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Fantasy Internet Identity

The basilisk started to retreat towards the hole it made but was skiward through its belly holding it in place

"I wonder if the makers watched naruto"

He asked himself as chunks of the ground ours from the ground and clinged to the basilisk
"Well of course, Casie. Though I'm afraid that feeling of yours will have to wait as I am now going." She gets on one knee and grabs one of Casie's hands and gives it a quick kiss, "See you soon.." Mason logs out of the game and yawns. While the time was short, he was quite grateful that he met someone else to talk to other than David. He didn't hate David that much, their personalities just don't work well all the time. And David is the only person in reality who makes an effort to talk to him, other than his mom and Mayhem. He stands up and takes a shower. After the shower he dresses in his pj's and goes to sleep in his bed.

(This is also me saying good night. It's 1 now where I am.)
Havoc closes his door and he grabbed one of his sodas, then he walked over to his computer. He then began to play his game, while drinking his soda.
"Check me out I'm nagato"

The crooked man said as he raised the basilisk in the air in a ball of stone the size of a mountain

"Planetary devastation"

He shouted as he the stone ball compressed killing it
Casie smiled, "until then, lover." She watched as Hamirat then disappeared. She looked around at the now silent area with a quiet sigh in content. She jumped though at the familiar voice that was shouting. With a raised eyebrow she moved towards the source of the sound.
The crooked man looked through the item drop he got, he got a couple rare items and enough exp to level up to 70

"These should fetch me a good price"

He said as he turned around to see Casie

"Hey Casie having fun getting hit on"

He asked with a smirk

@Deadly Darkness
She rolled her eyes with a smile. "Ah yes, it's my favorite hobby." She responded sarcastically. Her gaze then landed on the basilisks corpse. "I see you've been having some fun without me." She commented, placing a hand on her hip as she looked over lustrous blue-grey scales that covered the large snake's body. Her gaze eventually returned to Crooked, a smile playing at the corner of her lips.
Genocide watched the two talking and sighed. "I wish I had friends. Well I do, but... I don't like to talk about them." Havoc says as he sighs and keeps watching those two.
Casie smirked. "Jealous are we?" She teased as she wandered over to the reptile's carcass. She knelt down beside its crushed head and with one swift tug, pulled free one of the only teeth still intact. She turned back to Crooked, but noticed the figure from earlier up in a branch above them. Instead of calling out to him and making him feel awkward, she simply smiled.

(Might be going to bed soon, it's almost 3:30 here)
"If you don't like me just say so"

The crooked man said as he inspected the golden sword, I inflicts 20 fire damage a second

"It's better to crush my dreams early before anything starts to form"
(E-Eh? I posted but it waited until after I posted to tell me "Did you know there's A TON of other posts that we're hiding from you? Here, watch and twitch in agony!")

Free of the immediate presence of the joke, Alipia allows a small grin. "Try telling me that a minute ago," she says with an ever-so-widening grin. "The name's Alipia," she said, addressing both of them Just in case she hadn't already said. (Which she hadn't) She looks around the forest, then says, "Shall we keep on going? If we can remember which way we were going..?" Hamirat wishes them farewell, giving Casie's hand a mock kiss.

She and Casie both heard the distant talking and shouting and general noises of destruction, but when Casie had gone forward to inspect, Alipia stayed behind. A joker such as him could definitely have faked a blush to trip her up, but if he kept on showing up around her, she'd put more thought into it
. It's not a worrying subject yet, she thinks, still having an extremely faint hint of a blush on her cheeks. She walks quickly to catch up with Casie, to see her talking to a shady looking man. Nevertheless, she seemed to know him well. When she got closer, she grins a little. Very well, apparently.

Oh, and the man from earlier. She looked up and gives him a small wave, then turns back to the man. "And.... you are? Some devotee of this lovely girl right here?" After what had happened earlier, she felt able to make and take a joke without choking up in embarrassment.

@Deadly Darkness @Alaster Von Grim @TheWhiteScarf
(wow lmao)

Alipia raises an eyebrow. "See you, Just Leaving!" She calls after him.

She gives Casie a sideways look.
Casie was taken back by the sudden insecurity outburst. She turned quickly as he began walking away. "Da- Crooked!" She quickly saved herself as she reached out for his wrist. She ignored Alipia's look in favor for trying to find out what the heck was going on with Crooked. Her eyes searched what little amount of his face that she could see.
I know, Alipia almost said. Casie ignores her and reaches to grab his wrist. "Da- Crooked!" Alipia pretends to ignore them, looking around, and making sure to look up into the trees, where the man from the tree was. She subtly tilted her head in Casie's and the Crooked Man's direction, then shrugs, barely moving her shoulders. So... they do know each other? And.... Alipia hesitates.

@Deadly Darkness @Alaster Von Grim @TheWhiteScarf)
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Her eyebrows furrowed as an unknown source of anger boiled up inside her. "Shut up," she barked, releasing his wrist. "You of all people should know that no one notices me, so I'm sorry if for once in my life people actually enjoy being around me. And if you hadn't notice two of the three people in my 'fan club' are girls." She growled. What right did he have? Other than the other day she had only seen him a handful of times and even then they rarely spoke to each other. And all of a sudden he's talking to her like he's known her forever and that she suddenly dumped him for someone else.
Her eyes widened as all anger seemed to be sapped from her. "Th-That's not possible! There's no way it's been longer than three hours!" She watched as he examined his wrist watch. She quickly grabbed at his wrist again and tapped at the glass as if it would change it. "That can't be right!" She panicked as she continued tapping the glass. Suddenly she disappeared.

Harriet ripped her head set off and looked to a nearby clock. Well at least she was right; his clock was off, but she had still missed it. The clock read one p.m. She stumbled from her chair as she ran down stairs. "Mom, I missed our date!" She screeched in fear and panic. Her mom blinked in confusion before seeing the expression on her daughter's face. "When were you supposed to be there?"

"Twelve," she responded, not bothering to keep the panic from her voice. Her mom quickly consulted the clock as Harriet rocked back and forth on her toes. "What do I do?!"
The crooked man pulled his hand away and waved his hand in front of Casie's face

"I guess she's AFK"

He said before he walked away looking at his watch
(she logged off :3)

"Well, it's only been an hour so you could always go over there, apologize, and come up with an excuse for why you were late." Harriet knew that wouldn't because he knew what she had been doing. She couldn't lie and say that she was out somewhere or doing something important.

"But he'll be so mad." She ran her fingers through her hair anxiously. Her mom let out a soft sigh and shrugged.

"It's up to you, Harriet. You're almost an adult; it's time for you to start making decisions." She continued to run her hands though her hair, knowing her mom was right. She gave a slight nod.

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