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Fantasy Internet Identity

"Alright then I will stay if that's what you wish... Though I might consider leaving when you do reach that part of your guys' relationship." She winks at her.

@The Departure
Genocide looks at Hamirat and Alipia. "Yeah. We aren't in that type of relationship... Probably never." Genocide says as he keeps sitting there on the branch.
Alipia looks at Genocide. "Don't deny it, honey! Unless you already forgot about yesterday..?" She gives Hamirat a sly wink, before bursting out laughing.
Genocide sighed with a slight blush as he turned away from the two girls. "Eh. I'm gonna get off. I have to get food." Genocide says as he turns himself afk. Havoc sighs as he walks outside his house and begins to walk around his neighborhood for food.
Somehow Genocide leaving away slightly nervously strikes Alipia as tremendously funny. She keeps on laughing. When she recovers, she gets a little embarrassed at a sudden thought that she voices to Hamirat. "Did I overdo it?"

Hamirat laughs too, "Oh don't worry Ali, it's probably how he copes... Or is actually a very hungry guy." She lets a small laugh and turns to Geno, "Shall we mess with his avatar while he's gone or will that be too mean?" she says to Alipia.

@The Departure
Alipia chuckles. "Perhaps he is. But after what I just forced him through, that might be a little much. Actually, maybe not, but we can't have ourselves being banned, can we?" She asks as a joke. Perhaps a rather relevant one, for some of the more thickheaded who played. (lol)
Havoc reaches Starbucks and begins to order a java chip frappuccino. After three minutes, Havoc gets his drink and walks back home, slurping on his drink. He reaches his house and goes back on his game. "Im back..." Genocide says as he looked at the two.
"Welcome back Gen-" Mason jumps as all the lights and his laptop suddenly turn off. "I-Is this a blackout or something?" Immediately after there's a knock on his door. He gets up from his couch and tries to navigate his way to his window. He opens the blinds, shedding a lot more light into his apartment and looks outside to see Janet. The girl who lives on the floor above him. He sighs and opens the door for her, "Hey Janet. What the hell is up with the electricity?" "Yeah... Like a couple of kids knocked the fuck out of our electricity box so like, it's totally ruined." Mason raises a eyebrow at her, "How do you know it was kids?" Janet let's out one of those weird evil anime laughs and slaps Mason on the shoulder, "Because like, I saw them! So I called ruffed them up a bit and called the police! They totally like said I hurt them but I told them police like why would a defenseless women hurt kids, ya'know?" Mason deadpanned and groaned. She was not a defenseless women at all, "Yeah like totally.." he said mimicking her. "Anyways, call me when they get it running up again." He slams the door and packs his things in a suitcase and walks to David's house. The guy would let him sleep over whether he liked it or not.
Alipia smiles awkwardly. "Hey," she says just as Hamirat disappears, as if she logged off. Alipia frowns, blinks, hesitates, then looks up at Genocide. "D'you think she crashed?" She asks tentatively. "I'm not sure why she would, but maybe a lot of people are starting to log on, and she has bad connection..?" The timing of it seemed fairly logical. "I suppose if she did, she may have troubles logging back in for a while.." she guesses.

Genocide watched Hamirat disappear and said, "Probably. Maybe a blackout?" He sighed having to be alone with a girl for the first time in like seven years.
(XDDD Oh, the struggles of teenaged boys nowadays!)

Alipia shrugs. "Maybe, but that could make her have more delay in getting back on." She notes his sigh, and sighs as well. "Sorry for pegging you down like that," she says a little sheepishly.
[QUOTE="The Departure](XDDD Oh, the struggles of teenaged boys nowadays!)
Alipia shrugs. "Maybe, but that could make her have more delay in getting back on." She notes his sigh, and sighs as well. "Sorry for pegging you down like that," she says a little sheepishly.

( xD . Well the struggle of a shut-in, dropout teen xD )

Genocide nodded and said, "Eh that's true. Wonder when she will get back on." Genocide responds to Alipha second comment with, "It's fine. I'm used to getting pegged down." Genocide looks at her with his red eyes and sighs with depression. "Sorry for getting you embarrassed by others." Genocide said as he smiled a bit as he kept looking at her.
[QUOTE="The Departure](Wait... didn't you say he has a crush on Alipia?)

