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Fantasy Internet Identity

kiki slammed the door and went to her bed putting on the nerve gear on and not giving any shits on her family, Kiki soon closed her eyes and logged into the game. " and kira logs in." @anyonee


I'm free! thought Indigo as she ran down the stairs of her school with a big smile on. For the last few days she had been kept off her computer but now that she didn't need to prepare for a test or anything she was free! She went straight home after hitting the store for some junk food and soda. She sneaked past her mom all ninja like and slammed the door behind herself. She snickered when she heard a yelp of surprise and jumped on her laptop enthusiastically. She waited impatiently for the loading screen and soon enough she logged on

Monochrome is logged on.

She appeared in the hub and looked around. She took in a deep breath of virtual air and sighed."I've missed you!" she yelled and opened her arms up to the sky.



Noah walked into his house with a paper bag and set it down on the kitchen counter. His mom had asked him to do some shopping for her and like a good son he did. She thanked him and he apologized for being late saying that clubs were keeping him from leaving. His mom just said don't worry about it then went back to what she was doing. After he was done with that he went into his room, closed the door, locked it and proceeded to hop online. It only took a few seconds to load up and soon he was online.

AtoMiki is logged on

He smiled as he noticed that everything seemed to be running nicely and he had no complaints from anyone yet. It was great to not have people bombarding you. He was always a bit of a pushover when it came to this game....It was kind of depressing really...Oh well! Beggars can't be choosers but he didn't think that applied to this case....Anyway he decided to announce himself in the chat.

AtoMiki: Hey everyone! AtoMiki is here! Feel free to chat with me!

Alipia stops and looks at Genocide for a moment. "Do you know where we're going?" She asks, trying to sound casual, although it could be quite a problem, not knowing where they were and where they were headed. Inconveniencing at the least, fatal at the worst. "I think it's something we should actually think about," she says. "Unlike basically everything else I do," she adds jokingly.

Mason walked home from work with David, he was blabbering on as usual until he asked Mason to come with him and Aaron on the picnic he won't shut up about. "No Davie... It's your's and Aaron's date i'm not going to ruin it.." "You won't ruin it! It'll be-" "No." David then went quiet all of a sudden, which was very unusual. Mason silently panicked as he asked him, "I'm sorry, did I hurt your feelings? Davie I really didn't mean to I- Um... I-" David looked at Mason, his face filled with sadness, "Don't worry about my feelings... What about your's? Did I hurt you?" Mason stopped walking and hesitated with speaking. He sighed and asked him, "What do you mean?" David placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled, "She'll want you to move on you know? So let's move on!" Mason nodded and followed David home.

Hamirat appeared in the forest. She looked around her and noticed no one. She sighed and walked to the direction of the town. She fought some monsters on her way here so her health was depleted a little. Hamirat bought an apple and her health restored fully. Then someone named AtoMiki appeared in the chat. Feel free huh? She smiled, might as well. She's kinda bored anyway. She typed, "Hello there AtoMiki. Are you new to the game?"



Ah...A actual response? he wasn't really expecting anyone to answer so quickly but he wasn't upset about it....Also it didn't seem like she didn't know who he was which was fine since everyone didn't have to know who he was....Honestly he didn't really care about that and he could start from a fresh canvas that wasn't covered in things like 'that one programmer chick' or 'program girl'.It was refreshing enough and after a few minutes of overthinking he replied "No. Actually I'm one of the programmers. I assume you aren't new to this." he decided to keep it neutral and see how it played out. It was pretty simple and he might of been able to keep a conversation going with them.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You're name seemed somewhat familiar but it's been 8 weeks since I've been on. That and I have really bad memory. I was recently told that the game has patched up a few bugs and visual improvements. Is that your doing?" Hamirat typed back. AtoMiki... It was a very nice name to a hopefully nice programmer. They seemed nice, but that could change at any moment. This was somewhat pleasant, chatting with someone. It will certainly help her get her mind off of Sherise, despite everything, Mason still said no to David's invitation. He really didn't need it.



He read the others response Eight weeks? Could I stand being off this game for that long? he shuddered at the thought of that. This game was kind of addicting but he tried not to let it interfere with his actual life which it kind of had since he was a programmer. He would work all through the night sometimes and maybe even work on ideas for the game at school.He might of needed to tone it down a bit "Geez...Eight weeks? I don't think I could do that. But I did work on those few things and I have some ideas to take up with the other guys." he replied, he wondered if he should talk about that stuff with a player....It probably would be fine.

