her face. "I know somewhere pretty amazing. If you're up for the journey?" She stuck out her hand, smiling back at Dude. She felt oddly comfortable with him, like they had been friends for years rather than the past twenty minutes.

@Dude (going out to catch pokemon brb lol)
The crooked man patted bunny's head

"I'll see you around bunny"

He said before he walked away and headed through the forest towards the mountains

@Trust (and anyone else who wants to interact with me)
He takes her hand, eager to see what she has to show. I wonder what kind of skills she has, she can clearly hold her own, he thought while seeing where they would be heading. Cody can only imagine what sights and things this world still has to offer.

@Deadly Darkness

(Lmao nice, have fun! Unfortunately my town's one of those towns where there's nothing good unless you walk miles out of the way. D: Also, @Alaster Von Grim feel free to come with us dude, only reason I haven't said anything to you is because my character hasn't seen yours yet. :) )



"Okay..." Bunny sighed, thinking he probably wouldn't want to spend anymore time with a newbie like her. She began walking around in circle until she felt comfortable with her controls then began jumping large distances in a random direction, looking around each jump and scouting the area

@Alaster Von Grim (@Anyone? Else that would like to interact with me)
Casie smiled at Dude before leading him down out of the trees and towards the base of the mountains. A smile was glued to her face as anticipation coursed through her. This place was her absolute favorite spot, and it felt like it was hers in some way. Once at the base of the mountain her smile only seemed to stretch as she let go of his hand. "Ready for this?" The excitement was obvious in her voice. Casie turned towards one of the stone walls and suddenly walked through it, disappearing. She popped her head out with a giddy laugh, looking at Dude. "There's no actual wall here, it's some sort of glitch." She then disappeared again back through the wall.
Never having seen a glitch in this game he was thoroughly enjoying going back and forth between the wall. "Woah, this is kind of weird..I've seen glitches like this in the ancient games my Dad had when I was growing up but never this realistic." He finally says after finishing messing around with the wall, as he was about to return his attention to Casie he hears someone running away from them. Startled and forgetting he still had his mask in the hand not holding Casie's he slides it back on over his face, his golden eyes hiding behind the yellow lens on his mask. Cody didn't see what or who that was but he was definitely not going to get his ass kicked, so he lets go of Casie's hand and places it on his sword's hilt, ready to draw in a second's notice. "What the hell was that?" He wonders out loud to her.

@Deadly Darkness @Alaster Von Grim



"Hmm..?" Bunny thought into herself as she landed not too far away from a mountain, her ears twitching after detecting a level of faded sound, as if heard through a wall. "I could've sworn I heard someone say something but... I can't see them..." She mumbled, wandering about softly in her brown shoes. "Maybe there's a cave or something, a bit of exploration is at hand! Myabe I could get some cool equipment too" she grinned aloud as she began walking

@Alaster Von Grim @Dude @Deadly Darkness
Hearing more walking, this time from a different direction Cody faces towards it, hand still grabbing the hilt in case whatever is making the noise isn't too friendly. Was this a trap? No, she doesn't seem like that type of person, he thinks, as much as he wants to completely trust her this wouldn't be the first time he's seen this happen. I guess I'll just have to wait and see, he concludes; still wondering who's out there.

@Trust @Deadly Darkness
Inside the mountain side the area opened up into a large dome shaped room with a glowing, blue pond in the center. A large stalactite hung down in the center, carved into a prism shape. Casie snapped out of her whimsical mind set out the sound of footsteps echoing down one of the corridors. The thought of someone in 'her' secret area agitated her. She quickly grabbed her sword and readied herself. With a quick glance back at Dude, she noticed he had his weapon as well. At least I won't be alone in this battle.

