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Fantasy Internet Identity

Harriet stood in front of Dante's door, her stomach in her throat. She was so incredibly nervous, and it didn't help that she was late as well. Gently she knocked on the door. She held the box of microwave popcorn tightly to her chest. She straightened out the red v-neck and denim skirt she wore. She figured if she put a lot into her appearance he would understand how sorry she was, or, at the very least, distract him from being upset.
She remained silent, bowing her head to avoid looking at him. She felt like apologizing and telling him she never meant to hurt him, but the words wouldn't form. Instead she kept her head down, waiting for him to either continue talking or slam the door shut. She looked down at her black shoes timidly, waiting anxiously.
"So... do you want to come in"

Dante said as he stepped out of the way to let her in

"Sorry for being a jerk, I know you didn't mean to hurt my feelings"
She looked up in surprise. His sudden jump from 'don't you have somewhere better to be' to 'come on in' was really throwing her off. "U-Uh it's ok." She mumbled before entering his house. She looked around the room. She had always been curious as to what other people's houses looked like on the inside. In some way or another the interior of other's homes depicted who they were.
(Good Morning Everybody... Yes "Morning" Even though it is 3 pm where I live xD )

Havoc wakes up again on his computer and he rubs eyes. "Uh... Sooo tired. I feel like crap." Havoc says as he sighs and goes back into his gaming life. "Man. I hate sleeping at four. I can't wake up properly. Luckily I dropped out of high school so I am good." Havoc says as he begins to play as Genocide. Genocide begins to run around the forest, killing monsters and getting xp.
Mason was in a really bad mood since morning because he was almost late for work. David tried talking to him but was greeted with a certain finger and multiple curses. And it was somewhat funny. or scary. When facing away from customers he was the scariest guy at work. When facing away from his employees he got along with the customers fabulously and some even tipped him for his attitude and service. Work finally ended for him and the rest of the employees because the boss wanted to "congratulate" them with a early day off. "Boss... You're only doing this be-" His mouth was covered by David who said thank you to the boss. After the boss left, David scolded Mason on watching what he says around him. The boss has been dealing with various complaints that he overworks his employees, because half of his employees are teenagers and young adults trying to make it through life. Mason made it home and got himself a cup of water before the game transported him inside.

Hamirat looked around. She appeared in the forest. She walks around the forest being at peace until she hears the dying screams of monsters. She chuckled, someone must be having fun. She followed the sound of the dead and saw Genocide. She smiles as she calls out, "Hello there. You're not the boyfriend of Alipia correct?" She teased him.

Once Genocide goes on a killing spree, he loses his mind and the shinigami in his sword begins to take over his mind and soon body. Genocide looked back at Hamirat, with his eyes pure black. Genocide smiled in a mysterious and creepy way, then turned around and began to kill more things.
Hamirat's smile is replaced by a frown as she tilts her head. "I would offer you help but you seem to be okay by yourself... If you are yourself, that is.." Leaves crunch below her feet as she takes steps closer to him, taking out her umbrella and placing it against her shoulder. She creates hot burning water and strikes it against the bare part of his stomach. The crunching of the leaves stop as she waits for his response.
Alkai (I think I spelled it right) sits down at the computer, knowing she was probably overdoing it. Either way, the first that had started between them that she'd avoided by logging off had made her nervous. She went and stopped by where she worked to clear up anything she had, took home some work, and now she was here. She opens up the laptop and completes the work, sending it to her boss with a third short sorry note. She made a few texts, then logs back on to the game.

Alipia reappears where she was, and the other two from earlier were still nearby. Hamirat and the other man, it seemed. She looks for a second to catch his tag. Genocide. Fitting. She realizes Hamirat was speaking, and listens midsentence. "yourself, that is." Alkai raises an eyebrow as Hamirat hits Genocide with scalding, steaming water, then waits for her response. Alipia almost can't hold in her smile. She's got guts, she thinks, Attacking a higher leveled player, just as a joking provocation or not. Then again, she hadn't heard all of what she'd said. So what would she know?

@BennyAxC @TheWhiteScarf
Genocide yelps as he's mind goes back to normal. "Ouch! That hurt!! Stop!!" Genocide says as he moves away from Hamirat. "Ugh. Thanks." Genocide said as he sighed and sat down on a branch. "I lost my mind to my shinigami. I needed something to get me back to normal." Genocide said as he closed his eyes and sighed.
Hamirat sits on top of the same branch as him with the help of her umbrella, "You're welcome, Geno. If you lose your mind to that thing why not get rid of it? Does it actually possess some sort of body of it's own?" She puts one leg over the other and stares at his sword.

"Well. Easier said than done." Genocide says as he sighs and pulls out his sword, stabs into the tree. "The shinigami in my sword is pretty much the strength of my sword. Also it is helpful whenever I have to fight stronger." Genocide says as he sighed and Genocide looked at his sword.
Alipia listens with a raised eyebrow. "Even so, it doesn't sound like it's going to be keeping you safe in battle if it steals your mind or something."
"Stronger..." Hamirat mumbles then scoffs, "You're not exactly strong if you let something else overpower you. You are basically giving into it, you're letting it overpower your weak mind and body. I don't know how you can call that strong but who am I to talk?" She sighs and as she keeps her eyes on the sword. Hamirat couldn't trust that thing for one bit, especially if it takes over ones mind and body. If it made a person think it made one stronger.

"... Well I choose it. Some things I can't think about when I am like this. Some stuff goes through my head that makes me go insane. That type of mind won't help me defend as much, but I grow stronger. It's sad, but it helps. Trust me, I know how dangerous this form is..." Havoc says as he sighs and pulls out his sword.
Alipia looks into Genocide's eyes for a moment, then looks down. "You're going to scare someone like that," she says, not sure if she means the life risking mindset, or the uncontrolled... genocide... of monsters in his path.
Hamirat mentally sighs as she looks at guy, her face sprinkled with a little bit of sadness, "We all have our own ways of getting stronger. I guess I can trust you know what you're doing with that thing..." She then smiles and chuckles as she faces Alipia, "Hello there Alipia, do you want to join us? Or shall I leave you two alone?"

@The Departure @TheWhiteScarf
Alipia makes a pouty face at Hamirat at the question. "No, stay with us. We're not at that stage of our relationship yet," she says sarcastically, barely concealing a grin.
Genocide looks at Alipha and says, "I know. Sadly, people have to do deal with it. I've already scared people from me..." Genocide nods to Hamirat and he sighs looking at the two women.

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