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Fantasy Internet Identity

She smiled at him, waving a hand in dismiss. "Sorry, I was just deep in thought." She mumbled, but quickly looked for an out before he asked exactly what those thoughts were. "So I'm surprised to see you on, but I suppose this is probably where I'd be too. Care to murder things ruthlessly?" She asked with a smile.

@Alaster Von Grim
"No I just came to take a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind"

The crooked man said as he walked over to Casie his smile faded away

"I'm still sorry about what happened yesterday, you and I were never to together so I had no reason to get jealous"

@Deadly Darkness
(I don't know if you meant to do that but I appreciate that three doors down reference)

Her gaze dropped as she rubbed at her arm apprehensively. "It's ok, I'm sorry about being late. I'm not too good with keeping track of time." Her gaze remained on the grass covered ground. She hated confrontation.

@Alaster Von Grim
Casie looked up in surprise. After realizing she hadn't actually answered, she nodded quickly. "Of course." She mumbled with her hands, trying to think of what to say. "So, um, I'm looking to go do a quest. I'll see you later?" She asked, looking at him.
Casie frowned and crossed her arms. "He isn't my boyfriend, and I don't mind being around you, but I've already signed up for a different quest." She shook her head and grumbled quietly to herself; "For someone who just apologized for being a jealous jerk, you sure are being a jealous jerk."

@Alaster Von Grim
She let out a sigh turning to him, quickly grabbing his wrist. "I didn't say you had to leave me alone. We're still friends, so don't be so quick to close yourself off." She let go of him and returned to crossing her arms.
The crooked man fell to the ground sitting

"I should change my name to the broken man it fits me better"

He mumbled looking at the ground
Still waiting outside the cave, Cody whistles some random pirate shanty he heard on another game. To be honest he kind of misses Casie's company, it's so boring being a solo player now. Hm, I wonder if she's online, I should have asked if she would be on my friend's list. Sighing he debates on whether he should continue waiting for this girl to finish doing what she's doing.
She sighed, looking down at him. "I'm going to go find my 'boyfriend'," she made air quotes. "You can come along if you want." She presented him with the offer before walking away. It was up to him now as to what he would do. She continued through the forest. This could take forever, and who even knows if he's still on? She sighed and then cupped her hands to her mouth. "Dude?" She shouted. A light blush covered her face; it felt so awkward to be shouting out his username when it wasn't even a name. Anyone else could've thought she was just shouting out randomly, looking for a guy. She called out one more time. If it didn't work, she would give up on the effort.

@Dude @Alaster Von Grim
(Sarcasm darkness)

Seen Casie running off to be with someone else shocked the crooked man to his core, but why would anyone want to be around someone as Miserable as him
Hearing his name being called by who he would assume to be Casie he replies loudly, "Uh..hello?" Standing up from the rock wall, he slips his longbow onto his back once more, as well as reequipping his quiver to his hip. It's almost as if she could hear what I was thinking, kind of cool. Following the direction from where her voice came from he passes a tree and sees her. A grin stretches across his face as he does, waving casually he calls out, "Hey there, stranger! Good to see you, I was actually just wondering about you weird enough." The tone in his voice is genuinely excited, which this as well was weird for him. Peeking slightly past her he notices the Crooked Man, cringing a little bit. Under his breath he says, "Shit, is he in a bad mood? There's a chick in this cave and I can't even imagine what would happen if he started smashing on it."

@Deadly Darkness @Alaster Von Grim

(I would love to, as much as I love emotional characters he really takes the trophy. Not really sure how I can help though, dude!)
Casie turned, smiling seeing him. She let out a soft laugh. "Honestly, I felt a little silly calling out your name like that. There was a possibility that you could've been nowhere around here." She followed his gaze back to Crooked,seeing him still sitting on the ground. "So are you going to come along or not?" She directed towards the hooded figure.

@Dude @Alaster Von Grim
"Maybe if you quit acting irrational your company would be accepted." Cody replies to the Crooked Man, intentionally shrugging his shoulders. "Personally I don't think you deserve her company after the way you've treated her." Looking directly into the Crooked Man's eyes, Cody was dead serious, he was still angry at how the Crooked Man treated Casie, someone who went out of their way to talk to Cody and be kind. "But, it's her decision of course." Looking away from the situation he leaves it up for them to decide, either way it would be a good time for himself.