@Dude @Alaster Von Grim
The crooked man waved his hand making golems raise out of the ground, they looked like the crooked man and defended the path he ran down



The sound if moving stones reached her ears, giving her even more reason to investigate. "Hello?!" She called before sighing and leaning against the wall, getting slightly annoyed that she couldn't see the people around her. To her surprise she fell right through the wall into some sort of hidden area. "Again?!" She ranted, this being the second time she had fallen over on her first day. She saw two people stealthily creeping down the hallway a small distance away and began creeping after them soundlessly, her footsteps muffled by her soft shoes

@Alaster Von Grim @Dude @Deadly Darkness
Watching the golems spawn from the ground Cody unsheathes his broadsword. His sword looks like nothing special, just a standard sized blade a broadsword would have. The hilt of his blade is black however, a black bear's head being the pommel at the end of the hilt. How annoying, just when she was showing me her spot. Using his only ability (speed burst) he sprints towards the nearest golem, which without the skill looks like a blur to another. As soon as he closes the distance he notices the golem pull back his arm to throw a crushing blow. Fortunately Cody is quicker than the beast, which concludes their fight with his blade beheading the golem. As soon as his skill goes to cool down he swiftly takes a couple steps back, narrowly missing a counter from one of the other golems in between them and the caster. "Quicker than one would initially imagine." He adds with a tone of pure joy.

@Deadly Darkness @Trust @Alaster Von Grim
The headless golem lunged forward and struck him in the stomach , these golems were unusually fast, dude was sent flying before the headless golem picked up his head and put it back on

"Leave this place"

The golems said in unison all sounding like the crooked man

@Dude @Trust, @Deadly Darkness
Hitting the wall of the center room Cody gets up wincing, his right hand over where he was sucker punched. After a few seconds of regaining his breath he replies to the golems, "This isn't meant for just you buddy, and now you're pissing me off. Here I was with this beautiful lady and now you're ruining our time." Sighing with irritation Cody walks back, stopping in front of the golems, a smug grin hiding beneath his mask. Daring for them to try to make a move on him again he just stands there, waiting to see what they'll do. "Do you know this guy?" He asks Casie. Cody has still yet to notice the girl behind them all, using guile to watch this scene.

@Alaster Von Grim @Trust @Deadly Darkness
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Bunny peered down through the cave, sadly, her enhanced vision didn't help as much given the low-lighting of the area but it still allowed her to see farther than normal. When the voice of the golems ran into her ears she smiled. "Crooked!" She called, recognising the voice. "I thought you were hunting a titan!"

@Alaster Von Grim @Dude @Deadly Darkness
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Casie's eyebrows furrowed in anger as she recognized both the voice and look of the golems. She crossed her arms over her chest, ignoring the sound of another voice shouting out to Crooked. "And suddenly my problems have followed me," she mumbled only loud enough for Dude to hear, of course only he and Crooked would understand what she meant, but the hooded figure didn't seem to be anywhere near them. She growled quietly as she contemplated what to do. We could leave, but this was where I always came to relax and now I can't even do that!
The crooked man left the cave and his golems crumbled away

"She was on a date, she moves on fast"

He mumbled to himself as he walked up the trail that lead to the mountains summit
Hearing a new voice he looks over and notices the new girl calling out to 'Crooked', curious as to where she came from. "Is there something profitable in this cave? Is that what he's guarding?" He asks the two girls, wondering if dealing with this guy was even worth their effort. Deciding that he wants to see what's inside he activates his skill which came off cool down, but as soon as he did that the man and Golems disappeared. Thoroughly confused on what's going on Cody looks from where the Crooked Man was to Casie. "That was weird." As if nothing happened he starts to look around the center of this cave inside the mountain, dipping a hand into the water in the center.

@Alaster Von Grim @Deadly Darkness @Trust
Casie rubbed at the bridge of her nose in slight annoyance. "Not that I know of, it's just a beautiful area." Casie sat down on one of the rounded out stalagmites, feeling a headache coming on. "Sorry, for what just happened." Casie mumbled to Dude; it was usual that she apologized for everything whether she caused it not. Stepped on her foot? She'll apologize for being in your foot's way.



Bunny laughed and sprinted past the two and the golems that were now a pile of rubble with incredible speed. "If there's treasure! It's mine! I could do with a good early start" she said with a gleaming smile, closing in on Crooked in a short minute

@Alaster Von Grim @Dude @Deadly Darkness
Watching the girl run off out of sight Cody looks back at Casie, a grin forming underneath the mask. "You're apologizing for something you couldn't control? You don't need to, the Golem only gave me a tap. Unfortunately though your secret is not much of a secret anymore. Although it's still gorgeous none the less." After a moment of silence he adds, "I can see why they kept this cave a glitch, people would flood this area if they knew. Have you been to the mountain top?..Well maybe we should save that for another time" Clearly he's referring to the hostile dude who just went up.

@Deadly Darkness
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