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Fantasy Internet Identity

TaraSobiki said:


Oh...Someone else. it appeared that this person needed assistance and as a programmer he felt it was his job to help....Maybe he could add some in game characters to help the newer players , people who are confused and many more things. He put on his best smile and walked over "Tuturu~! I'm a programmer of this lovely game and I heard your distress so I came to check it out! You're lost, right? Where are you trying to get to?" he had a sincere smile on as he talked. He paused and turned around "Hold on a few seconds Hamirat!" he turned back around to face the person again.

@BennyAxC @Wild Wolf Wind
he saw a female character approach him. he hops off Aragus. "I'm looking for the nearest weapon shop."
[QUOTE="Wild Wolf Wind]he saw a female character approach him. he hops off Aragus. "I'm looking for the nearest weapon shop."



He nodded and his apps appeared. He went through them, humming until he found the one he was searching for "Here it is." he said, smiling. He opened that app and a giant map appeared "There's quite a few but the nearest one is to the...west. Somewhere in Alick I think..." despite being a programmer his knowledge was somewhat scrambled.
[QUOTE="The Departure]Alipia laughs. "If you say so," she says. "All the monsters seem to be in the trees," she comments. "I don't know if that should be a good thing or a bad thing." She assumed it was a bad thing. If all the monsters lived up in the trees, it had to be for some reason. Did they happen to be in the territory of a powerful creature? Alipia shrugs it off. She was confident that they could defeat something if it were to attack them in the forest.

"It's a good thing! I love to fight and see if something can actually kill me. Although I am highly leveled up so that may be a problem for the monsters." Genocide said as he chuckled a bit and kept on running throughout the forest.
TheWhiteScarf said:
"It's a good thing! I love to fight and see if something can actually kill me. Although I am highly leveled up so that may be a problem for the monsters." Genocide said as he chuckled a bit and kept on running throughout the forest.
Alipia laughs. "Well, it's good to see someone's a little more confident about this than me," she replies, jogging to keep up. "I kind of wish I was a sorceress, rather than just some girl with a knife," she says. "And the ability to become invisible," she adds, "Which isn't as useful or cool as it seems, especially out here. It doesn't keep me from being solid or making noise, so alone in the forest, people still know I'm here." She recalls the first time she wandered into the forest, she was nearly skewered by a bounty hunter who thought she was one of their targets. Or perhaps they just didn't want anyone to see them. She barely escaped with her life and freedom, and the fact that she was invisible was what had convinced him to kill her. Maybe if she had appeared more harmless, he wouldn't have cared, but if she were better at combat, it wouldn't have mattered. Actually, she thinks, That might have been Genocide. In fact, now she was almost positive that it had been him, but she doubted he remembered.
"Hey a girl with the power like that is pretty cool. I would date them.... You didn't hear that!" Genocide says as he slightly blushed and he kept on running. 'Crap... I'm a retarded!' Genocide thought as he sighed sadly, and he kept running off into the depths of the forest.
Alipia laughs, only teasing him momentarily. "Setting the bar rather high, aren't you?" Then stops, chasing after him so she wouldn't be left behind.
Alipia stops beside him. "See, wasn't that fun? I guess we have to go kill things now." She looks at the temple with apprehension. "I'm a little not sure about this, but I guess I'll be fine if you're here," she says.
Cody enters a portal, ending up in a part of a forest where foes seemed prevalent. Immediately noticing there are a duo of NPCs he spawns in his broadsword, his left hand gripping the hilt firmly, using his right hand to pull off the armored sheathe. Cody has a weird fighting style where he uses his sheathe as both offensive and defensive which is why it isn't attached to his clothes/person. The NPCs which are representing human looters attempt to rush him; in turn Cody uses his burst of speed. During these couple seconds of genuine speed everything seems to be in slow motion for Cody, as if he himself can defy time. Maybe this is why I love this shit, he concludes while two concise movements of his wrist drops the two NPCs. Satisfied with the amount of gold taken off the looters he makes his way deeper into the forest where the monsters lay.
Harriet sat close to Dante, but not too close as to not irk him. The movie seemed to go by slowly, but once it was over she could feel the full weight of the tension setting in again. She stood up and put her hands deep in her pocket. "Thanks for the movie, it was fun." She half lied. She was thankful they got to spend time together, but it was unfortunate that had been ruined by her inability to keep track of time.
@Alaster Von Grim
Dante grabbed Harriet's wrist

"Wait do you want to watch another, I'm sorry for earlier it's not your fault it's not like I haven't been sucked into a game and forgot time"

He said as he stood up and pulled her into a hug

@Deadly Darkness
She stopped as he grabbed her wrist, but was completely caught off guard as he pulled her into a hug. Every nerve in her body screamed at the sudden contact and it took every ounce of will power not to push him off. Her stomach twisted in knots; she never did this- talk to boys, hug people. She was incredibly overwhelmed. "I-I'm not feeling well. Maybe another time." She mumbled. Gently she pulled free from his arms. "I-I'll see you later." She tried her best to smile before leaving.

@Alaster Von Grim
She looked back at him in surprise and was going to ask why, but stopped herself. She could take a guess as to why. She gave a slight nod before looking back at him. "Bye, Dante," her voice was soft. She then turned and walked across the yard to her own house. Her mom shouted out, asking how it went, but the only answer she got was the sound of Harriet's door shutting.

@Alaster Von Grim
Dante soon came to the idea that his life was meaningless, the only friend he thought he had hated him and his online self meant nothing.

"I have nnothing to live for anymore"
Cody notices a rather large tree, it's significant size and branches looked perfect enough to hang out on. So, he does just that. Quickly finding the lowest limb that will be sturdy Cody pulls himself up, continuing limb after limb until he finds a limb with a decent sight. After a few dozen more feet of climbing he finally finds himself overlooking a large portion of the forest's domain. Content with the limb he was on currently Cody sits down, leaning his back against the tree's trunk.
[QUOTE="Alaster Von Grim]Dante soon came to the idea that his life was meaningless, the only friend he thought he had hated him and his online self meant nothing.
"I have nnothing to live for anymore"

(Ok that makes a little less sense than you might have intended but how about I'll just roll with it with a

Oh, you teenagers! XDDDDD)
(@Alaster Von Grim that escalated quickly 0.0 She doesn't hate him, it's not the end of the world.)

Harriet sat at her computer with a deep sigh. That hadn't gone at all like she imagined, but unfortunately that was reality. With Dante taking his time away from the virtual world to cope with things, she thought she would do the same, but from the safety and comfort of her online sanctuary. She quickly logged in and found herself back in the forest. Casie looked around to now find the area empty, as far as she could tell, and found a small sense of comfort in it.
Alipia begins to slowly walk towards the entrance of the temple, putting a hand to her side where her dagger waits. "Coming?" She asks Genocide quietly. If they were lucky, this wouldn't end up badly. Although perhaps it wouldn't be terrible if a few things slipped up... as long as it didn't cost them their lives.
[QUOTE="Alaster Von Grim](Dante's fragile)

(We noticed

We noticed

we noticed

it wasn't very hard to miss)

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