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Fantasy Internet Identity

The crooked man ventured into the dungeon, with each wave of his hand he crushed each creature that approached him, he finally reached the central chamber it looked like a level from an uncharted game.

"The level of detail in this game never cease to amaze"

He said to himself before a slithering sound filled the chamber

"And now, the dungeon boss"
Mason looks around as he says, "Did you hear that? They said lovers correct?" His attention focuses onto Casie as a small blush appears on his face. He opens up his umbrella and leans it against his shoulder, protecting himself more from the sun.
Alipia decides to follow, and walks after the other two into the forest. She looks around slowly as she goes.. you never knew where an aggressive monster could be... or player. She does admit to herself that she was the slightest bit flustered by the woman's bowing, however only because it was unexpected and.... formal. It wasn't something you saw in people these days, she thinks with a soft chuckle. Her thoughts are driven away by some joker in the trees, calling the other two lovers, laughing. She hears them drawing a blade, and she freezes, half expecting an ambush, before he says, ""Hunt them! Destroy them!" She looks up to see the joker leap off of the tree branch and onto the branch where a monster was, to see him stab it. Alipia shrugs and looks forward again before she realized the sword was the one talking. She blinks, not sure if she should laugh or cry out. They leap from branch to branch, killing more of the monsters. It was doubtful they would have seen them as prey, but apparently the man did them more than they did him. She sees, but not hears, the woman blushing slightly and opening up an umbrella to protect himself from the sun further than the trees could.
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A massive serpent slithered into the chamber and started to coil around the crooked man as he looked up to see its name and level "basilisk, lvl 60"

"It's a good thing I was a beta tester for this game or I would be way over my head"
"You really annoy me, Shina." Genocide says to the Shinigami in his sword, and he sighs. "I wonder if my crush is on. Ugh. I hate love." Genocide as he sighs and finally rests on a tree. "Man." He said as he looks at the people in the forest, looking for his Best Friend/Crush.
Alipia, seeing that the man above had stopped his genocide (AHUEHUEHUEHUE), calls up to him. "Having fun?" She says sarcastically.

After a glance at the group she was in, she decides to consider her dagger. Either way, he looked powerful. It probably only made a difference if he decided to kill them or not. As ridiculous as it seemed, it wasn't so rare in the gaming world.
Genocide looked at Alipia, with a slight blush since that's his crush. "Well. A bit." Genocide says as he laughs a bit with his blush still on his face.
"Let's get started"

The crooked man said before the basilisk striked only to be stopped by a pillar of solid stone that sprang up from the ground and knocked it away
Hamirat watched the two converse and giggled to herself. She turns fully to face Alipia and says, "Is this your boyfriend Alipia?" She tilts her head with a small smile on her face.
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Casie looked up in confusion at being called lovers. "I do believe that's what he said." She looked back at the girl, opening her umbrella. "Well, I suppose if we're lovers we should at least know each other's names." She smiled kindly. "I'm Casie," she knew the names were stated above, but figured an introduction might be more appreciated.
(Umm. Ahem.)

Alipia grins up at the man. She barely keeps her grin steady when she notices he's blushing. Wait, what? She stares at the other two through her peripheral vision, wondering to see if they had caught it, too. She lets her peripheral vision focus (because that's a thing) on the girl who'd approached them about asking them about new features in the game. She assumed (and privately hoped) he was blushing at her. She was pretty, anyways. Her hopes vanished when the very same girl turns to her and asks with a giggle, "Is this your boyfriend Alipia?"

She had a hard time responding- which is to say, she couldn't- to Casie's introduction. She was staring at the other girl in disbelief. She sputters for a moment. "What makes you think that?" She asks indignantly, a dark blush tinging her cheeks. "Can't two people exchange words without being in a relationship?"

@BennyAxC @Deadly Darkness

Genocide sighs as he looks at the people. "Looks like your screwed fam." His sword says to himself as Genocide looks at his sword and his sword suddenly turns quiet. 'Nuisance.' Havoc thinks as he looks at Hamirat and says, "No we are not dating." Havoc stands up waves to everyone and begins to jump through the forest.
Hamirat turned to Casie and laughed, "Well my supposed lover, my name is Hamirat." Hamirat turns back to Alipia and says to her, "I was just teasing. No need to get defensive..."
(Night Departure)

Casie grinned, glad Hamirat played along with the little joke. She decided then that anytime she saw her she would refer to her as 'lover.' Casie couldn't stop smiling; it was nice meeting someone with a similar sarcastic and witty personality. "I have a feeling we'll get along famously."
Genocide stops suddenly on a branch and sits down. Havoc cracks his neck and takes off his headphones to go get food. Havoc makes Genocide go afk and Havoc then begins to dress up. Havoc then walks outside and goes to the grocery store like a block away from his house. He had his headphones on, which was playing Pistols At Dawn (Culture Remix) and walked into the store. "Hi Havoc! How is your morning going?" The cashier says as Havoc smiles, while responding with, "Hello Hina! My morning is fine, thank you for asking. How has your morning gone so far?" Havoc then grabs a pack of sodas and a giant bag of chips. "My morning has been the usual. Anyways, this will be sixteen dollars and twenty-six cents." Hina says as Havoc nods and pulls out money from his wallet. He pays for his stuff and waves goodbye to Hina, while walking out. He then starts to walk back home with a bag full of his usual breakfast, lunch , and dinner.

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