(He does, but like he really wants to just focus on getting to know her more.)
TheWhiteScarf said:
( xD . Well the struggle of a shut-in, dropout teen xD )
Genocide nodded and said, "Eh that's true. Wonder when she will get back on." Genocide responds to Alipha second comment with, "It's fine. I'm used to getting pegged down." Genocide looks at her with his red eyes and sighs with depression. "Sorry for getting you embarrassed by others." Genocide said as he smiled a bit as he kept looking at her.
Alipia shrugs. "Depends on what actually happened..." "It's fine," Genocide says, "I'm used to being pegged down." He looks at her and sighs sadly. "Sorry for getting you embarrassed by others," he says, smiling a little bit. Alipia smiles a little as well. Now that he was smiling, Alipia found herself able to meet his eyes. "I'll be ok," she says with a small grin.
"Are you sure?" Genocide says as he chuckles a bit and sighs with relief. 'Seems to be so long since I have been with a girl.' Havoc thinks as he smiles and Genocide smiles.
Alipia hesitates, as if in deep thought. "On second thought, I may be internally damaged and depressed. Call my psychologist, will you?" She was suddenly rather surprised she could make a joke like that, with it being so relatable and recent. The thought made her smile even more.
[QUOTE="The Departure]Alipia hesitates, as if in deep thought. "On second thought, I may be internally damaged and depressed. Call my psychologist, will you?" She was suddenly rather surprised she could make a joke like that, with it being so relatable and recent. The thought made her smile even more.

"Hahahaha!" Genocide says as he laughs hard and smiles. Havoc, the teen controlling Genocide, also starts laughing as he thought, "Heh. That was funny." Genocide kept on laughing as he began to stop with a more happy smile. "Damn! You are like the first person who has ever made me laugh." Genocide says as he kept on smiling.
Alipia smiles at Genocide's laughter. Was it that funny? she thinks. Alipia gives him an undecipherable look. "It was that funny, huh?" She asks with the smile seemingly stuck on her face. "Maybe I don't need a psychologist. Perhaps a plastic surgeon."
"Pre-Pretty Funny! Hahha!" Genocide says as he hears the other surgeon and he keeps on laughing now. 'Jesus! I keep on laughing!!! Why?!?!?" Genocide thinks as he keeps on laughing.
(Oh Im sorry got busy with fam Im back now though)

Mason walked the streets with a calm expression. He stopped as he looked at the house in front of him and sighed. He walked up to it and knocked on the door. The person who opened up was Aaron, "Hey Aaron. Where's David?" Aaron smiled at him, "David's taking a shower at the moment. What do you need from him?" "Nothing much but the electricity at my place went out and I don't really know-" Aaron put a finger up to Mason's mouth, shushing him, "No need to say anymore Mason! Of course you can live with us until your electricity's back!" Mason moved his hand away and raised an eyebrow, "How did you know?" Aaron put his hands on his hips and said, "Well that's because your easy to read.. And maybe also because of the suitcase you got with ya." He winked at Mason and walked away, "Come on in and make yourself at home!" Mason sighed and walked inside, closing the door behind him. "Have you ate anything yet?" "No I don't really-" "Shush child! No more you're eating dinner with us! But it's not done yet so wait your pretty ass up!" Mason blushed a little. He kinda hated going over here because of Aaron. Aaron acted a little too much like a mom. David's really lucky to have him. "Aaron can I use your computer?" Aaron peaked his head out from the kitchen and smiled, "Yes you can! I bet it's about that nerd game you and David play." "David plays it too?" "Yeah but not that much, just a little before we do "things". Mason blushed really hard and walked to his computer upstairs, trying to ignore the laughs of Aaron behind him. He logged onto the game as Hamirat suddenly appearing on the tree branch she was previously on. She took note of the happy atmosphere around her and smiled at the two, "Well you two seemed to be having fun."

@The Departure @TheWhiteScarf
('No, Genocide, STOP LAUGHING!')

Alipia gives Genocide a sideways look. "What? Am I getting this wrong?" She asks innocently.

Alkai leans back in her chair slightly. I don't think I remember ever being this funny, she thinks with a chuckle.

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