@Deadly Darkness @Alaster Von Grim
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Lillith held her coffee mug and took a long sip of black coffee as she sent a report to the local police station about gang members that posted a picture of themselves with a beaten man in the background. She yawned and scratched her shoulder. Stuff like this didn't even make her flinch, she's seen a lot worse; decapitated heads, hours worth of people killing themselves, and even more hours of people recording themselves killing other people. This stuff never bothered her, and it never will. She was a deep web moderator, usually working on sites that you can't even pronounce because the web owner doesn't want people to know about it. It wasn't easy, and it never will be. The internet has a deep dark corner that nobody knows about, so deep and dark you'd have to go through over 100 different links on 1 website just to get to it. Lillith was good at finding them, but she doesn't know how she does it. The report had been sent, she was done. Rumors about a 4-hour long tape of a man wearing a ski mask murdering his own wife using an Exacto-knife had surfaced, Lillith was never really excited about this stuff. After 3 long hours of following links, she found it; and it was worse than she thought. She sat through it all and stared with a blank face the whole entire time. After watching it all the way through, she sent it to the FBI, then to CSI, and several more people. She was done for the night. She laid down on her mattress and stared at the ceiling. She knew she was going to have another nightmare, they were the worst. Although her job didn't effect her, her nightmares did, and she doesn't even understand that. It doesn't make sense. Lillith looked over to her dull computer screen and got up. She was just going to go online for the rest of the night, in order to skip her nightmares. She grabbed her headphones and put them over her ears. Her mic was almost touching her lips, and as soon as her hand touched the mouse, she was herself again. Ricochet was online.

(Yay! Guy's this was my first time posting in a group rp! Excited level, over 9000! :D Plus, a little achievement! Sorry for writing a novel as an entrance! I get carried away! I promise my future lines will be much much smaller! Thanks for the opportunity!! Also, sorry again, this is super duper long aaa! ^_^ )
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[QUOTE="Alaster Von Grim]The crooked man fell to the ground sitting
"I should change my name to the broken man it fits me better"

He mumbled looking at the ground

(Oh, Dante .-.)

Alipia quickly reached the final room, feelings more and more confident about beating it. The rest of the rooms had little to no treasure, the enemies had been absolute cannon fodder. She enters the last room, defeats the boss enemy, and walks to the table in the corner which had some goodies on it. A decent, quick sword that she picked up compared rather well to her dagger. The dagger had been her first weapon so she wasn't surprised it was better. It was just as quick as the dagger, with more power, with barely any less controllability. She walks back towards the entrance of the cave, but stops before she exits, feeling grateful that she was still inside of the cave, and not seeable from outside. She turns invisible and slips outside, standing next to the guy from before. Near him were Casie from earlier, and Crooked Man from earlier. Crooked looked rather distraught, and Casie looked... well. The guy from earlier (do you see what I did there lol) looked confident of something, and whatever it was, she didn't want to be involved. She leans over so her face is just beside the guy's ear. "You turn," she whispers under her breath.
A little startled by the sudden voice in his ear, he turns his head expecting to see the woman from earlier, but in fact he sees nothing. One could only assume the possibilities of abilities in this world so he checked it off as cloaking, which was pretty bad ass. Since Casie and Crooked were still awkwardly standing around Cody decided to get on with it and see what was inside, so he starts making his way back over to the cave's entrance. "I'll be back momentarily, I'm going to explore." He said to Casie, as he approaches it. He wondered if the cloaked woman was still around, so he asks her in case she was listening, "Anything good inside? You came out rather quick." Pulling the Pugio out of it's sheathe on his lower back, he enters the mouth of the cave, starting to casually whistle a tune.

@Deadly Darkness @The Departure @Alaster Von Grim

(@KillahKittah I'm excited to interact with Lillith/Ricochet, she seems pretty hardcore. :D )
Alipia watches from afar as the guy tells the other two something as he approaches the cave entrance.

KillahKittah said:
(Yay! Guy's this was my first time posting in a group rp! Excited level, over 9000! :D Plus, a little achievement! Sorry for writing a novel as an entrance! I get carried away! I promise my future lines will be much much smaller! Thanks for the opportunity!! Also, sorry again, this is super duper long aaa! ^_^ )

(Haha, we don't mind, most of ours were quite long as well. I'm positive my own starting post must have been even longer to read so don't feel bad
xD )

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