"Well I'm young and living by myself so it's kinda hard. My boss has given my extra time at work so that helps. Eight weeks isn't really that bad, for someone like me at least. And about those other ideas you have, I won't ask what they are if you don't what to tell but I hope that it gets through. Or at least considered." Hamirat finished his response and pressed enter. She walked out of the town and to a teleporter. She clicked on the place she wanted to go and appeared in a rundown town consumed by water. She sat on top of the water and waited.



"Maybe I should become tougher like you. I can't really keep my hands off of this game." he laughed to himself then started to check on the systems to see just how smoothly they were running and make sure the system didn't timeout or something. Everything looks fine and dandy! he smiled with satisfaction."My visuals for my ideas look good...I'm sure they'll approve!" he typed but wasn't completely sure of it. He was a hundred percent confident about it these designs but was still going to try them out.

Hamirat read through Miki's response and laughed to herself. "If you feel you need to became tougher then go right ahead. Though, I'm not sure if I'm really that tough.. You seem to be really satisfied with your work, how long have you've been programming?" Hamirat sighed and played some music to go along with the peaceful atmosphere. She smiled and hummed to it.


Ah! Personal questions! he was getting a bit more flustered now which wasn't a weird reaction for him. He wasn't used to others being so curious about his programming. He sat there, worrying about how to respond and it him. Just put the answer! He felt slightly stupid for overthinking such a simple question as that "If you mean when did I start programming this game I would say....about a year or at least half....What about you Hami!" he took a leap of faith with nicknaming her.

@BennyAxC (Going to sleep!)
(So sorry, I haven't been responding and interacting with people. I've got mono and it's kinda kicking my ass right now lol. I hope you guys are having fun!)
Evan finally jumped on his computer after being kept from it because of the family reunion. "Welcome Kavaran" he he He watched Aragus land and turn into griffin form. "hey buddy" he said as he stroked his neck. he mounted and took off soon getting lost he landed near two people. "where is it?" he said to himself out loud

@TaraSobiki @BennyAxC
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Genocide shrugged at Alipha, signaling that he had no idea where the two were going. "I usually just go wherever I can go. Also nah! We gonna explore this forest!" Genocide said as he kept running through the forest a giant smile on his face.
Alipia laughs. "If you say so," she says. "All the monsters seem to be in the trees," she comments. "I don't know if that should be a good thing or a bad thing." She assumed it was a bad thing. If all the monsters lived up in the trees, it had to be for some reason. Did they happen to be in the territory of a powerful creature? Alipia shrugs it off. She was confident that they could defeat something if it were to attack them in the forest.


Oh...Someone else. it appeared that this person needed assistance and as a programmer he felt it was his job to help....Maybe he could add some in game characters to help the newer players , people who are confused and many more things. He put on his best smile and walked over "Tuturu~! I'm a programmer of this lovely game and I heard your distress so I came to check it out! You're lost, right? Where are you trying to get to?" he had a sincere smile on as he talked. He paused and turned around "Hold on a few seconds Hamirat!" he turned back around to face the person again.

@BennyAxC @Wild Wolf Wind
Harriet entered Dante's house, looking around the area anxiously. "Um, you can choose the movie." She managed to say with minimal stuttering. She turned back to him, her arms crossed over her chest nervously. His comment and not trying anything only made her more apprehensive because he had actually drawn attention to it, rather than it being simply a thought caused by her overwhelmingly active imagination.

@Alaster Von Grim
Barging into his apartment Cody chucks his bags onto the torn up couch with a long sigh, as good as it felt to be home he was genuinely tired of living this boring ass life. All day he’s been waiting to get out of work and link back up in virtual reality; so he goes over to his V.R. gear which is in his room. Sitting down on his bed Cody puts the gear on his head, briefly looking through the visor at his room Cody smirks and turns the device on.

Immediately he gets brought back into the virtual realms, a feeling comes over him as if genuine content seeped through his pores. In this life he didn’t have to deal with all the bullshit, he could be true to himself yet do things he could only dream of in the real life. Raising his left arm he feels his devilish mask once again, sighing this time in content.

(Let me know if I conflict with the story or anything, trying to follow along but there's so many pages. X_X I'm glad to RP with you again though @Deadly Darkness ! :D )
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(You're good @Dude and I know sometimes it's tough with so many pages xP I'm looking forward to rping again as well!)

Harriet sat close to Dante, but not too close as to not irk him. The movie seemed to go by slowly, but once it was over she could feel the full weight of the tension setting in again. She stood up and put her hands deep in her pocket. "Thanks for the movie, it was fun." She half lied. She was thankful they got to spend time together, but it was unfortunate that had been ruined by her inability to keep track of time.

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