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Fantasy Internet Identity


Hean was on their bed, with a gaming news paper about new games and cheats left on their head, they took deep breathes, waiting for wait excitement this day would probably not hold. They take a deep breath, sighing following it, as they move on to their computer, and insert the disk. The loading image popped up on their PC screen, having the normal "Beep"ing sound happen. As if it was a blink of a eye, They were there, in their character, Leetus. They looked at their hands. Around them, it was like it was a dream, they then used the game's Menu to teleport to the hub world, hoping more people would be there, and give answers.
Feeling the sun starting to go down and a cool but comforting breeze flowing by Cody dozes off unintentionally. Even though he's asleep his guard remains at full capacity in case someone or something decided to make a move while he enjoys his time.
Casie looked around at the vast amount of trees. At home there weren't nearly enough good climbing trees. A grin stretched out on her face as she began climbing one. Giddiness ran through her, making her feel like a kid again where climbing trees was like climbing Mt. Everest and they could touch the sky if they just stuck their hands out. She let out a content sigh before spotting someone else up in the trees: a male with a devilish red mask. Her feeling of euphoric whimsy seemed to crash as it was replaced by worry.

Hearing noise of someone else climbing Cody instantly stands up and scans the surrounding area; after a few seconds of searching he spots the other player. He waves politely to her, his eyes curiously analyzing her. As cautious as he tends to feel in a zone like this feels he believes it's only polite to speak to her, who knows she could be cool. "Hello. Beautiful day to be up in the trees, huh?" He asks her, sitting back down on the tree facing towards her.

@Deadly Darkness
Casie returned the wave and nodded. "Yeah, it is quite nice out." Though she wasn't focused on the foliage or weather in the slightest. She was in much deeper thought, battling the conflicts within her own mind. Absent minded, she sat down on the weak branch she was originally standing on. Her eye brows furrowed; she couldn't stop thinking about real life, and she came here to be distracted from all of that.

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Curious, he continues to study her, wondering where her mind went off to. Cody can tell there's some conflict going on either in this world or the bland real world for her. "You alright? I usually don't try to mix this world with our..real life but you seem friendly enough, and distraught." He says with a hint of distaste for the real life and world he lives in; but since he didn't want to bring even more negativity into her situation he brings his attention back to the girl. "Also, may I ask what your name is? I go by Dude in this realm." Cody adds, still feeling nerdy but proud for calling himself that.

@Deadly Darkness
The mountain the crooked man was walking towards started to raise up out of the ground, it was a Titan and it was lvl 100 but the crooked man didn't care there was always a weak point to exploit on creatures this big
She turned, looking at the masked man. The branch beneath her groaned in protest, but she simply ignored it. "I don't know," she ran her fingers through her short, chocolate brown hair, redirecting her gaze out over the tree tops. "I've never been good with talking to others in the real world, and I sorta of messed things up today. So I'm basically trying to think of what I could've done even though there's no changing what's already happened." She sighed. She looked back to Dude with a smile. "I go by Casie here. It's a pleasure to meet you."


Lilly Grey

Lilly was walking back from the store, returning with some new game she had heard quite a bit about with it's new virtual reality gameplay. Even though she was not too much into games, only having played a few, she was rather excited for this one. When she arrived home she immediately ran to her room, booted up her computer, locked the door and stuck the disc into it.



"Hi!" She yelled, doing a wave gesture to all the other people standing around in the hub world. She was kind of new bur had researched the game a bit for some tips and knew making friends early on generally made the game more fun and enjoyable to play



"Hello!" Bunny giggled, reaching a hand down to help the person up, her two bunny ears flopping slightly as she lowered herself and pulled him up. "Nice to meet you, I'm Bunny" she said with a smile, giddy with excitement as she had just started a new game

@Alaster Von Grim
"I've found the only thing that works for me is to remember what I could have done and apply it to the next situation. That's just me though. Hopefully you figure out how it works for you." He replies with a light chuckle. A breeze hits inside his hood, causing it to fall back and reveal his long spiky black hair. Due to the burst of wind feeling awesome he pulls his red mask off. Cody kept the face he has in the real world for his avatar, so it's nothing fancy to him; his dark golden eyes look back at hers a genuine smile forming. "Likewise Casie, it's a pleasure to meet you. So, slay anything bad ass while you've been out here?" A little embarrassed at his weak conversation skills he looks away from her, regretting saying that.

@Deadly Darkness
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"Nice to meet you Crooked man" she smiled politely and opened up a menu before searching through her currents skills and abilities. After a short moment she began channeling a number of spells

@Alaster Von Grim
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"Yes..?" She said, not exactly confidentally. "I'm applying my race buffs for better stats" she explained, staggering slightly as she finished her final spell. Her vision was a little confused as it was a bit different from real life, she would quickly get used to it though.

@Alaster Von Grim
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"W-wait!" She mumbled, staggering after him and dalling flat on her face, not used to enhanced speed yet either yet, she clambered up and began walking after him again, making she she didn't trip. "Ow... Hey, can I add you?" She asked hopefully, her ears twitching slightly

@Alaster Von Grim
She smiled at being able to see his face. A light laugh escaped as he asked her about her recent kills. "No, sadly not. The person I was with the other day finished the dungeon while I was gone. What about you, killed anything totally bad ass?" She teased playfully. Casie grinned as she watched him. She could tell that when he first asked the question that he didn't seem to terribly confident after.

Her response cause him to laugh, having him let go of his embarrassment. "I killed a couple of those Looter NPCs a few hours ago, but I saw this gigantic tree and decided to see what sights were at the top. Then I met you." He added with a tone of joy, even though he just met Casie it's as if he knew her from another life (lol), he already enjoys her company. Cody has been a solo player since his initial login to this world, hell maybe even his whole life. It's about time he made a friend. After a second in thought he asks curiously, "I'm a little bit of a noob, this is actually the only portal I've been in since my arrival. Recommend any skills to acquire or places to go to?"

@Deadly Darkness

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