[Inside the Great Maker] Musings of the Maker

Ouch. You tagged him good. Let me post in the other thread and you can roll your damage.
Esbilon said:
1 bashing damage. That's 7 dice of damage and 1 success so far :(
Don't worry, once we start coordinating attacks it will go down. The only question now is what new mind we should install with the personality override spike.
Huh, apparently my question didn't post.

I didn't realize it until now.

Is it reasonable to assume that Assassins 1&2 are now within a Move instead of a Dash?

And what kind of roll would I need to make if I wanted to stuff the grenade in someone's armor or stick it to them in some form?
Yes, they are right on top of you. And the roll you'd make, lets see. Make a Dex + Martial Arts roll to stuff the grenade into someone's clothes and duck out of the way.
Would any of you with higher Martial Arts than me like to try stuffing a grenade down the Exalt's shirt? Otherwise I'm just going to try and stab people.
hellrazoromega said:
Hola! I sort of got referred here after joining the site. Any openings in the game?
Possibly. My problem is that I have a hard time saying 'no' to interested players. The game is moving slowly at the moment, but once the fight that the PCs are in is over, I'll be able to start dropping clues. Give me a character summary and we can talk about possibly adding you in.
Sherwood said:
Possibly. My problem is that I have a hard time saying 'no' to interested players. The game is moving slowly at the moment, but once the fight that the PCs are in is over, I'll be able to start dropping clues. Give me a character summary and we can talk about possibly adding you in.
Sounds good, let me read the background again and see what I can whip up and you can let me know if it will work or not.
Character creation is simple enough; you start out with 50 xp, and for every dot of permanent Essence you have, you get a free Ox Body Technique that does not take up any Charm slots. You can start out either as an Exalt of Kamak from the city of Ein, or from the nation of Yugash.
Sorry was not getting notices that this game was even still going on. sorry i have not posted in a while.
I had the same problem with a different game of mine. No worries.
Well, this calls for bashing damage! With any luck he won't have gremlin syndrome and we can reprogram him to our hearts content. I suggest we have his new personality believe its name to be Allied Freedom of Edification, who will evolve into the BatCaveopolis of Alfred.
That was painful. You deserve to be hit for that bad of a pun.
@Esbilon, you are up next in the fight. The Exalt is in trouble; you may be able to finish him off if you roll well.
Batcaveopolis aside, you probably want to do bashing damage, It would be a most grievous sin to separate the people of the Maker from one of their heroes and Autochthon from one of his champions.

How is that pronounced by the way? I always assumed it was aw (as in aw sucks) - tock (as in tick-tock) - thon (like Thule with an n instead of an le)
I'm not entirely sure how to pronounce it. I'm probably saying it wrong when I talk, so I'm not the best person to interrogate on this subject.
I've been dealing bashing all the time. Well, trying to. my damage rolls have been appalling. Will update tonight, promise!
Good deal. I look forward to revealing more of my Great Master Plan to you as the days go on.

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